Not Quite a White Knight Bk. 02 Pt. 07


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In LA, Abril was in bad shape after Vegas. She needed to make money, so Martha talked her into pulled a few crimes together. Most were small-time robberies at late-night stores. They hit places with lousy security, and finally figured out that their targets had lousy security because they had no money. Then a really old camera, one they had not spotted, took a good picture of Martha. Her picture was circulated. She was easy to recognize so they needed a new plan. By then Abril was in better shape so she came up with something.

The pair hit a strip joint that had cash. Abril danced for a few nights to get the routine, she was a hit. A week after her last night they did the job wearing masks. They needed a third person as a getaway driver so "Greek" stayed in the car and kept it running. Usually those places have better security but this was dumb luck plus Abril's plan. Abril used her derringer to take a guard's cheap 9 mm, Martha used a sawed-off pistol-grip M1 carbine and shot holes in a couple of "dumb guys" (the opposite of wise guys) who were subsequently written off after questioning by their bosses. Martha's M1 jammed under fire so they got much less then they expected; they had to pass up the $100,000 in the safe because some of a civilian who was drunk, stupid and did not want to give up his $75. A bad choice for all, the jammed M1 delivered a nasty beat-down. They got the chump change but had to give up the big money.

The trio took fire when escaping, so the car had some bullet holes. Since then bad people were on the lookout for the car, but white Subarus are kind of common and they don't change much year-to-year. Martha stole some Cali plates from two other white Subarus after the robbery, she figured having different plates front and back would make the car more difficult to spot. With all the automatic plate readers in LA, it actually doubled the chances, but since the car was always in a storage unit it didn't matter.

A police report was never filed, it saved everybody time that way.

After the strip-club robbery Martha and Abril split up. Mainly the robbery was too successful (even if they left the big money behind) so the pair quarreled bitterly over the spoils. Bad people were looking for the female "Skinny and Clyde" pair plus the driver and the car, but the main issue was split of the money.

The strip joint was a big haul for them, $60,000 split three ways after expenses - except there were expenses. Martha thought she deserved $10,000 for expenses because she supplied the car which she claimed was now useless and paid a more for her guns and ammo which she claimed were black market goods. Abril agreed with the idea, but not the amount. She said $1,000 would repaint the 10-year old car. Plus she claimed that her working "at the repulsive place" allowed the job to happen, and that was worth something. Jerry declined to go against Abril since it would reduce his share; it was the only time Jerry did not fold in Martha's favor. Martha finally took $4,000 of "expenses" plus her cut and left. So Martha and Abril both had a reason to be pissed about the split.

However, Martha did not lost her temper so she did not burn her bridge to Abril.

Martha bought the station wagon cheap. The Subaru was moved to different storage units around LA for three or six months at a time. Martha always moved it just before sunrise on Sunday as each rental expired. They figured the Subaru was safer to drive to San Diego or the Bay area instead of the old station wagon, because I would not look for it, plus the Subaru was dependable. Martha had lied when she told Abril that she dumped and burned the car after the strip joint job, and asked for first $10,000 of the loot to cover the loss.

I mentioned to Martha that if they had left at the normal time and had taken the bus to the storage unit instead of the station wagon they might have made it to sea. With the rats as an audience that comment did not improve Martha's mood. She claimed that she never rode a bus, but I pointed out that breaking routine was exactly why public transit increased her chances. Her own failing was what really pissed her off. "See the rats agree. They really enjoy your company and are looking to get closer to you, kissing you the same places as Abril did."

Of course she flipped out at that comment. She figured that since she had told me everything first, I would let her go. "That was fair, wasn't it?"

I let her cool down after that, before I returned with more questions.

Martha found the inventory list for the gold when she helped Abril's mother move to LA. From then on her plan was always to steal the gold. The problem was access, Abril treated it like her Dad's money so she never touched it but kept it in a bank, first in Carson City, then after she was in 49 she rented a car to get the gold. Her siblings went along to navigate and keep her company; they had never been in a car with AC and were amazed at it. Plus they loved their big sister. They had plenty of junk food for the trip, including 4 stops at DQ. Their happiness was worth the cost of the trip to Abril.

