No Woman's Land


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I stood there looking at the distance I had to drop, and even if I'd have still had my slacks on, I'd have had difficulty in managing to get down that distance. I knew the only way possible was to turn around, stepping out backwards, and holding onto the sides of the door opening. But for this I'd need both hands, so I dropped my case on the compartment floor. "Will you pass this out to me please, when I've reached the ground?"

"Course I will love. Now you take care."

I turned and began to climb down; the first step onto the doors edge was only short. The next step was totally different, and my foot worked its way lower and lower feeling for some kind of foothold to take my weight. But my first leg was now bent double with my knee up by my bust, so I'd got as low as I could get, and my foot had not found anything to step onto. There was no way I could get into a position to be able to look to see where the nearest foothold might be. Then I heard the voice of the big man whose knee I'd been sitting on. "Want a helping hand missy?"

I knew where he'd put his so called helping hand, but in reality, I couldn't see I had much choice. "Please, but be careful where you put your hand."

He was careful alright. He carefully reached under my dress, up in between my legs, slipped his fingers into the side of my gusset, and began to stroke along my slit. I guess the look on my face must have alerted the woman to me being in trouble, because as he took his time fingering my pussy, and I felt the throbbing coming on, she appeared at the window.

"Can't you bloody animals wait until you've at least got her inside out of the sun? You've got her hanging up here like a piece of meat in a slaughter house, and all you can think of is abusing her. For gods sake man, surely just getting your hand wrapped around it and having a quick feel would be enough to be going on with."

Suddenly his hand slipped all the way under me, and he gripped my whole crotch as he lifted me from the carriage to the ground, saying as he did. "Come on lads, the sooner that bloody train takes the nagging old witch away the sooner we'll get some cunt."

As my feet touched the ground I reached back into the carriage to retrieve my case, with his hand still wrapped around my crotch. Then as I stepped back away from the train, I opened my legs, and put my one free arm behind me, taking hold of his wrist. "Ok, you've helped me down, and I'm grateful for your help, but I think that's enough now."

He surprisingly let me pull his hand out, as I know if he'd wanted to, I would have been unable to force him. I turned around, gave him a smile. "Thank you. Now can you show me where the ladies waiting room is? My travel leaflet says there is a ladies only section." He lifted his hand pointing to a door at the opposite end of the big long wooden building. "Thank you. And don't worry, I not going to report any of you for what you did to me on the train, I'll just put it down to experience, and try to make sure it doesn't happen again. Bye for now."

All I wanted to do now was to get out of this blazing sun; they say you can only survive out here for about two hours unless you're in the shade. I trudged my way slowly towards the far end of the building, I'd thought it only sensible to leave those men on good terms, getting their backs-up would have served no purpose, and you never know when you might need their assistance.

All the time as I walked towards the door, the men making their way from the train were either making crude remarks, or remarks I couldn't understand.

"Are you going to join the other sheep?"

"If she's a jumbuck, then I think I'll give-up mining and crack-on sheep shearing."

"Come-on Sheila, get your knickers off and join us for an ice cold tinny."

"You don't wanna be lugging that bag all the way up there love; you'll only have to drag it all the way back."

Then the whistle blew, and off chugged the train, and within minutes it was way out of site. Most of the men were also out of site, they'd gone into the door the other end of the building. I looked all around me, and there was nothing! Not a tree, bush, or building of any sort. The rail track disappeared away going to the north, and the same again to the south. The road such as it was stretched to the west and east, but it was just a set of ruts where the tyres had worn the dirt. The sun was high in the sky, and cast no more than a few inches of shade to any side of the building.

The door at last! I put my hand on the rough latch that secured it, and lifted.


I slammed the door back shut. No it couldn't be. I slowly opened the door again, but this time just a few inches. How the hell. What the hell. Oh god, this place is hell.

