Not. Clue. One.


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I instructed Fredrics to deal with Pedro. Wipe the pictures off his phone, give him a few hundred bucks cash bonus to forget what he had observed and that he had told Fredrics. And then to forget either of us had been at home.

Promise him that in a couple of weeks, I was going dump my contract with Minh's company. And hire Pedro to work for me directly as head groundskeeper with a big raise.

If anybody asks, anybody with a badge, Pedro don't know nothing. He ain't seen nothing. And he don't talk about what he don't know about.

While Fredrics was paying off Pedro, I went to talk to Mrs. Hernandez. As I walked though the archways separating the formal living room rom the formal ding room, I could faintly hear a vacuum cleaner running. I followed the noise into the family room.

The folding double-door to the adjacent theater room was open and she was backing up towards the doorway I was standing in. So that was how she got the carpets to look like no one has walked on them since she last vacuumed. I had wondered how she managed that trick.

As she neared me, I backed up myself so she wouldn't run into me. She must of noticed the motion as she twisted her head around and nodded. She continued finishing her task right up to or should I say right back to the doorway to the family room before shutting off the machine.

Turning to look at me, she gave me a wary look. "May I be of any assistance, Señor Braddock?"

I deduced from her tone of voice, that her assistance would be limited to her contracted duties and her ingrained moral standards. That made me smile, 'Moral" people are always susceptible to manipulation by immoral bastards such as myself.

She smiled back. To get her in the right frame of mind, my first words were to kindly ask after her husband. He had been a Municipal Bus driver. While on his route, he had been stabbed several times by some crazed loon.

The City Council had broken the old transit union and slashed benefits to the bone. While letting their fraternity buddy Investment Brokers loot the public employees pension and medical funds.

Leaving the Hernandez family impoverished trying to cover the husband's medical bills. It'll take years before his lawsuit against the City even gets approved as a sustainably valid claim by the courts. And then he will have to wait even longer to get a court date.

I have provided some personal financial aid and helped them get a better lawyer than they could have otherwise afforded.

"Sra. Hernandez, ¿cómo está Sr, Hernández? Comenzó la terapia física la semana pasada, creo?"

"Oh, sí señor. por preguntar. Queríamos darle las gracias por organizar mi tratamiento maridos en el Centro de Terapia."

I hesitated, pretending embarrassment. "About this morning...gracias for your consideration of my humiliation. I, ahh, uhhm, my wife Valerie. Ahh, las señora, ella, así que ella tiene una enfermedad. Voy a intentar meterla en tratment nuevo. Tú entiendes?"

I visibly swallowed while staring down at my shuffling feet, in obvious distress. "Detox y psiquan?...psikátrica? Psychiatric! I hope they can help her this time?"

The Latina housekeeper expressed her sympathies with my distress. Volunteering her prayers and to light a candle for La Señora. I murmured my appreciation for her kindness.

Feeling this mujer was suitably prepared, I decided to forge ahead. Pulling an envelope out of the inner pocket of my sports coat, I handed it to the uncertain domestic.

"Sra. Hernandez, por favor. This is a small bonus for, uhhm, su discreción. I know that you have many expenses, for your home, your husband, your children in school and other needs. Tal vez esto sea de alguna ayuda pequeña?"

Her eyes widened as she felt how thick the envelope is with cash.

I continued with what I wanted her to do "My wife and the asshole she was with have taken off. I want you to ir arriba y completamente limpiar la habitación de mi esposa y de baño, Lave su ropa y sábanas y lo que sea. Deshágase de cualquier basura.

Aire de la habitación, rociarlo con algunas de sus perfumes. Todo limpio, a fondo. No dejar rastro de que ninguno de ellos había estado allí la noche anterior. Cuando cualquiera, y me refiero a nadie en absoluto le pregunta. Por lo que usted sabe, mi mujer no ha estado en casa durante al menos dos días."

Nodding her head, she seemed receptive.