Martha did not realized the gold was even in LA until a year ago when she saw the annual bill for the safe deposit box while snooping through Abril's mail. Martha figured it would be exposed some time.

In the meantime they considered reaching out to Abril's Vegas captors, but they realized they would not survive those negotiations; those type of guys don't pay for what they can take, and they always figure a way to take. You just can't work with them, and even opening a conversation can be fatal.

Once in the Pablo there were a lot of camera and eyes around, which made things more secure. Martha had seen the gold inventory but had no idea what it was worth, "Panda" and "Maple Leaf" were foreign concepts to her. Martha could not read well, and it frustrated her so she got mad when she tried. So they waited while Martha played on Abril's emotions. Martha was very good at that.


When I had all the details from both, with all the confirmations, Jerry and I talked about an end. I did not figure to go by cancer, but I often wondered about how I might act if I knew it was coming. I asked Jerry what he wanted, his last bucket list.

Top of his list was something quick, in his sleep if possible. Maybe with some nice dreams. I figured a triple dose of pink would do him good that way, it was not like he would wake up addicted. Next I asked about a last meal, or anything else. It turned out that what he really wanted to have his way with Martha, so we talked about that. Jerry had a basic urge to eat her pussy BEFORE it was fucked and filled. Then, maybe fucking her alternating front and back holes with her knowing it was happening but unable to do anything about it. This would feel good for him and start to get back at her for killing him.

I explored that. He didn't want her yelling or anything, and certainly not fighting back - because she would win. But we agreed that having her paralyzed and aware was good. I had several varieties of curare handy, so I gave him a pink plus a viagra, gave her a needle, and let him go crazy to the Prince song he liked and Martha hated.

He ate her just for fun, the way he wanted to but not enough to get her off, just enough to frustrate her. Then he fucked her, alternating holes back and front every few minutes just like he said. He got into that. Martha got super pissed at that, but we didn't really care.

Jerry got off too soon but I figured I should give him a break. With Martha watching I gave him another stack, pink plus viagra. For inspiration I played the tape of Martha saying she sent guys to hurt him and piss on him at the truck stop. Then he got crazier. To get hard - viagra takes time - I let him use the rubber hose between her shoulders and knees. He kept himself in check so he lasted quite a while the second time and really exhausted himself. At the end he managed a short piss enema in Martha after he came but before he got to soft. It seemed fair.

Through it all Martha was aware and out-of-her-mind furious, that was clear. But thanks to curare she couldn't move a muscle.

When he was done I put him to bed with the third pink, the fatal dose. He would sleep with wonderful vivid sex dreams, but in 8 to 10 hours the dreams would turn dark. I kept the bad dreams at bay. While his dreams were still good I insured that he never felt pain again.


For Martha I was not so kind, she was an evil person who was clumsy and hurtful to others. I really could not see any sense in her living another day. She was too easy to hate, so I did.

While Jerry slept I really had to work out some internal anger issues. I waited until the curare had worn off, then used a custom whip that really cracked. It was short enough to use in the room if I did it just right, and long enough to really crack. It was the product of four centuries of whip making by a family back home, they did fine work. It made fine cuts.

Martha was pissed. She expressed herself, between the screams of pain, in the most vile terms. She had given me everything, but I let the boy abuse her and now I was playing Devo while whipping her, it was not fair. I have noticed how stupid criminals often use "not fair" as an argument.

I said that I didn't know what "fair" was, and to be honest, the courts had no idea, nor did they care, their standard is justice and the greater good. I pointed out that when she stole from Abril she expected something would happen, and it was going to. If it was not exactly the surgery she hoped for, but did not really expect, that is how the world works. She knew from the start I was not fair. I had told her it was a race. The boy broke first so he got what he wanted, fucking her front and back. I said Jerry was having very happy dreams in his sleep after their little party. She resisted longer so things were going to go longer, just like I said. She should not be surprised after what she put Abril through, I was just being fair.