The whole room, no it wasn't a room, the whole shed was packed solid with sheep. What space there was above the sheep was alive with flies; all the flies in the world must have been in there. And the floor was deep in sheep manure. The smell! The noise! Surely this couldn't be the ladies waiting room? But that's what the sign said above the door. Ladies Only Waiting Room

My heart sank; I turned slowly, and made my way back towards the other door. As I trudged my way along, the heat of the sun was now really getting to me. I opened the door, and the noise of laughter and general garbled talking just faded away to a silence, with all eyes trained on me. To my left was the bar, running the full length of the end wall which was at least thirty feet long. The main part of the room was full of men seated at tables. But there was an area about ten feet wide stretching all the way across in front of the bar, where more men were just standing drinking.

"Ok love, close the door behind you, and put your case down." This was a man who looked like he was maybe in control, he'd just come out of a hatch he'd opened in the bar. As he walked towards me he continued. "Right little missy, I'm Arnold, and this is my place, I own everything for fifty square miles around here. So that means I make the laws in these parts. Get the picture?"

"Well yes I think so."

"Well there ain't many laws out here, but there's one that never gets broken. Do you know what that is?"

"I don't know, not fighting?"

He began to laugh, "Ha ha ................." And the whole place joined in with him. "HA HA ................"

Then he raised his hands, and silence fell once again. "No missy, even if I made that a law, I'd have gods own job a keeping that one enforced. Look behind you at our trophy board, tell me what it says."

I looked at the wall he'd nodded towards, and sure enough there was a very big board. With rows of ladies knickers pinned to it, and under each pair was a name. It also had in big letters across the top, House Rules No ladies allowed on these premises All Sheila's MUST remove their knickers before being allowed to stay

I stood there open mouthed, and at a loss for words.

"Can't you read?"


"Well what's it say?"

I slowly and quietly read the notice out aloud. "House Rules. No ladies allowed on these premises. All Sheila's MUST remove their knickers before being allowed to stay."

"So little missy, you've got a decision to make. Are you a lady? In which case you can drag that case of yours all the way back down the other end of the building, and wait with the other ladies."

I butted in, using my most indignant voice. "WHAT other ladies?"

"Hold your bloody horses there missy, I haven't finished yet. And don't you go slagging off my jumbucks, every one of them is female, and I recon most are more lady-like than the Sheila's around here. Now you've made me lose my train of thought. Ah yes that was it. You have to decide if you want to join them sheep of mine, or maybe you'd rather stop down here in the bar, and have a nice cold beer with us lads?"

"But would that mean I'd have to take my knickers off?"

"Course it would, only ladies object to taking their knickers down for the lads, and as you know, ladies ain't allowed in here, only common Sheila's in my bar."

"Please, I couldn't wait up there with the sheep, they frighten me."

"So, let's see you drop your knickers."

"Please, surely you wouldn't make me?"

"The law is the law, and I can't change it just for you. So now you know the alternatives. Wait with the sheep, fry in the sun, or stop here, drop them little knickers down, have a cold beer and maybe some fun."

"But you wouldn't make me go out their in the sun?"

"I think you know the answer to that."

I didn't reply, but stood there not knowing what to say. "Right, little missy. I'm going to open this little musical box up, and put it on the table. You'll have until the music stops, and the little ballerina's arms drop back to her sides to make up your mind. If you are still in here with your knickers on when that happens, we'll not only remove them for you. We'll take turns fucking you, until the land-train arrives?"

He turned the key in the bottom of the box. "Click click click click, click click click click, click click click click, click click click click, click click."

Then he placed it on the edge of the nearest table, he lifted the lid open, and the little ballerina popped up and began to dance to the simple quiet tune. The place was eerily silent; you could have heard a pin drop. All eyes were on me, and I stood petrified.

The music had started as these boxes do, with the plinkty plonking sounds going at full speed, then I suddenly came to my senses as I realised it was slowing down! I now had only seconds to decide. But there was really no choice. There was absolutely no way I could wait in that shed with the sheep, apart from the flies, smell, and noise, I was actually scared of them. The wait for the land train would be anywhere from half-an-hour up-to three hours, so going out into the sun was also not an option. And the other alternative he'd outline, was definitely out. Jesus! The box is about to stop!

