Off with Her Pants


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"You ok?" he asked softly.

I smiled. "You doofus." I pulled his head to mine and kissed him, long and slow. "I've literally never been better."

He smiled back. He rolled off me, but stayed close and settled on his side where he could still watch me.

"That was kind of intense," Denver said.

"Tell me about it."

I dipped a finger in a small pool of cum on my tummy. There seemed like a lot of it, all painting my skin in translucent white stripes. I felt permanently marked, like everyone I ran into from now on would be able to tell if they ever saw my stomach. Again, not my most rational of thoughts.

Denver brushed my cheek with his lips. I turned my head and met him head on in a long, luxurious kiss. All I wanted was to snuggle with him, to nestle unmoving against his warmth for the rest of the night. The responsible part of me was a party pooper.

"I need to clean up," I whispered.

"Ok," Denver said.

I tried to roll away, but he held my wrist and tugged in the other direction. I giggled and climbed over him like he apparently wanted me to do. It was such a goofy move, but I kind of liked it. I straddled his stomach for a few seconds to give him a nice feel before climbing off and heading to the bathroom.

Denver took a turn in the bathroom after me, then cuddled up with me in his bed. It didn't occur to me to ask if I could stay; it didn't even occur to me that not staying was an option. In my mind, we were sleeping together and that was that.

His cock actually hardened a little bit when he pushed it against my butt. I giggled and gently swatted his leg.

"Be good," I said.

"You can't expect me to lie here with you and be entirely good, can you?"

"Hm, no, I guess not entirely."

"I mean, you're all naked and sexy, and you're so soft, and--"

"Ok, ok. Don't get me all worked up. We need sleep."

Denver pressed his semi-hard cock into the crack of my ass. It felt nicer there than I cared to admit. He'd only take it as an excuse to play with my butt even more.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Denver asked hopefully.

I groaned. "You want to do more weird butt stuff, don't you?"

"Well... yeah. You kinda liked it, right? You were doing it to yourself when I caught you."

"I told you, I was just testing."

"Which you wouldn't have been doing if you weren't still curious."

"Don't read too much into it. I still like normal stuff way better."

"That's fine. We can do both."

Denver traced a finger over my thigh, down my waist, and slowly circling toward my pussy. I had to grab his hand and keep it away. Bastard was trying to get me all horny again, and it was kind of working.

"Calm down. We need some sleep."

"What about tomorrow then?"

"I dunno. Maybe. If you're good."

"I can be good."

Denver slid a hand over my breast. I giggled and pulled him away once again.

"Not like that you're not."

"Oh, you mean behave myself. Right. Gotcha."


Between Denver's naughty playfulness and my own horniness, it was a wonder that I ever got to sleep that night. I didn't mind being kept up all that much; certainly the company was better than the sleepless nights I was used to.

Possibly the nocturnal teasing was part of the reason I awoke in a worked up state. The bulk of it, however, was due to my brother getting even more presumptuous with my body than he already was. He'd either rolled me on my back, or I'd simply maneuvered myself there on my own. He was kneeling between my spread legs and softly fingering my pussy. That part I was fine with. He also had a finger of his other hand about halfway up my butt. That part I wasn't so sure about.

"Den, I thought I told you to be good."

"You did. There's a chance I just ignored you."

"You must have, 'cause this is pretty bad."

Denver shrugged. "You're enjoying it though."

I bit my lip and said nothing.

"Or should I stop?" Denver asked, suddenly curling his fingers inside my pussy.

My back arched involuntarily. He could already feel how wet I was. He knew I wouldn't want to stop.

"You jerk," I said. I gave him an off-centre kick for good measure.

"Is that a yes?"

"You're not putting it my butt," I stated defiantly.

"What makes you think I was going to?"

"That's what you were hinting at last night, if you can call it hinting. And now you're trying to get me all horny and used to having something up my ass at the same time."

"Ok, you got me."

Denver kept smiling down at my aroused, naked body. His twin fingers curled and uncurled in my pussy, while also being joined by his thumb on my clit. The finger in my butt slid in and out in small motions, and felt slippery like it had been lubed up before insertion. In some ways that was at least considerate, in others it just meant that my brother had put forethought into violating my sleeping body. I wasn't quite sure I approved. He was just lucky his combined efforts were doing really nice, tingly things to me. Otherwise I might have had to be properly annoyed with him.

I relaxed and submitted to my brother's thorough fingering. He was hitting my favourite spots, as well as some brand new ones I didn't even know existed. The extra anal stimulation was actually a better complement to the rest of it than I expected.

Denver brought me to a beautiful first-thing-in-the-morning orgasm. I wriggled and clenched, and generally basked in the mild euphoria of it all.

