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As we turned back to our men I saw all of them and quite a few others staring at us intently until the sound of Sue's descent caught everyone's attention. The wave from her arrival wasn't as hefty as Jenny's but it still gave us all a shower and when she stood up we could all see her top had shifted enough to reveal her left breast. She acted like she didn't realise but I was sure she knew exactly what she was showing.

She was laughing and approached us with a strange hopping gait reaching down to her foot with one hand. Her breast didn't move much but it did look appealing and I soon understood why she was moving in this way as she lifted her hand, proudly showing the flimsy bit of material of my missing top.

"Look what I found!"

"Thank you very much!" I said as I took the garment and proceeded to take as long as possible to get it back into place before also adjusting the bottom of my suit to cover my exposed lips.

"Um, you might want to do some adjusting yourself," Jenny exclaimed.

Sue looked down and acted shocked as she quickly covered herself before looking at her husband worriedly. I was glad to see Mark grinning along with the rest of the guys as they watched us leave the pool together.

"Do you want to go again?" James asked hopefully with the support of the three others.

Much to their disappointment, we declined the offer. Everyone had had enough action and it was decided the time had come to visit the sauna. An air of nervous excitement surrounded us as we walked towards the entrance with the ladies taking the lead. I glanced back on the way and saw James, Frank and Murray grinning expectantly. Only Mark seemed slightly reluctant, trailing behind somewhat.

We gathered our towels and then when through the turnstile separating the pool from the spa area. The entrance to the changing room was on the left and Jenny, Sue and I entered without hesitating.

Only a few hooks on the far wall were still free, indicating it was quite busy. I went ahead and without a pause, pulled my top and bottoms off. Jenny and Sue weren't far behind and made quick work of removing their suits. We turned towards the entrance revealing our naked bodies to our husbands and Murray.

The four of them stared at us lustily until James made the first move. He stepped forwards then quickly peeled down his trunks. I heard a gasp from Sue and a sharp intake of breath from Jenny as his penis and testicles were exposed. He was slightly longer and thicker than usual but still flaccid and his cock and balls swung appealingly as he walked towards us.

I felt my nipples harden and tingle and fluid trickly from my pussy as I revelled in showing off my husband in all his glory to my new friends. James calmly took my suit from my hands and hung it together with his on one of the empty hooks behind us. He then took my hand as we waited for the other guys.

They were looking at each other nervously before Frank was the first to mutter something before pulling down his trunks. His penis was quite a bit smaller than James's but he had nothing to be ashamed of. It was perched atop a very hairy set of balls and poked forwards with a slight bend to the left. His tip was still almost fully covered by his foreskin, showing only a tiny bit of pink.

He stepped up to Jenny and they stared at each other grinning before he took her suit and hung it with his. This left Murray and Mark. From the shape of his suit, I could tell Murray was fully erect and watched in anticipation as he untied his shorts and made quick work of pulling them off. His foreskin had retracted and his thick penis stood vertically with a slight curve meaning his tip rubbed against his tummy. Below his cock, a small and hairy set of balls were pulled tightly against his body. As I'd expected from my previous feel, his equipment was shorter but a bit thicker than James's.

All eyes now turned towards Mark and I felt a bit sorry for him as he clenched and unclenched his hands nervously.

"I'm not sure I can do this", he said looking at Sue.

She walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek, whispering something into his ear. Whatever she said seemed to help as he nodded and then reached down and loosened the tie on his suit. The wet garment dropped to his knees but Sue was blocking the view as she bent over and helped it off the rest of the way.

In doing so she'd given us a wonderful display of her moist pussy and the tiny, wrinkly star of her arsehole. She stood up and once more kissed her husband before turning around and walking towards us. Mark was frozen to the spot, his hands clenched and hanging by his side as he stared at the ground not daring to look at us.

His penis sat on tight balls and poked forwards with no curve whatsoever. It was about 8cm long, as thick as a medium-sized battery. His foreskin covered about half his glans and I wasn't sure if he was erect or not.

