More than This


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"I think I'll be okay," she told him. "There's nothing worse than being indoors and being freezing cold. I guess maybe I'm just naturally cold-blooded or something, but I'm almost always cold up here."

"It's no better in Seattle, though. Sometimes I think it's even worse because it's right on Puget Sound."

"I know! It's terrible. I'd love to move back to Southern California if weather was all that mattered. Maybe someday, right?"

The server announced her presence and took their orders after setting down their champagne.

"To the lonely hearts club?" he suggested as he raised his glass.

"I'll drink to that," she said. "But can we add something else?" Carter nodded his approval and Kendall said, "To new best friends?"

"I like your toast a lot better," he told her as they touched glasses.

"I noticed you ordered the oysters," she said as she took a first sip.

"Yeah, they do a good job with them here and I haven't had them in well...a really long time." He managed not smile as he realized how often that saying was coming up lately.

"You know what they say about oysters, right?" Kendall said sweetly with that perfect smile of hers.

"I've heard, but it's been so long since I had any experience with what it is they're supposed to do, I'll have to take your word for it," he said smiling back at her.

"Well, things change, you know," she told him. She looked at him in a way he hadn't seen before. It was similar to the way she'd looked at him when they were dancing, but even that wasn't the same.

"Yes. Sometimes they do," he agreed.

Their entrees arrived and about halfway through Kendall said, "May I please try one of them?" pointing to the remaining oysters on his plate.

"Sure," Carter told him. "But you know what they say about oysters, right?"

Kendall covered her mouth as he fed her a bite and tried to laugh while she chewed. "Mmm. Those are good! Want a piece of my blackened chicken?" She fed him a small bite, as well.

Their server came by a few minutes later to take their plates and asked if they'd like dessert. Carter looked at Kendall who said, "I almost never eat dessert, but I think I'd like a piece of key lime pie. Do you want anything?"

He couldn't explain why he said it. It just came out. "I don't think so. Just having you sitting next to me is sweet enough."

The server looked at them and said, "Ahh! That was so nice! So just one key lime?"

Carter nodded as Kendall said to him, "That may be the corniest thing anyone has ever said to me." As she said it, she had that same look in her eyes. Out of nowhere, she leaned over and kissed him then said, "And quite possibly the sweetest thing anyone's said in a long, long time."

Carter was so taken aback he was speechless. Finally, Kendall said, "What? You've never had a girl kiss you before?"

Still dazed, Carter managed to say, "It's been a while." He just sat there looking at her.

"Was it that bad?" she said with feigned indignation.

"Bad? Oh. It wasn't bad at all. I'd just forgotten how pleasant a kiss could be."

"I told you I think you're sweet." She looked right at him and said, "I also think you're a really nice guy, Carter."

He broke out of his trance and managed a smile. "You know what they say about nice guys, right?"

"They always get the girl?" she said having not heard the saying before.

"I wish. No, nice guys finish last. The quote is often attributed to a baseball manager named Leo Durocher, but no one really knows for sure."

"Hmm. I'm not sure I agree with that," Kendall said pensively. "Sometimes nice guys do get the girl meaning they don't always finish last."

Her key lime pie came and she insisted on sharing it with Carter who found himself enjoying having her feed him like a little boy. He didn't have a 'mommy' thing, it was just so nice to have any woman pay attention to him. That this woman happened to be gorgeous was well, icing on the...pie?

They were having a cup of decaf after dinner when some younger folks began setting up equipment. "Oh! I thought I saw a flyer outside for live music," Kendall said. "Can we stay? Please?"

"Of course," he said. "As long as they're not playing heavy metal or rap."

"Fogey!" she teased as she wiped the corner of his mouth with the napkin.

The three-person band finished setting up and the lead singer introduced them. "Hi, everybody, we're Monticello. I'm Debra and your lead singer. Here we have Corey on keyboard and this is Evan on guitar." Both waved meekly at the small crowd. "We hope you enjoy our show."

She picked up the mic and began singing. The third stanza touched a chord with Kendall. "Suffering, was the only thing, made me feel I was alive, Though that's just how much it cost to survive, in this world. Then you showed me how, how to fill my heart with love, how to open up and drink in all that white light, pouring down from the heaven..."

