Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 09


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Dan looked up as they approached the far staircase leading up to the third floor. Although, it being the third floor was kind of a misnomer, as it was mainly an attic. The staircase led up to a landing with two doors. On one side was the attic, which took up most of this level of the house. To the right was a small little room. In his younger years, Dan's mom used it as a room for crafts and projects, stuff like that. But as time went on, and the Carroll family grew larger, she realized that it might make more sense to convert it into a small guestroom. And honestly, at her age, she wasn't going up all those stairs if she didn't have to, so it made sense to throw in a couple of beds and use it for that. Gwen and Max were camped out there while staying here, and since Max was out at the Church with the rest of them, they would have the room to themselves.

Dan's disobedient gaze was kept in check this time, looking down as they reached the staircase. He wasn't gonna make that mistake again. Gwen jogged up the stairs in front of him, and he followed at a leisurely pace. The Christmas music from the living room faded into nothingness, which made sense as they were literally at the furthest point of the house away from there. With no distractions, Dan again racked his brain, trying to figure what this mystery gift was. He followed her up to third floor as she stepped into her room. He stepped in and glanced around.

The room was... cozy. Narrow, with two beds nearly traversing its width, and a big old dresser on the opposite side, it could be a bit tough to move through. Especially adding in the luggage Gwen and Max brought along with them, you had to watch your step. Other than that, the room was pretty no frills. Hardwood floors with a few small rugs. There was a mirror on top of the big dresser, which he recalled it being heavier than shit when him and Frank had to carry it up here. There was also a small window on the far end of the room, but it was a small one, it was high up, and it didn't give you much of a view, so all it was really good for was seeing what the weather was like.

"Close the door," Gwen said, glancing backwards at her father as he stepped into the room. She moved towards her bed, her back still to him, no doubt ready to reveal the mystery gift from wherever she had stashed it. Dan didn't think twice as he turned around and complied, closing the door. He was still lost in his own thoughts as he did so, and he didn't really think twice as he turned back to face her.

That was when Gwen tugged down her pajama pants and revealed her nearly bare, thong-clad ass to her father.

"WHAT...!" he called out, eyes wide but trying not to look. Dan jumped back in shock, colliding with the door. "What are you doing?"

"Showing off my gift..." she said calmly, wiggling her butt ever so slightly. "What do you... think?" she asked, drawing out her words as she reached back and run her fingers under the hem of the teeny tiny strap of her thong. She tugged it away from her slim waist ever so slightly before letting it snap back into place, punctuating the final word of her sentence.

His eyes couldn't help but be drawn downwards at the view Gwen was presenting him. Standing up straight with her knees against the bed, her back facing him, her thin pants pulled down beneath her ass, stretched out between her thighs, she was giving him a view a father wasn't supposed to see. But he was seeing it now, and the brief, accidental glimpses he'd had of his daughter's rear end didn't do it justice.

Her ass was, quite simply, incredible.

Damn... it was amazing. Perfectly shaped, full and round and firm, the skin smooth and golden tanned, it was just... wow. Gwen possessed a mouth-watering heart-shaped ass, juicy and perky, vaulting out from her slim frame. Exposed like this, he couldn't imagine being able to not stare at such an immaculate butt. Each cheek was full and round and perfectly formed, with that little crease underneath each cheek, and a mouth-watering crevasse in between. This display was a showcase to her dedication for working out and keeping her body as taut and ripe as possible.

And the thong only made it better.

The tiny little black garment framed it perfectly, putting her ass on display and highlighting its perfect shape. The two tiny little bands rode along the upper ridge of her jutting ass, framing her excellent rear end. These tiny little strings followed the curves of her ass-cheeks before delving inwards towards the cleft in between, and it was at the top of her ass-crack where the two thin bands collided in a tiny little triangle of material. It was there that the string that delved into her ass-crack began its journey, being visible at the top of her ass-crack before disappearing between the two full, round cheeks. It was only once it reached the bottom of her ass-crack that it emerged again, spreading out to a small triangle of material that covered her, uh... nether regions.

