Mike & Karen Ch. 25


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"You sound like you were very liberated," he pressed, moving closer still.

The smile on her face became a little sinful now. "Oh yeah, sir. I didn't really have any boundaries, if I'm honest. I slept with men and woman a lot older than you if I felt like it."

"That's a very healthy attitude, when you consider that ageism is such a crippling defect in the psyche of your peers," Mr. Byrne breathed, standing in front of her now.

"I might've been 'the other woman' a few times," she admitted in a whisper, toying with her shirt collar reflexively as she blushed, still looking down. "There's something about older men, which makes my thing with Alex so weird."

"You have a preference for older men?"

"I certainly didn't discriminate based on their age," she said, looking up at him now and sitting up straighter, which had the effect of pushing her large chest forward. "Thankfully, Europe is full of open relationships and understanding spouses."

"It would be nice if more people were like that here," he agreed almost too eagerly, his feet almost touching hers, his body warm. The stirring in his pants at the sight of this utterly gorgeous girl would soon be beyond concealing.

"Is your wife open-minded that way, sir?" she asked in a breathy voice, now looking up at him, her astonishing sapphire eyes holding his brown ones. He could see the flush of her skin, the way her mouth stayed ever so slightly parted even when she wasn't saying anything. Her finger toyed with her shirt, almost tugging at it. Even as he inched closer, she made no attempt to move away. She stayed right where she was.

This liberated and open-minded girl was caught in a disgusting blasphemy and looking not only for a way out, but a man to celebrate that sudden freedom with. An older, assertive man who would guide her away from perversion.

"My wife isn't," he said with mounting excitement, trying to not tremble. "But one thing that can be counted on, my luscious young goddess, is my complete discretion."

Alexa smiled at him wickedly as she stood, her breasts almost touching him. "I thought you might say that, sir."

She deftly twirled away from her perch on the edge of the desk, leaving a vacuum where she'd been a split second ago. Professor Byrne blinked and then noticed her standing some distance away, smirking at him. "Gotcha."

"Wh-what do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"What I mean, sir, is that I just caught you in a very compromising position," she announced, folding her arms in front of herself and giving him a stern look. "And there's a price to be paid for it."

Everything that had just happened in the past few minutes came crashing over the professor as if he was watching in a movie, observing his interactions with her from outside, and seeing exactly how bad it looked. He flushed angrily. "You can't prove anything! I am a tenured professor! They'll accept my word over those of some shameful slut who is in an abomination of a relationship!"

"Oh, but they will," Alexa replied, smirking. "Because everything that just happened was recorded, both audially and visually. And even if they were still torn on the evidence, once this is made public and your wife finds out..."

"You can't do this!" he almost snarled, his face crimson with fury. "It's entrapment!"

"According to you, my perverted life is fucked, so what have I got to lose?" she said, shrugging. "Whatever happens to me, you still get all this fallout, big man."

He'd gone from red to pale now, gaping at her when he realized she was dead serious. She would destroy him. He'd lose everything. His mouth worked like he was going to say something, but no sound came out.

"Come again, sir?" she queried, turning her head slightly and moving her voluminous golden hair out of the way to expose an ear. "I didn't hear when you said."

"What... what do you want?" he asked in a trembling voice.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Alexa declared, nodding. "I happen to know that you're working actively with the little cabal of students who are trying to destroy Alex and myself. Don't ask how I know, I do. And don't bother trying to deny it, or I walk out that door and start talking, taking you to publicity Hell with me."

He said nothing, just listening, his countenance now ashen grey. How had this happened?

"You're going to give me the names of the students you're working with," she said, her tone hardening again. "All of them. And you're going to sever all ties with them right this instant. As a matter of fact, when we're done here, you're going to march over to the faculty building and make sure they know that you support Alex and myself in our bid to change the laws and get married."

"It's an abomination!" he almost shouted, going red again, this slut girl's sensibilities and demands offending him. "It's worse than gay marriage! It's an affront to the universe! You-"

"Bye..." Alexa said simply, cutting him off and walking toward the door.

"No! Wait!" he rasped in desperation, his eyes wide with panic. "Stop!"