I rapidly put my hands behind me, up under my dress and started pulling my knickers down. As soon as my hands went behind my back, the silence was broken by a chorus of rough male voices chanting. "Off off..." Now this is the weirdest thing you can imagine, there has to be at least fifty men in here, and only one girl, and I'm being literally forced into removing my knickers. So, with my heart pounding in my chest, and feeling so scared; why now these men have started behaving like animals, am I getting excited? Yes I mean sexually excited.

As I lower my knickers below the hem of my dress, and the men can now see them, their chanting is getting wilder. I step out of them, and Arnold is stood there with his arm outstretched ready to take them. As he does so, his first action is as you might expect, to put them to his nose. But as he is doing this he obviously must have taken a quick look at the inside of the gusset, and realised what the sticky moistness was caused by.

He suddenly held his hand high in the air; palm face out with fingers outstretched and waved it around to the chanting audience. "HOLD UP THERE BLUE. QUIET LETS HAVE SOME SHUSH LADS."

Gradually the chanting died out, and a semi-silence descended. "Listen up lads. It looks like the little missy has some explaining to do. She's bin a cottoning on she's a lady, and trying to make us all feel sorry for her, when these here knickers are telling me a different story. So little missy how come your knickers are full of cum?"

By now, the feeling I was getting of sexual excitement had gone, replaced by pure embarrassment. I know I must have been bright red, my cheeks were burning, and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me!

"We're a waiting."

"I was r... Well I...I kinda. Look its difficult to explain. But this man you know... On the train... On the journey out here."

"So a man raped you on your trip out here? So who is the lucky bastard?"

"No. I didn't say he'd raped me."

"So who was he? Your boyfriend?"

"No. I don't know who he was."

"What you let a bloke you'd never met before; give you a rooting on the train?"

"It wasn't like that, it was..."

"Never mind about the details honey, I'm sure you're gonna fit in well here today. What say you boys?" There was an almighty cheer went up, and the chanting began again, but this time, they were calling for my dress to come off! "Hold-up there boys. Calm down. A bit of order, or I'll keep her behind the bar with me." Gradually the noise subsided, but it wasn't quiet by a long way. "Ok I think the little girl is in need of a cold beer, and as Sheila's ain't allowed to by beer in here, which of you nice blokes is gonna buy her one."

Of course there were hands in the air and men shouting in all directions. They were holding out bottles and calling.

"Over here." "Here love." "Have mine."

Now again, I began to get this feeling that something exciting was going to happen to me, and the feeling of embarrassment had gone. I'm not saying I was looking forward to being raped by fifty men, but being the centre of attention, knowing all these men wanted to fuck me silly, had gone from frightening, to exciting, and I can't explain why. As I walked towards each man, they'd be trying to encourage me to take a drink from their bottle that they were holding out towards me. I was getting into the act, sidling myself towards one table, then changing my mind and going towards another. I almost had myself believing I was in control of the situation.

Then as one quite reasonable looking man, aged in his twenties, kept enticing me towards him. I reach to take the bottle from his hand. As soon as my little fingers encircled the bottle, his massive hand clamped on top of mine, and he held me tightly.

The men all around resumed their chanting. "SHOW US HER FANNY, SHOW US HER FANNY, SHOW US HER FANNY, SHOW US HER FANNY, SHOW US HER FANNY, SHOW US HER FANNY, SHOW US HER FANNY." He now held his hand up in the air like Arnold had done, and gradually they settled down.

"Well little girl, we don't even know your name."

"Jane. Jane Benson."

"Well Jane Benson, my names Jimmy, and I guess you've got the message from the lads in here."

"I reckon yes."

"So Jane Benson, am I going to have to hold you so they all get a good look at you? Or is Jane a good time girl?"

"What do you mean? A good time girl."

"All us lads want is a good time. Now you can join us and have a good time with us, or we can have a good time at your expense, and you can leave here crying. You see it don't matter to us, we get to fuck you either way."

"No please don't say things like that, you're frightening me."

"Ok then I won't mention fucking. But you know you're going to have to show your pussy?"

