No Woman's Land


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There was nobody holding me, but I kept my legs in the position he'd put them in, high in the air. Now he was approaching, my pussy re-commenced the throbbing, and my tummy felt like it was full of butterflies. As his dick touched the lips of my pussy, I gave an instinctive thrust, without being conscious of meaning to. But meant or not, it served the purpose, pushing his dick deep up my pussy. Then I felt him lunge forwards, and he was hard up against my crotch with his crotch, the dick fully up inside me. So big or not, I'd taken it all without any problem.

For the next few minutes, the other people around might just as well not have been there, because the only thing on my mind was this fucking I was getting. Or do I mean giving? Because I was definitely not a passenger in this little bit of action. Once my pussy had felt his dick, it took over all my bodily actions, using my hips to drive itself hard onto each on coming thrust of the mighty shaft. And with each penetration, a ripple of sensation shot up my body as he stretched his way inside my tummy. As I said, I'm not very experienced in sex, and this fuck, whether because he was so good, or I really needed it or just the situation, whatever the reason, I don't know, but god was he driving me wild.

As he rammed hard with his hips, his hands were roughly gripping and pulling at my tits, while his mouth was slobbering wet kisses all over. Going from my lips and neck and down to my nipples, where he'd almost bite the ends off them! But although if you'd asked me ten minutes ago if I'd like this rough looking miner to do this kind of thing to me, I'd have told you where to go, now he was actually doing it to me, I couldn't get enough. And even though I couldn't understand it, the rougher he was the more I wanted him to do it. Well as his actions brought my bodily sensation to a crescendo, I must have been bringing his dick to its climax as well, because just when I thought my pussy would explode with pleasure, he rammed me with what I recognised as his first cum shot.

As he bashed hard into my crotch, jerking his sticky cum deep in my tummy, my pussy contracted, and my whole body gave a violent shudder. It was as though my pussy was grabbing hold of his dick and wringing the cum from his shaft. I know he pumped a few more shots up inside me, but that is all I know, as I sort of lost consciousness. Well I guess I was conscious, but not in control, like I was in a trance. My whole being was alive with sensation, right from my toes to my head, and I just lay there feeling the waves going up and down my body.

"Here, you'd better get yourself cleaned up; we'll be in Alice Springs in about ten minutes. And I wouldn't be surprised if we don't pick up a few more miners for the last stint." This was the woman, and she was handing me a towel to wipe myself down with.

In reality, what I really needed was a shower or bath. Especially being in this compartment, in this Australian sun! I know its not lady like to mention it, but even with the windows open, the smell in this compartment was a dead give-away as to what had just taken place. And I knew, wiping myself down with a towel, and putting my knickers back on, was not going to change that fact!

So when the train slowed down as we arrived at Alice Springs, I just sat there trying to look as innocent as possible. Suddenly the head of the guard appeared in the open window of the door, and as he waved his hand to direct people towards where he stood, "Room for five more in this one." And then he turned and carried on to the next compartment. While we waited to see who our new travelling companions would be.

But knowing that more people were likely to arrive, the woman had got her son sitting on one side of her, and her daughter the other. The man who I'd just had sex with was sat on the opposite side to her next to the far window, and I was on the same side as him, but in the middle.

We didn't have long to wait, before the door flew open, "About bloody time!" And then a big round kit bag was thrown into the middle of the carriage, followed by a very big man. "Sorry misses. I didn't see you sitting there; it didn't catch you I hope?"

"No, you're ok lad. But I'll thank-you to mind your language; I've got kids in here."

The next minute or so was taken up with four more men following him into this compartment, and they all threw there bags up onto the overhead racking, and got themselves seated.

So now we had ten of us in the carriage, two men had sat on the same side as the woman, one next to her daughter. And I'd moved closer to the man who'd just fucked me, and as the three other men joined us on this seat, I'd been pushed tightly in contact with him. These men all being big, meant it was quite a squeeze, and the close contact did nothing to help the sweaty situation.

