Mike & Karen Ch. 25


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"Maybe if I can get Kar to accompany me later, I'll do my rendition of Ciribiribin for you," she suggested.

"I am glad that you are doing many things that make you happy, my dear," he said gently, cupping her cheek as he smiled down at her. "I fear this next year will also be trying one for both you and Master Alex."

"I know," Alexa sighed, nodding. "And while Mike and Kar are on board to help, this is kinda Alex's and my deal, isn't it? We've had some nasty pushback on campus already."

He nodded. "A smear campaign, I have heard."

"Yeah, but Alex and I are fighting back now," she said. "I blackmailed a prof who was in on it for the names of the students, and now Alex is seeing to that part. Neither of us are feeling all that merciful. I only let the prof keep his job because I didn't wanna disrupt his students, y'know?"

Jordan smiled. "Your sister once blackmailed a professor on her future husband's behalf in a similar manner. Though I have never known the Blackwells to be cruel, there is a ruthlessness your family is capable of which would cow lesser men just by hearing about it. This tendency is mitigated in young master Alex, because of his father, of course. It has made him an incorrigible troll, however, that can drive even Blackwells to madness."

"Don't I know it," the blonde girl giggled. "Even Kar doesn't like to tangle with Alex. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to screw up around Alex just as much as she doesn't want to screw up around Mike."

"The young master 'trolled' me more than a few times when he was growing up," Jordan mentioned. "He managed to suspend a giant sack of cornstarch over my personal bathtub when he was about eight. While I was lying in my warm bath, he opened the sack and dumped it all in my water. Before I could get out, I was stuck fast in a tub full of that oobleck stuff you read about."

"Oh my God," Alexa snickered, trying to arrest tears in her eyes. "That little creep. What did you do to deserve that?"

"I don't honestly remember, but I had told him 'no' about something, and he took umbrage at my denial of his wishes. It was the last time I ever said no to him, I assure you."

"I already never say no to him, but now I've got extra incentive not to," she laughed, standing up. "Please let me make a drink for you, Jordan. A hot butter toddy? I make a great Moscow Mule."

He smiled gratefully. "A toddy sounds delightful, Alexandra. Please, and thank you."

Jordan rocked contentedly in his chair while Alexa was humming Hymn To The Heartland out in the kitchen, making his toddy. He couldn't remember a time in his life when he felt more blessed. True, these were his golden years, perhaps his final years, but he was very happy. He was with the people he loved, and he knew they loved him. They were his family.

What a splendid life it had been so far...


A warm and sweaty dorm room, 1987...

Mona was panting heavily as she kept her arms wrapped around Janet, who was lying naked on top of her. Janet was whimpering while Mike was kneeling between their legs and pumping his huge, throbbing cock in and out of her pussy. The brunette looked like she was clinging on for dear life as she stared down into Mona's eyes, the two of them sharing mutual sense of desperate pleasure as he brought them closer to climax.

They'd been close before during their threesomes; often, one of them would be spiked on Mike's tool while the other was riding his face. They'd hold hands while they squirmed together, and had even shared some kisses. Sometimes, they would be lying on their sides, facing one another while Mike pumped in and out of one of them from behind, the one watching playing with her wet pussy and cumming alongside her friend.

But today, in this heated session, Mike had been fucking Mona good and hard before he took Janet in his powerful hands and simply pushed her down on top of the black girl, locking them together as he loomed over them, using his weight to press them into one another. They'd both gasped in initial shock, but surrendered to the sudden pleasure quickly, wrapping their arms around each other and holding on tight.

Janet could barely breathe, her breasts pressed into Mona's, their pebble-hard nipples meeting, while her sweat-slicked body rubbed on her friend's. Their gooey mounds were squashed together as Mike drove his cock up into what felt like her thorax, forcing the air from her lungs. Her glazed brown eyes just stared down into Mona's, her mouth moving but making no sound.

Mona couldn't help herself, she was so turned on. She was squirming and pumping up with her hips while Mike moved Janet back and forth on top of her. She could feel the sticky wetness of Janet's pussy, radiating an obscene, lustful heat that drove her wild. She could feel Mike's throbbing shaft sliding back and forth into her friend with long, powerful strokes that also glided over her own slippery netherlips. The jolts of electric pleasure from the sensations were robbing her of rational thought, more than anything ever had before.

