No Woman's Land


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"So if I say no, they won't touch me?"

"That's the idea. But if you agree to play, you have to agree to start where Bill and Jimmy boy left off. So are you game?"

I didn't want to get myself fucked, but I knew if I didn't agree to something like this, then they'd just start chanting to get me stripped. Anyway, this was all passing time, and surely the land train would soon arrive.

"Ok, I'll play your game. Shall I sit on his knee now?" In truth I wanted to sit down somewhere, before I fell down, my head was beginning to spin.

"Right Kenny, you heard Jane agree, and I did explain to her it was her own choice."

A very tall man in a blue uniform walked up to the table. "Yes Arnold, I heard it all. So, Miss Jane Benson, I don't want any silly complaints to Mr Gordon (I had no idea who Mr Gordon was, the mine owner who'd employed me was called Mr Simpson) when you get to the Jennywren. We all saw you take your own knickers down, and you've just agreed to play this game."

"Ok Jane darling; that was nice constable Rogers. He'll make sure you don't get hurt, so you can just relax and let yourself go."

Well by now the state of arousal I'd been taken too had faded away, and all I felt now was confused and dizzy. The first of these men sat me on his knee, and as he did, the man whose turn was next, opened the lid to the music box. As the little lady started dancing, his hand took hold of my tit, and he also brought his mouth down as well. The men were Stood all around about five deep, just a sea of faces. Gradually the audience faded from my thoughts, as the manipulation of my breasts began to take hold.

Even the noise of the music box faded as I descended into a trance like state. The sexual arousal didn't appear to have the acute tingle to it, maybe my senses had been dulled by the effect of the beer, but never the less, I was still drifting in a land of dreams. Then came a sudden awakening, as I was being passed across to a new man, obviously the other man's time was up. This new man, had me lying the other way around, that is laying back into his right arm, and for some peculiar reason, it just felt different, which kind of excited me slightly. Or maybe this man had a better technique, what ever, I was now actually having to fight off the hip movements that my body wanted to make.

Then I suddenly felt his left hand touching my inner leg just above the knee. God did this feel good, and all my body wanted to do was to open my legs wide to encourage his hand higher. But I knew this would be just one step away from a gang bang, and I really didn't want that! Well ok I did, but I knew it would be out of control, and anything could happen. So I mustered all my resolve, and placed my hand onto his wrist. He pushed and my hand was no match for his strength, so my hand was taken up under my dress. His fingers were on the bare flesh of my pussy, and I thought that this was it.

"Please no." I said meekly, not expecting anyone to take any notice.

"You heard her. Hand out now or your turns over." The hand was pulled back, but the man momentarily took his mouth from my tit to give me a really nasty look, then as he went back to my breasts, he began to bite them.

"Ouch! Aarg. That hurts."

"Thud!" The policeman had whacked the man across the side of his head with his truncheon. The man recoiled back, and looked across all dazed. "Come-on lad, your turns over." Said the policeman taking him by his arm.

"Come-on then love, looks like I'm on now." This was the next man, lifting me from the knee I was sitting on, onto his own.

Once the ballerina was re-set, he lay me back in his arms, and began to snuggle his face all around my breasts. He was licking, sucking, and lightly plucking my nipples with his teeth, but all the time looking for my reaction. Gradually, fed by my reaction, his nibbling got more and more rough, each time he'd grip with his teeth, and tug, looking for a sign from me to let go. I was so engrossed in his little game, I hadn't realised every time he pulled at my nipples, I was heaving my hips.

Then I felt the man's hand sliding under my dress and up my leg, but not on the inside going for my pussy, but on the front and it bypassed my pussy, and his palm was on my tummy. Jesus! How can just a simple hand stroking around my belly button, turn me on so much? As he'd avoided going for my crotch area, I'd just let him get on with it. But I now realised that each time I lifted my hips in response to his nipple pulling, I was sort of lifting my bush into his outstretched fingers. And I could tell I was gradually pushing my bush closer, but felt I was unable to stop myself. I knew he'd soon be able to draw his outstretched fingers across my pussy.

