Nikki's Encore


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"What, Michelle replied in mock surprise, "you mean you don't dress like this for your boyfriend?"

"What boyfriend?" I responded wistfully, "I'm too busy with school and this silly play."

"I don't know, I thought maybe you and Josh had something going."

"Josh? I have to keep reminding him I even exist."

"Oh, he knows you exist, Nikki. But I think he's totally intimidated by you."

"By me! No way. He's a total natural on stage, he goes to a much better college than me, and he's kind of hot. Why should I intimidate him?"

"Well, I'm just saying. He's not confident like you. You're the star right now, and he's not going to make the first move."

I finished pulling up my stockings and fastening them to the belt. "So, maybe I'll just have to take the initiative." I batted my eye lashes and reached for a dressing gown. "But right now, I guess we better rejoin the group."

I went back into the studio and grabbed a bottle of water while Alex and his assistant finished adjusted the lighting. "Okay," Rob called, let's try a few shots with Nikki and each of you guys individually."

Wouldn't you know it, he picked Stanley first, maybe because Michelle had alerted him to the outfit I had selected. So, I decided I wouldn't take my robe off right away; there was no reason to give the pervy old guy any more of an eyeful than I had to. And I made sure to stand behind him.

"I like that, Nikki," Rob responded. "Maybe you can just lean your arm on his shoulder and look over him. Oh, and you can take off the robe now."

I nonchalantly let the robe slide off and then kicked it to the side. It seemed to get pretty quiet for a moment, but then Alex broke the silence by turning to Rob and saying, "So, looks like you're saving on the costume budget this time?" Everybody chuckled, and I could see that Stanley was trying to turn around to look, but Rob immediately caught him and said, "Stan, I need you to keep facing forward....eyes on the camera."

I think Rob was picking up on the same creepy vibe that I felt because he only did a couple more shots and then had Darrell pose with me. After that Rob asked Josh to step forward, and I couldn't resist teasing him just a bit. I started off standing a little bit in front of him and to the right, both of us facing the camera. But with each shot, I inched my way a little closer, saying to Rob, "what if we had Josh put his arm around me since he's my boyfriend in the play?" And as I said that, I made sure to push my butt right up against his right leg as I picked up his arm and draped it across my shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't bite," I told him in my sexiest voice. "I promise."

"Nikki, stop kidding around," Josh replied. "We have to do what Rob tells us," he said, getting all serious. Rob signaled that he thought we were doing fine and made a few suggestions that I liked -- he had me stand in front of Josh while he hugged me around the waist, which let me grind my cute little butt against what felt like a growing bulge in his pants. Then he suggested that I kneel down with both of us facing the camera, so I made sure that I tossed my head a bit with my hair brushing against Josh's crotch.

I noticed that as soon Rob called for Steve to step in, Josh immediately turned away from the camera before I could stand up. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him sneaking out into the corridor so none of us could see him.

By now, I was feeling completely comfortable standing in front of all these guys in my skimpy outfit, so I started playing it up a bit more. Also, Steve had confided in me during the first days of rehearsal that he felt he really understood his character because he himself was gay. However, he hadn't come out to most people so it was kind of our little secret. But ever since that conversation, I felt totally free around him and knew I could get away with just about anything. So, when Rob started posing us, I immediately turned sideways and faced away from Steve, bending a little at the knees and pushing my butt against him with his leg on my crack. "How's that?" I said to Rob, making sure the camera could get a nice view of my ass cheek.

"Not sure we can use that pose in the advertisements, Nikki," he said good naturedly. "Let's try something a little different for the last shots." With that, he directed the assistant to bring over a small table and chair and handed me a pocket diary that he kept for making notes in."

"You're supposed to be a call girl, so let's get you seated at the table looking through your little black book. Steve can stand over you with a protective look."

It took a few minutes to get everything settled, and then Alex started shooting again. Steve tried various poses, and at one point, he inadvertently brushed his fingers against one of the bra straps, sliding it just off my shoulder.

"That looks good, Nikki. Can you hold that for a minute?" and I heard him asking Alex to shoot from a different angle.