Mike could feel Janet contacting around him again, and he knew she was in for her biggest orgasm yet in this session. He'd made both girls cum more than once already, and he knew they were eager for the finale. Mona felt Janet tensing up too, and she nodded to her friend, her eyes shining.

"Let it go, J..." she breathed, feeling Mike's cock expanding as he pushed deep inside Janet. "Cum in her, Mike!"

As Mike leaned in as hard as he dared, the brunette girls seemed to almost go into convulsions, her body juddering as she made an incomprehensible noise. Mona felt her friend gushing and saw her throat tighten. Before Janet shrieked so loudly that the whole campus heard her, Mona took Janet by her cheeks and jammed her mouth against her friend's, kissing her hard and letting Janet scream into her mouth.

Mike was pumping Janet full of cum, and then pulled out and drove his cock deep inside Mona, who wailed into Janet's mouth as a sudden orgasm crashed over her. She'd been so close and Mike's titan cock suddenly inside her punted her over the edge. The two girls wailed as they kissed fiendishly, their hands grappling onto each other's slippery bodies. Mona felt the molten cum inside her, the bliss shattering her senses.

They didn't know when, but a spent Mike had pulled out of Mona and was lying next to the two women, who were still locked in a heaving embrace. The kiss had ended when the screaming did, but Mona had her legs wrapped around Janet's thighs, keeping her close. They weren't ready to let go of one another, not until the tidal waves of pleasure stopped battering them.

They looked into each other's eyes in a weary, glazed disbelief. How they really just done that? Were they really still locked together in a decidedly intimate, if not sexual, embrace?

And were they really looking forward to more?

"Oh my God..." Janet managed to whisper, her lips barely fluttering against Mona's as she spoke. "I may never be able to cum again..."

"I know, babe," Mona replied in the same whisper, letting Janet rest her head on her shoulder and stroking her dark, damp hair lovingly. "I'm there with you. That was incredible."

They shifted and squirmed slightly as they tried to get their breath back, but still held one another as close as weary muscles were able. They weren't the least bit interested in being separated from the contact they shared. They could feel the other's heart beating though their pressed breasts, and it was so wondrous.

Mona smiled wearily and kissed Janet's nose. "Love you, slut."

Janet nodded wearily. "Love you too, whore," she replied. They used the terms affectionately with one another, something they couldn't readily do with Lisa or Karen. "D'you think that counted as us fucking, or having sex, kinda?"

"I dunno," Mona admitted, sighing. "But as long as it's not gay, I'll do it again and again."

Janet seemed to be coming around a little, because she made a wry face as she felt something. "Is your clit throbbing against mine, you perv?"

"Is that cum running out of your cunt and drooling all over mine?" Mona countered, smirking. Janet made a show of wiggling her pussy against Mona's for a moment before the two girls burst into giggles, unable to contain themselves about how silly this must look. They shared a brief kiss before Janet slowly pushed herself up, straddling Mona now, their gooey pussies still pressed together. Neither made mention of the cum running out of Janet and glistening now on Mona's womanhood. It felt too nice to bear any scrutiny.

"Gawwwwd, I needed that," she groaned, stretching her arms out. Mona somehow resisted the urge to reach up and pinch her friend's vulnerable nipples. It wasn't often she resisted successfully. "Do we even still have that video camera trained on us?"

The two girls looked around the room before Mona spotted it and pointed. "There it is. Looks like it saw everything."

"Including us almost lezzing out," Janet sighed, shaking her head. "Oh well. If it can keep a secret, I will too."

"That may not be possible at this rate," Mona pointed out. "We've got so much cum between us that I'm pretty sure our cunts're stuck together now. We're gonna be walking around campus stuck together at the pussy."

"There's an image," muttered Janet as she slowly removed herself from on top of her friend's groin. To their mutual distress, there was a decidedly loud and sticky smack sound as they disengaged their pussies from one another. Mike was still lying on his back beside them and didn't seem to have moved yet, like he was in a trance or something. "Oof, I hope the camera didn't pick up that naughty noise."

"It was kinda sexy-sounding, y'gotta admit," Mona reasoned, smiling as she turned onto her side. Janet lay down as well, facing into her friend, and they snuggled into a warm, casual embrace. They kept their womanhoods apart, just in case they got stuck together again. "Think we killed him?"