Kendall turned to Carter and got close to his ear and said, "That's our song. Suffering was the only thing we knew how to do." She kept her eyes on his as she reached for his hand. She held it then said, "Until you showed me how to open up and share my life with you."

"It's almost over, you wanna dance?" he asked her.

"I would love to dance!" she said with a happy smile.

She scooted out and held out her hand for him and they found a small spot in the middle of the room without tables."

Debra quickly said, "Come on folks. Follow their lead and join the happy couple on the dance floor."

Another couple in their '60s got up and also began slow dancing as Debra hit the high notes singing, "Now I haven't got time for the pain, I haven't the need for the pain, not since I've known you..."

Kendall pulled his hand close to her and laid her head on his shoulder. "I know this isn't really dancing,'s what I'm feeling."

He put his arm around and said, "Whatever it is you're feeling, I like it very much."

The song ended and Debra said, "That was Carly Simon's Haven't Got Time for the Pain. This next song is a little number by Roxy Music called More Than This. Come on guys, ask that special lady to join you."

"Oh, my God," Kendall said quietly. "I don't believe this."

"What's that?" Carter asked her. "Don't you like this song?"

"I don't know," she said. "It was playing when Roger called things off with me."

"Do you want to sit down or even go home?"

"No, that's okay. I think it'll be all right this time. No. Let's dance, okay?" She smiled bravely as Debra sang, "Like a dream in the night, who can say where we're going, no care in the world, maybe I'm learning, why the sea on the tide, has no way of turning, more than this, there is nothing more than this."

She looked up into his eyes and said, "You're the only man who's ever been able to see that I'm not just that one part of me. That I'm...more than that. That I'm worthy of being loved..."

Her eyes were darting quickly between his and Carter saw that look again. It was...hungry. It was so...needful. "You don't have to earn anyone's love, Kendall. Any man would be lucky...blessed have you. All you have to do is be yourself. Trust me, that's more than enough."

"With you it is," she said with sincerity. "With you I can be myself and I don't feel ashamed anymore."

He put his hand on her cheek and told her, "I don't want you to ever feel that way again. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing."

"I won' long as I'm with you." He didn't think that look could be any more intense and yet it was. It was literally drawing him to her. He knew it made no sense, but he was powerless to stop himself as his lips pressed against hers. Not only did she not pull away, she kissed him back.

"Finally," she said when they came up for air. "What took you so long?" she asked as though she had to have the answer.

"You're so, I'm so...old. You're beautiful and I'm...not."

"Do you remember me telling you how other things are way down a girl's list when she wants other things so much more?"

"Yes, of course I remember. I remember everything you've ever said. Every word."

"I also said you're a very nice-looking man. Did you forget that?"

"No, of course not."

"Did you not believe me when I said I have a kind of thing for older men?"

"I believe you'd never lie to me," he told her.

"Then you'll believe me if I tell you I'm falling in love with you, right?" Again, her eyes had that look. That need to make sure he knew she meant it with all her heart.

"My head tells me that's not possible, but my heart won't let me not believe it."

"Do you feel anything for me beyond friendship?" she asked him.

"Of course I do. I think...I think maybe I fell in love with you the night I saw you in the market. I just couldn't let myself admit it because I couldn't take any more rejection or heartache." He gently brushed back her hair and said, "I do love you, Kendall. With all my heart."

"I love you too, Carter. I can't imagine ever finding anyone who makes me feel safe and loved and...respected like you do. I...I've never felt like this before. I can't bear the thought of losing you."

"I'm yours for as long as you'll have me," he told her.

"Until death do us part?" she said hopefully.

He nodded and she said, "Could we please go home?"

Kendall was standing next to him as Carter was settling the bill up front when she saw him walk in. "Oh, my God!" she said grabbing his hand.

"What is it?" he asked looking around.

A younger, good-looking man walked up to him and said, "You have no idea who you're with do you?" He looked over at Kendall and said, "They get older every time, huh Kendall? How far down the barrel are you willing to go to find someone who doesn't care?"

He sat his cell phone on the counter and hit 'play' on the video. Carter saw a younger Kendall smiling seductively as the camera panned around to show her on her knees being fucked hard by some male porn star.

