Mike & Karen Ch. 25


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They kissed up and down the length, their lips pressing together around his swollen cock head and kissing each other, giggling. Janet pulled back slightly while Mona tongued around the head before bobbing on it. Then Mona allowed Janet to do the same, keeping her face right next to Janet while she pleasured Mike. She looked up the long, muscular frame lying beneath them and smiled wickedly.

"Well, lookee here," she purred, her hand slowly pumping up and down the shaft along with Mona's. "He seems to like what we're doin', M."

"Looks that way, doesn't it?" Mona agreed, nodding. Sure enough, Mike's enormous cock was at full attention again, as if they hadn't just tuckered it out. "Not that I blame him."

"I guess tag-team is the answer here, right?" the brunette suggested. "Like, both of us workin' him over together? Whaddya think?"

"Gee, I dunno," Mona said rather doubtfully, putting the finger of her free hand against her cheek and glancing upward as she pretended to think. "Means I'm gonna spend a lot of time pressed to you, or possibly kissin' you, Remington. Sounds kinda gay, right?"

"More'n a li'l," Janet agreed, also stroking him. "Buuuut I've kissed you before, so I guess I might be able to do it if it means coming out on top with Mongo here..."

They leaned in and began kissing and licking his throbbing cock again, teasing him relentlessly with their mouths and tongues, taking moments to kiss one another around the engorged head. There was absolutely no doubt, Mike was truly aroused again, and both girls giggled because it was difficult to see one another around the enormous thing.

"Whoops, I think we got his attention," Janet almost gasped as Mike took hold of her while sitting up and pushing her into position on her hands and knees, facing away from him. "Ohhh, M, I-"

Her breath caught in her throat while Mike took hold of her hips with his powerful hands and sank his cock deep inside her. Janet's whole body shook, and her eyes rolled into her head as he bottomed out. He felt so damn big today, even more than normal. He was clearly really worked up. Mona had already wiggled around in front of her and was lying on her stomach, her face right in front of Janet's, watching intently.

"How you feelin', babe?" Mona asked quietly. "Is it good?"

"Gnnnnn..." was all Janet managed, going down on her elbows to change the angle of penetration and shivering again. "Oh, God..."

"I'm here," Mona said, taking Janet's hands and clasping them. "Do you like being fucked by that giant cock, honey?"

"Yes!" Janet gasped.

"Y'like it when I'm watching you close up like this?" Mona asked in a breathy voice.

Janet's response was to lean forward and press her lips to Mona's, kissing her. They moaned through the kiss, both girls having their eyes closed and squeezing their hands. The kiss lasted maybe three seconds before their lips parted and Janet was panting again, her body rocking back and forth as Mike thumped against her ass strongly. The slapping sound was loud in the dorm room.

"Oh, fuuuuuck," Janet rasped, squeezing her eyes shut. More than normal, it felt like he was cracking her apart from the inside.

And all she could do was hold on for dear life...


Blackwell Manor, Monday evening: the present...

Karen walked in the front doors, sighing happily to be home. It had been a fulfilling day, and that was before she flashed her mighty husband in the middle of a lecture. She was taking off her long, merlot-coloured peacoat, humming a tune to herself and wondering what Theresa had fixed for di-

"Yourebackyourebackyoureback!" Alexa exclaimed excitedly as she rushed into the grand foyer and directly toward her older sister, her sapphire eyes shining with excitement!" "Cmoncmoncmon!"

"Goodness, Alli, what am I-"

Karen squeaked as Alexa grabbed her hand and almost yanked her off her feet as she started hurrying down one of the long wings, her jacket left in a heap in the middle of the foyer floor for someone else to pick up. Damn, this girl was strong. It made Karen wonder exactly how strong her son was, since she'd seen him toss Alexa around like she was a toy. Alexa was almost charging down the hallway of the east wing, Karen scurrying to keep up before she started flapping in the breeze behind her younger sibling like a windsock.

"Gotergotergoter!" Alexa called as they burst into the ballroom that formed the terminus of the east wing. It had tall and wide windows on three sides that offered a lovely view of the back lot, displaying gardens and clusters of trees, some natural, some sculpted as topiary. Soon enough, there would be a warrior garden, a teahouse, and an onsen. The thought made Karen smile.

