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They were a few tables away and he could see them flirting with each other. Several times the executive leaned over and whispered something in Michelle’s ear and she laughed, or playfully slapped him on the arm in response.

When the meal was over, while people were still lingering over coffee, Michelle came over to her unit’s table and asked James for the keys to the auditorium.

“Is there something I can help you with?” he asked.

“No,” she assured him, “I’m just going to run through Damon’s speech with him again. I can handle it myself. Good-night, all.”

James was almost stunned to discover that he was a basically jealous. Two days ago he would have thought that inconceivable. And he knew it made absolutely no sense, but still, there it was. He went back to his room and tried to watch some television but he couldn’t concentrate. His mind was on Michelle in the auditorium, the same auditorium that the night before had been the site of her revelations. Now she was there with Damon.

Back in his room, James had a few beers and smoked a little grass and it must have lowered his inhibitions somewhat. At about midnight, he called Michelle’s room. He thought maybe he could ask some question about when they were supposed to meet the next day and maybe, like the night before, it might lead somewhere. He knew the call was a mistake, but then it was made and the phone was already ringing. But there was no answer.

James tried again five minutes later. And then again five minutes after that. And then several more times. Finally, sometime after one, he simply fell asleep.

The next morning Michelle arrived late at breakfast.

“God, I’m beat,” she said to the people at the table while pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“Rough night?” James asked; his voice was too obviously sarcastic.

Michelle ignored his tone and simply said that she had been tired and had gone to bed fairly early but for some reason she had simply not been able to get to sleep. She said she was up until almost three. James held his tongue, but stayed at the table until the others had left and only the two of them were left.

“To bed early and up until three?” James asked. “Then why didn’t I get an answer when I called your room at 12:30?”

“Is this an interrogation? I think you’re a bit out of line, James. But if you want to know the answer – not that you deserve one – it might have something to do with the fact that I unplugged my phone so I wouldn’t be interrupted. I guess it worked.”

“You’re honestly going to tell me that you weren’t with Mr. VP Sales?” James asked unbelievingly.

“The answer is that I had a drink with him at the bar after we rehearsed. But the question is: what possible business is it of yours?”

“I saw him flirting with you all through dinner. And you flirting back.”

“Let me repeat the question, James. What possible business is it of yours?”

“Christ, Michelle. The guy must be fifty – or close to it.”

“And what the hell do you think I am?! Look, little boy, I think it’s time for you to have a little refresher course in what the basic situation is here and exactly what your responsibilities are. Yes, I know I’m partly responsible for getting this all screwed up in your mind. So crucify me. But learn this: I am your boss. Put another way, you work for me. Your responsibilities are to do anything I ask you to do – moving lights, getting me coffee, cuing performers, whatever. When I want you to baby-sit me I’ll tell you. Until then, baby-sitting me is not one of your responsibilities. Got it?”

James was furious, but managed a sullen “yes” before getting up and leaving the table. Walking from the breakfast room, he tried to give the impression of stomping away without actually stomping.

During the day in the lead-up to the grand finale show James performed every task he was supposed to as perfectly as he possibly could. At the same time, however, he didn’t once smile or say anything that wasn’t strictly business to Michelle. Naturally she noticed it but she didn’t even give him the satisfaction of a flicker of recognition. In the first place she believed she had much more important things to worry about and secondly she felt he was acting like a child.

Finally it was time for the show itself. Once again, James and Michelle were alone in the control room. Together they quickly ran through all the technical checks. Michelle flipped the mike on and talked to her two lighting guys and the backstage director through their headsets, making sure all was in readiness. James could see the building tenseness in her face.

At last, with the audience all in place, she said to James and to the open mike, “Okay, this is it guys. Are we all ready? … We’re going to start in ten. Ten. Nine. Eight. …”

At “zero” the lights went down, the band started up and the magician came on stage. He did some visual tricks and then announced he was going to produce the VP-Sales out of thin air. There was a puff of smoke. But it produced nothing. After which, Damon came casually walking in from the wings asking if it was time for his speech. The magician looked comically crushed at his failure and walked off stage to much audience laughter, the picture of a defeated man.

