My Introduction to Cockfighting


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With the way Jessie's sports bra compressed her breasts around his cock Kent was tempted to throw caution to the wind and let loose, plowing between Jessie's cleavage on all cylinders. Not to mention the fact that the cockfight had left him pretty pent up leaving him with maybe a minute or so more before finally needing to blow his load.

At the same time however, Kent wanted to prolong the moment as much as possible, to fully savor this once in a lifetime experience. Yet he didn't dare risk admitting his aims aloud and risk ruining a good thing. Instead, he kept to a steady pace, his tireless thrusts seamlessly sliding in and out of her cleavage, lifting and dropping her tits with a continuous rolling motion.

However, if Kent had been bold enough to admit as much, he'd have been quite surprised to learn just how entranced Jessie had become with his cock.

Watching intently as his cock-head rhythmically surfaced from the depths of her cleavage, Jessie didn't so much need to look as she did feel his dominant cock pump out more pre than she'd even seen, far more than Dillard had managed to say the least. In fact, he'd produced so much prejaculate that it steadily began to coat the top of her tits to the point that it risked spilling onto her sports bra. Trying to avoid 'contamination', she tugged on the opening of the top, exposing more of her cleavage's dark curvature in the process.

The effect was immediate, and Kent's cock stiffened to an adamantine degree of rigidity. Now pulsing near nonstop, it pumped out a continuous torrent of pre-cum, which quickly spread across Jessie's tits, coating them completely and even starting to seep into the edges of her sports bra. Realizing that her attempt to keep her top clean from his pre would directly result in it getting stained, Jessie chided herself mentally as she found herself caught in a Morton's Fork.

Screwing her lips to one side in ire at having her bra besmirched by his build-up to a blowout, Jessie decided that as involuntary as his actions may have been, the only recourse for his affront was to forgo the steady climb towards sendoff and instead up the ante and send him hurtling over the edge like a runaway locomotive. Giving a devilish grin, Jessie took Kent's hands and placed them on each side of her tits, coaxing him to squeeze them together even tighter. Not only did this accentuate her cleavage but also dramatically increased the pressure around Kent's rigid shaft.

As Jessie began actively bouncing her breasts down in time with Kent's thrusts up, his already belabored breathing immediately took on a hurried tone, and he began huffing heatedly with every impetus of his shaft. Mere moments after, his moaning too took on a note of urgency and redoubled his tit-fucking efforts, pistoning between her breasts with redoubled vigor. Seeing the look of rapture on his face, Jessie unconsciously opened her mouth, invitingly extending her tongue for him to blow his load.

Giving one long and final moan, Kent forcefully thrust his cock upward as a thick rope of cum exploded from the tip of his dick to haphazardly splatter onto the nape of her neck. Keeping her hands around his, she continued to get him to pump her breasts up and down the sides of his shaft, coaxing another copious cum-load from his throbbing cock. This time the volatile spunk salvo struck home, landing square inside her open mouth.

The unexpected sensation caught Jessie by surprise, shutting her mouth and reflexively swallowing right as a third thick rope of cum splattered on her cheek. Lashes fluttering as the myriad of sensations threatened to overwhelm her sensitivities, she placed her hands on either side of her face as she shut her eyes, trying to block out everything else, trying to concentrate on the remnants of Kent's cum still left on her tongue.

A fourth spurt of seed against her face caused her to recoil, but now accustomed to the viscous sticky warm cream against her smooth silky chocolate skin, she quickly relaxed even as the splattering dripped along the side of her nose, and refocused on the unfamiliar taste in her mouth. With an almost masticating motion, she slid the bit of cum around as if a professional connoisseur. To be honest, the taste wasn't too bad; salty, but not unbearably so. Not all that pleasant, but not really repugnant either. What did repulse her however, was the texture.

Again, while not enough to make her gag, it wasn't the most pleasant of sensations. With a slippery, almost gelatinous viscosity and a consistency that was thick to the point of being lumpy, it reminded her of curdled milk. Needless to say, while she couldn't see herself getting addicted to it like some women she'd seen online, in the heat of the moment it was manageable and swallowed the last little bit to announce, "Well, it seems like we have our winner."

However, she'd soon have a mite more to manage...

