Modern Day Cavegirls - Jane


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Jane sighed, but she nodded, "But I don't really want to get into a huge making out thing tonight, Su-jin. We do really need some sleep. If you like it and think that we should, then I'll make you a promise that we can tomorrow night, would that be ok?"

Su-jin nodded, "I like that too."

Jane stepped in front of Su-jin and she put her arms around her waist. "This is not exactly the way that I was thinking that it might go, but I can't really help wanting to kiss you."

They drew together a little slowly. Both of them wanted to be slow with it, since it felt like a really nice moment. Neither of them knew that it was that way for the other one too. Su-jin put her arms around Jane's neck and their lips touched so softly.

Both of them moaned at the same instant and though they'd each have pulled away to laugh if it had been anyone else, neither of them did and they just pulled each other more tightly. Jane loved to feel Su-jin's soft breath against her cheek and before she knew it really, she opened her mouth and slipped her tongue into Su-jin's mouth very slowly.

She felt Su-jin's lips part and her tongue was right there waiting for the dance. There was the height difference, but it felt so good to feel the way that they fit together like this. The soft moans went on, each one trying to say what they felt with the sounds and it didn't feel odd or strange at all.

Su-jin needed to get even closer and she went to her tiptoes in a slow rise. She was amazed at how good it felt to have Jane's breasts sit a little on top over hers. Jane allowed it and she shifted her embrace a little. She felt a droplet of spit beginning to slide down to her chin.

She'd have thought that it was a little bit gross ordinarily, but she didn't now. She even liked it, strangely enough.

When they finally drew apart, Su-jin looked and saw it and she looked a little horrified. Jane was about to make a joke about them being a little wet, but Su-jin darted in and licked it away in a flash.

Jane was a bit startled, but she saw Su-jin smiling shyly as she reached to wipe her own mouth. Jane shook her head and leaned in to reciprocate the gesture and they chuckled quietly. "Sorry," Su-jin smiled, "I was too ... wet. Could not help -"

Jane was kissing her again and when she pulled back, she hugged Su-jin and whispered, "I've never done that before. I like it. I don't care Su-jin. You can kiss me like that any time if nobody can see us. You can be as wet as you want."

She pulled back and licked Su-jin's mouth very slowly.

Su-jin moaned, forcing herself not to give in to her desire to rub herself against Jane's thigh.

"Come on," Jane smiled, "we've still gotta get at least some sleep. But I want more of you without feeling like my knees are gonna fold under me."

Su-jin nodded with a soft laugh, "I feel like that too. Want to fall down or something. We need bed now."

They went back to it and neither one wanted it to end. Su-jin used the moment when they pulled apart. She looked at Jane in the dim light, "You so beautiful girl, Janey. I wish ...

I wish everyone at bad party see me now. I hold most beautiful woman." She leaned in to kiss Jane's neck and she groaned, "I ... I need this ... this with you. Thank you so much."

She felt Jane smile and she raised her head to look.

"Our languages are so different," she said, "It's something else for me to admire about you. I have trouble getting your name just right - just the correct way that you say it. I can't even imagine having to learn Korean.

I've noticed that you're very careful when you speak normally. But when you're stressed or upset, you seem to fall back a little, and it's just a bit rougher then. I don't mind it, now that I've figured it out. I actually think it's sweet, though I know you want to speak perfectly all the time. I guess I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts."

She was on her back with Su-jin a little on top of her. Now, she lifted her arms over her head and stretched languidly. Su-jin stared for a moment and grinned, "So beautiful."

"So, how did you like your first girl kiss?" Jane asked, "Was it everything that you wanted?"

She grinned, "You kiss me SO good, Janey.

Jane put her arms around Su-jin and she hugged her, "You don't have to cry anymore, baby. I can't help Ji-soo, but we're friends now and maybe we can go farther. Well, if Bobbi doesn't kill me for this."

Su-jin's expression changed, but Jane guessed and she kissed her, "Don't worry about it. I'm almost sure that Bobbi will understand. She might even be happy about it, I don't know."

"Happy?" Su-jin asked, "How she be happy?"