"For what?" she asked, turning around to look at him. "Clearly you have nothing to offer, so I might as well just-"

"I'll do as you say," he panted, pulling at his stiff collar since he was now sweating buckets. "Nobody can find out this happened! Especially not my wife!"

"Not my problem," she said, shrugging. "You know what you need to do, and right away, no questions asked, and no sour faces about it. Play this a hundred percent my way, you son of a bitch. Right now."

He swallowed and nodded.

Her sapphire eyes flashed as she walked toward him. "There's something you need to understand, sir," she said in a dire voice. "I will destroy you, every idiot student who opposes us, and even burn this institution to the damned ground if it is keeping me from marrying the man I love. I will turn this campus to a fucking cinder if I think it's keeping me from Alex, do you understand me?"

Professor Byrne was backing up, but he nodded hastily.

She was in his face now, glaring at him. "Give me those names, right now. If you do, and if you go and give full, vocal support to Alex and I, then I'll sit on this and never tell a soul. You're actually a good prof, as far as I know, so I don't see any point in disrupting your department or your students if you're not a threat to me. Not fair to the innocent students who don't know what a vile bastard you are, after all."

He coloured at her insulting him, but there was nothing he could do about it, was there?

She pointed at his desk. "Write down the names. All of them. Don't skip any, because soon enough, I'll know you did. You're about to betray these students to save your own hide. And I don't care how that makes you feel. Hopefully like a worm. Do it."

She moved aside enough for him to hurry over to his desk and begin writing down a list of names on a piece of paper.

"Emails, phone numbers, I want those too," she said. He looked up at her to protest, but a warning glare cowed him instantly. He wrote down the information before tearing the paper off and standing to hand it to her. She took it from him and glanced at the names he'd written. "That's all of 'em?"

"Those are all the ones I know, I swear," he said rather unsteadily. His heart was racing and he felt sick. How had this all gone so wrong?

"I hope so, because like I said, I'll know very shortly if you held out on me," she growled, fixing him with an icy stare.

"How... how do I know you'll keep your word about not exposing me?" he asked nervously.

She shrugged. "You don't, I guess, so you'll just have to trust to my goodwill toward all your students and colleagues who would be adversely affected by the news of your slimy treachery. I love this institution, sir, but I love my husband more. Never doubt it."

Alexa nodded toward the door. "Now you have a date with the faculty and some allegiances to declare. C'mon, I'll walk you..."

As she followed the defeated man through the building and out onto the campus, Alexa couldn't help but allow herself a triumphant smile. She was playing her part in this blitzkrieg that she and Alex were suddenly declaring on their enemies. And she'd struck the first blow.

It felt good.

And she wouldn't let anyone stop her.


A lecture hall, in another building...

The students all watched as Mike organized his notes on the desk, the titan professor keeping them all rapt. He had promised them something exciting in the second half of the class, and they knew he was good for his word. What could he possibly have for them?

Every student was watching him, but more than a few just stared on dreamily. There wasn't a hunkier, or more handsome, professor anywhere no campus. One girl had to restrain a sigh as he smiled at them all.

"So..." he began in his deep and sonorous molten baritone. "Who would like to hear about the latest discoveries we've made with magnons and dissipative time crystals?"

Several students exclaimed or almost yelped in excitement, and everyone was suddenly abuzz. He grinned, enjoying his students' enthusiasm. They were only first-years, and this particular subject was still well out of their league, but he was ahead of schedule with them, and getting them hooked on a topic they'd heard so much buzz about could only be a good thing for their studies down the road. Like Karen, Mike only taught a few classes a week, so that the rest of their time could be spent spearheading the university's research and generating real revenue. He'd readily volunteered to teach the first-year intro course to theoretical physics, fully aware of how excited he could get these students, in a way no one else in Theoretical could.

He held up a hand, and everyone calmed down. "Of course, we're not going to do anything remotely like a deep dive, since these are principles even I have only begun working on the past few seasons, but I thought it might be fun to show you what groundbreaking theories you'll be studying if you keep at this and apply yourselves starting next year."

Most of them nodded eagerly. They could hardly believe it! They'd only heard fourth-years talking about it before.