"Now wait a minute, wait a minute..." Dillard interjected peevishly. After his bust of a blowout, the sandy blonde had little limbo before his cock started softening leaving him sidelined to simmer. Obviously envious of Kent's treatment to tit-fuck of epic proportions, he had begun stroking his softened member practically as soon as the action started. "Just because I came doesn't automatically mean he wins, this is cock-fight, not an endurance run. We weren't just fighting to knock each other down, but to prevent the other from even getting it up again." Despite being fast to fall, Dillard was likewise rapid to rise, and by the time Kent was on the cusp of cumming, Dillard had built his erection back up to strength and now had an eye out for revenge... not to mention the fact that he wanted a go between Jessie's boobs.

As Jessie began to wipe the excess cum from her face and cleavage, Dillard crossed his arms over his chest and thrust his hips forward to show off his rejuvenated dick to her. "And as you can clearly see, I'm rearing and ready for more. So let's cut the chit-chat and get round two underway!"

Jessie was less than impressed. After witnessing his complete defeat come the end of the men's last bout, she knew that this was an unfair attempt by Dillard to even the score, and that he was simplify capitalizing on Kent's recent climax to shoe in his chances of victory.

She knew it because they'd discussed it online the night before. From the get go, everything had been arranged against Kent's favor. Before the in person meeting even came to being, both Jessie and Dillard were on the same page and that no matter its portrayal, in reality it would be little more than a humiliation conga for Kent.

Dillard was of course sure that he possessed the superior dick, and as a secretly partial judge, Jessie would exaggerate any advantage he held. In the event that the tables were turned and he ended up out-sized in terms of length and girth, Jessie would downplay Kent's qualities to instead focus on how strong and hard Dillard's looked.

Needless to say, things hadn't panned out anywhere as near as planned. Kent's cock had soundly out-sized Dillard's dick, leaving Jessie genuinely impressed. As a drastic last ditch effort to provide a 'legitimate' reason to be seen as better and shore up his eroded sense of masculinity he'd then initiated an impromptu cock-fight. If he'd triumphed, any attempt from Kent vying for a rematch would have left him pegged as a sore loser and succinctly denied.

Unfortunately for Dillard, his dick was subsequently curb-stomped and coaxed to cum over himself. Unfortunately for Jessie, Dillard was sticking to the script that he and she were still tag-team humiliating Kent.

After sampling Kent's powerful cock with her cleavage, Jessie wasn't sure she wanted to be an equal opportunity employer anymore. Yet she'd been friends with Dillard for long enough to know that he'd whine and whinge about not having the chance should she refuse.

Despite both Jessie and Dillard's internal introspections, neither were expecting for Kent, very casually, to say, "Sure." After all, his casual confidence aside, the fact remained that he'd just cum, and quite enthusiastically AND extensively at that. While his cock hadn't immediately gone soft in the afterglow, Dillard's had plenty of time and inspiration to get back to his rigid rock hard state putting him at a clear disadvantage.

Everyone knew it, none the least, Dillard. Still sour from his initial defeat, he saw this as a prime opportunity to get some comeuppance, and decided to raise the stakes with a new challenge. "And while we're at it..." he began, a mischievous smile on his face, "Why don't we make this a no mercy match?" Mischievousness quickly gave way to maliciousness at this escalation. With Kent having climaxed no more than a minute ago, Dillard figured that he'd be a total pushover for his own erection, and as Jessie beckoned the two men to either side of her once more, he seemed quite justified in his assumption.

As opposed to the initial size-off show-off where Kent's cock arced up above Dillard's dick, the black man's member pointed almost straight forward. In contrast, the ivory erection now jutted upwards, freshly invigorated following her cock hardening display.

Looking to even the odds if even a little, Jessie took hold of both men's members and gave them a few gentle strokes while she went over the revised rules. "As requested, we're going to make this a no-holds-barred, no-mercy, fight to the finish. The victor will be decided not when one of you says they submit, or... cums..." she stalled for a second, still hesitant around the word, but continued on, "This is a fight to the finish and you're both expected to go at it until you literally can't get it up anymore. Or if I say so." She added the last clause as an afterthought to bail out Kent should Dillard get carried away with his comeuppance.

