Naughty Pines Cabin Ch. 01

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Three siblings get cozy at their family cabin.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/02/2018
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This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18 or older.


Richard and Miranda Marchbanks fell in love with Knotty Pines Cabin as soon as they laid eyes on it, nestled in the shoals of the Appalachian Mountains. There was plenty of space for the kids to play, enough privacy for the adults to enjoy themselves, and the ideal balance of rustic and modern features for entire family. When their youngest, Violet, was ten, she decided to make a sign for it out of a scrap piece of wood and paint. Very carefully and precisely, she wrote out "Naughty Pines Cabin". Of course, when they saw her mistake, everyone had a good chuckle, though it wasn't until she was older that she quite understood why.

From then on, it became the getaway's official unofficial name- especially when Richard and Miranda stayed there without the kids.


Violet had imagined many scenarios involving two handsome men on her nineteenth birthday, and they just so happened to be her brothers. James, the eldest of the three at twenty-five, was six feet tall, had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, a million-dollar smile, and an athletic build he maintained at the gym now that he no longer played sports. Two years younger and five inches taller, Chris was a different matter, with his dark, shaggy hair and brown bedroom eyes, all shadows and angles and mystery. They were equally good looking, but while James could have stepped out of a J.Crew or L.L.Bean catalog, Chris was a poster child for youth in revolt.

Her brothers were best friends, but they were also oil and water. When they were in school together, they'd often join rival factions, waging war against one another on the only battlefields left in suburbia- the woods bordering the neighborhood. Concealed pit traps were dug, forts destroyed, fights ended with black eyes and bloody noses. Back at home though, an unspoken truce would be called, and they'd get along with the same ease as usual.

But the one thing they'd never disagreed on was treating Violet like a life-sized porcelain doll, warding off anyone they thought would play with her too roughly- which was, apparently, every guy who looked her way. She was five-six with a slender build, pale skin, dark hair that fell straight down her back, and blue eyes rimmed in sea-green. Puberty had filled her out a great deal, making her breasts, hips and ass as enticingly plump as her lips. But she doubted they'd ever notice. They would forever see her as a child, even though she was, for all practical purposes, a woman.

Of course, Violet thought bitterly as she cruised down the highway that afternoon, they aren't the only men that see me as a little girl. Just the other week, her boyfriend Alex had taken her out for a romantic dinner dressed in something other than ripped jeans, a ratty t-shirt and his beat-up leather jacket. After they'd eaten, he'd surprised Violet by fastening a delicate chain around her slender neck, placing a kiss where the clasp laid while she felt the heart-shaped locket resting between her collar bones. He'd even taken her to a film at the Fine Arts Theater- not a movie, but a film.

Back at his place, he set the mood with romantic music and dim lighting, and soon they were undressing each other by candlelight. They'd been dating for a couple of months, and had long since progressed past make-out sessions and handjobs to 69ing, which she'd never done with anyone before. And it was amazing, even if he did cum first and could only finish Violet with his fingers.

The first time she went down on him, Violet was worried that she'd find it unpleasant. But as soon as she wrapped her lips around Alex's salty head and took him into her mouth, she was in heaven. The feel and taste of his hot flesh; knowing that with every flick and suck she gave she brought him close to orgasming; that first splash of semen in the back of her throat when he came- she relished every aspect of fellatio.

That night, while she was dutifully servicing Alex's cock, and his tongue was making divine circles around her clit, he whispered against her cunt, "I want to fuck you so hard right now."

Violet 'mm hmmmed' around him as she kept sucking, focusing on his release rather than her own, though she started to feel like tonight might be the night he actually made her cum with his mouth. She could feel herself getting close to the edge when he suddenly flipped her around and rolled her over beneath him, his erection pressed against her mound.

"Mmm, no, Alex," she murmured, stroking his slick cock, "I'm not ready yet."

Alex slid two fingers along her wet slit and up her tight pussy. "You feel ready to me, baby."

"No, really," she said more forcefully this time in between kisses, squeezing her thighs back together as he tried to position his broad cockhead at her dripping entrance. "Not tonight."

"But I thought you loved me?" He touched the locket she was still wearing, as if this token was proof of the feelings they shared.

"I do, Alex, but this is too soon."