Well I didn't know anything at this stage, and even the gang rape he'd just talked about somehow seemed inevitable in the back of my mind. I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Then out of the blue an old bloke sitting next to him spoke up. "You bloody young spunkers have got no idea, you go in there bull at a gate, frightening the wits out of her. Come here Jane my little darling, old Bill u'll let you have a drink of his beer, and it'll only cost you a little cuddle." Well he not only spoke-up, but he also took my hand from Jimmy's, and Jimmy didn't try to stop him.

He pulled me back towards him, and now I'm sitting on his knee, laying back into his left arm. He gives me his beer bottle, and I take a drink. God does that taste good. "Good eh? Now all old Bill here wants in return is a little feel of your titties." And with that his right hand was undoing the buttons down the front of my dress. I can't say this was what I wanted, but at least this slowly slowly approach was passing the time, and bringing the arrival of the road train out of here just a little closer. And it was better than them talking about seeing my pussy or fucking me!

So I tried to act as unconcerned as possible, laying back in his arms swigging at his bottle of beer, while he'd now got me unbuttoned right down to below my bra, and his hand was inside it, fondling my left tit. "See Jimmy boy, she's like that old truck of mine. You have to take your time, and prime it right."

But even though I was maybe looking in control on the outside, inside my body was starting to go wild. Every stroke of my nipple sent a quiver through my pussy, and I was having difficulty keeping still.

"Come-on then you old bastard, pass her back, I'll have a bit of those titties."

"Hold-up a minute, I just want a little taste of 'em." Well I knew before his lips touched what effect that would have. And sort of knowing and waiting those few second until he touched me, got me so on edge, that as he latched on and sucked, I couldn't stop myself shuffling my bottom on his lap, but I did my best not to open my legs to far. "See what I mean, just take it slowly, and she'll be throbbing away in no time."

"You crafty old sod, you've got her squirming around already. Come-on then pass her back."

"Hang on there Jimmy; I reckon she's about ready." This was Arnold, who'd come back from behind the bar.

"For those of you who don't know the rules. We're gonna play Arnold's version of pass the parcel. Go on then Jimmy, you might as well keep her on the boil while I set this up."

I was passed onto Jimmy's knee, and Bill took the now empty beer bottle from my hand. "Sling us another cold beer over here, looks like our Jane here has got a bit of a thirst on."

"Don't worry, she can drink my cum any second now." Who said that. I had no idea, but I guess a few of them were thinking it.

Bill called out, "There you go again lads, just back off. Just have a little patience."

Jimmy was now fondling my tits, and sucking from one nipple to the other. And although not spread wide, my legs were definitely not tight shut. My pussy was pounding, and now contrary to what Bill was saying, the talk of drinking cum, was actually sending more ripples of excitement down my tummy.

"Look at her downing that beer; you'd think she hadn't had a drink for days." I hadn't realised until I'd heard someone making the remark, and I'd thought this was my second one, which for me, someone who doesn't normally drink alcohol, would be more than enough, but then I heard Jimmy reply.

"God strewth. That's almost three bottles; she'd already had most of mine and Bill's."

"Well don't give her any more; we don't want her passing out on us. Ok lads, most of you have already thrown your arrows* to get your place. But those who haven't, had better get a move on if they want any of the action. And make sure I get to see the arrows before you pull them out of the board. Right looking at the slate, it looks like Greg is first one up, remember you wind the box for your own turn, and once it stops, that's your turn over. And no rough stuff, when she falls, it's got to be her choice.

*Arrows, (Darts, a game played in some bars, three sharp pointed darts about six inches long are thrown at a board hung on the wall. The board has segments marked with the score awarded. And in this case it looks like they've used this as a way of deciding what order they get to play with me.)

"Ok Jimmy, pass her back over here." I was stood back on the floor, and I didn't feel too steady on my feet. The beer was definitely getting to me. "Right Jane, are you ready to play?"

"What do I have to do?"

"You know pass the parcel? Well you're our parcel. But don't worry we're not going to rip off a layer for each player. All you do is sit on each man's knee in turn, they each have until the ballerina stops to get you worked-up, and they're only allowed to touch you where you say."