"Along with the eggheads over in Mathematical," Mike continued, drawing snickers from many of his students and a wry smile from one person listening in the back of the room, "we've been looking since 2017 into the phenomenon of crystallography, and it's even breaking off into its own field in some ways. From a quantum point of view, it represents a new state of matter, quite different from the standard models of solids, liquids, and gases. We're theorizing about matter in its lowest possible energy state, and essentially acquiring a readable and unchanging fourth dimension of time."

It may have all been bafflegab as yet to his students, but they were utterly fascinated and taking notes copiously. They had so much shit to Google later!

"In this lowest energy state, whatever the object is, it would essentially be crystallized, if you will, in time," Mike said. "Nothing else is affected. If you flip a coin ten times in ten seconds or ten nanoseconds, nothing about the probability it represents changes, right?"

They all nodded.

"Well, maybe not, it turns out," he mused, holding up a finger. "If we are altering time-translation symmetry, and I remind you all of the annealing chapter from February... depending on which way we alter the state, the odds of our tossed coin becoming either heads or tails is suddenly not 50/50, but maybe 75/25. A fluctuating state locked in a time-frame we control."

He looked around the room. "Now from a practical point of view, who here sees the application in quantum cryptography and data security?"

The students were still furiously scribbling down his words as gospel.

"Sir?" called out a lyrical voice from the top and back of the lecture hall. "You've only mentioned heads or tails in this symmetry model. Isn't there a possibility, no matter how infinitesimal, that a coin could land on its edge? And wouldn't that represent a different state or time-translation outcome?"

Everyone turned to look up at the speaker, a gorgeous woman with shining bronze bobbed hair and unnerving golden eyes. Her hand was up in the air, and she was resting her chin on her dainty finger, her arm on the surface of the study desk that they all used. She had her stockinged legs crossed casually, a hint of a smirk on her face. Mike looked up at his wife levelly.

"Now that you mention it, Professor Gordon, that is indeed a possibility, and I invite you to join me in my office later, so that we can go over the numbers," Mike said rather dryly.

"May I sit in your lap while we do that, sir?" she asked in a perky voice that made many of the students laugh. She batted her eyelashes for effect.

"Frankly, you'll be lucky if you're not pulled across my knee during the discussion, young lady," Mike sighed, shaking his head and pausing while his students tried to contain their mirth. It took nearly a minute before they'd composed themselves. Many of them had heard this banter between Mike and Karen before, and they loved it. "But back to this introduction..."

He turned and flipped over his enormous chalkboard, revealing a series of incredibly concise but readable numbers and figures, all meant to simply entice these young minds about an exciting new field. Many gasped as it revealed itself. "Back in 2017, there was a problem, because this elegant theory was suspiciously close to the theory of perpetual motion in some ways. The numbers were essentially backward. The affected system may get slower, but still required energy. Where did said energy come from if it was in an altered, almost frozen state?"

He was tapping the board at various points with his oversized cue while looking out at his fascinated students. "That's where we will need a new quantum reference called the 'Floquet Many Body Localized Driven System'. It just means that a system is out of thermal equilibrium and can therefore be measured again. In essence, it's- KOFF!"

He paused in his lecture while he expelled a raspy cough into his hand. His students were all looking at him curiously, while in the back, Karen was smirking and looking innocent again. Seconds before, with one hand, she'd tugged up her snug cashmere sweater to expose her large, perfect breasts to him, lowering the garment as his mysterious coughing spell took over.

She hadn't been wearing a bra, of course.

"You all right, sir?" asked one student in concern, raising her hand. "Never heard you cough before."

"I'm fine, Katy," he said distractedly, waving the question off. "Chalk dust, I guess. My fault for insisting on kicking it old-school with this board, right?"

"First day with the new lungs, sir?" quipped a boy near the front, obviously thinking he was original and funny. Several students nearby laughed at his superb jest. If only they'd known this had happened before.

It was like a pure, crystal moment trapped in time, all over again.


A dorm room, 1987...