Just then, I noticed Josh had come back in the room and was talking with Darrell. "Hmmm," I thought to myself, "he can't sneak out easily now." And just like that, I decided to play out a little scene for my captive audience.

"Rob?" I called out and I started to slide off the bra strap off my other shoulder, "any chance this diary is big enough to cover my boobs?" And before he could answer, I unsnapped my bra and let it fall on the table, picked up the book, and tried to use it to cover my breasts.

Steve immediately started to laugh as I opened the book as wide as it would go and earnestly tried to get it to cover my chest. First, I moved it in front of my left boob, then my right, trying to keep my two nipples covered. But no matter how I placed it, it wasn't wide enough to cover both.

"Nope, guess that won't work," I said innocently with a big smile.

"No," Steve whispered to me. "But you seem determined to pose this way, so why don't you just cross one arm over your chest and hold the book on the table with your other?"

"I knew actors were good for something," I said quietly and immediately followed his suggestion. Then, in a louder voice, I asked Rob, "Is this better?"

I saw Rob's bemused smile as he answered, "Well, at least we won't get arrested now." And Alex snapped a few pictures.

"Okay, little girl," I heard Steve say as he leaned closer to me. "Now I dare you to lose the panties."

"Ha," I replied. "They're not panties; it's called a V-string." And with that, I stood up, faced directly to where Josh was standing in the back of the room, and called out, "Steve says I'm still wearing too many clothes." Before anyone could respond, I pulled down my v-string, stepped out of it and sat back down. I demurely crossed my legs, repositioned my arm across my boobs, and smiled. "I think it's best to keep the garter and stockings on, don't you?"

I heard Michelle laugh and some good-natured whistling from some of the guys, but Josh seemed to be turning away. Alex quickly took some more shots, making sure that nothing too naughty could be seen, and then Michelle handed me my robe.

I immediately slipped it on and almost ran to the back of the room, trying to intercept Josh before he left. "Hey, going so soon?" I called to him.

"Yeah," he said in a subdued voice. "Got some work to do. And you'll probably want to hang out with Steve, so I'll just catch up with you later." And with that, he left before I could say anymore.

"Oh, good work, Nikki," I thought to myself. "That completely backfired." Michelle came over and put a sympathetic arm around me.

"You're crazy, you know," she said.

"Just having fun," I said wistfully. "But don't worry, I don't give up easily."

"I don't doubt that at all," she said as she led me back to the dressing room.


The last couple of weeks leading up to our first performance were pretty intense, with rehearsals almost every night. By that point, the sets had been completed, so we had to work hard on getting all our movements down. That's what they call "blocking," and it's important because you want to end up in the right place in relation to the other actors and you don't want to run into a wall or trip over a piece of furniture that wasn't there when you were rehearsing on an empty stage. And with this play, it was especially crazy for me because it was time for midterms at college and I had a lot of extra studying to do. All of that meant was that I didn't really have much extra time to devote to my new special project -- Josh!

But we did get to spend hours going through our lines together, including practicing the scenes where we kiss. He was great to be with, and I could tell that he liked me. So finally it dawned on me, if I wasn't going to be able to find time to see him outside of the theater, I was going to have to make things happen right there on stage. Like I said, no matter what that stupid reviewer wrote, I can be a pretty good actress.

Now, it's important to understand that even though Josh played my boyfriend, we only had a couple of scenes where we kissed -- at the end of Act One when the two characters first get together and a couple of quick kisses in Act Two. At the very end, we had our big dramatic scene where I'm talking about how I really do love him, and that ends as we start to embrace. At first, the kisses were quick with our mouths closed. But I made sure that each time we ran through the scene, the kisses lasted a little longer. And each night, and I was pretty sure Josh was enjoying them more.

We were starting to run out of time -- the play was going to have on preview on Thursday night followed by three nights of performance on the weekend and three nights the following weekend. That meant we'd do a complete run-through of Act one on Monday night, all of Act Two on Tuesday, and a full dress rehearsal (or in my case, un-dress rehearsal!) on Wednesday. And that's when I finally changed Josh's mind about me.