Speaking of getting it up, for what it was worth, it seemed that her half-hearted hand-job had helped to stave off Kent's decline, his member remaining rigidly at the midway point. Dillard's on the other hand, or rather, IN the other hand, had been gearing to get it on from the get go. Though nowhere near as hard as before, his sheer enthusiasm had led him to prevail over Kent's at the start of the last round and was now poised to do so again.

Still, Jessie wanted to offer Kent one last out without losing face and looked up toward both men expectantly, "So, if you two are still okay with it?" Yet instead of acquiescing, Kent simply sighed and resigned himself with a nod as Dillard grinned in agreement. Giving a sigh of her own, Jessie released their cocks, "Then by all means; FIGHT!"

On her call for commencement, Dillard immediately stepped forward to swing his erection sideways into Kent's, a callback to his opening gambit for the first round. Again, Kent was ready for him, and despite his dick still shy of its peak potential, he was still able to swivel his hips to parry his opponent's strike, albeit only partially.

Undeterred, Dillard echoed the maneuver, seeing himself on the cusp of seamless comeback, only to once more find himself rebuffed as Kent gave a prolonged flex. Growing frustrated with his inability to casually curb-stomp Kent, Dillard gave a flex of his own as he pivoted his hips, trying to exert the full strength of his dick to bend Kent's to one side. Looking a little livelier, Kent maintained his flex, twisting his hips in the opposite direction to meet Dillard's for a sidelong clash. Yet to both Jessie and Dillard's surprise, the two men's members met with a surprisingly meaty slap, each equally rebounding off the other.

Since the start of the second round, Dillard had been under the assumption that once he'd cum, Kent would have to go soft before getting hard again, much like how he'd done with his own downed dick. But Kent defied common convention, keeping it up, albeit not nearly at its former strength. It was this consolation alone that had allowed Dillard to pit himself on equal footing when it came to their phallic fencing. Yet he'd been certain that even though Kent had kept it up after cumming, he'd still be a pushover.

However, his zeal in pursuing a happy ending finale for himself had left Dillard narrow minded. He saw Kent as being the exception to rule for only a single aspect, he never thought to think that if one thing was 'abnormal' in his eyes, then so could others. His first, albeit somewhat subtle clue should have been Kent's resilience at the onset of their initial lockup. Dillard had been in finest form; never before had his dick ever felt so strong or powerful. Giddy with exhilaration and high off the feeling of invulnerability, it had come as somewhat of a shock when Kent had matched his mettle, and so nonchalantly at that.

And now, in a shocking turn-around Dillard found his dick woefully outmatched as his opponent's erection steadily bolstered its way back to max. Thicker, harder, longer, and stronger; Kent's erection relentlessly pummeled Dillard's faltering phallus, the black man's now all around better member easily knocking his adversary's ivory rod back and forth with an incessant series of sideswipes.

As one cock softened, another cock strengthened, and ultimately Kent's domination over Dillard's dick reached its inevitable culmination. It took naught but a minutes worth of work, but in Dillard's mind the humiliation of being defeated yet again seemed to stretch the moment on forever. Halfway flaccid at this point, Dillard gave his dick one final flex and in desperation, slammed his shaft strait on into Kent's, trying to muster up enough resolve to at least stall for a stalemate.

As the two interlocked cocks for a climactic clash, ebony and ivory wrestling for supremacy, sitting silently alongside the action was Jessie. An unimaginable upset was unfolding before her eyes. Everything had been set against Kent, the night purposefully orchestrated to be so far out of his favor that he'd be hard-pressed merely to break even. Yet, as though in total defiance to his copious climax, Kent had retained a rock-hard erection, pitted his mettle against Dillard's own recovered cock, and hadn't been found wanting.

In fact, despite being such a shoe-in to win the rematch, it was Dillard's cock, not Kent's, that slipped free from the fierce lock up to now hang limp between his legs. He hadn't lost his erection entirely as it still retained a meagre margin of rigidity, but from its down-turned angle, it was more a technicality, if not a matter of time to declare a winner...

With Dillard's dick drooped in defeat, the match was essentially over with Kent the incontestable victor... but a bit of mischief made Jessie interject. "Well what's a matter?" Looking up toward Kent with a hint of well-feigned irritability in her voice, "This is a fight to the finish remember? So get in there and finish the fight!"