"No la has visto o escuchado de mi esposa, desde que salió de la tarde del lunes. Usted estaba limpiando en la cocina. No viste su permiso, ni lo que mi esposa estaba usando. Usted no vio que ella se fue con. Ya has oído la estrecha puerta de entrada y un coche en coche fuera. Asumiste ella había llamado un taxi. Y habrá un sobre al igual que una para la semana que viene. Alguna pregunta?"

I could see Sra. Hernandez mind working, making a checklist. But Latina? Of course she is also wondering if perhaps I am intending violence against my wife and her fucker. (I refuse to call that asshole, 'her lover'!)

Not waiting for the question. "No quiero que mi vergüenza que se emitirá en todo. Esto ha sido lo suficientemente fuerte para lidiar con y sin humillación pública y el escándalo!"

Acquiescing with a polite murmur of thanks for my generosity, she immediately set out to fulfill my instructions. This is another of the cases when I can congratulate myself for my talent at selecting competent subordinates.


Fredrics arranged a car accident, with studmuffin in the drivers seat, damaged and incoherent but alive. Valerie was found tied up in the trunk of his car.

The first responding officers heard her screaming through her gag and immediately jumped to the conclusion that she was a kidnap victim.

Medical examinations, by the Paramedics and at the Hospital, would reveal evidence of physical abuse, possible sexual assault and misuse of controlled substances.

My story is that phone reception is non-existent at the cabin. Fredrics and I had been out fishing. Not catching even a nibble this morning, after a couple of hours we gave up. When we got back to the cabin, I began to feel anxious about my wife's safety. Intuition I guess? I decided to cut my vacation short and we drove home.

To discover my wife was not at our home. I called several of her family, if any of them had heard from Valerie today? I was figuring, maybe she was visiting one of her sisters or something?

That was when a couple of police officers arrived to my home, to inform me that a wrecked car had been found. With a woman matching my wife's description tied up and drugged in the trunk.

I rushed to the hospital where the responding EMT's had taken her. Strongly desiring to ensure all relevant evidence pictures, samples and reports were collected and protected with multiple copies. In other words, being a really obnoxious ass to the medical staff processing Valerie.

To make damn certain that studmuffin's rich family could not suppress the news about these criminal activities of their scion, Mark Snowson or make the evidence mysteriously disappear.


Can't buy loyalty...Can't buy integrity


Frederics was making certain that studmuffin's car did not suddenly find itself getting bessemerized. By paying off a shamefully underpaid public employee, to hide the suspect's vehicle deep in the Impound Yard.

Until the Police Forensics Team had the opportunity to process it for evidence. Shows you one of the prices paid by the public, when constant budget cutbacks meant that it could have been a month or even two before the forensic team could get to it.

However, this had been a crime against the daughter of this State's Governor. All the previously scheduled work was suddenly "re-scheduled' Processing this crime vehicle became a priority. The local police forensics team was reinforced with several State Police forensic experts.

Sorry about that...To the rest of you vainly expecting prompt resolution of criminal activities against you and your families.

The 'Entitled" always go to the head of the line. While the rest of you eat their dust, I'm sure your religious beliefs will console you for your sufferance. To quote Napoleon "Religion is what keeps the Poor from eating the Rich."

I took great pleasure in dragging my wife's family into this public relations nightmare. With a manly, heartfelt public appeal from the front steps of the Hospital. Before a gathered audience of reporters and their TV cameras. (Who had 'inadvertently' materialized on the promise of scandalous revelations.)

With grim determination on my face, my shoulders thrown back, braced at attention. I loudly preached.

"I am certain that my father-in-law, Governor Sheffield, will gather the Sheffield family and friends together to offer their prayers for my wife, his daughter."

Continuing with the trained stern voice of parade command presence, I proclaimed.

"I, Major Luke Braddock(USAF, Ret.), Hero of Afghanistan. I will pursue the villains responsible for these cowardly crimes. Unto the ends of the Earth and drag them back to face prosecution before the Bar of American Justice!"

Well... Maybe I'll go as far as the next golf course. Cause Val ain't my problem, no more!