Or it would have, if she weren't being carried along in Alexa's jet stream.

Karen rubbed her wrist as they came to a stop, and she was finally released. "Alli, what on earth has gotten into y-"

She saw her husband standing on the performance platform, along with her son, Freja, Jeanie, and some members of the staff, all of them smiling at her. Jeanie and Valentina looked like they were ready to burst. Ari already had his video camera out and was standing just off to the side, recording.

"Gogogo..." Alexa whispered, giving her sister a nudge forward on the small of her back. She would've normally moved Karen by her lovely behind, except this was now being recorded.

Karen took a deep breath and composed herself, trying to look dignified after being dragged across her domicile like Raggedy Ann. She walked across the ballroom toward the back, where the dais was located. Her son was grinning, while her titan husband stood directly in front of her, smiling down. The dais was a good six inches tall, so he was well over seven feet now. What was the big galoot smiling about?

As she approached, Mike and Alex both stepped aside, and Karen could now see they'd been using their bodies to obscure something from her view. A tall thing, maybe her son's height, was draped in a large, maroon satin sheet. Her heart was suddenly thumping in her chest and her mouth was dry. She stepped up onto the platform and stared at the concealed thing.

"Go on, Kar," her husband encouraged.

Even as she reached up and drew the satin away, she tried to contain her gasp. She knew what was waiting underneath, but it still took her breath away, because it was more gorgeous than she ever could have readily expressed with mere words.

A beautiful orchestral harp, taller than she was, and crafted to utter perfection, glinted in the lights of the ballroom. It had been her Christmas gift and had finally arrived, customized just for her.

The Lyon & Healy Louis XV Special.

And it certainly had a baroque and rococo feeling about it. The fore pillar, neck, and body were made of maple, the only wood suitable for such an instrument. Crafted from dark Sitka spruce from British Columbia, the sound board would be exquisite. The neck and kneeback had gorgeous floral carvings along their length, and from the scrolled feet up to the sculpted head, it was covered in gold leaf. Hand-painted flowers, ivy, and stylized shells decorated the crème-coloured soundboard, while the sides were gilded.

"Forty-seven strings, of course, and she's tuned from a zero octave G to a seventh octave C," Mike said, watching intently as his wife just stared at the musical wonder. They'd owned harps before, of course, some of which were very old, and very grand. But this harp was hers, made just for her by one of the most prestigious harp-making companies on the planet. They'd been making harps for over a hundred and fifty years, and there was no one better. "You might want to give it a shot, and then we can adjust the strings if necessary."

Alexa was almost bouncing on the spot as her big sister walked around the instrument, trailing her fingers over the surface and gazing at it in awe from every angle. "You really need to play something, Kar, before I burst."

Karen looked at her, and then at her husband. "Not without my other half, I don't."

"Thought you might say that," Mike said cheerfully, turning and picking up a Gibson Montana SJ-200 he'd kept in a small rest. He owned two of the acoustic monsters, one strung in a standard fashion, the other for Spanish guitar. It was the latter he reached for now.

Alex had removed a sheet that was concealing Karen's harp stool and placed it down for his mother before joining Alexa on the floor. He wanted to see this. Ari was still recording as more members of the staff joined them. Within a minute, everyone was there. Jordan stood with Alex and Alexa, smiling warmly. He would never tire of watching this most remarkable couple play together, one of the things they loved most, and had for over three decades.

Karen elegantly sat down, and everyone waited while she felt out the harp, finding her ideal position. The harp almost tingled under her fingers, so very new, but also intuitive and awaiting her touch. Mike sat not far from her, facing in enough that she could hear him when he played. Ari was in position now, his camera on a stand for additional stability. Karen ran her fingers down the strings, letting them subtly vibrate under her touch, instinctively finding the sweet spots she wanted to play on. This was the inaugural song she would be playing, and she was doing it with her beloved husband. It had to be perfection, of course.

They both already knew what they would play. It was the very first piece they'd ever played together for a recital at the university, and it had been magnificent. Karen felt she had a lot to live up to. But that harp she'd played on so very long ago was old and worn. This work of art she now held was tuned to perfection, she could tell just from gliding her hands so gently over the strings. This would be glorious.