"Yeah, that's who you're dating, grandpa. A slut. A porn star. A bitch."

Carter ceremoniously picked up the phone with his thumb and forefinger and held it over the trash can and let go. "That woman in the video is dead and gone. The woman standing next to me is more than that. In fact, she's everything to me."

He signed the receipt and extended his hand to Kendall. "Come on, honey. Let's get you home."

The young man stood there shaking his head in disbelief as the happy couple walked outside.

When they got to his car, she was nearly crying. "That was the most romantic thing I've ever seen. And you did it for me."

"I did. And I'll always protect you, Kendall, because I love you."

She put her arms around him then smiled as she blinked away her tears. She told him, "It's a good thing you had the oysters tonight. I believe you're going to be needing their magic," before she kissed him slowly and deeply.

They both heard the front door of the restaurant slam and the young man holler out, "Fucking BITCH!"

Both of them turned and waved at him as he stormed off. "There goes my past," she said. "And...I'm going home with my future."


She hadn't been inside his house before. "So this is where you used to spend your nights alone, eh?"

He held her hand and said, "Eh? I didn't know you were Canadian."

"Charming, sweet, and funny. No wonder I love you so much."

"You may be singing a different tune later on when you find out how um...out of practice I am at certain things."

She put her arms around him and said, "That's even lower on my list of priorities. As long as you can kiss me and tell me you love me, I'll be very happy. Anything else will be an extra-special bonus."

As she moved closer to him, she felt him for the first time and pressed her body against him. "Speaking of...bone—eses... That feels very nice. I would love to see for myself though, if that's possible."

"I believe that can be arranged," he told her. "If you'll follow me, please?"

Kendall laughed out of a sense of pure joy, something she hadn't felt in well, a very long time.

She told him she needed to use the bathroom first but asked, "Would you like me to get undressed or would you rather undress me yourself?" She was standing as close to him as she possibly could and smiling brightly.

"Surprise me, okay?" he said as he kissed her softly.

"M-kay," she said sweetly. "Be right back."

It had been many years since he'd experienced something so simple like the sound of a woman tinkling in the bathroom. He smiled as he heard the toilet flush and was himself flushed with expectation.

Moments later she came out wearing nothing but a light-green colored bra and panties with suntan stockings and heels. Okay, she'd kept her necklace on but other than that...

"Wow! You look just as spectacular as I imagined."

She pulled his sweater off and said, "So you've imagined me like this?"

"Maybe a time or two," he confessed. "Possibly even three."

"Oh, I see," she said as she unbuttoned his shirt. She let is slide off his shoulders then lifted his tee-shirt up and off, as well. "Mmmm. Someone takes very good care of himself," she teased as she ran his hand over his chest. "I thought that exercise equipment we passed got regular use." Her smile was killing him.

She moved close and kissed him before going to work on his belt and pants. In a couple of quick movements, she had them off. Carter had already taken off his shoes so he simply stepped out of the pants as Kendall pulled down his blue boxer shorts.

He was still almost fully erect and had been most of the evening. Just being near her was enough to cause quite a stir. Being naked in front of her was something else altogether.

Her unhooked her bra and let it fall next to his pants as she slid her hand down the front of his body until she found what she wanted. She held him her hand and said, "You feel so good."

Carter moaned and told her, "That feels amazing. It's been so long since a woman has touched me like that."

Kendall gently pushed him back and he was no sooner on the edge of the bed than she was pulling him into her mouth. Her bright blue eyes danced as she swirled her tongue around the head of his swollen cock. "Mmmm. You taste so good," she told him.

"Go slow, okay? You have no idea how long it's been and I don't want this to end too soon."

"I don't care if it last 20 seconds or 20 minutes. None of that matters to me. I just want to be with you. That's all I care about, Carter."

"I just don't want to disappoint you."

She stopped everything for a moment and said, "Are you going to start lying to me?"

"No, of course not."

"Are you going to be mean or abusive?"

"Kendall, please."

"Then you can't disappoint me. Sex is great but it's not greater than love and trust and being there for each other."

"I'll always be there for you. You need to know that."

"I do," she said. "That's why I'm on my knees in your bedroom. Got it?" She smiled brightly until he smiled at her.

"Got it." She took him back in her mouth and he gasped. "Oh, ssshit!"