Pretty damn good speech considering it was off the cuff and knowing this broadcast would be seen by millions of viewers.

When the Sheffield's did get together. I could tell by the glint in his eye that that the Governor was furious with me for publicly forcing his hand to this all too visible confrontation with the influential Snowson interests.

Sorry Gov. Ye Sowed this Discord with me. Sticking me with your family whore. Ye shalt Reap the Whirlwind of my self-serving Fury!

One of the interesting, if totally unexpected repercussions of my all-too-public outcry for 'Justice™' . Were the number of Military Veterans of the endless wars we are fighting for the Saudi-Russian Axis™.

The large number of ex-military, who have contacted me. Every single one of them volunteering to join my posse in pursuit of 'Truth, Justice and The American Way™'

Not sure if I should feel smug for the efficacy of my demagoguery?

Or, guilty for getting these old guys hopes up for one Last Great Hurrah?.




{fall 2006}

Valerie would be committed to an exclusive private medical facility (i.e. Expensive!$!$) with the cooperation of her family. For extensive treatments for drug and alcohol abuse in addition to a stewpot of STI's. Therapy for her psychological disorders such as sex addiction and masochism.

She has only the vaguest memories of being 'kidnapped' but she needs treatment to deal with the traumatic flashbacks. Whatever else the Doctors and staff of the rich-folks 'eccentricity' asylum can pad their bills with. Those bills being paid by her family, not me!

No never mind to me, it'd keep the slut out of my hair for a year or two. I. most defiantly, do not care what I said in our Marriage Vows, So what if my spouse is sick? Physically and mentally? I'm not going to let myself be tied down, taking care of a crippled bitch!

Disappointed the Governor, that he didn't get that convenient baby to show off during the next election to impress the morons who'd vote for him.

Snowson's family wound up paying through the nose to keep their 'Boy Wonder' from doing hard time. While I banked a cool half-a-million under the table, with my publicly reluctant support, as a "Good Christian",

With a pious ambivalence, requesting the court to show leniency for this pitifully misunderstood, obviously repentant, Son of Affluenza.

For some unfathomable reason, after I fulfilled my duty as a "Dutiful Christian'. Publicly forgiving studmuffin for his transgressions against me...

...All those requests by veterans, offering to enlist in my righteous cause, just vanished. Especially when they realized I wasn't about to pay for their services.

Yeah. I know! Whats up with that?

I'm guessing none of them were willing to join me in a rousing chorus of "Onward Christian Soldiers"?

Who knew that hypocritical posturing, always justifying one's own mercenary activities with violent claims to being a 'Righteous Christian' versus actually fulfilling the selfless actions required to achieve Christian Grace". Would turn out to be such diametrically opposed forms of religious belief?




I find my calendar is clear? None of Val's family and particularly the Governor's campaign handlers want me hanging around, wallowing in media attention.


Hey! I'm off to Disneyland!



"These Boots were made for walkin'™!"...


Nah, actually I'm making plans to do some real globe-trotting. First Oktoberfest, then skiing the Alps in spa hot-tubs with frolicsome fräuleins during the Xmas, And then we'll see...

I hear Croatia's got great nude beaches. (Why do you think NATO fought so hard to protect them?) Maybe rent a yacht, sail the Aegean? Or the Caribbean? Rio for Carnival? Lots of choices for someone like me with some disposable income.

First, I need to deal with a personnel problem. It ain't easy to 'read' Fredrics. A life time of brutality, receiving and giving, has left him as emotional as a brick-wall.

But, there was just... Something? Something was bothering him? I could just sense a disturbance in his equanimity.

So finally I flat-out asked and was not too surprised to find out, he kind of missed having Valerie available to abuse and fuck over.

I thought for a moment and then, with a comradely slap to his shoulder, promised him.

"When we settle somewhere for a time. You could go ahead and shop around for a new sex-slave. I'll cover the bill. You're my man and I'll always take care of you."

I could see just the slightest smile at the corner of his mouth, the glint in his pale, grey eyes. As he thanked me for my consideration.


