My Introduction to Cockfighting


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Secretly, she longed for another shot at milking the cum from Kent's cock, fondly recalling the vim and vigor that he had exerted while fucking her tits before. Now with the match on the cusp of conclusion, Jessie was keen on reliving her memories in vivid detail and called to Kent once more, "What are you waiting for? Dislocate his dick and be done with it!" Realizing that her self-gratification would be of little inspiration she raised up off her haunches to press her bare breasts against the small of Kent's back as a direct incentive.

The feel of Jessie's full tit's touching his skin sent Kent's senses into overdrive causing his cock to give a powerful protracted flex upward into Dillard's enervated erection.

This was the final nail in the coffin. Unable to bend backwards any further, its only recourse was to break. There was a gut wrenching pop as physiology finally ceded to force. His manhood mangled, Dillard's mind followed, and all remaining vestiges of resistance caved in rapid succession. Slumping feebly against the wall, this was Kent's cue that the match had finally reached its conclusion.

Finally freed from the crippling cock-lock, Dillard dropped to his knees and immediately fell over to his side, sobbing silently to himself. Curling into the fetal position, he cradled his dislocated dick as it rapidly softened. Yet even after shrinking from its former semi-solid state to that of pathetic flaccidity, his member retained its misshapen appearance. Bitterly biting his bottom lip, Dillard tenderly felt out his dick's distorted form and feared that he'd never achieve a proper erection again.

However, Dillard's despair went utterly unheeded by both his opponent and prior partner-in-crime turned turncoat. The instant that Kent relented and saw Dillard drop to the floor did the ebony contender, cum champion, make an abrupt about face to thrust his raging erection between Jessie's waiting breasts. Bending his knees and bracing his hand against her shoulder, Kent smoothly slid his slickened dick between Jessie's dark cleavage and began powerfully pumping his invigorated cock between her juicy brown boobs. His relentless pistoning made her milk chocolate mounds bounce entrancingly, but even after everything he'd endured up until now he still had stamina to spare and wouldn't be so easily tempted to an early blow-out like before.

Tirelessly tit-fucked Jessie's tits, Kent's former tormentor now turned ardent attendee reflected on the situation. Though she was pleased enough to kneel before Kent, squeezing his dick between her rich chocolate tits, something didn't sit well with her. As amazing as it felt to have the victor's dick, particularly a victor as virile as this, sticking strictly to a simple tit-fuck left her feeling as though as the whole scenario still lacked a certain something. After all, she'd already given him free reign to fuck her tits once before, as an encore she'd need to up the ante.

She wasn't about to go all the way. Kent's back-to-back curb-stomp cockfight against Dillard were impressive, but not THAT impressive. However, as one half of the brain trust that had come up with this cockamamie humiliation conga now turned nicely on its head, Jessie felt a responsibility to see to it that all parties involved in its conception rightly paid their due....and as she felt herself start to salivate, simply from the feel of Kent's broad cock-head forcibly plowing between her tits, Jessie knew just how to do it.

With Dillard still curled up on the floor, fingers caged around his damaged goods, there was little chance of him coming back for any further interruptions. Though after the thorough defeat he'd been handed by Kent, Jessie doubted that he'd even attempt to make a comeback after the repercussions he faced.

Now with the champion before her, Jessie grinned gleefully for a moment before opening her mouth and extended her tongue, letting a long line of saliva roll off of it and onto Kent's cock-head.

Power fucking his steadfastly solid cock between Jessie's tits, the sudden sensation of wetness to the top of Kent's cock enticed a firm, if involuntary, flex from his member, causing him to look down... and was met with the sight of the chocolate bombshell quite literally drooling over his cock, her gaze glazed with a look of wanton lust as she panted heatedly.

Well past mere rock hard rigidity and now riding high off euphoria, the sight was more than enough to send Kent's senses into overdrive, the image burning through his eyes to engrave itself onto the forefront of his brain, hot-wiring his cock to grow harder than it had ever been.

One brain split between two heads meant that Kent's mind was steadily spinning out of control. Reason and rationality had long left his senses and with his mental processing power essentially capped by half, it was now his cock that called the shots. And so, with lower head having usurped authority over higher, Kent thoughtlessly thrust his throbbing cock into Jessie's craving mouth.