It was at this point that Dan pulled himself out from his momentary hypnosis, realizing what he was doing. He was looking at his own daughter's nearly bare, thong-clad ass, at her request. He shouldn't be doing this! What was happening here?

"Gwen! Don't... what are you..." he stammered nervously, unable to pull his eyes from her ass despite knowing better. It would be a lot easier not to look if his daughter's ass wasn't so fucking perfect!

"You don't have to pretend, Dad," she cooed, her back still to him as she glanced back over her shoulder at him with a smirk. "There's no one else here." She reached down behind herself and palmed her ass with both hands, jiggling the cheeks, allowing her father, for a few split-seconds, to see the entirety of the length of the band threading between her ass-cheeks, and a peek at what was beyond.

"You shouldn't be showing me this!" he stated, barely able to meet her gaze with her nearly-bare ass exposed to him. At this statement, she gave him an almost annoyed look.

"Dad, you bought this for me!" she stated with a smile. "You don't have to act all innocent."

"I... I... I... I didn't buy you that!" he stated. Again, Gwen looked annoyed with his refusal to own up to buying this for her. He might not remember every gift he and Connie bought her for Christmas, but he was positive he didn't get his own daughter a thong for Christmas. One, she was his daughter! And two... Connie would flip if he knew Gwen was wearing something like this.

"Dad, you wrote a note..." she said, smiling as she nodded at an open package on the dresser. Making sure to keep standing at about a five foot radius away from her, with his eyes still glued to her thong-clad ass, he moved towards the open package that the thong came in. It was a tiny, textured black package, and nearby was a small, unfolded note, written on nice looking stationary. Dan grabbed the note, pulled it fully open, and read it.

'I saw this and couldn't help but think how good it would look on you.



Dan's eyes went wide at this. This was his handwriting. No mistaking it. But he had zero memory of writing this. Could someone have imitated his handwriting? Who would do that? Obviously, he wouldn't buy his daughter a thong for Christmas, but all the evidence sure made it look like he did. Either there was a lapse in his memory where he went lingerie shopping for Gwen, or... or what? He couldn't say for sure. There was no reasonable explanation as to how this had happened. Maybe it was a prank? But... no one would do a prank so messed up. Tim wasn't above pranks, but nothing to this level. His were far more playful. He wouldn't do anything like this for sure. And Frank wasn't a prank kinda guy. Dan couldn't think of anyone who would do anything like this. How could this have happened? What was going on here?

"You see?" Gwen said. Dan looked up at her, still confused. "Dad, don't worry! It's like I said... I LOVE this!" she said, glancing down at the thong. "It's exactly what I wanted!"

Dan realized that, with all the evidence she had, there would be no doubt her father had bought this for her. He had claimed to it in the note, and it was his handwriting, which she had to have recognized. All the evidence seemed undeniable, and the only thing Dan could do, despite all this overwhelming evidence, was deny, deny, deny. Yet, he didn't have leg to stand on. All the evidence pointed to him, and any denials he made would look weak when compared with the evidence. Dan knew he didn't do this, but he had no way to prove his innocence.

But the weirdest thing was... she was totally cool with this. She was happy that Dan had bought this wicked garment for her. She didn't seem bothered in the slightest that her own father had bought her slutty underwear for Christmas. She didn't seem weirded out in the slightest at the idea that her father had snuck her a gift when no one was looking that was very sexual in nature. What was happening here?

"I... I..." Dan stammered, walking back over near the door and standing in the spot he had vacated moments prior, standing near the door, the note still in his hands. He didn't know what to say, so he said the first words that came to mind. "You... you like it?" he asked, confused.

"YES! I love it!" she said effusively, grinning. "It's perfect! It's exactly what I wanted!" She ran her fingers underneath the small band going around her waist. "Like, all my friends wear thongs, like, every single day! All of them! And the boys love them! I feel like a fucking nun in comparison with the boring shit Mom makes me wear. Like, seriously, I mentioned wanting to get something like this, and she, like, flipped her shit! I mean, I bought some, like, booty short type panties when I was shopping with my friends, and they were nice and lace and sexy and not too slutty. And Mom found them and tossed them out. Even that was too much for her, let alone a thong! She said only sluts wear something thongs! And I mean, like... yeah, sure, that's probably true. But, like... my ass looks amazing in this! This ass is built for thongs, right?"