Jane shrugged, "She's like us. She likes girls too. She knows exactly how hard it is to find somebody in this town if you like girls. We can stay just friends and do this together or maybe we'll just fall all the way. We only just met today, right? I think that I'd want that, though."

"Want what?" Su-jin asked with a slightly shy smile, "You want to be love with me?"

She kissed Jane softly for a moment, "Listen, Janey. I learn something. I always want something like this. Never have it, not like this, not like you feel to me.

Love is something I read about." She shrugged, "I am girl. Girl can't have, then she reads.

Books say love is like garden. Say you like it, very pretty. Not say much about how to take care of garden."

She shook her head, "Love is NOT garden.

Love is only little flower. One little flower. You take care. You give water, not too much. You pull away other plants, not know how to say."

"Weeds?" Jane offered and Su-jin nodded, "Weeds. You see winter coming and you worry for flower. You cover and run outside every time it snow. Brush little flower and worry. That is love."

Jane held Su-jin and rolled her over. She peppered that face with her kisses almost as lightly and as fast as she could go. Su-jin laughed and struggled a little, but Jane held her down and stopped to look at her for a moment.

"I could get to like this," she grinned, "I could get to love this too. When it snows, I'll brush you off, Su-jin. I'll keep you warm and dry." She moved down a little and she very carefully placed a single kiss in the exact center of Su-jin's chest.

"It will probably bother me if I can't walk anywhere holding your hand, so if I kiss you the girly way that women do it to their friends in public, you should know that I want to kiss you better than only that."

She lowered her head and opened her mouth to take one of those sweet nipples in to suck very gently for a long moment. Su-jin sighed and held Jane's head while it lasted.

"We're gonna have to get to sleep sometime soon, Su-jin," Jane whispered, "It's past one.

I really want to do more, but I know that if we really start, we won't get any sleep at all, and my bed will look like a war zone."

"Kiss me again," Su-jin smiled, "I like dirty and wet."

They began again and it was the sweetest wrestling match for Jane. She ended up underneath Su-jin and Su-jin pulled back to smile down at Jane.

She opened her mouth and held out her tongue. Jane found it soaked with saliva and they groaned together from the almost frenzied kisses that it generated. It wasn't something for all the time as Jane had quickly found out. To Su-jin, it was like her turbo-boost button, whenever she seemed to want to spur them in a way. And it always worked.

Jane had never experienced anything like it. Su-jin's soft kisses could just take her away so easily. But one of her wet ones just drove her nuts in a good way.

Jane was on her side after that and she held Su-jin's head to her breast.

"Not long honey," she warned, "Or I will go to the couch. I flew nine hundred miles today and that was before we flew to come for you. I hate to say it, but I need the sleep."

She sighed at how it felt to her, "I just never knew that I could love spit so much. I'd probably want to barf if it was anybody else. Is that how it's done where you're from?"

Su-jin released Jane's nipple and shook her head, "No. I do it as accident. I didn't know you like it. I like it too, only with you." She moved back up and kissed Jane once before moving down just a bit to settle against her and put her leg over Jane's hip.

"Thank you for everything," she whispered, "I know I can do this now."

Jane pulled the blanket over them, leaving it off Su-jin's head and she hugged her for a moment and closed her eyes, "Thank you Su-jin for wanting to be my friend. I've never had very many of them and for the last long while, I've had only one and I hope I can introduce her to you tomorrow because I know you'll like her. This feels so good to me."

She heard and felt Su-jin's sigh and they closed their eyes.

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germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uover 8 years ago

Good storyline, good characterization, and an even better story. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

lISbutADlISbutADover 8 years ago

Yes! Top rating . .

HeisenhugHeisenhugover 8 years ago

Agreed, this certainly makes a few of the confusing bits of the next one make sense. I think Su-Jin was a little hard on Jane in the morning, but it probably did her some good to get a dressing down.

ender2k2kender2k2kover 8 years ago
Good story.

I wish I had read this before Modern Day Cavegirls because it sure explains the characters better. It even helped understand the third story in this series. I wish you could add numbers to the titles so that it would be easier to figure out the reading order. In any case, I look forward to the fourth story. Thank you.

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