But worse than that, now the train was stationary, there was little or no draught to disperse the smell of sex! It only took a minute or two before one of the men began to sniff the air in a very visual manner. Within seconds, all the men that had just got in, joined him, and they were giving the woman knowing looks. "Come-on then misses, are you gonna tell us what's been going on?"

She obviously didn't want them thinking she was the one who was responsible for the smell, but I don't think she really wanted to say anything to make it more difficult for me. But I'm not sure her answer really had them convinced. "Bloody kids and there stink bombs. I've told him I'll get his dad to take a switch to his arse when I get him home."

Now I know you might not think the smell of cum and dripping pussy is the most pleasant in the world, but how you can compare it to a stink bomb I don't know. But it did throw them off the scent (excuse the pun) for a little while.

The train started moving, and the draught blowing through the open windows did help to take their minds off the subject. Then I noticed the man sitting next to her daughter was easing the flared hem of her dress from in between their two legs. I looked across at the woman, but from where she was sitting the other side of her daughter, there was no way she'd be able to see what he was doing. Now he'd got some material free, he was able to slide his left hand across under her dress from the side, not exactly without anyone knowing, but it wouldn't be visible to her mom.

Now I'd been checking from the mother to the daughter to see if I could sense any reactions, and I was convinced the girl knew the man was up to something, but she made no attempt to stop him, or let on to her mom. Neither did she look at the man; instead she had a kind of false looking unconcerned out of the window look. But then as the man's hand must have made contact with her flesh for the first time, I detected a slight intake of breath, and more to the point, so did her mom. "What's wrong?" She said turning to look her daughter in the face.


"Well sit-up straight, and less of those silly noises." The girl shuffled herself back up the seat, and I'm sure the man used this shuffling to enable the progress of his hand, because when the girl stopped her shuffling, his arm was now covered up to his elbow by her dress. And even though I can't be sure how high he'd got, I'm sure the looks on the girls face were down to his fingers sending shivers through her body.

I did wonder if the man next to me might try the same thing, but then I realised that he wouldn't dare try it, as the woman would be sure to see him, like I could see what was happening to the girl. Then the man, who had his hand under the girl's dress, took me totally by surprise.

You'd have thought he wouldn't want to attract the woman's attention, well not while his hand was under there. "Excuse me misses. I can see we're taking up all the room on this here seat. If you're getting to cramped there, I can always sit your young'un here up on my knee?"

"No thanks, we're ok."

"I'm not ma. My legs going dead squashed against this door." That was her son complaining.

"Well maybe the gentleman would let you go and sit over there on his knee?" She replied, turning her head towards the man, and looking for a reply.

The man's reaction was classic, he obviously didn't want a six year old boy on his knee, but before he answered, the boy came back with. "I don't want to sit over there; I want to sit by the window. Why can't she sit on his knee?" He was looking at his sister.

The girl was already sliding from her seat, to a standing position. "Its ok mom, if it'll stop him whingeing, I don't mind."

"Well ok then, but don't start shuffling about, you'll make the gentleman too hot." Then she said appreciatively to the man. "Thank you for that, it will be more comfortable not being so crushed together."

The man pulled the girl back onto his knee, and positioned her sitting sideways with her back to her mom. He had one arm innocently around her back, supporting her, but his other hand just slid straight up under her dress. Within seconds she was easing her legs open, and I just assumed it was to give him access. I don't know if her watching me getting fucked had got her aroused, but she was obviously enjoying the manipulation of this mans fingers, and having difficulty keeping her movements from attracting her mom's attention.

Then the man next to me, who must have been getting very jealous, asked the man sitting the other side of me. "Say mate, is this your daughter?" He was nodding towards me.

"No way blue, I'm on my way to the Jennywren mine, same as you."

So I'd let this man fuck me, just to get his protection, and when the first man asks him, he just chucks me to the wolves. Both the woman and I gave him a really dirty look, but we knew there was nothing we could do.

"So you're travelling on your own then missy?"