Murray and Sue hung up the remaining suits before we all gathered up our towels and went through the doorway to the sauna. We naturally paired up with our spouses leaving Murray trailing behind. The newbies were all holding their towels in such a way as to hide their nudity while the rest of us simply hung them over our shoulders.

As predicted it was quite busy. I enjoyed looking at all the naked flesh around us and especially loved it when I noticed any females taking more than a casual glance at James. We decided to start with a mild sauna. Luckily this option seemed one of the less popular and only one other couple was using it.

Frank and I quickly chose the upper bench opposite the door. I took my time arranging my towel, giving anyone that wanted ample opportunity to see everything I had to offer. When I lay down with my feet facing Frank's I had a nice view of the room and could see that the other couple had their eyes closed and were ignoring the new arrivals.

This proved to be a good thing as both Murray and Frank were still in a state of arousal and the only way they could hide this fact was to cover themselves with their towels. Frank wrapped his around his waist and sat on the bench below the other couple with Jenny opting to lie down next to him. He was staring at his wife as she arranged her towel and I had to admit she made a spectacular sight. Her pendulous breasts swung about almost touching the towel as she kneeled presenting her fantastic bottom towards James and me.

I glanced at my husband and saw him watching the display with interest. His penis was still semi flaccid and I made a mental note to ask him later what he thought of Jenny's body. The only benches available now were the one below ours and a somewhat shorter bench opposite.

Sue headed directly for the one under ours and I watched her place her towel and get comfortable. Mark stood watching his wife nervously. There was still space for him to lie foot to foot as I was with Frank but this would mean he would have to lie on top of his towel and would no longer be able to hide behind it.

Murray faced a similar dilemma. He seemed to be more confident than Mark but I was somewhat surprised to see him opt to lie on his towel. His erection showed no sign of flagging and remained rigid against his stomach as he spread the towel on the bench. Instead of lying on his back, he lay on his front with his face turned towards the room. This was something James couldn't do when he had an erection as his stood at a right angle to his body.

Once again only Mark remained and he joined his wife. He looked around shyly before loosening his towel and I made sure to smile at him as he caught my eye. This seemed to stiffen his resolve and I watched as he placed his towel and then lay on the bench with his feet facing Sue. I looked down and once again marvelled at how Sue's breasts maintained their shape even when she was lying on her back.

Mark's penis had also maintained its size and shape and I still couldn't tell if he was erect or not. Was it arousal or his tight testicles holding the shaft vertical? Did his foreskin usually not cover all of his glans? I looked along the rest of his body until our eyes met. I knew he'd seen me examining his crotch but I maintained eye contact and smiled at him.

For the first time since we met Mark reciprocated and I saw some tension leave his body. I knew all too well how it was being insecure about one's body and felt a strange kinship with him. I now knew that my tiny breasts in didn't make me unattractive to the opposite sex or hinder me in giving or receiving sexual pleasure. The sooner Mark realised this the better he would feel and I vowed to do everything I could to help him.

Movement caught my eye and I watched the strangers moving. They moved their towels so that they could sit and then looked around the room. I guessed their age to be in the early to mid-forties. The woman had what I would consider perfect breasts, not too small and not too large. They drooped slightly and were topped with nice, slightly upturned, prominent nipples. Her narrow waist flared to wide hips and slightly chunky thighs, between which a pair of large crinkly lips could easily be seen as she was hairless.

Her partner had rather a large tummy but it didn't hide his average-sized penis and testicles. Both of them were very brown and didn't have a single tan line. I noticed the woman unashamedly looking at everyone in the room. She lingered slightly longer on Murray and James and smiled at me when our eyes met. After a few minutes, the couple rose and left the room, nodding at us in farewell.

Seeing as there were no strangers with us I asked, "Is everyone feeling OK?"

There were murmurs of agreement from everyone and I smiled at James as he watched me wipe the sweat from my breasts. We stayed a while longer and then left the sauna to use the showers. There was a small queue and we had to wait. Frank, Murray and Mark still tried to cover themselves although they must have known that it would be impossible to do so under the water.

