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"Are you OK Sue?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm not going to let Mark's prudish attitude ruin my day. He complained about my suit being too revealing so I can't imagine he's going to be OK with me getting naked but I don't care anymore and if he doesn't join in I'm still going with you."

I was glad to hear she wasn't being intimidated by him. "Maybe he'll calm down once he's over the initial shock and sees how the other husbands are dealing with it."

I turned to Jenny, "It looks like Frank wasn't upset!"

She grinned, "He loved it and told me he's so proud of me. I'm sure he won't mind us being naked later."

Our chat was interrupted by James asking, "how about we visit the massage pool ladies?"

"I'd love to but you need to give me a lift!"

James grinned and turned his back to me so that I could climb aboard.

"You also want a lift?" Frank asked Jenny who nodded excitedly.

Mark didn't offer the same to his wife and as we walked to the pool exit I saw her walking with Murray. She had her back straight making sure to give him the best view of her substantial cleavage. Mark followed a few steps behind and frowned at him as a reminder of my promise to tell Sue everything.

I loved the feeling of my hard nipples rubbing against James's back and from the look of the bulge in his trunks he was also enjoying the sensation. His excitement was noticed by a few of the other guests but they just smiled at us. Looking behind me I could see Frank carrying Jenny. His trunks also should a bump that hadn't been there earlier and I grinned at them.

Sue and Murray were walking together and I could see he was struggling to lift his eyes above her chest. I was glad to see Mark had joined them and before and as I watched he tentatively reached out and took Sue's hand.

James and I entered the smaller pool and I slid off his back. We watched the others approach.

"It looks like they're enjoying themselves even Mark seems to be getting into the spirit of things," James stated.

It was true. Sue was now fully focused on her husband and they were chatting and laughing together. She looked happier than I'd seen her all day.

"I'm glad. Their relationships have been in kind of a rut and I hope today will improve things."

James looked at me with a smile, "are you up to something?"

I gave him a sly smile, "not really, but I was thinking that maybe after the sauna we'll all go back to our room for a nightcap or something."

He laughed loudly and grabbed me, pulling me close for a hug and kiss. "I love you so much, Minami Blake."

Things were going better than I'd hoped and all the couples were flirting and enjoying the company of their spouses. Only Murray was the odd one out and I felt sorry for him.

"Poor Murray looks a bit like a spare wheel," I said to James.

"Yeah. He's single at the moment after breaking up with his long term girlfriend."

He paused for a moment and then added, "I don't mind if you keep him company for a bit."

I shook my head, "I don't want to leave you, how about we just ask him to join us?"

James grinned and nodded enthusiastically before moving towards Murray. I saw them talking briefly and Murray's face showed surprise. He glanced over at me and then back at James before nodding excitedly. I felt a tingling in my whole body as the two of them swam towards me.

They settled in the underwater massage loungers next to me and it wasn't long before I felt James's hand on my thigh. I looked at him and saw him nod at Murray. A moment later I felt another hand. It was Murray's and he was gently stroking my other thigh.

I closed my eyes and struggled to suppress a moan of pleasure as both hands began to slide higher. When they met at the juncture I opened my eyes and parted my legs to make more room. Looking at James I saw him watching me intently and then he leaned over and whispered, "touch us, Minami!"

I bit my lower lip and moved my hands. My husband's soft hair felt familiar as my right hand touched his thigh before moving slowly to his crotch. I could feel his hardness through the thin fabric of his trunks as I gently slid my hand along his length.

He was breathing deeply and I watched him watching me as I moved my left hand towards Murray's leg. Murray jerked in surprise as my fingers touched his skin then he looked over at James. James grinned and gave him a wink to indicate he knew what was going on.

Murray's thigh felt smooth and hairless, it was an unusual sensation for me and felt more like touching my thigh rather than a man. I felt him stiffen as my fingers moved upwards only stopping when they came into contact with his penis. James must have noticed a change in Murray's expression as I felt both cocks twitch.