Janet shook her head. "No, thankfully, because I don't wanna do without that again. He's just recharging, it's a li'l weird Zen thing he does'r something. Weird martial arts or meditation shit he learned from his feral Kung-fu master in the northern woods."

"I can hear you, Remginton," Mike said from beside them, his eyes still closed. Janet blushed while Mona stifled a giggle. "But I am rather fashed at the moment, yes."

"Woo, teamwork," Mona said somewhat tiredly, bumping her tits against Janet's to simulate a high five. "How'd you know that would turn us on and we wouldn't just kill you in outrage, Mongo?"

He shrugged, still looking at the ceiling with his hands folded on his chest. "You two are good friends and very comfortable with one another, so I was pretty sure that'd kick things up a notch."

"Oh, so you think now Bresc and me're gonna lez out whenever we get the chance?" Janet almost demanded, trying to sound annoyed but not quite managing it.

Mike shook his head. "No, you guys'll never reach that stage. You're both straight. I mean, Mona's a little bit bi-curious, and you, Remington, you just don't like to be left out. But no, this would only happen with the three of us again."

Janet grunted, unable to refute his assertion, and frankly still too tired to expend the effort. She went back to resting her forehead against Mona's as they tried to recover. Mona kept her leg slung over Janet's thigh, keeping them close together. Looking into each other's eyes, they shared a brief, gentle kiss, and then went silent for some minutes.

But both of them were thinking about exactly how amazing that session had been, like nothing before. The three of them had a definite chemistry that could not be denied.

"So, um..." Mona said finally, raising her head slightly to look past Janet at the enormous form of Mike. "When d'you think we might want to try this again?"

Mike opened his eyes and thought for a moment. "Well... what time is it?"

Janet and Mona both groaned and nearly dissolved into puddles of weary flesh.


St. George Campus, the present...

The news spread around the campus like wildfire. Several students had been abruptly expelled. In the quiet moments between the speculation, it turned out that they'd been directly connected to the smear campaign against two students, a pair who were challenging current laws that prohibited their marriage. It was exposed and proven that the people involved in the smear campaign had used university computers and resources to do so, which was clearly against the institution's policies about hate speech, especially since pornographic images were involved.

The university had a hard and fast policy about such things. Of course, people were free to hold their own opinions, but not exploit the resources afforded them by attending the establishment. And certainly not distributing and posting obscene material around the campus where everyone was subjected to it.

At least ten students had been booted that morning. How had they been found out?

"Dude, Alex, you must be relieved," one of his classmates said as they exited a lecture hall. "Think there's many more of 'em?"

Alex shrugged. "If there are, they'll be layin' low, I imagine. If the others got caught, the ones remaining'll be sweating bullets. After all, if the whole operation got exposed..."

"Wonder how the uni figured it out," the guy walking with Alex pondered. He hadn't come out as a direct ally, but he was still decidedly friendly with Alex and never gave him or Alexa grief. Good enough. "Do they have access to the behind-the-scenes stuff like that on the admin end?"

"They no doubt do," Alex reasoned, shrugging. "Y'just need someone who's good at code and knows what to look for. If someone wanted to find out who was doing that stuff, they would follow patterns and so on, look for certain types of files on the university servers."

"And you're a really good programmer and computer languages guy, aren't you?" his friend said, slowing to a stop and then looking at Alex. "Did you out them?"

"That would require me to be able to hack my way into the university servers past their firewalls and a host of other protections," Alex laughed. "Exactly how good do you think I am? I'm a freshman, dude."

It wasn't a lie or a denial, he just failed to answer the question in any meaningful way. Alex had indeed hacked into the university servers and, using the names Alexa had provided him with, got the proof necessary to expose the shitbags to the university, which was then compelled to act on the matter. There would be no second chances.

"Okay, point," the boy admitted as he resumed walking. They were out on the campus lawn now. "I think they said six girls and four boys got expelled today. D'you think there's more?"

"I know I don't want there to be," Alex said with a sigh, knowing there were indeed more, but not indicating that he knew. "Not just because I don't need the hassle, but I don't wanna think that my fellow students are that bigoted, y'know?"

"That's pretty big of you, man," his friend said. "You're a lot nicer about it than I would be in your shoes."

