Not Too Late


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"This," he shook the bag " was attached to my brothers jacket by blood, I'v got the jacket in the car too." the sheriff told Ryan at how much of a break through this could be if it was Miles' blood on the items, which was very likely, would mean Alex may know Miles' location...


Miles woke to the sound of crunching gravel as a car pulled up outside. Fear filled his heart, he was too weak to do anything, even moving had become strenuous so whatever his abductor wanted would probably cause his death. To frail to withstand another beating and in no condition to do what he was instructed.

The door to the basement opened as the dark figure descended. He walked over to Miles' limp body and unlocked the chains. He had no worries about the small boy trying to escape as he could hardly stand. He picked him up and placed him on a mattress at the far end of the room, well out of Miles' reach. He went away for a few minutes and came back with a bucket of warm water and soap. Miles cringed as his assailant began washing him, never removing his underwear though.

"Let's see what those two were after shall we." he whispered into Miles' ear as his hands roamed over Miles' body. Miles tried to move but all his energy was focused on his breathing and even that was a huge effort. His fingers slowly reached under the waist bad of Miles boxer briefs, lifting them away from his body and down his legs.

Miles groaned as he bit his inner thighs, not quite breaking the flesh but leaving an immediate mark. When he stopped Miles forced his eyes open to see the man removing his clothes. Miles knew what was to come next and prepared himself mentally. As the assailant climbed on top of Miles, a series of loud bangs startled them both. His abductor pulled his jeans back on and ran up the stairs. Miles could here shouting but couldn't make out what was been said but he didn't need to as shortly the voices were replaced with two very loud bangs followed by more shouting but this time in pain.

Miles blacked out as footsteps approached.


Ryan was sitting in a police car with two officers outside the cabin Alex had led them to. It was easy to reach but just out of sight hidden within the trees. The team of officers were just about to make entry and had positioned themselves around the cabin before the raid commenced. They had put in a radio that would allow Ryan and the other officers to here what was going on. The radio flared into life.

"Where is he?" an unknown voice demanded.

"Screw you the cock sucker deserves this, first Chris and now my brother, he deserves this!"

Two gun shots were fired.

"Officer down, suspect wounded but shouldn't be fatal."

" I've got him!" A third voice said "Oh Christ! Get an ambulance here now!"

Fear filled Ryan's body. Dazed and oblivious to the world around him, all he could do was watch as the paramedics ran into the cabin sending a text to Hayley without thinking.

'Get to the hospital, they've found him.'

When he next saw them they were carrying Miles on a stretcher, this brought Ryan back to reality. The car door flew open as he ran to Miles being placed in the back of the ambulance. They went to stop Ryan getting in but saying family made them stop there protests.

The medic in the back was franticly trying to get Miles stable. The beep of the heart monitor was erratic at best and Miles was on oxygen as his breathing was getting weaker by the minute. Ryan just stared at the boy who was fighting for his life.

"Nearly there." Shouted the driver, Ryan grateful for the haste. Suddenly everything changed, the erratic beeping made by Miles heart beat was replaced with a long continuous beep. It took Ryan a moment for him to realise what was happening as the paramedic began his attempts to revive Miles. There was a high pitch noise as the paddles charged on the defibrillator.

"Clear!" the medic shouted before he placed the paddles on Miles' chest. Ryan watched with horror as Miles' body jolted by the electricity running through him. No change, the monitor was still at a flat line and Ryan didn't even realise Miles' was about to be shocked again until the medic shouted clear and again there was no change.

"Please." Ryan whispered to no one in particular, if there was a God Ryan was certain he would have to be cruel to take Miles away all ready.

"Clear!" the medic repeated as he shocked Miles. The continuous beep of the monitor replaced with and unsteady but intermittent beep. Ryan watched the green line with relief as the ambulance came to a halt. Ryan joined the others in the family room while Miles was taken for emergency surgery by frantic hospital staff.

Four hours had past since Miles was taken into surgery and he was still in there. Everyone they asked would only say that he was still in surgery and the longer this went on the more agitated everyone felt. They had been at the hospital nearly seven hours before they learned that Miles was due to come out of surgery. Not long after this news a tall doctor entered the room. He stood confident but his face showed deep concern. Everyone waited to here the news...


The doctors face was unreadable as he consulted the chart in his hand before looking up at the gathered family.

"Hello I'm Doctor Jessom, you must be the Wicks family, yes?" The doctor said in a deep tone.

"Yes we are." Carl replied, a hint of fear tainting his voice as the rest of the family nodded. The doctor nodded confirming the reply and began consulting his chart, a frown crossing his face.

"If we can wait just a minute an officer wants to be here to hear Miles' status." A few minutes latter a female police officer entered the room carrying a notebook and stood behind the doctor. She was silent and only nodded to the doctor to continue.