The sudden introduction of Kent's shaft to her palate made Jessie's eyes grow wide... and her mouth water all the more. The remnants of cum from his last climax, the odor of his body from the fight, and the taste of his skin that was unique all to himself; it was combination of flavors that did for Jessie as the sight of her fawning had done for Kent. Eyelids fluttering shut, she curbed the impulse to back away and instead caved to her heretofore unknown instincts and softly wrapped her lips around his head and began to suck. Slowly, awkwardly at first, but lust was a quick teacher, and Jessie was a devoted study when it came to depravity.

Repeatedly running her tongue over and around Kent's shaft, she slowly took in more and more of his member, sucking his cock-head into her mouth only to release it seconds later with an erotically wet pop. Occasionally her teeth would accidentally graze the surface of his shaft, but against its sheer solidity it did little to dissuade his erection. Instead, it only added another erotic edge to the already amazing amalgamation of sensations.

With each impetus between her tits, Kent paused to let Jessie to work the top of his cock with her succulent lips and enticing tongue. Bathing its tip in saliva, before polishing it off with a wet pop and allowing its gleaming head to sink between her chocolate cleavage once more.

As the intensity grew, so did the duo's lust toward one another and it wasn't long before Kent forwent his coveted tit-fucking to focus solely on shoving more of his cock into Jessie's craving mouth. In like-minded response, she began to rhythmically bob her head on his dick, steadily sucking in more and more of his member.

Soon, Jessie found her lips routinely wrapping themselves just past the midway mark of Kent's member... the head of which was now nudging the back of her throat. Gag reflex not fully under control, she found herself sputtering and having to backpedal, unable to choke him down. Yet despite her audible inability to manage it, Kent took this as an incentive to forgo his heretofore passive attitude and affirm his hold on the back of Jessie's head. Not to keep her head in place... but to shove his dick down deeper.

Eyes going wide as she found her mouth overfilled to the point that his cock now began forcing its way down her throat, Jessie gagged and coughed around his member, but still managed to get more of it down. Salivating wildly and tears streaming down her face, she gripped Kent's hips and tried to re-position herself to accommodate his cock, but between her inexperience and his size, Jessie found her attempts a fool's errand and panickedly began to push her head off Kent's cock.

Realizing her desperation, Kent released his hold on Jessie's head, allowing her to messily surface for air, audibly gasping as she sat back. Between his pulsing cock-head and her heated panting, the gleaming lines of saliva running between her full lips and his rigid dick vibrated erotically. At the sight, Jessie found herself tempted to run her tongue around her mouth and collect the errant strands, just to see how they tasted, but was suddenly struck by a sense of revulsion at the prospect... before realizing that she'd already begun doing so. And what's more, enjoying every second of it.

Her glaze-eyed look of lust, which had momentarily gone missing following her eye-rolling panic at the deep throat returned with a passion. Placing a hand along one side of her face, she savored the taste, absentmindedly licking her lips again as though longing for more.

Though unintended, her casual display of carnality attracted the attention of Kent and as he watched in rapt wonder, his erection responded in kind, pulsing and flexing with energized enthusiasm as it pumped out a fresh globule of sticky clear fluid. 'Pre-cum', she remembered as she watched the droplet steadily grow in size and begin to ooze down the underside of Kent's shaft, 'Is that what I was tasting just now?' Without a moment's pause, Jessie dipped beneath his proudly presented ebony shaft and extended her tongue to lick along the underside of his length to try. It was.

Inhaling deeply to savor more of his aroma, she repeatedly ducked under his shaft, dragging her tongue up along the underside in steady encouraging motions, getting rewarded with a fresh outflow of pre for her to lap up. More than heatedly, her gasps now grew to be quite audible as she swapped his pre-semen for her saliva, and in chorus, Kent began to moan aloud as well.