'A grateful Fredrics is a Useful Fredrics'™.




Bon Voyage, Mes Amis!




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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Weird, a 5, but still weird.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a fucking pompous windbag. I had to stop after the first page.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This was great, f*#ked up in parts but an entertaining read. Thanks for making me smile and laugh for a little while!

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 4 years ago
Different view

Maybe I'm just in a good mood today. I read part of the author's rant on his bio page and had to stop to ROFL. Skip the instructions/criticisms to readers, the history(?) lessons, and political rants(some of which ran more than 1 screen); and the story feels like 5-6 pages and is fairly funny in places.

How can you take seriously a writer who doesn't know to from too?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
This is a work of crap!

The first couple of pages are so poorly written such that reader wants to immediately stop reading and if it were in paperback be thrown into the garbage!

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Did read the intro, and some.of the comments. Didn't read the story. Thanks for the warning.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
rape and sex trafficking each...

lowered the ranking

Tom Jones it ain't, just complete amorality

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 7 years ago
Fanfare is a decent writer

But an ass of the 1st degree. He is a self hating liberal who wallows in class envy. The character could have been self-righteous except for the crimes against humanity he participated in within that cave. He profited from human trafficking. Even if he couldn't stop it at that time, I saw to attempt later to redeem himself by helping other victims of trafficking. Hey Fanfare, many of the richest people in the world today are self-made. Most inherited wealth doesn't last beyond three generations in the modern economy. Only those families with great discipline retain those fortunes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
☆☆☆☆ (4)

You may wish to split the 10-page story into about 7 chapters.

I personally likeyour writing style.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Sorry your ambition is to be another Flashman is deeply frustrated in that you can't write like George MacDonald Frazer. A number of short stories would have been better. The writing about politics was perhaps ok if predictable but the sex was lousey

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Dip shit lib

You are one of the worst writers I have ever read on any genre on literotica. A dumb ass liberal that thinks you have talent..try shoveling shit on a dairy farm..then you would be in your element!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Wow (TM)

I'm Glad (TM) that you could Amuse (TM) Yourself (TM).

InsigniaInsigniaover 7 years ago
Tough crowd

and some of the comments are legit. Once you got into rhythm there were passages that flowed well enough to keep me reading. As a moderate your blitz on the Tea Bag military industrial complex was refreshing. Didn't see any Black Panzers or Jane Fondas. Maybe the bitch should have had a private email server?

The TM gag was way over played. I could have gone 4* without it. The plot was good enough for full marks but the Spanish had some issue and the heinous use of vocabulary just for the sake of using a word was forced. I love me some big words but they need to fit the grand scheme. I have checked out on stories after less than a page but kept finding redeeming value everytime I promised to quit this one. Call it a solid draft. Whittle and reimagine a bit and try resubmitting something around 5 pages and I can see decent results. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
crazy stuff I like it


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Hey, I made it through four pages! Doesn't that qualify for some kind of government assistance? Not even a phone?

I guess slack lives don't matter. You should get Rachel Madcow to write the introduction to your first novel. She won't even have to read it to tell everybody what its about.

Really, I was kind of proud of myself that I was able to make some sense of this screed up through page four, until you assassinated Lucy's character as she admitted to fucking married men, to sate her sexual hunger. Uh, is it too mean to point out your stepmother was a selfish slut, enabling assholes similar in virtue to Bill Clinton, John Edwards, and all the Kennedy's, to cheat on women who actually were good mothers and wives?

But despite how bad this is, its really reflects a lot of misguided effort and passion, like breaking Starbucks windows then outrunning the police. So maybe you could take this energy and groom it and discipline it (I know, I'm microagressing) and actually write something that George MacDonald Fraser might find worth reading, to the end. This? Not so much.

P.S. The next 8 years are really going to suck, for you.

Old_biker_dudeOld_biker_dudeover 7 years ago
The only thing amuzing was your attempt at humour

It really sucked. I kept hoping it would get better. nope

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