Alex grinned. "I've got the most amazing woman on the planet to keep me in line. And here's two more..."

"Heya, stud," Jeanie chirped as she bounced up to the pair, followed by Freja. Jeanie was wearing a light sweater, since the day was mild. Her prominent attributes were not at all concealed by the creme-coloured garment. "Y'hear the good news?"

"Pretty sure Helen Keller's heard it by now," Alex answered as she gave him one of her squishy hugs. Jeanie stepped aside as Freja reached them and gave him an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, hey, didn't mean to leave you out," Jeanie said suddenly, turning to the other guy and giving him a sudden squishy hug. His eyes widened and his cheeks went pink. The brunette ended the embrace and looked at him curiously. "Sorry, I don't actually know you. Y'got a name?"

"M-Marcus," he stammered. "I'm Marcus."

"Hi, I'm Jeanie," she said, smiling and crinkling her nose. She knew it was cute. "You friends with Alex?"

"Uh, I..." he stammered again, trying to think. "I dunno, I mean, yeah? It's never come up, but we have classes together and he's helped me."

"Well, be friends with Alex," Jeanie instructed, patting his cheek. "Friends of Alex get their dick sucked, y'know."

He just blinked at her.

"Not by Alex," Jeanie said, correcting herself. "I just meant that if Alex likes you, you're a lot more likely to get blown by Fre'n me than if you weren't."

Marcus looked at Alex in confusion and disbelief. He'd heard about this Jeanie girl, but never quite experienced the phenomenon for himself. "Uh... are we friends, Alex?"

"Sure we are," Alex laughed, noticing that Alexa was approaching. "Ladies, feel free to initiate him into the benefits program. I gotta go."

Alex saluted Marcus with two fingers as he was led off between Freja and Jeanie, who no doubt were on a mission to find a secluded corner. Seconds later, his wife approached and gave him a warm hug. Several girls walking not far away cheered in delight to see them embrace. She sighed contentedly, loving how he smelled. Karen had told him it was the smell of a DeBourne man. Alexa had hugged Mike as well, so she was inclined to believe her sister.

"I take it you heard the news," she said finally, releasing him from the hug and just holding his hands. "Some dark vigilante exposed the cabal and got a bunch of 'em expelled."

"What a hero," Alex said cheerfully. "I hereby give you permission to fuck him silly for the rest of his life."

"There's more of 'em, of course, but today was a good start," she added, swinging their hands back and forth. People were still walking by, and the vast majority looked very pleased for them. "The rest will be running scared, I imagine."

"I'm kinda angry that there are that many," Alex admitted as she took his arm and they began walking across the long. "I know there's over sixty thousand students on campus, which means they're a speck in terms of numbers, but still..."

"We'll get them, Alex," she assured him, caressing his forearm with her hand. "You did really well blowing it wide open. The rest'll go down like dominoes soon enough."

Alex nodded. "The uni'll try to spread it out, I imagine. See if any quit on their own before they're exposed, but also to make sure word of a mass expulsion doesn't reach the media. I guess I'd prefer that too. I don't want the news agencies all crawling up our butt."

"That's right, only you're allowed up my butt," Alexa agreed. "Well, and Fre and Jeanie, I s'pose. But mostly just you."

"Good to hear," he chuckled. "I'm actually on my way to a programming course about-"

"FUCK YOU!" they heard someone shout. They paused in walking and glanced in the direction of the noise.

Three young men were glaring at them from near the King's College Road exit off campus. Other students had stopped and looked to see what was going on as well.

"Fuck you, freaks!" the guy in the middle shouted again, jamming up his middle finger at them. "Inbred incest degenerates!"

Alex recognized him as one of the students who had been expelled that morning. All three of them were, in fact. They all were looking at him and his wife hatefully. Not that Alex really cared what they thought. The guy shouting at them was from one of the literary departments. Pity, he didn't sound all that literate, based on the invective flying from the lesion in his face called a mouth.

He glowered at Alexa specifically. "Get raped and die, you fucking slut whore!"

Alexa bristled in fury, but she felt Alex squeeze her arm gently, staying her.

"Stay back, I've got this..." he said, winking at her before turning and striding toward the three men while other students backed away. Alex was smirking as he rotated his shoulders and cricked his neck. They weren't students anymore, so that made them trespassers, right? Abusive trespassers.