"Too soon?" A nasty tone had crept into his voice. "Too soon! Goddammit, Violet, we've been dating for almost two months now. How long do you need?"

"You're being an asshole," she said, starting to feel a little frightened by the anger flashing in his eyes and the way his fingers dug into the flesh behind her knees.

"And you're being a cock tease."

"Like I've ever left you unsatisfied."

"I can get handies and blowjobs from any slut on campus."

"Then what's stopping you?"

"I should fuck you right now, just to show you how a real woman takes a cock."

Tears stung her eyes. His words were hurting her worse than his hands. "Let me go, I don't want to be here anymore."

At first, Violet thought that Alex was going to force himself on her, but then he got up, smirking while she gathered up her clothes. "I thought you were one of those rich, uptight girls that likes fucking bad boys to get back at daddy. But you're just a frigid bitch, aren't you? I bet you're still a virgin."

Her pained expression was answer enough.

Alex chortled, "Well, I hope you get that stick out of your ass long enough to get laid one day, Violet, cause you need a good fucking."

"Maybe- but it sure as hell won't be from you!"

Violet's hand was on the doorknob when Alex grabbed her arm. She turned to face him, thinking for a moment that he was going to apologize, but instead he grabbed the heart-shaped locket he'd given her and ripped the chain off of her neck.

"And to think- I could be fucking Kristy Harbin right now, if I hadn't wasted my time on you," he said as a parting jab, slamming the door after Violet was in the hallway, still clutching her shoes and jacket, mascara running down her cheeks.

Since then, her enthusiasm for her upcoming birthday had all but faded away. Violet didn't even want her friends Lindsay and Raj to throw a party at the house they shared, because then she'd have to explain to everyone why Alex wasn't there. When her parents asked what restaurant they should make reservations for on her "special day", she told them that she already had plans. And while they were easy to fool, her brothers were not.

James said he could practically see her pouty lip when they talked on the phone. "Are your plans to mope around?" he teased.

"So what if they are?" Violet snapped. "Are you going to give me a hard time about it too?"

Her eldest brother knew better than to pry, but he certainly wasn't going to let Violet spend her nineteenth birthday alone. So, at Chris' suggestion, James arranged for them to spend the weekend at their parent's cabin. It was about three and a half hours from both Chapel Hill, where she was matriculating, and the Atlanta area, where her brothers lived.

"Just the three of us," James said, when he proposed the idea.

And even though Violet felt like they were patronizing her, as usual, it was touching that they cared so much about their kid sister that they'd clear their schedule just to make her feel better. Ever since she was a girl, Violet had idolized her brothers, secretly comparing every guy she met to them. Was he as tall, dark and daring as Chris? As kind and down-to-earth as James? Did he make her feel just as special as both of them, in ways even she had never been able to define?

The hard knot in her stomach started to melt from the sudden heat between her legs. Whenever Violet thought about her brothers long enough, her body reacted in ways she was raised to believe were sinful. And having a rebellious streak in her nature, this only made her even more obsessed with feeling that hot sexy-shame flood her core.

Of course, she knew nothing nearly as exciting as her taboo fantasies would actually happen, but all the same- maybe two great guys were all Violet needed to get one jerk out of her mind. As the roads got curvier and steeper, the air thinner and sky wider, she actually started to feel excited about her birthday weekend, and sped up ever so slightly.


"So, we have everything for our girl's big day?" James asked, assessing the festive decorations in bright pinks and purples that contrasted with the dark browns and muted greens of their family cabin.

"I think so. Cake and ice-cream?"


"Presents, flowers and balloons?"

"Check, check and check."

"Food, liquor and weed?"

"Check, ch- Wait, what? Violet's not even old enough to drink yet, I think she should just stick to beer. And you better not have brought weed."

"Are you kidding me? We were drinking harder stuff than beer when we were younger than Violet, and she's not the angel you seem to think she is. Besides, at least we know nothing bad will happen to her if she overdoes it."

"I guess. But I don't want her smoking."

"You know I've smoked with her before, right?"

For a moment, James looked like he might lose his temper- something he was slow to do. "And you're planning on doing so again this weekend no matter what I say, am I right?"

Chris grinned. "Pretty much."