Mike struck the cue note and she began playing for her husband.

Everyone listened in rapt silence as they played a Villanesca by Enrique Granados. Alex also paid attention to the sound around the room. He remembered his father telling him many years ago that back when the Manor had been built in 1910, especial attention had been paid to the acoustics in the ballroom, to make sure they were as perfect as anything to be found in Massey Hall. The same engineer who specialized in sound had been engaged to achieve the feat. Despite the large amount of glass on three of the long walls, subtle designs in the corners, the ceiling, and even cleverly hidden surfaces and baffles ensured that any audience was blown away by the experience. Even the material of the walls themselves and what was behind them was meant to enhance sound for the pleasure of those listening.

He'd heard acoustic recordings from the Edwardian age, pressed onto records, and also now stored in digital formats. Once the crackle of age and shellac was removed, the blissful quality of the sound in the ballroom was unmistakable. The same had been done for the large music room, the Thomas Arne Study. It was a more intimate space and arranged accordingly in terms of its acoustics.

This year marked thirty years since his parents had been married, and he had no particular doubt that the ballroom would be getting an extensive workout as a result.

He came back from his whimsy as Alexa squeezed his hand, sighing dreamily as she watched. They were in the middle of the piece now, and Karen's little solo had a medieval feel to it. His mother's eyes were closed as she played in effortless bliss, knowing where every string was and letting the music carry her forward. Michael's perfect cadence set her pace and complemented the notes that floated away from her harp.

The music came to an end and she sighed before opening her eyes, smiling as everyone applauded.

Mom, dad... I wish you could have been here for that...

She then broke into a lively rendition of the Arrival of the Queen of Sheba by Handel, and everyone laughed and clapped along. It never ceased to amaze her how perfect music sounded on a perfect instrument. Once she'd finished the song, she rose and bowed gracefully before taking her husband's hand and stepping off the dais. Alex was already covering the harp up with the satin as his parents walked out of the ballroom, holding hands.

"Even though I knew it was coming at some point, the sense of anticipation when I saw it was almost more than I could bear, Michael," she said quietly, lost in her reverie as staff members passed by, talking about the day. Everyone except her had eaten, because she didn't get home until later. Theresa would make sure her food was still hot and wonderful. "It plays like a dream. Not that I expected less, mind."

"Still too mean an instrument for you, Princess, but I am limited by the technology of my time," Mike said cheerfully, making her giggle. She rested her head against his powerful arm as they walked, sighing as they passed through the familiar, hallowed halls. They planned to make and leave their own mark on the place, and she looked forward to how new it might all feel, like she was somehow seeing it all for the first time. "So what's on your agenda after your dinner?" he asked.

"I thought I might call Jenny," Karen replied as he escorted her into the small dining room. Theresa hurried out to get the lady of the Manor's dinner while Mike seated his wife. "Even though I plan to keep just about everything a surprise for her, I still might want to run a few things by her, make sure she's ready."

"We still need a second violin for the opening entertainment at the housewarming," Mike pointed out as he poured a glass of wine for her. It was one of the rare Bellerophon vintages, and he decided it matched well with her Christmas present.

"And you need to stop reading my mind," she said, smirking up at him while he caressed his hand through her silken bronze hair. "Do you think I might convince her?"

"I have a fairly good idea what you'll need to bribe her with," he replied. "I'll leave you to it. Find me after."

"But... don't you want to stay for the call?" she asked, trying to put on a little girl voice and making a pouting face.

"She's not supposed to know about me, remember?" Mike laughed. "And maybe I'm looking froward to a bit of a surprise as well, after all."

"Fiiine," Karen sighed, nodding to Theresa as she brought in her soup. "Where will I find you, Mysterio?"

He grinned. "Probably in the arcade, I just plugged in the console with Cobra Command and Cliff Hanger on it."

"Oh Lord, the LaserDisc era," she sighed, shaking her head and smiling forlornly. "I'll be lucky if I see you or my son again before summer break."

He laughed and kissed the top of her head before heading out of the room. "Don't keep me waiting, Gordon."