All throughout the match, Kent had never felt as though he was at risk of losing. Even post-climax he was resoundingly confident in the strength of his erection and that it would ultimately overcome Dillard's dick once more. In fact, Jessie's tit-fuck had left his cock feeling stronger than ever before and it was that same tit-fucking that overrode his passiveness pushing him on despite his growing reservations.

Though a bit taken back at the expectation to continue, Kent nonchalantly advanced and resumed his assault, much to Dillard's agony and dismay. This time however, instead of going for the steady left and right side strikes, he instead thrust his length forward like a lance, pressing the head of his erection into the overside of Dillard's dick, using his supremacy in terms of sheer rigidity to begin to bend his opponent's member back.

Although already wary at the sudden change in Jessie's tone, Dillard wasn't prepared for Kent to step forward and forcibly wrench his cock back further between his legs. Giving a howl of anguish, he backpedaled clumsily to avoid further injury, but following Jessie's orders, Kent pursued, ultimately trapping him against the wall.

However, Jessie wasn't about to let him off that easy. "No, no! Don't let him get away!" she insisted urgently as Dillard impotently writhed in an attempt to pull himself free without suffering any undue pressure on his dick, "Stop him! Grab his hands!"

Again Kent complied, but not without difficulty. While Jessie crowed with mischievous delight, Kent was having hesitations in dealing with Dillard. Not physically; after all he in overall better shape and still feeling fairly fresh. Nor sexually; even after his climax and the ardent carnal combat that had followed, his cock was an unrelenting steel pole. Instead, his hesitation stemmed from the fact that what had begun as a cockfight was now getting too hands on for his tastes.

As opposed to grabbing Dillard and physically restrain him from escaping, Kent instead went for the more demeaning method of forcing his cock even further forward... driving Dillard's now semi-deformed dick backwards to the point that it began to bend between his legs.

The effect essentially wrested any vestiges of resistance from Dillard... save for, most notably, his dick. Despite the excruciating pain it had undergone, and indeed, was still undergoing, it managed to maintain a meagre degree of hardness. Perhaps it was some subconscious desire to prove his dick could compete with that of a black guy, or maybe merely a masochistic inclination that had heretofore been unknown of, but in any case he still held out.

Unfortunately, Dillard's endeavors to keep some semblance of an erection now worked against him as Kent forced his semisolid cock further between his legs till it was nearly bent straight back. If he knew what was soon to come, he'd have chastised his dicks dogged determination, as his resistance would only make his penis suffer.

In stark contrast to his opposition, Kent's shaft had unwaveringly retained its size and rigidity as he pressed his attack. However, the fatigue of going through two rounds of cockfighting with a tit-fuck plus cum-shot in between had sapped his shaft's strength something fierce. Though he wasn't at risk of losing his erection anytime soon, he did lack the fervor to put Dillard's dick out of its misery once and for all.

In realization of this, Jessie decided to take matters into her own hands. Literally.

Positioning herself so that she was kneeling behind Kent, Jessie smoothly slid her hand between his legs and began lightly caressing his nut-sack. She rationalized it as nothing more than paying Kent his due; her comeuppance for being one-half of the brain trust that had concocted the cockamamie humiliation scheme that she now found turned on its head. The response was immediate. Jessie's coaxing caused Kent's cock to throb back to life with vigor, involuntarily flexing upward as a result of the intensely stimulating sensation.

For every action, there is an equal, yet opposite, reaction, and as Kent's shaft rose upwards, Dillard's dick ended up forced further backwards. It had gotten to the point that his semi-soft erection had begun crushing his balls.

Already trapped against the wall and lifted to the tips of his toes, Dillard had nowhere left to go to avoid the agonizing pain. Escape had long since been rendered impossible, and by now, even if he did try to break free, he'd be more likely to break his own cock in the process. It was an outcome he sought to avoid at all costs... but even as he mutely pleaded for mercy, pain having stolen his voice long ago, if Jessie's expression was any indication of what was to come, what he wanted wasn't necessarily what he was to get.

"Well come on then, finish him off already!" Jessie said in a mix of insistence and excitement, kneading one of her large breasts in her hand. Theoretically, it was for Kent's inspiration but seeing as she was positioned behind him and out of his line of sight, it served as self-satiation more than anything else. Yet subconsciously, her altruism was all a facade.