This was only the third penis I'd ever touched and it was difficult to judge its size and shape. Murray was clearly aroused and his organ felt every bit as hard as James's. From what I could tell he seemed to be shorter in length but wider in girth than my husband. Another difference was that Murray's penis was pointing up towards his chest while James's had expanded in the other direction. I gently squeezed their tips and was already looking forwards to seeing them in the flesh soon.

"How about trying some of the slides, darling?" James asked.

I would have been content to play in the pool but I knew James wanted to expose more of me and it would be fun to see how Sue and Jenny faired with their bikinis.

I nodded and James called to the others, "Let's ride some slides!"

I felt Murray's and James's hands withdraw and reluctantly let go of their throbbing cocks as we made our way towards the exit. Being gentlemen they let me go ahead. As soon as I was out of the water I spun around and watched them with interest.

James emerged first with a huge grin on his face and a substantial bulge in his relatively tight trunks. The outline of his shaft and mushroom-shaped tip were easy to see. It excited me to imagine others seeing my husband in this state and I understood why he got such a thrill out of exposing me. His eyes roamed over my body as he approached and I knew he'd be delighted by how little my transparent costume hid.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me into a tight embrace. "You look incredible Minami, that suit is almost completely see-through!"

I giggled, "I know and I'm glad you like it!"

"I don't like it I love it, it's like you are naked already."

Over his shoulder, I watched Murray pause and adjust his suit before leaving the water. He looked around nervously and I could soon see why.

"Murray looks a bit nervous!" I whispered to James who let go of me and turned to face his colleague.

I heard him chuckle before he said, "I hope that's for Minami and not me!"

Murray's face turned pink as he saw us looking at him but his eyes soon dropped to my body. His looser swim shorts didn't show the outline of his penis like James's did but they were very obviously tented.

"Don't worry about it mate, Minami and I are not exactly hiding much either!"

Murray glanced at James's crotch and then continued to stare at me as he approached us.

"Are you sure we're not going to get kicked out?" He asked worriedly, his eyes never leaving my body.

"I doubt it. I was wearing this suit earlier and no one cared. There are no kids around at this time so things are even more relaxed."

He licked his lips and without looking up quickly adjusted himself within his suit. I caught a very brief glimpse of flesh before he let the elastic go. The tent was now less obvious and it looked like his penis was standing vertically. This was something that James couldn't do as his downward curve would have made things look even more evident.

The other two couples joined us and I looked at how their men were doing. Frank's suit showed a nice bulge but nothing as obvious as James's or Murray's. Mark's suit showed the least although it did look tighter and with a distinct point at its centre.

Jenny looked flushed and I could make out the twin points of her nipples through her top which was struggling to hold her immense bosom. She had a big smile on her face and I could tell she was happy with the way things were going so far.

Sue was still holding her husband's hand. She gave me a small smile and I took that to mean things were OK.

James grabbed my hand and we led the others towards the section with the slides. Our group drew a lot of attention and caused quite a few smiles. I loved it and felt James squeeze my hand whenever someone took more than a brief look at us.

As we walked through the doors separating the different areas a buzzer sounded to indicate the wave pool was about to start. I hadn't visited this before and said, "Can we try the waves?"

James nodded and the others agreed so we entered the water just as it began. There were already quite a few people in the pool, mostly couples and they held each other, bouncing up as the waves lifted them. It looked like fun and once we were deep enough I turned to James and said, "Hold me!"

He smiled as I moved into his arms and then wrapped my legs around him. His hands soon moved to my bottom, lifting me higher and pulling me closer. I could feel his hardness pressing against me. The waves made it hard for him to balance so he jumped up each time one approached. This had the benefit of making my body slide up and down, rubbing my nipples and pussy against him.

It felt incredible and after a few minutes, I could feel an orgasm approaching. I didn't want to make too much noise so I buried my face in his neck as my body shook and pleasure rushed through me. When I recovered I pulled back slightly and saw I'd left quite a red mark on his shoulder. I leaned forward and kissed it gently.

"Sorry about that!"

"It's fine baby, I loved it."

We continued bouncing up and down when he said, "Is it OK for Murray to join in? He's looking a bit pathetic on his own."

I looked over my shoulder and saw him watching us. He was the only single man in the water and looked like a lost puppy so I said, "I'm fine with anything you want."