Karen nodded and then attacked her soup. It had been a long day and she was rather hungry. That had been the case recently. With all the excitement of late, who could blame her for an unusually active metabolism?

So close to a reunion with her dearest friends... surprising them all with Alli... showing off her new Louis Quinze harp... a housewarming that saw her and her husband installed officially as occupants and guardians of her family's estate and legacy...

What a ride.

She really hoped La Pucelle would be enough.


Jordan's cottage, a little later...

Jordan sat in his rocking chair, smiling and listening while Alexa sat nearby and strummed on an acoustic guitar, playing one of her mother's favourite songs, Hymn For The Heartland. It had come out the year Alexa was born, and Miranda had been quite taken with it. There we no actual lyrics, but the vocalizations suited the song and the mood perfectly. Her voice was gentle, and the song reminded Jordan of the woman he'd been so very devoted to.

He listened to her lovely voice, and the way her fingers lifted notes from the instrument so easily. Music runs deep in this family. Miranda had been very accomplished on the guitar, and Jonathon was a skilled pianist, even if neither of them held a candle to their daughters for talent. And like her older sister, Alexa had the voice of an angel. Hearing her sing in church the other day had been so enjoyable.

Truly a tragedy that their parents aren't here for this, he thought, his eyes closed as he listened. Then again, Alexandra might very well be a considerably different person if she hadn't grown up with her mother in Europe and away from all this. And she is so very wonderful the way she is now...

Alexa finished the song and sat quietly for a moment, her eyes closed as well. This tune had always made her emotional, since it meant so much to her mother. Miranda had sung it to her as a lullaby when she was little. The only song that touched her more deeply was the one she'd sung to her mother when she went to sleep and died...

"Thank you, Jordan, for letting me do that," Alexa said finally, her eyes opening and she smiled at him warmly. "I guess Kar's performance inspired me tonight, I just felt the need to play for someone. And Alex is already caught up playing some LasrerDisc video game with his dad, so..."

"Boys and their toys, my dear," he said easily, smiling back at her. "And thank you, for serenading me. The sound system in this place and its acoustics are lovely, but there is no substitute for a live performance, is there?"

"Or an appreciative audience," she agreed, nodding and putting aside her guitar. It was late March, but still cool enough that Jordan had his fireplace going, and it crackled away behind her happily. She imagined this was how a hobbit hole was supposed to feel. Cozy. "Maybe if I knew how to play the theme for Cobra Command, right?"

"Oh, I think the young master appreciates you more than just about anyone else could, my dear, to be fair," Jordan said gently as she came over and sat on the floor next to his chair on her legs, her arms resting on his lap while she looked up at him reverently. She couldn't begin to put into words for herself (without crying, anyway), how much this man meant to her, just like the other members of her family she had so recently come back to. Thanks to her mother telling her everything about Jordan for years on end, Alexa felt like she knew him, as if she'd grown up under his care, just like Karen had. Nothing about him, what he said or did, surprised her. She just was always stunned to be in his presence after almost twenty years away.

"It is my understanding that you have your first performance with the Replicants coming up," he mentioned, stroking her voluminous golden hair. "Are you looking forward to it?"

"Yep," she said, nodding. "This Friday night. Excitement's gonna be ramping up, not gonna lie. I'm totes stoked."

He smiled, since the elegant timbre of the voice was the same as Karen's, but Alexandra's command and use of common vernacular was so at odds with her dignified and erudite older sister. The younger sibling could and often did sound sophisticated, of course, but she came across as a regular, everyday kind of girl, allowing for her stunning beauty and talents.

"Your voice will awe them, my dear," Jordan said confidently, squeezing her hand. "And some of those notes you can hit, astonishing."

"Pfff, Kar could hit those notes when she was older'n me," Alexa said, blushing slightly. "She probs still could if she tried. I can hit a C7 if I use my falsetto, and I can sustain an F6."

"It reminds me of a popular singer from my early years," he said rather wistfully.

"Erna Sack?" Alexa asked, smiling brightly. "I love her, mom made sure that I heard her a lot. Her and Piaf are two of my faves."

"I'm not surprised, your mother loved them both, I'm glad she made sure you did as well. Hearing you takes me back."