The structure of the show was that now Damon gave a brief ten minute talk about the sales goals. This was followed by the magician coming back on and saying that even if he couldn’t make Damon appear, at least he could make him disappear. He then does this. And then a series of five regional sales managers come on in succession and break down how the sales goals will be met. These brief speeches all involved a lot of audio-visual support from Michelle’s team.

After this the magician comes on and this time he does make Damon appear. It’s a puff of smoke and there he is. (This part demands a very tricky bit of split-second timing on Michelle’s part.) Then Damon gives his wrap-up speech followed by the pull-all-the-stops extravaganza of a climax to the show. This is where Michelle really earned her money – this was when she went into her game-day trance.

But right now, while Damon gave his ten minute opener, there was nothing for Michelle or James to do but watch the speech. James looked forward stone-faced. Michelle looked over at him and couldn’t help but giggle. James looked at her and said, “What’s so funny?”

Michelle first put her finger to her lips to shush him and then flipped the switch that turned off the mike so her crew couldn’t hear her. “You,” she said kindly. “You’re what’s so funny, sitting over there pouting like a high school kid whose girl is dancing with another guy. It’s kinda cute honestly.”

“Great, the sophisticated woman of the world talking to this little adolescent who she doesn’t care a flying-fuck about.”

“James, stop this. You’re being ridiculous and, when you’re being honest with yourself, you know it.” She put her arm on his shoulder. He didn’t shake it off.

Finally he said, “When I’m being honest, yes, of course I know you’re right. It’s just that – well, I guess it just hurt. It’s not like anything I can just think my way through rationally, you know.”

“Well, maybe this will help. When I’m being honest, I was quite flattered by your being jealous. I didn’t want to be flattered obviously. And I certainly don’t want to encourage it. But it pleased me. So at the same time I was bawling you out this morning, another part of me wanted to say thank you. As you said, there are some things that ‘being rational’ doesn’t quite work for. And chief among these are our sexual longings.”

James turned and smiled. “Wait a minute. Are you spinning me that same old ‘a hard-on doesn’t think’ line.”

“No. Obviously it’s more than that, but that’s also true. And you know it.” And with that she let her hand slip down to James’s crotch and give it a little squeeze. “Still able to think, I see,” she laughed. “Well, that’s good because our boy is about to wrap up his opener and we’re back on.” She flicked the mike switch back on and started giving little preparatory instructions to her crew.

The show moved through the magician making Damon disappear and into the regional managers’ speeches. This was when James had to be alert. He didn’t really have to do much because the visuals were all cued by the speaker himself. But when things went wrong in these sections, they tended to go very wrong and James just had to be sure that things were lining up, that the right visuals were coming on at the right cue. If something went wrong, James was to jump in and override the speaker cues, operating the visuals himself to the copy of the speech he was following along on in the control room. Everything went off without a hitch. And now it was Michelle’s turn at the tricky lighting part where the magician made Damon reappear.

She was breathing steadily but audibly. James watched her and could see the veins on her temples pulsing as her hands moved precisely over the control panel. She was wearing sweatpants and sitting on the edge of her stool with her legs on either side of a metal post that supported the panel. As she got closer and closer to the moments where the split second timing was required, she was rocking back and forth with her hips on the chair. It was almost as if she was humping the post. And then her body jerked twice as she executed the sensitively timed lighting changes.

In the control room they could tell the timing had been a success. They could hear first the approving gasp of the crowd followed by loud applause as Damon first appeared and then, all smiles, walked forward to the microphone to give his wrap-up speech.

Michelle watched the stage through the glass intently, but James could tell she was thinking ahead five minutes to the end of Damon’s speech and the super finish – the music/light/laser/fireworks show that ended the entire conference. She flicked off the switch that allowed her crew to hear her instructions from the control booth, and still looking out the glass spoke to James.

“James, you know those three things you said you’d never ever breathe a word about to anyone?”

“Yes,” he said kindly, “I absolutely promise. You have nothing to worry about, Michelle. I’m not really mad now, and even if I were I’d never tell.”

“What about if we made it four?”

“What do you mean? What’s the fourth?”