Plus, I had never used this whip before, and I really wanted to try it. She could understand that, couldn't she? I guess some people complain no matter what.

When I was exhausted with my anger issues, or at least my muscles, I gave the rats what they expected. They had done their job of smiling, chittering and looking hungry. In fact they were starving, so it was only fair to feed them what I promised in blood. They would not kill her, five rats could only do so much. But she got very upset when I strapped the fitted cages on her, and much more upset after that.

The thing is, I really hate everything about rats, and after they had tasted blood it was just plain wrong to let them go free. Plus, they were such a hassle if I tried to get them out of their cages after their time with Martha. Then I was inspired; it occurred to me that metal conducts electricity. So they stayed in Martha's metal cages.

The guys had built me this gizmo they called the Mega-Tazer, it was sort of like a taser except it worked on 220 volts instead of a tiny battery. It had this big rheostat so I could control it.

I put an alligator clip connected to the gizmo's ground wire on each metal cage. Martha got both the ground and live connections. I actually had her rigged for a number of live connections, I could switch between them to see what worked. The safety protocol is to avoid hookups where the electricity crosses the heart, so I was careful. A normal taser is intended to knock a person down, but I didn't want Martha to hurt herself in a fall, or knock a cage off, so I cranked her chains up so she couldn't fall.

Then when the rats were done I turned the switch.

The evening ended some time later. I had to see the effect of the different power settings at different connection points, and Martha was very noisy but helpful in that. I thanked her for her help, both the whip and the Mega-Tazer would be used when I caught Darnel.

The last time I ran it was at the highest setting and I'm afraid I let it run too long, but I had to make sure all the rats - the ones with two and four legs - were done.

Once everything was finished I did the follow up to remove fingerprints and preserve some ID for discovery later. Martha had a record in Nevada and Florida (for sexual assault, if you can believe it) so her prints and DNA were on file; I kept some things from both as proof of death. At the time I was not sure how I would play it with Abril.


Wilhelm cut the meat into one-to-two pound pieces, vacuum packed and frozen as dog food. He was one of the 49 dog tenders who owed me a great deal for saving his little sister from a lifelong underage version of the proverbial fate worse than death, among other things. Their mother had fallen in love with a semi-wealthy slime who made black market pornos. Just days before the bastard started directing his first movie with the mother and underage daughter duo I arranged for him to be of the other side of the action - first in the Alameda county lockup and eventually prison. His on-film debut featured a scream that was classic.

Wilhelm was willing to do the job so I bagged him, took him to the fort and essentially locked him in the basement. Qwit made sure Wilhelm, without any idea of where he had been, was back home in time for his weekend date with his girl. In consideration for the job Wilhelm got a full month off from his regular 49 duties. Since school was out he spent the time with his little sister, reconnecting after the two years they had been apart. A beautiful thing, or so I heard.

I also heard that he spent the next few months as a vegetarian.

Wilhelm's previous 49 gig was walking the large dogs and picking up their droppings, but after his month off he asked for another job and I agreed. Cutting the meat up was one thing, but dealing with it afterward as dog poop seemed cruel and unusual. So we tried him on a ladder, doing cable installs, replacing security cameras, cleaning windows and that type of physical job. He was good at it and learned a lot, he had a straight future if he as willing to try.


Chapter 30. Eager To Serve

Wednesday Night

Belen was waiting for me Wednesday night.

She had spent to day relaxing with Zar and Nia, cooked supper, and then waited for me in my bed. She was very willing to serve her Prince after my hard day. Like the indians, she did not ask how my day had been.

Tuesday night Cynthia, Amy and I went to bed together, I dropped each of the girls off at their homes before sunrise Wednesday. Pammie was leaving with her Dad Wednesday morning and Cynthia agreed to house-sit until her mother and father got home. Belen was aboard the pickup truck with Ernie and Pammie when they left so Cynthia thought her mother was joining them on the trip to Portland. But on the way out of town Belen was dropped at my place. Ernie had arranged this for his wife, he wanted to spend some quality time with his younger daughter. The road trip with just the two of them, one driving and the other navigating, seemed like ideal father-daughter time to just talk. Belen would have changed the dynamic.