The three of them decided to use the cold water showers. Frank was first and he handed his towel to Jenny. His erection had subsided somewhat but was still very obvious and a few of the other guests smiled at his discomfort but no one seemed bothered or angry. I saw Jenny watching her husband lustily as he moved under the icy stream of water, gasping as it hit him. The cold did its job and soon is penis dropped and shrank.

A shivering Frank moved to one of the warmer showers and Murray took his place. I held his towel as he braced himself before stepping into the water. His more substantial erection took longer to deflate and he looked frozen before moving to the next shower. Now it was just Mark needing to cool down. Apart from his fully exposed tip, his penis looked the same as before. He cried out in surprise as the water hit him and did a few quick turns before jumping back out.

I glanced at his crotch and saw his cock had shrivelled up and was barely visible above his tight balls. As with me, mother nature had not been generous with him at all. One by one the rest of us took our showers. With everyone sweat-free and refreshed it was decided to hit the outdoor pools before getting hot again. James and I took the lead and I was glad to see that Murray and Frank and given up on hiding behind their towels which left just Mark looking insecure.

It was getting dark and the outside area was rather romantically lit. A lot of people, mainly couples were enjoying the fresh air as we placed our towels on a wall and then entered the salt pool. Jenny and Frank and Sue and Mark quickly paired off so I whispered to James and I wanted to include Murray. He grinned and nodded in approval as I let myself float onto my back.

I spread my arms and legs and James took hold of a foot, pulling me slowly around the pool until my other foot tapped against Murray's back. He turned around and found himself staring directly at my core. His eyes widened as he took in my body spread out before him.

"Take her other foot, mate," James said.

Murray grinned and did as he suggested. My legs were pulled further apart and with the underwater lighting, I was more exposed than ever before. James and Murray and probably a few others were staring intently at my throbbing pussy as they moved me around. After a couple of minutes, James moved closer to Murray and said something I couldn't hear.

Murray let go of my foot which James then took and moved behind my head. I had no idea what they were planning and felt a surge of excitement when I felt Murray's hands clasp my shoulders. James then released my feet and moved forwards between my legs. I looked over my rigid and extremely prominent nipples as his chest pushed my legs even further apart.

Once he was past my knees I let my legs drop, trapping him there and pushing him so close to my pussy that if he dipped his head he would be able to kiss me there but I doubted he would risk doing that in such a public place. He continued to push forwards until my head bumped into Murray's chest and I was effectively sandwiched between the two of them.

Looking up, I could see Murray staring along the length of my body and I wondered if he was as aroused as me by the situation. I had expected James to stop pushing but he continued which began to force my body into a more upright position. As my hips sank I felt my pussy rubbing against his skin and gasped at the delightful sensations.

It wasn't long until a rigid pole of flesh halted my progress and I found myself resting on James's erect penis. This didn't stop him moving ever closer to Murray and I then felt his hard organ sliding against my back, which answered my earlier query about his arousal. The closer James moved to him, the more upright I became and the lower Murray's cock slipped until it was nestled into the crack of my bottom.

When my nipples were poking into his chest, James finally stopped. And the three of us gently bobbed up and down in the buoyant salted water. I'd never felt anything like this! My husbands cock stroked the underside of my pussy and I could feel his colleagues equally stiff organ rubbing against my backdoor.

I began a gentle rocking motion with my hips and the pressure from both cocks on my most sensitive parts soon had the desired effect. I once again had to use James's shoulder to silence my cry of pleasure as an orgasm ripped through me. Murray and James both seemed to find the stimulation equally pleasing as they both groaned and I imagined their semen squirting into the pool.

When I felt their cocks soften I let my legs drop and stood on my own feet, still sandwiched between the two men.

"That was amazing!" James murmured as he leaned in for a kiss.

I felt Murray let go of me as my husband and I held each other tightly. When we came up for air, I looked around the pool. Sue and Jenny were grinning at me as they stood with their husbands near the jets. They both looked happy and flushed and I wondered if it was from watching me or if they'd experienced their own sexual pleasures.

Murray had moved to the side and was using a jet to massage his shoulders, looking relaxed and satisfied. As I was alone with James, I took the opportunity to talk to him.