"Uh, I, um..." he stammered again, as he felt sweat forming on his brow. What should he say? What could he say? He was totally unprepared for what was happening here, and he had no idea what to do.

"I mean, you probably agree that my ass is built for thongs, considering you bought this for me," she said, answering her own question as she looked down and admired her own backside. She then bent over slightly and arched her back, really pushing her ass outwards. She then lightly bounced her ass up and down, gently twerking, each of the firm, full cheeks jiggling ever so slightly. "God damn..." she said under her breath, admiring her own ass as she did this.

Dan, despite his best efforts, was letting his eyes admire it as well. Her firm, fleshy ass, each shapely cheek, the way they jiggled, that thong! It was just... damn...

"Oh, and look! I don't know if you noticed when you bought it," she said, spinning around. To give him a better look, she pulled her slim top up ever so slightly, exposing her trim midriff and navel to him. For the first time, he got a look at this garment from the front. The small little triangle of black material seemed almost microscopic, scooped very low to show as much skin as possible, covering up what it needed to cover and nothing else. "If you look close, it's see-through!" she said excitedly, pointing at her thong-covered vagina. Unable to look away, he followed her direction, looking close at the thin black material. And... yeah. It was see-through. Holy shit! Just like that, Dan could see his daughter's vagina. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't look away. He could see the puffy lips. He could see the thin landing strip of dark hair above it. He could see... everything.

"You see?" she asked, grinning, knowing the answer. "This is exactly what I wanted! Something super tiny and super slutty! Me and you are totally on the same page here, Dad. I mean, this thong is SO sexy! Right?" she asked, before looking down at it again. She then looked up at him again, beaming.

All he could do was nervously smile. He was still speechless. He wasn't about to talk about how sexy the thong was on her. Not to say it was sexy, but, uh, like, it was so tiny, and it showed everything, and her ass looked fantastic in it. But no, he couldn't actually say any of that. Finally finding some shred of a fatherly tone, he found his words.

"Pull up your pants, Gwen," he said calmly, way calmer than he felt. Smiling mischievously, she nevertheless complied, yanking her pants back up to her waist. But she wasn't done with her fun just yet. She reached down and hooked the straps of her thong around her fingers and yanked them up, pulling them up so they were riding high over her hips.

"How does this look?" she asked, grinning wickedly, this look making it clear that she was wearing such wicked underwear even with her pants in place. "I know it's, like... super trashy, but I don't know... it kinda works for me." She spun around again, turning her back to him and looked over her shoulder at him. This allowed him to appraise this look from behind. With her smooth midriff still exposed, the straps of the thong emerged from beneath her thin yellow pajama pants and stood out proudly, hooked around her hips. The tiny triangle of the thong emerged ever so slightly above the hem of her pants. "I think I can rock the whale-tail. What do you think? Do you like this look, Dad? I bet you do..."

She was right. About everything. Yes, this look was super trashy. It reminded him of the girl's in college at parties, the ones who were, frankly... very slutty, and this look was one of the signifiers that they were ready for some nasty fun. Dan had been dating Connie during most of his time in college, so he'd never indulged in that kinda thing, but that didn't mean such a brazen display of wickedness didn't get his blood pumping, at least slightly. After his dad had left the family by cheating with a much younger woman, Dan had vowed not to follow in the same tracks, but that didn't mean such lustful displays didn't resonate with him on a raw, animal level. Probably more than he ever let on, staying cool and calm and controlled, because he knew the damage going down that path could yield. But he wasn't blind to it, and some girls could work it better than others. And Gwen, despite being his daughter... she could work it well.

Gwen looked damn good like this, rocking a whale-tail.