Kendall knew he couldn't take much more so she reluctantly let him go. Although it hadn't been years for her, it had been many weeks and she was as horny as she could ever remember being. She climbed into bed next to him then pulled him on top of her and after a long, passionate kiss, pushed him south to take care of her needs.

Carter hadn't been in V-land for...oh, right. A very long time. He'd forgotten what it was like to be that close to V-halla itself. To touch, to taste, to smell. He began by pulling apart her soft, large lips and gently licking the bump he knew he'd find there. Kendall moaned as he did so and he soon began exploring the open area below. First with his tongue and then with his fingers.

"Oooo!" she cried. "That feels so good!"

Carter realized but didn't give a damn how many other guys had 'gone there' before him. All that mattered was she'd chosen him to spend her life with. These thoughts and many others ran through his mind as he buried his face in his lover's pussy as she pushed back seeking pleasure in his every touch.

"I need you inside me so bad!" she called out.

Carter ignored her and began lapping her clit slowly using the entire length of his tongue. "Oh, God," she panted. She was trying to pull him up on top of her, but he was having none of it. He pressed harder as he licked and lapped. "Ssshit!" she moaned. She stopped resisting and pushed hard against him. Moments later she began shuddering as she cried out, "Oh, fuck! Oh, God! Oh, that feels SO good!"

Once she'd stopped quivering, he climbed on top of her and kissed her. "How was that?" he asked smiling.

"That was amazing!" she purred. "I came so hard!"

"You are so beautiful," he said.

"I love you so much," she told him as she reached between his legs. "And I want you inside me so bad." She got him lined up and waited for him to push.

"Oh...ssshit!" she cried softly. "That feels so...good!"

Carter was amazed at how easily he slid inside her but even more so at how tight she was in spite of her checkered past. He groaned with pleasure as he made his way deep inside her. Kendall squeezed his thick cock hard as she also moaned with pleasure.

"Will you please cum inside me?" she begged him. "I mean, if you really do want to have children...with me." Her eyes told him that's what she wanted and he knew it was no or never to start a family.

"I do and I will," he said brushing her long, blonde hair back. "I will cum inside you."

He backed out then took it home again. Then again and again. Kendall picked up on his rhythm and fucked him back as hard as he gave it to her. The last thing on his mind was other guys as he was the only one who would ever give her children. He slammed her for all he was worth and felt her body tense again as he began releasing a load that was...a very long time...coming. "Oh, fuck!" he grunted as he shot stream after stream inside Kendall's wet pussy.

"Fuck me, honey!" she cried. "Cum inside me...please!"

Panting, he lay still, his member still inside her. "That was so amazing," she said as she pulled him to her to kiss her. "I love you so much," she whispered. "I want us to have a baby so bad."

"We will," he said. "We'll keep trying until it happens."

"Promise?" she said hopefully.


"Can we try again yet?" she asked pensively.

They both felt him stir. "Why, I believe we can," he said smiling as he began sliding in and out of her again.


The following month, he married her in a private ceremony in front of a justice of the peace. Eight months later their first child, Kelli Marie Marin, was born. Both of them decided Bellingham wasn't such a bad place to raise a family after all.

Carter's business continued to grow and Kendall ran a daycare out of their home surrounded by her daughter and other small children.

Like him, her past was finally behind her and she could now say with confidence she really was more than this.

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NitpicNitpicabout 1 year ago

Why didn't she report Jake for stalking and harassment.?Also,what is it with this author with Dockers and button down shirts?.There are other male garments.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Very good story,some thing a bit different.How did she manage permission to run a child care centre with her husbands record?.

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

What a great story of two lost souls who were alone because of their past. When they meet they found that common ground that gave them that happily ever after. well done 5++stars

HragsHragsover 4 years ago
Judge and be judged !!!

Good story. Shows people change and the past is the past. Also, I know when people are accused of something, we all assumed they are guilty. Sometimes, not all the time, District Attorneys are political.

Society judges women different , men who are whore dogs are cool. Women are sluts. Double standards.

chytownchytownabout 6 years ago
Great Read*****

Very entertaining story. Thanks for sharing.

TSreaderTSreaderabout 8 years ago

Very deep, very good and very well written! Thank you!

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