The trio were looking at the ceiling of the dimly-lit room, all of them sweaty and breathing rather heavily. Mike was lying between Janet and Mona, both of whom seemed to have lost the capacity to speak. Janet couldn't feel her limbs, and Mona felt like her hips had been cracked open like a lobster. She never would have guessed it to be a somehow gratifying sensation, but here she was. She could feel Mike's cum oozing out of her pussy, no doubt pooling on the sheet tangled beneath her. Small price to pay to feel this good, she figured.

"Holy shit," Janet managed to say finally, putting the back of her hand on her forehead. "I keep forgetting how damn big your tongue is, DeBourne, because your head is proportional to the rest of your body. Must be what a cow's tongue feels like."

"And I know why your grades dropped after you started dating him, J," Mona added, somewhat dazedly. "My brainstem is gonna be bruised for days..."

She turned her head to look at the huge, prostrate mountain of muscle and sexual organs that was wedged between them. "How 'bout you, Mongo? Did Remington and I do you in?"

"More'n a little," he sighed, nodding. "I think you're safe from being ravaged for the next few minutes, to say the least."

"Not like I could do anything about it if you wanted to have another go," Mona mumbled, shaking her head. "I can't walk. I'll just be starfished here while you had your way with me."

"I don't have the feeling back in my fingers yet," Janet said, trying to wiggle the tiny appendages. "Guess I'll be payin' you rent for a bit, M."

"Jus' leave it on the top of my dresser, we'll see if I ever get to it..." Mona groaned, trying to push herself up into a semi-reclining position. "Gnnnnnffff... what did Princess call it when you're lyin' on your side? Acme-something."

Janet shrugged. She had no inclinations toward thinking right now. Maybe never again.

"I think you mean accubation," Mike said.

"Yeah, that's the one," Mona confirmed, putting one hand around his flaccid, but still enormous cock, sticky still with their mingled cum.

"But it's not really applicable here," Mike added. "It refers to reclining on a couch, usually at a meal, like the Romans did."

Mona shook her head, refraining from squeezing his dick harder than was necessary. "Well, guess what, Brainiac? This mattress on my floor is our couch, I'm reclining, and I'm about to gorf your dick, so it's still correct and I'm accubating. Got it?"

Mike just shrugged, deferring to her statement. Mona leaned in and kissed the swollen head before slowly rolling her tongue around it. She may have been paralyzed from the hips down at the moment, but she still hummed in pleasure as the warm, soft skin, covered in their delicious mixed cum, passed between her lips. She began to bob up and down, very slowly, taking her time. She was in no danger of getting this done quickly. Not that she wanted to.

She heard and felt Janet slowly levering herself into a similar reclining position and then wiggling her way down to join her friend at Mike's middle. She watched as Mona sucked on the thick, powerful organ. The black girl lifted her eyes to look into her friend's, the two of them sharing a deep moment.

"Y'gonna save me any, Bresc?" Janet asked, smiling wearily. "Don't wear it down to a nub."

Mike raised an eyebrow when he heard the statement but didn't look down. He stayed right where he was.

Janet rested her arms on Mike's huge thigh and then her chin on her forearms, smiling as she watched Mona sucking Mike's cock inches away from her. The black girl pulled her mouth off the member with a quiet 'pop', smiling at her friend and pushing the semi-erect cock at her.

"Thannnnk youp!" Janet said as she took the proffered appendage from Mona and began her own work on it. She put her mouth on it readily and slowly because sliding up and down worked him into her throat. Since she'd watched Mona get farther down his length than she had with many more months' experience, Janet has resolved to improve. She relaxed her muscles, the way Princess had told her (dammit, Princess!), and pushed down a little harder. She felt the head of the cock push farther into her throat, thankful she didn't have much of a gag reflex.

Mona smiled and caressed Janet's cheek with her fingers as she watched. Janet smiled back slyly, their eyes locked. She pulled Mike out of her mouth and moved the hardening member to her friend. Mona leaned in and ran the tip of her tongue up and down the side of the shaft, still looking at Janet. Janet now leaned in and trailed her tongue up the other side of the erect pole, her hand joining Mona's in holding it. Mike didn't move, just letting the girls do what they liked with him. What complaint could he possibly have, after all?