"Fine. As long as you don't send her home with any," he said pointedly, knowing Chris wasn't past slipping their baby sister an eighth for later.

They knew Violet had been having a rough time and needed to unwind for a few days, and it seemed like hanging out and goofing off like they did when they were kids would be just the ticket. James' wife was staying with her parents with their daughter, and Chris was still a bachelor, so it was going to be a carefree weekend for them as well, though their main focus was spoiling Violet.

They'd had often been charged with watching out for their kid sister, but her brothers didn't need to be told- they would have protected Violet anyway. She was a sweet, shy girl whom they both thought was a rare beauty with a sultry innocence that made them guilty to even notice. But it was kind of hard not to when she starting developing curves in all the right places. The contrast of her womanly body and childlike face was sinfully enticing.

And what began as idle glances and passing curiosities- the curve of her breasts under cotton, the lines of her bare limbs in motion, the shape of her backside as it receded, her sylphlike form diving into the pool- developed into something more for each. Chris imagined giving her pleasure; James taking it. They knew that if they were tempted by Violet, other men would be too- and some wouldn't hesitate to do the things they'd only had shameful fantasies about.

Because of this, James and Chris gave her a serious talk before she left home for college. Not that they would have ever asked, but they could tell that Violet was still a virgin, even though she was on the pill.

"We're not telling you not to have sex," Chris had started, though his brother's face said otherwise. "Just don't let the guy make it all about him. We're pretty good at that."

"And don't get yourself into dangerous situations- like frat parties and raves."

"Or dimly lit dorm rooms that smell like schwag and patchouli."

"You can't depend on birth control to protect you from everything either, so be prepared and don't expect every guy to have a condom."

"Or put it on."

James gave Chris a scathing look, and his younger brother actually turned red.

"Just- don't let anyone talk you into doing anything you don't want to do," her oldest brother had said firmly.

"And if it is something you want to do- make sure you enjoy it. Don't be afraid to tell him if he didn't make you-"

"I think she gets the point."

By that point, all three siblings had gotten a little warm, so it was a good time to end the conversation anyway. But their words had stayed with Violet every since. They hadn't spoken to her the way their parents might have, essentially telling her that she keep her chastity belt strapped on until marriage. Instead her brothers seemed to actually get that she could make her own choices now.


After finally navigating the steep, hairpin turns up the mountain, she pulled into the gravel drive behind Chris' black Mustang. Violet stepped out of her car and stretched, her pink cami riding up to reveal her toned stomach as she raised her arms to the sky. When she arched her back, her perky breasts pointed upwards, and when she bent down, the backs of her creamy thighs were exposed.

Straightening back up, Violet saw her brothers walking towards her with the biggest grins on their faces. They were sights for sore eyes themselves: Chris in a pair of low hung jeans and a Mogwai T, a studded leather band around one wrist and a tattoo around the other, and James in khakis and a button-up, gold flashing around his ring finger and wrist.

James, who hadn't seen Violet for several months, promptly lifted her up and spun her around. "Hey Vi! You're still light as a feather," he said, setting her back down looking slightly flushed. "And lovely as ever."

When she turned to Chris for his hug, he pushed a few silky strands from her face, gave her the private smile he wore only for his baby sis, and wrapped his arms around her without a word, which made Violet more emotional than she'd anticipated. He let her go after a kiss on her head and when they separated, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Seeing her luggage in the backseat, Chris chuckled. "You know we're only staying the weekend, not a whole week, right?"

"Those are just the bags I couldn't fit in the trunk," she joked, and started to get her large suitcase from the backseat.

"Hey- no heavy lifting for the birthday girl." James took her bag by the handle and hefted it out like it was weightless. "Chris will bring them in for you," he said, setting it in front of his brother's feet.

"Thanks, Chris!" Violet's hair floated in the air as she spun in circles, arms spread wide, head thrown back, exposing her pale throat, pulsing with youth. Her brothers watched her skirt fan out so high that they glimpsed her lacy panties and the lovely flesh they left bare. "Last one in's a rotten egg!"

Exchanging fleeting glances with one another, her brothers sighed in agreement before following. Inside, Violet was gazing around, admiring all of the decorations, visibly pleased they'd made such a fuss no matter how many times she insisted they'd gone to too much trouble.