This sound piqued Jessie's curiosity... and her sense of mischievousness. While she hadn't hated having her head forced down around his cock, the fact that she'd been unable to choke him down without choking left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Looking to score some comeuppance against Kent, Jessie began to bob her head on his member with even more enthusiasm, pushing her gag reflex to the limit as she tried to swallow his member. Yet more than mere length, his girth proved to be an insurmountable challenge, and even as she pushed her deep-throat abilities to the limit Jessie found herself unable to open wide enough to make it to his base.

Even so her attempts weren't without merit as with every sloppy suck Kent's moans grew that much louder as his cock throbbed in Jessie's mouth. The thrill of coaxing such a response from not only his member, but the man himself sent a shiver down Jessie's spine as she messily slurped on his shaft. Senses on override, she soon began to gasp and moan as well, savoring the potency and power of his member in her mouth.

Soon, the pair were moaning and groaning in concert. As Kent's member pumped pre-cum over her craving tongue, Jessie greedily lapped it up, eyelids fluttering as she smiled inwardly. Now this was an encore performance fit to be deemed euphoric. Suddenly, Kent's grip tightened at the back of her head and he gave a loud, impassioned moan of urgency. Jessie had but a moment to prepare herself before his member swelled massively in her mouth and began to unleash a thick torrent of cum down the back of her throat.

Despite having already experienced the intensity of Kent's climax, Jessie was still taken back at the fact that he still retained so much vigor for his second blowout and now struggled to swallow his load. Thankfully, it seemed that even his indefatigability had its limits and after a few more copious cum-shots, began to relax having alleviated the last of its load down Jessie's throat. Leaning back, she placed her hands on either side of her face, closing her eyes to simply savor the taste of the remnants of Kent's spunk in her mouth. It wasn't a flavor she entirely enjoyed, but its taste wasn't her reasoning for savoring it; this was the cum of a champion.

Licking the inside of her mouth, Jessie swallowed the last of Kent's cum and dazedly opened her eyes. With a mix of disappointment and self-satisfaction, she noted that while her ebony champion's erection was no longer at its peak rigidity, it retained a good deal of its size and stature, now measuring in at maybe fifteen centimeters. It wasn't a patch on his former glory but clearly wasn't down for the count. Pleased with both the fact that she'd managed to exhaust his member to such a state and that he still had the strength to keep it somewhat up... and frustrated at the fact that despite her best efforts she'd not depleted his stamina completely and that he was no longer at his peak. It was a conflicting sensation to say the least.

While Jessie sorted herself out, Kent simply stood there, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath. A cockfight, tit-fuck, another cockfight, and then a mind-blowing blow-job to top it all off, as sexy as Jessie was, he wasn't sure he could handle much more if she asked for an encore. Truth be told, he was surprised he'd been able to last so long in the first place as this had been his first time, for well, any of it. And to think, this had all escalated from some less than friendly ribbing regarding cock-size and penis power from an online chat.

It was only now that Kent remembered that there was a third party to all of this. Glancing over he saw that Dillard was still in the fetal position, no longer sobbing, but simply lay there silent. "Don't worry about him," Noticing Kent's gaze, Jessie piped up dismissively. Looking over, he saw that she'd already begun pulling a T-shirt on over her bare breasts, heedless of several cum-shots that she'd smeared over them. This, coupled with the fact that her erect nipples protruded prominently against the fabric, got a rise from his semi-solid member.

Seeing this, Jessie bit her bottom lip lustfully, 'So he did have some more left in him...' she thought to herself, idly rubbing her thighs together where a damp patch had begun to form. For a few seconds, the two regarded one another silently before Jessie broke her gaze, shaking her head to clear the thought of an encore performance from her mind. "Nuh-uh, not again," she said aloud, raising a palm towards him dismissively before waving him away. "You, get dressed."

"And you..." turning her attention towards Dillard, she stepped over to him and nudged his prone form with her foot. "You can get up and get out." Blunt, yet to the point, it seemed to spur Dillard to his senses enough to prompt a response.

For a second, he looked incoherent as he slowly shifted to sit himself up before suddenly winching and looking down. Reminded of what had transpired, his eyes welled up with tears and bit his bottom lip to stop from audibly sobbing.