"Yes, I'm also going to the Jennywren, but I'm going to work as a nanny for the mine owner." I said, thinking maybe if they know I'm employed by their boss, they'll treat me with a little respect.

"That'll be nice for you. Look, it's just as cramped over this side as it was for them over there. How about I sit you on my knee to make some more room?"

Now I didn't want any more things to kick-off, but he was right, it was cramped, and I thought with the woman the other side, he wouldn't start anything in case she saw him.

So without answering, I got to my feet, and as soon as the remaining four men had shuffled themselves about to sort out the space available, this man took hold of my waist, and pulled me up onto his knee. But it didn't stop there, the other two men alongside him both reached for my legs, pulling them up onto their knees. So now I'm sort of sat sideways, with my legs facing to the opposite side of the compartment to where the woman was seated.

This didn't give the men licence to do exactly as they pleased, but they were able to gradually manoeuvre their hands under my legs. This was something they had to achieve slowly because if they just pushed their hands under me, the woman would see them. So over the next fifteen minutes or so, the three men, that is the one I was sitting on, and the two who'd got my legs across their knees, were all shifting their hands trying to get a feel under my dress.

The one at the extreme end, nearest the window, was too far away to reach higher than just above my knee. That is without leaning forwards which would have made it obvious. The man next to him however left one of his hands innocently on top of the outside of my dress, resting lightly above my knee. But he'd gradually slid his other hand under one of my legs, and pushed it up the valley between them. But even his reach was just a few inches short of reaching my gusset.

The man whose knee I was actually sitting on had one hand supporting my back, and the other he'd tried to force under my leg to reach my pussy. But after trying for over ten minutes, he'd given that up as he have had to actually lift me to gain access, and that would have made his progress obvious. So now he was trying the easier route like the man opposite, over the top of my leg, but under my dress. This route only required my legs to be parted to give him access, but being on top of my legs, there was potentially more chance the woman would see his hand moving my dress.

So as I say, I'm sitting here, with one hand rubbing all around the inside of both my knees. Another man has his hand on my inner thigh, within a dicks length from my pussy. And now this man's hand is slowly but surely slithering its way over the top of my upper leg, and his fingers are probing into my crotch. I'm sort of squeezing my legs together, not expecting to be able to stop any of them, but not wanting to make their progress any easier.

I consider saying something, and making a fuss, but then I decide not to, thinking maybe if it comes to a head, the woman can't actually stop them, and once they push the point, maybe they'll just go all the way like the previous man did. My head was full of all kinds of ideas buzzing around. Could I report the previous man for rape? No, the woman would say I'd agreed to him fucking me. Well these men wouldn't surely dare rape me here with her present? But then again, out here with no witnesses, maybe they would, and the young girl might get raped as well! But mind you, looking at the way she's enjoying that fingering, I'm sure she'd love to be raped.

Oh god! He's reached it! All my leg squeezing has made no difference, he's got one of his fingers into the side of my gusset, and he's rubbing along my pussy slit. Oh shit! God that feels good. I've got to stop him somehow; otherwise I know I'll soon be lifting my legs open. Ohhhhhh Godddddd. My pussy is throbbing, what can I do to stop them?

"Err excuse me." I call across to the woman. The finger stops instantly.

She was almost dosing, and she lifts her head and looks across. "Yes dear what is it?"

"I was just wondering how long you think it will be before we arrive at the cross roads?"

All the hands were now perfectly still, and this was allowing my pussy to calm down slightly.

"I'd guess about another fifteen or twenty minutes."

"Oh in that case, I could do with getting my case down, and sorting out my travel instructions."

Then I looked to the men whose knees my legs were across. "Do you think you could put my feet back down now please?"

If looks could kill, the looks these three men were giving me would certainly have struck me down dead! But reluctantly they lowered my feet to the floor. Then I shuffled forwards off his knee, and stood up. But as I reached up to the rack, the man whose knee I'd been sitting on, sprang to his feet, and stood up behind me.