On Monday night, I made sure that I messed up the blocking at the end of Act One, which meant that Rob kept asking us to run through the last few minutes of the act multiple times. And each time, I put a little more into the kiss. But the time we got to the third try, our mouths were open and I had my tongue halfway down his throat. Like I said, I'm a good actress!

Rob was really helpful, too, whether he intended to be or not. He kept encouraging us to make that scene as romantic as possible, since that's how the audience starts to understand that Crystal really does love this guy. So, in addition to holding the kiss longer, he had us do more with our hands, actually encouraging Josh to grab my butt and pull me close. I made sure that my hands roamed a little too, sliding down his ass and threatening to sneak my fingers between his legs.

When Rob finally decided we had it right and called a break, Josh pulled us off into a corner and rather awkwardly tried to apologize to me. "I hope that didn't make you too uncomfortable," he said, sincerely worried that he had somehow offended me.

Facing him, I took both his hands to draw him closer. "Josh, let's get several things straight," I said, quickly glancing down at his crotch with a smile. "We're doing exactly what the roles demand. And furthermore, I'm enjoying this. You're an excellent kisser."

His face turned bright red, and for a moment I thought he was going to run away. But I wouldn't let go of his hands, and he finally said, "What I mean is, with you and Steve, well I keep thinking he should be taking my place."

"I think Steve is a great guy," I explained, "and I love him dearly. But if anything, in that scene he'd be more interested in taking my place, not yours."

Josh looked thoroughly baffled for a moment, but then his eyes opened wide and he broke out in a big smile. "You mean that he's...."

"I mean that we both need to respect his privacy and keep a secret."

"Oh my god, I totally will," Josh stuttered. "It's just that I'm so...." He paused, took a deep breath and in a calmer voice continued. "It's just that I can be so stupid sometimes."

What could I say -- most guys are. So I just nodded and squeezed his hands. "Just wait," I whispered, giving him a big smile, "until we get to Act Two."

Act Two, in case you've forgotten, is where I tell my boyfriend I love him and I'm giving up being a call girl. It's also the scene where I appear nude. It's set in our bedroom, and I've just come out of the shower wearing a terry cloth robe. I enter from the right and Josh is sitting on a big double bed on the left side of the stage and facing forward. I sit next to him, try to kiss him, but he's really angry with me because of my secret life as a call girl. So, he pushes me away and I walk to the front of the stage and deliver this long speech. I'm angry at first, but then I almost cry as I confess how much I really love him. He realizes he's been a jerk, so I push him back on the bed, take off my robe, straddle him and lean down to kiss him as the lights fade.

Well, you can probably guess what I didn't like about that seen -- I don't get naked until the very end of the scene and even then, the audience only really gets to see my ass because of the way Josh is facing. Also, I don't get to fool around with him that much. So, when we went through it on Tuesday night, I managed to convince Rob to change the blocking a bit. As I entered, instead of standing in front of Josh with my back to the audience, I went behind him on the far side of the bed and reached around him and started unbuttoning his shirt. Then, I moved in front of him, pushed his legs apart, and knelt down to unzip his pants before he pushes me away. I knew things were going well with Josh because he didn't object to the changes, and Rob thought it helped to show that I was still treating him like I did my clients.

I also knew how I could make sure I had more time being naked on stage, and just before the dress rehearsal on Wednesday, I got Rob to agree to that as well. Instead of keeping my robe on for most of the scene, I decided to take it off and drop it on the floor next to the bed when I first approach Josh from behind. That way, the audience gets to see me naked even before Josh's character realizes I've stripped, and I get to spend the next five minutes completely nude. Judging by the fact that entire cast and crew gave me a round of applause at the end of the rehearsal, I think they approved of my changes.

All of this helped me make some real progress with Josh. At the end of the dress rehearsal, when I leaned over to straddle him with my boobs dangling just a few inches from his mouth, I pulled him close and lingered just an extra few seconds with our kiss, my hips pressing down against his semi-erect cock. We could hear the sounds of the cast assembling on stage for the final curtain call, so I knew I had to end the kiss. As we did, I whispered in his ear, "I just love doing this scene with you."