"Miles is stable but we have had to put him into a drug induced coma." He paused at the collective gasps to let the information sink in. There was significant swelling to the brain from the blow to his head causing a hair line fracture in his skull. The swelling should go down in a few days, maybe a week or two." Again he let the information sink in.

"Is that it?" Hannah asked "Will he be all right?" Her voice was frantic, sure there was more to come than what they had been told.

Doctor Jessom sighed, "We can't tell. Miles suffered major internal damage throughout his ordeal. Along with the head wound there was severe blood loss, both internally and from his head and wrists, both his right forearm and his leg are fractured, two ribs on his right side are broken and his right lung has suffered multiple punctures from bone fragments." He calmly said. Horror was spread across everyone's face and Hayley and Lisa let out small sobs as tears threatened to flow. "Our surgeons managed to repair the lung and have re-set his bones but we can't tell what psychological damage this will have caused Miles."

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked detecting something underneath the doctors tone.

The officer stepped forward and cleared her throat, her voice was soft but strong. "From what we can tell by bruising and various other details, it looks like the suspect was about to rape Miles just as the teams enter the building. However we cannot be certain how soon we interrupted them or even if Miles was conscious and aware of what was happening to him." She stopped and looked at the grief stricken family before her. "I'm here to help with Miles' mental recovery from this ordeal." As she began to explain different ways to help, Ryan along with the rest of the family could only hope.

2 Months later

Ryan was lying on the sofa reading a letter from the school. It was explaining Miles had enough credits to finish and wouldn't need to return unless he wanted to. That's if he ever woke up. The doctors had said he had recovered enough to be taken out of the drug induced coma but they had been having troubles waking him. That was a month ago. The past week only Hannah and Carl had been to see him, saying they didn't want to upset anyone. Ryan disagreed but he had no choice.

He had practically moved into the house since they found Miles. Nearly all his stuff was in the spare bedroom. His Mom had left town and was filing for a divorce and she came to see him regularly to explained she couldn't be near his farther any more and that he was the only one she wasn't scared of.

Needing a distraction, Ryan turned the DVD player on and began watching what was already in. When Junjou Romantica popped up he groaned but didn't change the disk. Falling asleep halfway through the second episode.

Something wet smacked on Ryan's face, causing him to shoot up. The wet hand towel landing in his lap. A soft giggling sound reached his ears. Looking round the room Ryan found the source of the delightful noise. A long raven haired boy sitting in the chair opposite, his clothes matching his hair and a crutch at his side, was trying very hard to be quiet. The look of confusion on Ryan's face only made him laugh harder until tears streamed down his cheeks.

It took Ryan nearly three minutes to realise Miles was sitting across from him and he hadn't said a word. When it finally clicked Ryan nearly flew across the room and began showering Miles with kisses.

"Down Boy Down!" Miles cried at the oral assault, fits of laughter taking him before Ryan looked him in the eyes. The laughter stopped only to be replaced by an ever deepening kiss. Ryan's tongue desperately fought for dominance and Miles' let him have it.

"I've been home nearly six hours." He said between kisses but soon gave up on talking. He knew the larger boy needed this as much as he did. As the hands began roaming across each other and there tongues performed their delicate dance, a loud coughing broke the spell.

Carl stood at the door way holding a news paper. "I think you better read this. He said as he through the paper onto the coffee table before the two boys.

Ryan picked up the paper and began reading it out.

"Gay Basher Busted By Gay Boss." A frown crossing his face.

"Yesterday morning Detective David Branford was arrested for gay bashing by non other than his boss, Captain Andrew Stevens also known as Andy. Branford (pictured left) assaulted and tried to abducted Captain Stevens husband Sam Jonson-Stevens while Andy was in a nearby shop on Thursday night. Hearing the commotion outside, Captain Stevens went to investigate only to see Branford trying to force his partner into the boot of his car. Captain Stevens punched Branford in the face leaving a distinctive mark from his ring and causing Branford to flee from the seen in his car. To concerned with checking Sam neither of them caught the licence plate.

However yesterday morning when Captain Stevens entered the Little Dover Police station to start his first day at work at the new station, he was shocked to find Branford sitting at a desk with the distinctive mark on his face.

An investigation into Branford has lead to some disturbing revelations, like the possible involvement with is nephew who recently abducted local boy Miles Wicks and the involvement with multiple gay bashing related murders like Braddy Foths 15 months ago. More on page 4"

Ryan picked Miles up and carried him upstairs, ignoring the concerned looks from everyone else. Ryan gently placed Miles on the bed, reigniting the kiss he started downstairs. It wasn't long before Miles began to respond to his touches. The kiss went from delicate to frantic in seconds, all gentleness evaporated into pure lust and love. Ryan ripped open Miles' shirt earning a gasp of delight from the smaller boy as buttons scattered across the room and Ryan attached himself onto Miles neck.