It just looked right. He couldn't deny it. She looked fantastic adorned like this. Like, really, really good. And most importantly, it looked natural. After years of her mother keeping her dressed conservatively, her true, natural form was coming up to the surface, and it couldn't be denied. He didn't want to come out and admit that he liked seeing her like this, but it certainly didn't bother him as much as he would have expected. He could appreciate it a lot more than he ever thought possible, seeing as this was his daughter. Despite being able to acknowledge that she had become a very beautiful young woman, he'd never fully expected her to blossom into something like this, something so raw and blatantly sexual. But seeing it in front of him, seeing this display first-hand... it made perfect sense. It just fit her. Dan wondered if this is a look she'd be sporting every day as soon as she left for college. And with how good she looked, Dan wouldn't even hold it against her. Her mother would, of course, and that thought brought a response to his lips that wasn't just effusive praise.

"I don't think your mother would approve..." he croaked, making as safe of a statement as he could in regard to his daughter's thong. At this, she rolled her eyes.

"Dad, Mom would be happy if I dressed in a potato sack," she said with a smile, turning back to face him, and Dan couldn't help but agree. Connie had gotten more and more conservative, and she'd really imposed these beliefs on Gwen and Max. It was never to an insane degree, which Dan most certainly would have pushed back against, but it was pervasive enough to be a mild annoyance. Dan usually just went along with it, stifling his irritation as best he could. Max never seemed to mind, as he took to these beliefs in the same way his mother had. But Gwen had been pushing back these last few years, testing how far she could push things without breaking the rules, wanting to be more like her friends and have some fun. And that had culminated here, with her sporting a thong for her own father. "Dad, I love Mom, but I don't really care what she thinks anymore. She is, like... super boring and, like, no fun, and I think you agree. She wouldn't understand how amazing of a gift this would be, but you're a man, so you get it. You know that guys REALLY like girls in thongs, and the fact that you have the guts to give one to your own daughter... you're like the best dad ever!" she gushed, gesturing excitedly with her arms, making her large boobs shake.

Dan couldn't help but look up from her prominently displayed whale-tail to her chest to watch her boobs in motion. Things were so off-center that he couldn't help but to take a glance, even knowing his daughter was watching him. He couldn't even begin to guess their size, but her boobs were absolutely massive. He didn't know where she got them, because Connie's boobs were much, much smaller, maybe on the small side of b-cups on a good day. But for Gwen, every day was a good day, with some even better than others, and today seemed like one of those days. They had never looked bigger, massive and round and ripe. Her thin top, while not obscene, was very slim, allowing him to admire their amazing size and perfect round shape. Damn, they were so plump and firm, the thin material of her top clinging to them. And with how smooth her boobs looked stretching her top, and by seeing the slight indents caused by her nipples... it was clear she wasn't wearing a bra. Dan looked away quickly, taking in this full image in what was really a few seconds. But Gwen was attuned enough to note this fact, a fact that made her smile. Dan saw this and looked away, knowing he'd been caught.

"I... I should go," Dan said nervously, certainly not feeling like the best dad ever at this point as he admired his daughter's body more and more.

"Wait, hold on..." she said, and before he could say or do anything, she yanked her pajama pants back down to her thighs, exposing her thong to his eyes again. He tried to look away, but his eyes kept getting pulled back to the black see-through material covering up her nether regions. "You never told me... do you think this thong is sexy? Do you think it makes me look sexy?"

Dan didn't know what to say. Okay, yes, she looked very, very attractive in such a skimpy garment, but he couldn't actually tell her that. He was her father. Dads don't go around telling their daughters how sexy they look. He'd made it a point not to notice how attractive she had become. And seeing her like this was very sexy. But what could he say, with her expecting a concrete answer from him?

For her part, with all the evidence she had, she should expect an easy answer. Her own father had gifted her a thong. He would only do this if he had an opinion about her sexiness. She just wanted to hear it. The problem was he didn't buy this for her. But the other thing... why didn't any of this seem to bother her? Her own father had gotten her skimpy underwear. In most cases, she should be rightfully skeeved out. Yet, with Gwen... she seemed excited by it. She was practically over the moon that her own Dad had crossed this first line. Did she like that things between them had gotten a bit more, uh... explicit?

Dan looked into his daughter's eyes. He couldn't say anything. He couldn't bring himself to confirm or deny the answer to her question. Sensing he needed a bit more of a push, she continued talking.