“Well … remember how you said on the opening night of the conference that while I was directing the final sequence of the show it was like I was getting myself off?”

James had turned to look at her now, but Michelle was still looking straight ahead. “Yes, I remember, but what’s that—”

“Well, what if we add that to the list?”

James laughed. “What, not tell people that you get a little carried away when you’re directing a big show? I don’t see that that needs to be a big secret.”

Michelle turned her head and looked at him now. “No, I mean not tell anyone that I humped myself off while directing a show.”

“When?” James asked, and then he got it, “You mean in the very near future?”

Michelle turned back to looking out toward the stage, but now she was smiling. “Yes,” she said, starting in about two minutes, “are you game? You said you’d never seen a woman get off on her own.”

“And I get to watch?”

“Some. But from behind, because I want you to help me.”


“Come on, we don’t have much time, are you game?” she asked.

“Yes, of course. Are you kidding? What do you want me to do?”

“Good. Start by locking the door and then get over here behind me.” James did as he was bid. “Now help me get out of these sweats.”

With her hands still on the control panel, she stood up a bit on the foot rail of the tall stool she was on so her behind was off the seat. From behind, James untied the drawstring of her sweatpants and then pushed them down over her knees.

“Your hands seem a little shaky, Jamie,” she teased. “Nervous?”

“Yeah, I guess. A little. You?”

“I’m hoping to do my shaking in a few minutes.” She turned her head and gave him a quick kiss. “God, I’ve always wanted to do this.”

“Do you want them all the way off?” he asked.

“No. Too hard to get them back on. They’re fine there.” The sweats were bunched around her ankles. She was wearing black cotton Calvin Klein woman’s jockey briefs. James was a little disappointed when he saw them, remembering the way she went without underwear before.

“Now can you push the stool all the way forward so it’s right up against the post?” James pushed it to the post and Michelle scrunched forward on her seat so her legs straddled the post and her crotch was rubbing against the round metal. “Okay, ready,” she said. “We’ve got just a couple of minutes before showtime. You set?”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Well, how would you like to start by caressing me a bit. You know, get me in the mood,” she giggled. James reached around and gave her a big, but sensual hug. He was still shaking a bit with the anticipation of it all when he then started rubbing her smallish breasts through the tee-shirt. He could feel her bra as he smoothed and petted her tits.

“Oh yes,” Michelle purred, “That’s starting to feel very good. My nipples are getting very sensitive and hard. Can you feel them?”


“Well why don’t you, Jamie dear? Why don’t you? And while you’re at it, you might pinch them just a bit.”

Thus invited, from behind James moved his hands up from Michelle’s ribs and roughly handled her tits.

“Yes,” she said, “yes, like that but closer.” James squeezed her closer and nibbled at the back her neck. “Closer to my skin, I mean. Reach under and undo my bra.”

James stepped back, fumbled with the release and finally mastered it. And then he moved his hands in front again and coarsely pinched her nipples with his thumbs and forefinger. “Jesus, they’re hard,” he said.

“Yes, you like them?”

“Yes, I like them.”

“Now, Jamie, dear boy, from now on you have to be very careful what you say because in a few seconds I’m going to turn on the mike. Damon’s winding up his speech.”

James knew the speech and he recognized that momentarily Michelle was going to have to start directing her grand finale. “I’ll be careful; but quickly, tell me what I should do.”

“Oh, you’ll figure something out. I have confidence in you. Be creative. Okay, are you ready?” James nodded against the side of her head and Michelle flipped on the mike switch. And while she started given directions to her crew, James slide his hands sensually down from Michelle’s breasts and he started rubbing her abdomen and then sneaking his hands down underneath the band in her jockey shorts and playing teasingly with her pubic mound. Michelle kept up her instructions to the crew, but occasionally she’d say things that James felt were also meant for him.

“Oh that’s gooood,” she said when he took his hands away from her muff and started lightly running his fingers up and down her inner thighs. She even pulled herself back from the post so his hands could wander higher to her crotch, but instead of scratching her itch, he very lightly ran the tips of his fingers on the cotton panties covering her cunt and her love button. “Okay, now guys, let’s start rockin’” The band followed her orders, but James continued his tantalizing teasing and Michelle couldn’t take it any more. She rode forward on the stool so her pussy was jammed against the pole and started rocking back and forth humping against it.