But of course I was tipsy, and by now loosing control, so I didn't realise that maybe it was him actually reaching slightly further each time, and not me. And also, his hand under my dress had pulled my hem up high. So with my legs falling open as I humped, my dress pulled up, and no knickers on, the audience was getting a real eyeful.

"Shit! That was bloody close, I'd almost got her." What! Oh yes the bloody music box. His time must have run out.

I tried to talk myself into coming to my senses. Come-on Jane, get your wits about you. A few more minutes and you'd have been riding his fingers, and opening up for his dick.

It was only a matter of seconds before I was in the next man's arms, but almost immediately, he was lifting me under the backs of my legs, with his other arm around my back. Then he called out to nobody in particular, "Somebody get a bed roll spread out." Next second he was lowering me onto it, where I was now in a sitting position on the floor. He immediately began to take my dress down over my shoulders. I didn't know if I should object, but as I was letting them feel and nibble on my breasts, it seemed silly to worry about it. Now my dress was almost a skirt, being as the bodice was hanging down around the flared part of the dress. And now he was lifting off my bra, but in truth, I actually was glad about that. I think those half cut bra's look silly once the blouse or dress is open, and anyway, I'm secretly proud of my breasts.

So now all I've got on is a loose dress covering the upper part of my legs, and I'm lying down on an old bed-roll on a bar-room floor. The man now has both his hands free; he is using them to work my breasts, while he is kissing my neck and lips. Ok this isn't a romantic situation, but boy did it feel good. I was soon responding to his probing tongue as if it was an encounter with a lover. Now one of his hands was roaming down my torso and as I felt his fingers reach the edge of my bushy mound, I gave one of my involuntary humps. Now being flat on my back, I was able to assist the lift by forcing my heals back into the floor. I suddenly realised what I was doing as his hand cupped my bushy mound, and I felt his finger ends dancing on the lips of my pussy.

I would have let out a gasp of surprise, and maybe then tried to make some kind of protest, but our mouths were locked in a French kiss, and he wasn't about to let me break it off! I was wriggling my hips and pulling with both of my hands gripped tightly on his wrist. But my strength was no match for his. So as I tried to fight him off using all my strength, all I succeeded in doing was to shake my dress down my body, to a point where it just slipped over my knees and down to my ankles!

I was now naked, his body weight was now being brought to bear on mine, and he'd got his fingers into my hole. But this was not getting me aroused, on the contrary, the work he'd done so far was now all being undone. And if they were going to keep to their word, the second I got my mouth free, I'd be able to stop him. But I guess he knew that, and he was intent on getting himself in between my legs, and his dick stuck up me before either his time runs out, or I get my lips free. I obviously couldn't see what he was doing, but as he climbed in between my legs, the contact with his bare skin told me he hadn't got any pants on!

I resigned my self to a rough desperate thrust, without any easing up or gentle manipulation. "Hang on there blue. You do know the rules, don't you?" I could see the copper's big truncheon tapping on this man's shoulder, inches from my eye. The man's eyes swivelled past mine and focused on it. I saw a look of, oh shit, appear in his expression. He knew one lunge of his hips would bring that big wooden baton crashing against his skull. His lips lifted from mine, and I let rip.

"Get him off, he's raping me!"

"Ok blue, you heard her."

The man stood up, picking up his pants as he did so, and making one last sulky remark. "Well at least I got my finger up her."

Arnold knelt down by my side, and I sat up and lent down to retrieve my dress.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, but I thought he was going to rape me."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head; we won't let you get raped. In fact before we let anyone fuck you, I promise we will ask you for a yes. Is that good enough?"

Well I couldn't really want any more reassurance than that, could I?

"Yes I guess so."

"But from now on, I'll be letting two men play with you at the same time."

"Oh I'm not sure about that."

"Don't be silly, just give it a try for me, if you don't like it we'll go back to one, ok?"

"Ok then."

"Here I'll take that for you."

"But I was..."

"Don't be silly, you know there's no point in trying to cover-up now." And with that he stood up, taking my dress with him.