James smiled and I felt one hand let go of me as he beckoned Murray over. I wasn't sure what James was planning but it soon became clear that he wanted Murray to hold me from behind, effectively squashing me between the two of them. James moved his hands to my neck as Murray took hold of my waist, pulling himself against me.

The feeling of James's cock rubbing against my pussy and Murray's rigid length slotting neatly into the crack of my nearly naked arse was incredible and unlike anything, I'd ever experienced before. The added effect of the waves making us bob up and down soon had me swooning and when I heard James say "Touch her breasts" I nearly lost it.

Murray didn't wait long and I felt his hands slide higher and then around to the front of my chest. I felt his palms pressing against the thin fabric of my top and my rock hard nipples. I moaned in delight and saw my husband watching me intently as another man touched me there for the first time.

A loud buzzing sound interrupted our intimate experience and Murray quickly released me and stepped back as the wave phase ended and people began to leave the water.

I unenthusiastically let go of James and landed on my own two feet. This time we were the last to exit and it was Jenny that giggled before saying, "You might want to adjust your suit, Minami!"

This made everyone in our group look at and when I looked down I saw that one nipple had popped from and that the tiny triangle between my legs had slipped into the crack, leaving both my lips even more exposed than they had already been.

I giggled and first took care of recovering my nipple and then pulling the sliver of material from between my legs. In addition to the wetness from the water, I could feel the slimy consistency of my internal lubrication. Once it was done I looked around at the others. They were all staring at me and I could see that the signs of arousal in each of them had in no way diminished.

It was time to try some of the slides and this time Frank and Jenny took the lead. I noticed Jenny had placed a hand on Murray's shoulder that they were talking as she walked hand in hand with Frank. Her suit had also bunched up slightly and was revealing more of her incredible backside.

"Jenny has an incredible bottom," I said to James as we followed them.

I saw his eyes drop as he took in the sight of the two huge globes of flesh jiggling tantalizingly as she walked.

"It is impressive but I prefer yours," he whispered.

I grinned and kissed his shoulder as we reached the first slide. This one required an inflatable ring that only had space for two. Surprisingly Jenny and Murray went together and as we waited our turn Frank approached us.

"Hey Minami, I just wanted to thank you for today."

I looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean Frank?"

"Jenny told me everything that happened and it's all thanks to you."

I blushed slightly at the compliment, "I didn't really do anything, we went shopping then came here."

Frank chuckled, "I know it was a bit more than that but even if you think it was nothing, it's given Jenny the confidence she's been lacking for a long time."

Before I had a chance to respond, Frank took the next ring and disappeared down the dark tunnel.

James and I climbed into the next ring and waited for the light indicating it was safe to go, to turn green. We were facing each other and our legs were hanging over the edge. The lighted changed and I was a bit nervous as James gave us a shove.

The tunnel was dark at first and I could hear distant screams as the pace increased and we began to spin around. A jet of cold water sprayed over us and I cried out in shock as James laughed. I gripped the sides of the plastic ring tightly as we twisted and turned before a straight stretch lit with flashing lights.

The speed was increasing and I could see a sharp turn approaching. I held on for my life and screamed as we tilted and almost tipped over before it flattened out once more. It continued like this for a while before a small jump and then a steep descent into a pool at the end.

Just before we hit the water, we spun around and I was suddenly going backwards unable to see where we were going. All I remember is coming to a sudden stop and James landing on top of me as I was pushed underwater. It was rather frightening for a moment until I felt strong arms lifting me towards the surface.

I spluttered and coughed and then wiped my eyes to find James standing in front of me.

"Are you OK Minami?"

I was slightly dazed as I noticed the hands that had helped me were still holding me up.

"Um, yes..." I stuttered and then turned to face my helper.

It was Frank and he was looking at me with concern.

"You took quite a tumble, Minami!" He said.

I coughed and smiled at him. "I'm fine, thanks for rescuing me!"

He blushed slightly as he looked down, "Um, you need to fix your suit again!"

I saw that my top had shifted and both my breasts were fully exposed.

I giggled as I rearranged things. "Oops, sorry about that, I wish I could just take it off!"