Miles moaned as Ryan moved from the nape of Miles' neck to his taught pink nipples, living a trail of love bites as he went. His teeth nipped at the small nubs causing Miles to moan and wither against him. Soon enough Miles jeans were thrown across the room as Ryan left another trail of bites to stop just above Miles straining boxer briefs. Ryan stopped and moved away taking in the sight.

Lying on the black satin sheets, covered in love bites and gasping at the intensity of the actions was his love. The only thing he cared for now was giving this boy, his boy, what he needed. Ryan removed the rest of there clothes and slowly began to lick Miles. Starting at the inside of his thigh, ran ran his tongue up and across Miles' tight sack the over hi burning shaft and finally flicked his tongue across the head. Over and over again he did this, each time earning gasps and moans of delight and pleasure from the beautiful boy as his fingers worked to prepare him for more.

Soon enough he was ready and Ryan sheathed himself in a condom. Miles' legs at his side, he gently pushed into the smaller boy. Miles moaned at the penetration and Ryan gasped at the tightness. While Miles was always tight the past few months had caused him to tighten more making Ryan concentrate on not finishing to soon at the extreme sensation.

Gently at fist Ryan began moving in and out of Miles. Cries of pleasure escaping the ravens lips as each time Ryan glided over his hidden spot. Soon enough Miles' moans of pleasure turned into screams of delight as Ryan picked up the pace, Miles meting him with every thrust. Neither boy could take this extreme for long and soon they both came. First Miles, shooting his delicious crème across his chest. The hot cum landing across various bites coming from his neck and the Ryan came deep within his lover.

Throwing the used condom into the bin, Ryan crawled up behind his lover. Kissing the raven boy as his began to drift of from exhaustion.

"Love you." Miles whispered.

"Love you to angel." Was Ryan's reply as the both began to sleep happy that they were within each others loving embrace.

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Ginger630Ginger630almost 2 years ago

This could be a great story if it wasn’t so rushed. How did the boys get together without ever crossing paths? Why didn’t Miles have any effects from his beatings? This could have been a multi chapter story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

There wasn't a gangrape and castration in miles past too? He wasn't dragged into the desert and toured while all his best friends were set on fire and eaten by cannibals? There's always way too much over the top misery in your stories. Watch a fucking Disney movie.

mrsbearmrsbearover 8 years ago
Couldn't finish

Uhhh...I only got to the 2nd page before I had to stop. The story got choppy for me and I didn't want to figure out what was meant and why. Seemed rushed and not enough detail in the parts that were there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Liked the story

But it was a little uneven. Such as, first time sex between the boys, Miles was able to use his legs like he didn't have a cast on one. Hospitalizations went by really fast with very little explanation of what was going on. Having medical training myself, I know nobody is released from the hospital on the very day they come out of a coma or after head injury and still needing pain meds. Spellcheck is your friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Good but...

...pace is too quick. No feeling of time or progression. Clothing worn seems more important then what's happening in the head of the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

good story. Just don't rush things Certain spots felt like you were rushing through and that you could slow down and go with the details to make it richer. An example would be having Ryan get a call to go to the hospital to find him awake rather than wake up from a nap and suddenly Miles is awake and home. I think after being in a drug induced coma for 2 months he would have not been sent home that day. You write a good story and don't have to race to end it sooner. People will read it even if it is longer. Aside from that I liked the story behind their romance. I would have liked to have seen Miles find out about Chris. It may have helped them both heal to know about their connection in him. You could have added how Chris would have been happy they were together. Try to develop your characters a little more too. Maybe use their thoughts to reveal more about them. I think you did a great job of doing that with minor characters and only could have added a bit to the boys. Overall, a good plot and sweet story. Keep writing.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66over 12 years ago
Another great story

That was lovely, sad traumatic but brilliant. After reading your other story I loved the parallel in this one and it is great to see a happy ending. Keep it up can't wait to see what is next from you

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

That was... So... T_T <3333 I am at a loss for words...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Good, but..

Rough. Please be more diligent on proofreading or get an editor. Also, I felt the story jumped quite a bit between scenes. So think about fleshing out with better transitional detail to explain how the story and the characters moved. It was a bit confusing in places and very fast in relationship development. Overall, likable characters and story.

SusukiRedd99SusukiRedd99over 12 years ago

Just brilliant. And I felt so happy cuz every manga that was mentioned I have read and/or watched their anime. I loved this and your style. So keep up the brilliance hon

nomoretears00nomoretears00over 12 years ago
Good story

Love, overcoming abuse, and a happy ending with a little kink thrown in. Can't beat that, lol!

miles801801miles801801over 12 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the comment, I thought people hated it after seeing the 1.2 score and was surprised to see it up at 4. I've thought about writing a sequel for this story (Slow days at work let me run through my imagination) so you'll just have to wait and see.

mrpervy46mrpervy46over 12 years ago

This was an unreal awesome story. Violence in any form is wrong. Love is the only thing that matters and this world needs a lot more of it. Great story hon. It would be nice if they went to college as a married couple.

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