Yet Dillard's efforts were swiftly dashed by Jessie. "Oh don't give me that, you're more complicit in this than me so shut up and just suck it up already," she said without an ounce of compassion in her voice. Placing her hands on her hips for added emphasis, Jessie looked down on Dillard disdainfully, "This was supposed to be a little lighthearted comparison competition that I'd help you win, we'd have a laugh, then I'd send Kent packing while I pretended to give you your 'prize'."

At this, Jessie pantomimed air quotes with one hand, the other still fixedly on her hip, "Except you didn't win, and no amount of acting could make up for you getting outsized so badly. So you decided to escalate to an actual comparison. Which you lost. Then a cockfight. Which you also lost. And then you managed to get it back up for a rematch, but you know, by then I'd gotten tired of watching your pathetic attempts to 'prove your masculinity'..." As though air quotes weren't enough to encapsulate her contempt, Jessie dramatically arced her hand as she did, ensuring she had Dillard's undivided attention.

During this exchange, Kent had simply watched in silence as he began to get dressed as well. Pulling his underwear and shorts back on, he let his eyes rove over Jessie's curvaceous form as she chewed out Dillard. While he'd seen her totally topless only moments before, he had to admit that even clothed she had a seductive allure, helped in no small way by the fact that her cum-slicked tits caused the material of her top to cling perfectly to the curves of her breasts. Despite having tit-fucked Jessie's tits not mere moments before, Kent now found himself somewhat apprehensive about staring at them, his mind already starting to default back to deference.

Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may have been, Jessie finished her derision of Dillard to turn and face Kent, a spark of ire in her eyes. "And as for you," she began testily, still wound up from having to deal with Dillard's impotence. Stepping up to Kent, a disappointed frown on her face, Jessie looked him over. "Did I tell you to put your pants back on? Did I say that I was through with you? Did you think this was some cheap spur-of-the-moment fling?"

Chest heaving, Jessie huffed heatedly as she stood mere inches away from Kent's bare chest. Opening her mouth, she started gearing up for another tirade, but in the split-second between opening her mouth and speaking, Kent grabbed her face with one hand and pulled her forward for passionate kiss.

Jessie's eyes went wide for a moment before fluttering shut, falling into Kent's kiss. The two stood in silence for several seconds, both of them caught up in the kiss, before Kent delicately pulled away. Exhaling softly, Jessie slowly opened her eyes to stare at him dreamily... before an angry expression returned to her face. Turning away from him, she pushed Kent away, gently but firmly, "Out." Confused at the sudden change in reaction Kent opened his mouth to talk only for Jessie to cut him off. "No. You didn't want to let me talk, so now you don't get to talk either. Now get out. Dillard's already left so now you need to go as well."

Hearing this, Kent looked towards where Dillard was laying, only to see that he and his clothes had disappeared. Another push brought his attention back to Jessie, shoving his shirt against his chest and holding it there with one hand. "You put up a good fight," she said before switching to a quiet murmur under her breath, "And were a great... fuck..." hesitating at the use of the word, having never had to use it in this kind of context, Jessie quickly recovered, continuing more confidently, "But now, it's time for you to go. So; out." she commanded forcefully, still not meeting his gaze. Sighing airily to himself, Kent took his shirt from her and slid it on over his head. Looking toward her once more as she stood askew in the Venus de Milo pose, clutching one arm with the other, he searched for any sign of relenting. However, Jessie only glanced at him briefly before turning sharply, "Out I said."

Defeated, Kent took one last longing look at Jessie, burning the image of her petite yet curvaceous body into his mind before leaving as well. For a few seconds, Jessie simply stood there surveying the room in which the two men's cock-fight... and her tit-fuck, had taken place. One arm across the front of her breasts to cover her erect nipples underneath the t-shirt, the other hand between her legs, tasked with both hiding and expanding the large damp patch between the cleft of her booty shorts.

Aroused and exhausted, she collapsed onto the couch idly toying herself, "Stupid boy," she complained, giving up on her own titillation to simply lie there in discontent, "Why didn't you fight a little more?"

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midgojiramidgojira4 months ago

It was such a welcome surprise to see you post this. I read and enjoyed your cockfight stories, without a profile , during your hiatus. It is great to see you back with a great story. I will be following now that I have a profile. Thank you for writing!

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