"Me, too," he replied as we both stood up, without any hesitation or stammering. I hugged him even tighter, then stood up and slipped back into the robe that was still lying on floor next to the bed. With both of us smiling, he took my hand as we walked to center stage to practice our final bows with the rest of the actors.


The show turned out to be a big success. Usually the dramatic plays that the community theater group put on don't sell as well as the musicals. And we sold only about half of the seats for the preview performance. But once word of mouth got around, we sold out every night, with the seats near the front in particularly high demand. I wonder why?

It may have had something to do with my last five minutes on stage. It certainly was my favorite part of the evening. After stripping off my robe and rubbing Josh's crotch -- I even bent in and ran my tongue along his zipper in a couple of shows, but I don't think the audience could see that -- I would walk to the front of the stage and deliver this long speech. I loved standing there in front of a packed theater, hundreds of people watching me, with some of them only a few feet away. I knew that anyone in the first few rows could stare directly up at me, and with my discretely trimmed landing strip, they had an unobstructed view of my pussy lips.

At first, I'm supposed to be angry, so I don't even want to look at Josh. That meant I was staring out at the audience, and although it was hard to see with the bright lights focused on me, I could sometimes make out individual faces. While some people would be turning uncomfortably in their seats, most of the crowd -- men and women -- were looking directly at me the whole time. I noticed there were at least half a dozen guys who managed to get seats in those first couple of rows for almost every show, so I started to think of them as my honorary fan club. I also recognized a couple of people from some of classes. And on the final night, I was almost certain I spied my college English teacher front and center in the audience.

The first time I thought I recognized someone from school, I got so distracted by the thought of my body being on display in front of them that for a second I almost forgot my lines. It was like a bolt of electricity ran through my body and I felt on fire all over. I managed to push the thought of them being in the audience out of my mind so I could continue. But as the scene went on and I turned away from the audience to deliver the rest of my speech facing Josh, I found myself thinking again of guys I knew from school sitting there looking at my ass. A big smile spread across my face, and I'm sure Josh wondered what the hell was going on. But as the warm feeling spread through my body, I started to almost unconsciously moving my hands across my hips and stomach and up to my breasts. By the time I moved next to the bed and began to straddle him, my nipples were so erect that I couldn't resist rubbing them against his lips before I pushed him down on the bed to straddle him. I think that some of the audience could see that because I heard a few gasps just before the lights went down. See, I told you I was turning into a complete exhibitionist!

I knew I was going to be sorry to see the show end, and I was already thinking about what I might do next to indulge my little fantasies about displaying my body to strangers. I loved doing the play, especially since everyone got to see me in all those sexy little outfits. And I think the audience liked it to, because every night I got a standing ovation. So, it seemed only right that I do something special for closing night, and I got permission to change things up a bit. For my scene wearing the long transparent robe, I forgot to wear my bra and panties under it, which gave the audience an even clearer view of all And for the scene where I was wearing the French maid costume, I accidentally forgot to wear my panties. That meant that every time I bent over to pick something up or ran across the stage, the audience got a peek at my ass and maybe even my sweet little pussy.

Then, for the final scene, I decided to skip the robe altogether and just came out on stage completely nude. That gave the audience a little more time to admire my acting skills. Plus, Josh also had a nice surprise for me that night. When I unzipped his pants at the end of the scene and pushed him down on the bed to straddle him, I discovered that Josh had gone commando on me. When I reached out to pull down his zipper, instead of seeing a nice bulge in his underpants, out popped his very yummy-looking seven inch cock. I broke into a big smile, and I was glad the audience couldn't see my face at that point. It was all I could do to stop myself from leaning over and sucking him off right then, but like I said, I really am a good actress.

So, I stayed right in character and proceeded to straddle him, feeling his shaft rubbing along my slit. Then I started rocking my hips back and forth with his cock head pressing against me. His eyes were half closed, and he moaned softly as he leaned up to embrace me for our kiss. I thrust down with my hips, and I could feel him slip into my moist hole as I clenched my inner muscles around his engorged dick. This incredible feeling washed over me -- I was on the verge of being fucked in front of hundreds of people who had no idea what was going on.