As for myself, when I got home Wednesday night I was in a very "Belen" mood, so finding her naked, warm and very willing in my bed was perfect.

I really enjoyed Belen, in fact I could not keep my hands off her body. My appreciation really made her feel special. She kept wanting to serve me with her mouth or offer me her ass, but I said that for tonight her mouth and wonderful nipples were for kisses, and her very fruitful pussy was for my cock.

As soon as I got to the bedroom I pulled off the covers and took her missionary, as she was posed, kissing her and admiring her underneath me, flattering her charms and keeping her extremely aroused as I enjoyed her body. From her wet pussy she was excited, turned on from the start. I entered easily, going all the way in with the first stroke. Praise, kisses, hands on her breasts and a driving rhythm with my cock gave her a quick climax. Her spasms felt wonderful, so I was right behind her, filling her pussy with my cum. It went quickly, the speed was my testimony that she was irresistible. She was a very satisfied woman, happy as she could be. I whispered the fun was just starting.

After a short rest we took a shower, keeping our hands on each other in places dirty and clean. She loved to soap up my muscles. I loved to run soapy hands all over her body, praising her with every touch. After the shower I was hard so while we were still wet I picked her up, carried her to the bed, and took her again, the same way, saying I could not help myself with her naked womanly body available to me. I took longer, slowing down and savoring the feeling of moving my cock in and out of her pussy while she used her muscles to enhance the experience. She called my name as she got off twice before I filled her again. That was probably because I also added plenty of attention to her somewhat sagging, but fascinating to me, breasts.

Sagging breasts may not seem attractive. The secret is, they don't just "sag" down, but with Belen on her back they can be pulled up as well. We shared nipple kisses, where we both had our tongues danced around the same erect nipple, making her feel very good, very sexy and very loved.

When it was over we fell asleep as we were, with me on her body. After a few hours of sleep I took her again when I woke up aroused. Instead of a "sneaky" spoons fuck I woke her, put her on her back and took her missionary again in the dim light, kissing her lips and nips like they were simply intoxicating, and telling her she was a wonderful figure of a woman, and how I hoped that the youngsters I married for my grandfathers looked as good at her age.

When I was done she was exhausted and I was inspired with non-bedtime idea, so I went down to my office and sketched out a scenario for Abril's situation. Before I left I kissed Belen hard and said she should get some sleep, as I was not done for the night. She giggled.

Three hours later I crawled back into bed as Belen was waking. I was hard and she was wet, so we put the parts together again. That time she wanted to do the work, mounting up at sunrise was something she favored so she rode me. She hung her breasts in my face for me to praise and feast on as she moved her hips to drive us together and apart repeatedly, until we were both happy and messy again. This time we both felt that she "took her pleasure" from me.

Afterward we stayed connected and talked about it. I did not love her and she did not love me. But as a child she always loved the idea that a prince or patron could take a common woman, find her attractive and please her. That story, in the form of a fairy tale, is part of the 400 year history of the colony. Belen took it to heart and that was a large part of her desire. She was indoctrinated with the idea of naturally surrendering her body to royalty, whether she wanted to or not, because expanding the colony's population was part of so many themes. Finally, she said I was very handsome, so of course she wanted me. Since I was clearly in a very specific mood, she was overjoyed to accommodate my cock.

I asked how much her desire was being a naughty wife? She blushed and confessed that she loved her husband dearly. She never felt she was being "unfaithful." But she did enjoy the naughty feelings of being with a very attractive man who was not her husband, while also doing a duty she was ingrained with as a child. If I was her husband and Ernie was the Prince, she conceded that the feelings of pleasure in service might be much less.

Why did I want her so much? That was harder to say, she was older than me. Everybody else I slept with had a much harder body. Even Marta and Zar were hard bodies next to Belen. But Belen and brought forth children, and that drew me. The idea of making children was essentially indoctrinated into me as one of my drives. My grandfathers both said, "Royalty is not about you now, it is about your future generations."