"I didn't plan on that happening", I said.

James grinned, "I did! Well, some of it anyway."

"You know that Murray's hard penis was rubbing against my bottom?"

His grin got even bigger, "I wasn't sure but I was hoping that was the case."

"You don't mind that another man had an orgasm while rubbing himself against your wife?"

"Not as long as you enjoyed it!"

I frowned at him but then smiled. "I loved it but I'm not sure I'd want to go much further."

He nodded, "We've never really discussed it but I want you to know that EVERYTHING is fine with me as long as we do it together and I'll never think less of you or stop loving you."

I was quite surprised by this. "You mean even if I wanted to have sex with him you wouldn't mind?"

He nodded and I felt his penis twitch as if to confirm he was speaking the truth. This was quite a lot to take in and I tried to imagine how I would feel if James was intimate with Sue or Jenny. The thought was unexpectedly arousing and I felt my body respond in kind.

I pulled James closer and whispered, "I love you so much darling and I want you to know that I wouldn't mind if you wanted to do anything with Sue or Jenny."

His body stiffened slightly at my words and I felt his penis jerking. Clearly, this excited him as much as it did me and I was now in a hurry to get back to our room.

"Let's visit the other saunas and then go back to the hotel!" I said breathlessly.

James chuckled but nodded in agreement. We let go of each other and drifted over to the others.

"Are you guys ready to move on?" James asked.

They agreed and as we left the pool I could see that James was now the one showing the most arousal. This didn't go unnoticed by Jenny and Sue and they grinned and winked at us as we headed for a medium heat sauna. We were all kept at a high level of sexual tension but nothing really notable happened. When the guys went off to get drinks and some food at the bar I took the opportunity to speak with Sue and Jenny.

"So how are things going?" I asked them.

Jenny blushed and then said, "It's been amazing and I haven't felt this close to Frank for years."

She looked around to make sure we weren't overheard and then added, "We actually had sex in the salt pool!"

Sue gasped and I giggled.

"How about you Sue?"

"Um, it's going OK. Mark is being more attentive than usual and I can tell he's turned on by everything that's happened."

"How would you both feel about joining us in our room after we leave?", I asked watching their reactions closely.

They looked surprised but not outraged or upset so I took that as a good sign.

Jenny bit her lower lip and then said, "I can say that Frank and I would love to."

Sue looked less sure, "Um, what do you expect of us Minami?"

"We don't expect anything. All of us can just do whatever we're comfortable doing."

"I can't speak for Mark but I also want to join you."

I smiled at both of them and we moved together for a group hug.

"What's going on here then?" James said jokingly as the four men returned with trays laden with drinks and snacks.

I smiled at my husband innocently, "oh, we were just talking about what to do later."

He nodded and looked at me questioningly, I didn't answer but gave a small smile and nod in return.

I noticed Sue and Mark whispering to each other. He nodded and Sue smiled so I presumed he'd agreed to her suggestion.

The atmosphere, while we drank and ate, was relaxed but there was an underlying sense of excitement about what the evening would bring.

After our break, we went for another swim and it was the first opportunity for me to talk to Name privately.

"The girls have agreed to come to our room later and I presume Frank and Mark will join them."

James smiled, "I asked Murray and he's in, so we'll have a full house!"

I giggled as I felt his hand stroke my bottom under the water.

"Behave, Mr Blake, there'll be plenty of time for that later!"

James laughed but his hand remained where it was, even sliding into the crack between my cheeks.

It felt good and I wondered how far everyone would be comfortable going later. I was ready to go along with anything, I'd already had sex in front of a large group of men and the thought of doing it again with our new friends made my pussy twitch with excitement.

The rest of the time in the spa passed without incident but I could tell there was an underlying excitement as we all looked forwards to what would happen later.

We left shortly before closing time and quickly got dressed before meeting up in the hotel lobby. It felt strange seeing everyone wearing clothes again but I knew it wouldn't be for long. The group would come to our room in 15 minutes which gave us just enough time to prepare.