As he moved out, a man knelt down either side of me. One began kissing me, which at first got me a little worried, but then as his hands touched my breasts, I felt my excitement returning. The second man, although I couldn't see him, must have been somewhere down by my legs, as his first touch was a hand stroking one of my feet, and then the back of my calf. This I found strange, but not worrying. My man at the top is working my breasts to perfection, and his kisses and love bites around my neck are really putting me at my ease. The foot man is kissing his way all around my feet, and now working up my legs. Well my pussy is well and truly on show, and I'm humping it to the manipulation of my breasts, but knowing this man is getting higher with his kisses, is sending a wave of excitement up to my pussy from the other end as well. Oh god! He's kissing the inside of my left knee, and to do this, he's got my leg folded back flat to the ground on the left hand side of me. Jesus! I knew he would, he's now folding my right leg open as well; my pussy can't get stretched any wider!

If I don't stop him now, then it'll be too late. He's kissing my right leg, and licking a line up my inner thigh. God please! Why make me like it so much, if it's wrong? My lips are free to protest. I need to speak now to stop them, "Ple..." The first part of my plea is all I can utter, as my hips lunge up violently with a pussy spasm.

The man is now licking my left leg, starting back down by my knee. "Did you want to say something?" I don't answer, just slowly shake my head.

His tongue touches my pussy lips, "Oh god! Yes. Oh god please. Yes yes." And now I can't control my actions. I'm lifting wildly, so much so, his tender licking is ending up with me bashing my pussy into his face. The man who was manipulating my breasts has stood up, but within second he's back down kneeling astride my bust, without any pants. His great big hard dick dropped in between my tits, and he's holding them around it as he thrusts towards my face.

The man on my pussy has now got his face firmly into my crotch, as he licks pokes and sucks both my holes and clit. I know it's now game over, and even if I was given the choice at this stage, I'd choose to be fucked, but there is still a nagging worry, thinking about just how many men there are in this bar! But I haven't time to worry about that, as the man who's been fucking my tits, has now moved down and is now positioning himself in between my legs!

I see the policeman leaning down towards my face. "Well Jane Benson, do you want a fucking?"

"Oh god yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

What can I say, he was up in one thrust, and it didn't matter how hard he rammed, my pussy was more than ready for it. I'd already had several minor orgasms while these men had been working on me, but not been able to let myself go, so now I just went with the flow, freaking whenever my body wanted to. Both of these men took their turn to pump their spunk deep up inside me, and as soon as the second one was done, another was ready to take his place.

I remember thinking to myself, so much for his idea of me having two men at a time play with me from now on. Cos they're back to taking it in turns again. And in fact a little smirk came to my face. Then this next man took hold of me, and lifted me to my feet, and he got onto the bed-roll and lay flat, just his dick stood to attention. Then as he held his hands out to me, I stepped astride him and lowered myself onto his dick. I was above him on my hands and knees, and having to fuck myself. This I found so strange, raping myself on a total stranger!

It didn't of course take long before I was ramming myself onto him with the excited enthusiasm of a novice, totally oblivious to the man playing around with my pussy and bottom. It was only when I realised he was pushing something up my bottom, that I froze. He'd got my hips in a tight grip, and his dick was at least two or three inches up my bottom, and still getting deeper.

When I could eventually get my breath, and senses back, I let out a protest. "Stop him. Please he's fucking my bottom."

Arnold knelt down by my side. "Calm down Jane. Come-on just take a deep breath, and stop tensing. It'll go easier if you just relax." He turned his head to the man behind me. "Go on ease some more up her, she'll take it."

He'd taken hold of my shoulders, and this man was pushing relentlessly up, just stopping occasionally to give a slight withdrawal, and then back up again. "Oh god! Please it hurts."

"Ok she's got the lot up now."

"There you are, I bet you never thought you'd be able to take all that?"

"Please, it's hurting me."

"Ok, I'll tell you what we'll do. Come-on we'll lift you off Jake for a couple of minutes, while Arthur here gets that little bottom run-in a bit." And as he was saying it, the man up my bottom and Arnold, both lifted me off the dick belonging to the man underneath me. As I felt it slip out, they lowered me back down. "There you are girl, you'll be right now. Go on then Art, but start off a bit gentle."

His dick began pumping in and out of my bottom, and I tried to protest. "Please no."