“Okay now, give-it-to-me-give-it-to-me-give-it-to-me …” she droned on in time to the music and her motion. James was now back at her breasts rhythmically rubbing and squeezing them to the same beat that drove her moves. Her hands were poised at the panel and, even as she was clearly getting more and more aroused, she deftly handled the slide and toggle switches on the board making the show come alive outside their little room.

She was now almost babbling now as the music started its final crescendo. “Okay! Okay, okay guys! I’m getting close! Very close now!” James left hand continued to agitate her tits, but his right reached down to her crotch. She was absolutely sopping.

“Yes, right there! Right there!” she kept repeating, and then, “And, and, and …” She held her breath but increased the speed of her rocking motion. “Now-now-now!!” James felt Michelle stiffen in his arms and then she shuddered and couldn’t stop shaking. She was cumming – and cumming hard while the band held the long high last note and the fireworks that ended the show started going off outside. James held her tight with his arms, restraining and reveling in her spasmodic jolts. Finally, she got control of herself enough to lean back, turn her head and give James a very wet kiss.

“Oh God, that was sooo good! You guys have no idea.” she said into the mike. “Thank you, thank you, thank you all. The drinks are on me at the bar in ten minutes! See you all there.” With that she flicked the mike switch off, and totally drained, leaned over the control panel resting heavily on her elbows with her head down, still breathing hard.

“God that was great, James. Absolutely earth-shaking.”

“Yeah, you were right absolutely right about the disco ball, and, of course, the fireworks worked well.” He said it with a smile in his voice, and was rewarded by seeing Michelle’s shoulders shake with a laugh.

“Oh yes, the fireworks. I remember fireworks. Yes, there were definitely fireworks.” She pushed herself up from the board and hopped off the stool with her sweat pants still down at her ankles.

“God, look at how wet you are!” James said.

Michelle looked down at the crotch of her black jockey shorts which was very dark and almost dripping.

“You better wring that out before you go for drinks with the guys,” he laughed.

“Look who’s talking,” Michelle said. “It wasn’t like I was the only one who was turned on – I could feel your dick against my butt every time I’d move back on the seat. You were hard as a steel rod.”

“Mea culpa. I gotta say it was pretty … exciting.”

“Yeah it was. And especially exciting having you help me. I thanked everybody else, but I want to give you a special thank you. You wanna make it five?”

“Five what?”

“You know, five things you’ll never breathe a word about to anyone.”

“God, I can’t keep track any more. I’ve forgotten what the first four were.” James laughed.

“Well, that’s good if you’ve forgotten them, but I guarantee you won’t forget the fifth.” At this James caught on.

“Five? Well that could be good. Why not? Five – an even handful.”

“Actually I was thinking more of a mouthful. Sit down there and keep an eye out the window to see if anyone’s coming. Besides you, I mean. Hurry up, we only have a couple of minutes.” James sat down on the low stool in the control room. His eyes were barely at the level where he could look out the window. “Come on,” she said, “Open up for momma, little boy.”

She unzipped his jeans while he unsnapped. Then she grabbed a handful of denim at each thigh and started to tug his jeans down. “Come on, come on! Lift your ass off the seat. Help me out here.” She was speaking to him like he was a member of the crew. He did what he was told and the next moment she pulled his pants and his underwear down past his knees and his cock bounced free into the open air. She knelt before him and he watched her as she studied his cock.

“Oh-ho, not such a little boy after all, are we,” she said as she took his stiff member in her right hand and started licking the sides of it.

“Oh, Michelle!” he groaned. It was clear that he was in ecstasy.

She looked up at him from her kneeling position, her eyes hooded by her lids as she worked her tongue. “Keep your eyes out that window,” she said.

“At this point do you think I’m going to stop you if I see someone coming?”

“You fuckin’ better, James,” Michelle said. “But don’t worry, this ain’t gonna take long, little boy.” With that she took his cock-head into her mouth and started moving her head up and down on the purple helmet, slowly at first and then picking up the pace. James started breathing hard. Then very hard.