He pushed his erection hard into the crevice of my bottom, as he reached around and above my arms to lift the case down for me. "Here you are little missy, I'll get that for you." Then in a very quiet whisper directly into my ear so that only I could hear him. "How would you like to try this little beauty for size?" But it wasn't only his dick pushing into my bottom that I'd got to worry about, he was pushing me forwards into one of the other men who were still seated.

And both of these men who'd been supporting my legs, and trying desperately to get a feel were now in a blind spot from the woman, hidden by me and the man standing directly behind me. Well neither of them wasted any time; they were both pushing their hands up under my dress, and trying to get into my knickers! The man who was lifting my case was taking forever about getting it down, and in doing so preventing me from reaching it. Then as one of the men's fingers made contact with the flesh of my pussy, I pushed my bottom back as hard as I could, even though I knew I was pressing onto his dick, and I lunged backwards with my elbows into his ribs.

I don't think it affected him more than a fly landing on his wrist, but the woman obviously realised I was having a struggle. "Hey! You great brute! Back off the little girl and give her some breathing room. Can't you see you're crushing her?"

"And who says so?" He snarled as he turned his head.

"I say so, and if you don't back off, you'll be wearing steel shackles on your legs when we get to Cross Roads."

The big man pulled away from me, and lifted my case down, mumbling to himself, but so we could all hear. "Was only bloody trying to bloody help, I never even touched her."

As soon as his weight was off me, I was able to pull away from the intrusive fingers, and as the big man sat back down with my case on his knee, I opened it up just a few inches while I pretended to rummage around looking for something. This wasn't the most comfortable position to be in, stood in the middle, with the train jostling me from side to side, but it was better than getting myself into a position where I was helpless to defend myself.

Talking of which, a look back to the young girl gave me the impression she was well gone, probably having more orgasms in the last hour than she's ever had in her life. And her mom sat next to her, completely oblivious, or was she?

"What the bloody hell are you looking for?" Asked the man whose knee the case was on.

"It just a little packet with my travel arrangements."

He pulled on the lid of the case. "Well open it up properly, and I'll help you look."

I didn't want him or any of the others rummaging around in my underwear whether I was wearing it or not! So I pulled hard to get the case closed, but he was far too strong. "Please don't. I don't like you looking in my case."

Surprisingly, he let the lid fall back, with only a sarky comment. "You'd think she'd got the bloody crown jewels in there or something."

I thought maybe it was about time I actually found my little travel pack, and maybe I could busy myself with reading something in there, until we arrived. I pulled out a little plastic wallet containing all my paperwork, and fastened down the lid. I half turned to pass the wallet to the woman, so she could hold it while I lifted my case back. "Excuse me, could you just hold this for me while I..."

But I didn't get chance to finish my sentence before the man had stood back up again saying as he did so. "Its ok missy, I'll lift that for you." Then in a soft whisper. "I knew you'd want another feel of my dick parting your little bottom."

I was once again wedged in between his dick, and the roaming hands of the two seated men. But this time, I didn't wait until they'd actually got their hands roaming. "Hey! You're squashing me; let me move out before you lift it."

And as if to reinforce it, the woman chipped in. "I've got my eye on you scoundrels; now give the girl some room."

So without any protest, I was allowed to move to one side while he placed my case up onto the racking. He'd no sooner got seated before the train began to slow down. But this wasn't the laboured slowing-down like when it climbs a long incline, but the clunking of carriages crashing into the ones in front as the engine begins to brake. We must be pulling into the drop-off point. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing I'd made it without the men actually getting into my knickers. Well not enough to get me really out of control.

So now as the train pulled to a standstill, the men began to get their bags down from the racking, and one by one they just slung their bags out onto the dirt, and clambered down to pick them up. There was no platform, and the carriages had little or no step to aid either entry or exit, but the men all managed to stride their way down. I got to the doorway, and the five men who'd been the last to join our compartment, were waiting in the blazing hot sun. They were stood in a semi-circle around the open door-way, to either aid my decent, or just take advantage of me being in a difficult situation. But the man who'd fucked me earlier, had disappeared into the only building that was to be seen.