"Come-on love you ain't giving him a chance. Just grit your teeth for the first few strokes and you'll soon get into the swing of it. Come-on Art, get your fingers on her clit before she starts freaking." Well whether it was his fingers on my clit, or as he'd said I'd get used to it after a few strokes, but one way or another, I just started to get turned on to this fucking, and even began to ride my bottom back to meet him thrusting up me!

His spunk didn't take long to arrive, and I even felt a minor tremor rippling through my pussy while he pumped it deep inside my bottom! But once he pulled out, the man underneath me wasted no time in getting his dick back into my pussy. Although I immediately joined in by riding with him, I soon felt another pair of hands clasping my hips. I knew this would be another man mounting me from behind, but I'd resigned myself to taking him. I held still while he got into position, and then I could feel the end of his dick at my hole.

Oh god! God yes. Oh ooooh. As soon as it touched, my hole started pulsing, as though it was trying to open to let the dick inside. The dick didn't hesitate at the entrance; it made contact, and just kept pushing its way up. But this was nothing like last time, this time the exhilaration as my bottom hole began to stretch was like nothing I've ever experienced. I instinctively pushed my bottom hard backwards, driving myself onto his dick.

That was the signal for them both to get back into their stride, and boy did they give me a fucking. The man under me was thrusting upwards, but the man on top was not only thrusting his dick into me, but also ramming me backwards using his hands on my hips. Both dicks were using their full length, penetrating deep inside me. Gone now the previous feelings of extreme pain, now the pain had moved into the area of sheer pleasure. And all I can say if you don't understand what I mean by that, is, it's about time you tried double penetration sex.

Well I'm now in a world of extreme emotion, being shaken back and forwards as these two men fuck the living daylights out of me. My only thoughts are to attempt to coincide my orgasm with theirs if I can. No worries now about how many more men I've got to take, or about my shattered reputation.

"Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar." The noise of the audience was suddenly overshadowed by a blast of a horn, which although it was nearly a mile away, reverberated through the bar.

"Ok lads, shows over. These u'll be the last two lucky buggers. The rest of you had better start getting your kit together, he don't wait around long."

The sound of the horn on the arriving Land Train had somehow taken my mind off my quest to have a simultaneous orgasm, but no way had it distracted the two men fucking me, they were gonna finish what they'd started come hell or high water. But as these things go, it was only a few minutes before the first man started jerking his cum into my pussy, I was on the point of cuming myself, and there was no way I could hold back until the man up my bottom was ready.

So although the man under me triggered the event, he'd stopped spunking, gone soft, and slipped out long before my silly gasping and moaning had ceased. The man up my bottom actually lifted me up to allow the man under me to get out, he then pulled out, turned me on my back, lifted my legs up high and wide, and re-entered my bottom, but with us in the missionary position. It only took him a few rapid strokes, before he too was cuming, pumping his sticky spunk deep into my bottom.

Once he'd pulled out, like all the others, he just picked up his pants, and walked away, no, thank you, kiss my arse nor fuck-all. But what did I expect? I sat myself up, and could see all the men busily sorting out their kit bags, finishing their beers, and beginning to make their way outside. I was about to get to my feet, thinking I'd better get a move-on.

Then Arnold put his hand on my shoulder. "Hold-on there my little beauty, aren't you forgetting something?"


"Don't you think I deserve some kind of reward for organising that little party game for you? And what about Ken here? He was the one who looked after you making sure you didn't get raped."

So what did happen to me? Wasn't I raped? Well in their eyes, obviously not. It was just a game, which they thought I should be grateful for them organising. Well what the fuck, two more men won't make any difference to either my reputation or to how sore I'll feel later.

Then I suddenly thought, "What about the road train, I can't miss that?"

"Don't worry your little self about that, both drivers will be in here as soon as they park-up, to get a few cold beers before they set off. They know the score anyway, so they'll be taking you into the cab with them when they set off. Come on then girl, get that pussy of yours wrapped around my dick, Ken'll take your arse."

Both these men were big. Not just the bodily physique, but I mean real big dicks. None of the men up to now had been anywhere near in either length or thickness. So as he pushed into my pussy, I took a sharp intake of breath, the stretching pushing my sensation to the limit. Then once he'd got fully up, I felt Ken's dick end, bearing in mind at this stage, I didn't know how big Ken was!