"Are you thirsty, Vi?" James asked, opening the fridge wide. "We got Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Dos Equis-"

"I hope one of you brought hard alcohol, because you know I don't drink beer." Violet had put her hands on her hips and had one toe pointed out slightly.

Chris laughed, elbowing James in the ribs to say 'I told you so'. "Don't worry, sis, I got you covered. Didn't know if it'd make it through customs, though, so I have to go out to my car first. And that's not all I brought," he added in an undertone, his lips nearly brushing her ear as he walked passed her.

Violet shuddered uncontrollably, looking over her shoulder to watch his easy, loping gait that had always reminded her of a big cat. Turning back to James, she noticed an odd look on his face, as if something was weighing on his mind.

"I already know what else Chris brought, so you guys don't need to try to keep it a secret."

"You're not going to tell Mom and Dad, are you?"

"Hey, what happens at Naughty Pines, stays at Naughty Pines."

"Then you should join us."

"I never really cared for weed," he said with a shrug, picking up Vi's overnight bag and walking towards the back, where the bedrooms were.

Violet followed, expecting him to put her in the smaller room where she'd always stayed, but instead James continued all the way to the Master Suite.

"You or Chris should take the Master, I'll be fine in the other room."

"That's what Chris said. But no, it's your birthday, you sleep here."

She noticed a bouquet of flowers on the nightstand. Pink and white peonies, her favorite. On the pillow was a silk sleep mask and a small box of truffles. "Wow, how romantic," Violet murmured.

James blushed, his eyes caught for a moment on her puffy nipples, which were visible through her camisole. It was a huge turn on for him, and the fact that his own sister had them seemed to be one of life's many cruel jokes. "Just wanted to do something special for you."

He looked away, but Violet still leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. As she did, James turned. Their lips met instead, lingering, like his hands on her waist.

"Hey, who's ready for a drink? " Chris stopped in the doorway, mouth agape, catching them together just before they broke apart.

"I am," Violet squeaked, walking past her brothers as her face burned.


The cramped kitchen was soon a whirlwind of activity as the siblings made food and drinks, with Violet helping even though they insisted she sit down and relax.

"I've just been stuck in a car for three straight hours, I need to move around." Soon she had a drink in hand and was helping James make prosciutto rolls and canapes.

Since neither of the men were very handy at cooking, they mainly brought cold foods and things they could drop in the fryer, which was alright with Violet who was more in a snacking mood anyway. Chris had made her a gin and champagne cocktail called a French 75. Being a bartender, he had a large repertoire of tasty recipes and the supplies to make them.

"You guys want to play a game?" Violet had just crunched into the hard shell of a chocolate covered strawberry, her head swimming with alcohol and hormones.

Chris watched her tiny pink tongue darted out to lick a sweet smudge from the corner of her lips. Oh, the games he would like to play with her...

"What about poker?" James suggested. The games cabinet was always stocked with decks of cards, poker chips, chess boards, backgammon sets, and stacks of Hasbro games that probably hadn't been played with in ten years.

"Only if you brought some cash. Poker's no fun unless you're playing for money."

"That's not true, Chris," their sister pointed out. "There are plenty of other things to bet with besides money." You're going to hell, Violet...

Both Chris and James turned to her, noticing the mischievous gleam in Violet's eyes. "Like what?" they asked at the same time.

"Like whatever we want," the birthday girl said coyly. "Shots, secrets, dares..." She stopped herself from adding clothes, but both of her brothers added it to their mental lists.

James cleared his throat to break the awkward silence. "I think there's still a big jar of change somewhere around here."

Once he was out of earshot, Chris leaned over to Violet and murmured, "Well, for the record, I liked your idea better." The wicked expression on his face alone made her turn a deep shade of scarlet. And if that wasn't enough, his hand found his way to her bare knee, his fingers teasing the hem of her skirt.

Feeling emboldened by their sudden intimacy, Violet rucked her skirt up more so he could see her smooth inner thighs and the shadows that obscured his view of her pussy. Chris' eyes narrowed and glimmered in a way that she'd seen in the past, just before he'd pretend to be staring at something else. Except this time he didn't look away.