Frank chuckled, "Don't apologize, it's not like I haven't seen it all already and from what Jenny told me we'll all be revealing everything later!"

James had collected our ring and stepped up to us, "We better get out before the next people come down."

We left the water and I said, "I hope you're OK with going to the sauna with us?"

He blushed again but nodded. "I've never been naked in public before. Yesterday we all just hid under our towels but I've always had a fantasy of taking Jenny to a nude beach and this is the next best thing."

I smiled at him and placed my hand on his arm. "I'm sure you'll love it!"

James chuckled, "I agree and you'll see there's nothing hotter than seeing your wife naked in public!"

"Or your husband!" I piped in.

We all laughed and then turned as we heard screaming. Another ring hit the water in much the same way ours had. It was Mark and Sue and when they emerged from the water spluttering but laughing I saw the top of Sue's suit had slipped quite low, just revealing the tops of her areolas.

Mark noticed and licked his lips before realizing all of us were watching them. I expected him to say something to Sue or to react with anger but instead, he just grinned.

"That was quite a ride!" he exclaimed.

"It was very exhilarating but once is enough", Sue said.

I smiled as I saw Mark help his wife out of the pool, placing a hand on her partially exposed buttock until she was on dry ground. It looked like he was regaining some interest in his beautiful wife and I was glad.

The three men carried the rings and went ahead with Sue and me following.

"You're showing a bit more than usual", I said to Sue.

She glanced down and giggled as she saw her nearly exposed nipples. She tugged the top up slightly covering herself once more.

"I think Mark liked it -- he noticed but didn't say anything to you even though we were all looking!"

Sue blushed, "He's been more frisky and touchy-feely than ever!"

"Maybe he's finally realized what a hot woman he's married to!"

She smiled, "I can only hope but I'm still not sure how he'll react to us all getting naked together."

"From his reaction when your nipples were almost exposed I think he'll enjoy seeing you naked around others. Just make sure you don't give him much time to think about it."

I knew Mark wouldn't be able to object before we got to the changing room because it would reveal he'd been there already.

"I think we should all just strip off quickly which will leave Mark the odd one out", I added.

"What about Frank and Murray?"

"Jenny has already told Frank and I'll get James to talk to Murray before we go."

Sue smiled and nodded. "I quite excited to see the guys naked!"

I grinned and nodded as we joined the others. We moved on to the next slides which were fun but too gentle to cause any major swimsuit malfunctions. Only when we hit the one which was mostly a vertical drop did things get more interesting. I knew this one would put the most stress on our bikinis and suggested the men go first.

Everyone agreed and after the last of them had descended I said to Jenny and Sue, "If you want to show off a bit for the boys, keep your arms at your sides!"

They nodded and smiled as I got into position and then launched myself. I screamed in joy as I hurtled down the steep slope before hitting the pool and sinking underwater. I stood up and walked to the edge spluttering and wiping the water from my eyes.

Once I could see properly again, I saw the four men and a bunch of other people staring at me with a mixture of lust and amusement. Looking down I could see why. Unlike last time where just a breast had been revealed, this time my top was missing and my bottoms had shifted, revealing everything.

Although I didn't care, I acted coy and squealed as I covered my breasts with an arm and my pussy with my hand. I was about to turn and walk back into the water to find my suit when James grabbed me and said, "You can't go in before the others are safely down."

This was perfect and I suppressed a grin of delight as I stood essentially naked at the edge of the small pool. Jenny was next and we heard her screaming until she hit the water with incredible force. A huge wave hit me and the other spectators causing shouts and squeals of delight. I used the excuse of wiping the water from my eyes and face to once again reveal my naked body to anyone that cared to look.

When Jenny emerged I saw her costume had fared only slightly better than mine. She seemed somewhat dazed and didn't realize that one of her shoulder straps had come undone releasing a huge and heavy breast. I quickly approached her acting as if I'd forgotten about my nudity. I took her hand and guided her to the edge where I helped her cover-up. I'd never touched another woman's breast and found myself enjoying the weight and soft sponginess of her tit as I lifted it back into the bikini cup.