It didn't surprise me terribly when Denver reached for his bottle of lube afterward. I watched with curious detachment as he slicked up his hard cock. It was pretty obvious what he was up to.

"Where do you think that's going?" I asked.

"You know where."

"Hmmm, no, I don't think so."

Denver grabbed a pillow, then lifted my butt and slid it under my hips. Admittedly, being bodily moved like that worked for me, but that was beside the point.

"Come on, you're all relaxed. You'll enjoy it. I know you like it."


"And you'd be the first girl to let me do it to you."

I stopped and chewed on my lip. "Really? You've never actually...."

"Not in the butt, no."

"Wouldn't that make me a total slut like you keep saying I'm not? I mean, if no one else has...."

"First off, we don't have a large enough sample size to make that conclusion. Secondly, it wouldn't make you a slut. It would make you someone who's willing to try something you're secretly interested in, that would also happen to make your brother really, really happy."

"Really, really happy, huh?"

Denver shrugged. His smile held a calculated shyness. "It'd kinda make you my first, in a way."

Dammit, that was actually kind of enticing. I'd never be Denver's proper first time, not the way he was for me, but getting some kind of first held more of an appeal for me than I could reject out of hand.

"You bastard."

"You like the sound of that, don't you?"

"Goddammit, you know I do."


I turned my head away. He had me and he knew it, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of openly admitting it.

After a moment of silence, Denver dared to shift his position forward. He pressed his steel-hard cock against my ass and let it settle naturally in the cleft between my cheeks. His slippery, lubed-up tip rubbed at my butthole. Knowing where it was going, feeling where it was going, made the anticipation all the more visceral.

Denver leaned over me and grabbed his other pillow from behind my head. He boosted my bottom even higher on it's cushioned resting place, seemingly happier with the new angle.

"This is so bad," I whispered.

"It's good," Denver insisted. "You know it is."

I shook my head petulantly, but he knew as well as I did that I was committed by this point. He also recognized, to my annoyance, that I wasn't as averse to getting butt-fucked as I let on. Maybe it was the idea of being his first time for this one thing; maybe that was enough. Then again, maybe I'd never really been as opposed to it as I thought I was. Sure it was kind of gross, but arguably so was incest, and I sure didn't let that stop me.

Denver pressed the head of his cock directly against my relaxed and lubricated rear hole. It was my last chance to stop him if I so chose. Instead, I fell back on my favourite trick. As my brother's erection slowly penetrated my ass, I adopted a look of indifference and pretended like nothing was happening.

In truth, it wasn't even unpleasant. It neither hurt, nor felt unbearably disgusting to me. It didn't feel as naturally enjoyable as normal sex, mind you, but it was alright.

"That doesn't hurt, does it?" Denver asked.

I shrugged. "Whatever."

"Whatever?" Denver examined me curiously for a moment, then seemed to realize what I was doing. "Sure. Ok. 'Whatever.'"

He didn't let my act of nonchalance stop him. He was gentle--this time appreciated--but eager to properly ass fuck his little sister too. That was probably understandable from a boy's perspective. I mainly focused on staying calm and relaxed as my butt was invaded more thoroughly than ever before.

"I hope you're enjoying this," I said as casually as I could.

Denver grinned like a kid at Christmas. "I really am."

"Well... good."

His little thrusts were getting progressively harder and deeper. My butt was opening up to my brother's cock, welcoming him warily, but oh so snugly. He was getting excited, control slipping away in tiny increments. I didn't expect him to last too long. Hopefully he wouldn't. A nice quick orgasm would be ideal, enough to sate his exploratory urges for a while.

I gasped as Denver started rubbing my clit. His touch was something more than usual, something special. The way my filled ass added to the sensation was like nothing I could have predicted. It was a subtle difference, but enough to get my attention. By themselves, getting ass-fucked was ok, and having my clit played with was fantastic. Together, they had the power to melt me.

"There it is," Denver said just a little smugly.

I didn't even care what he thought. As long as he kept rubbing my favourite place while he got himself off, everything was good. In fact, everything was damn near perfect.

My brother's anal treatment of me got kind of forceful, more so than he probably meant. If I'd just been putting up with it, I might have had to stop him. Since every movement he made translated into delicious sensations in my clit, even the occasional minor pain just helped make my eyes roll back in blissful surrender.

As I correctly predicted, Denver didn't last as long as he had in my pussy. What I hadn't anticipated was that I'd actually be sad when he was done. He lost focus on my clit before he was quite finished in my ass, which was the opposite of my preferred order. But honestly, the loss of either part of the combination brought the event back to a lower plane of sexuality.

At least I got to have Denver cum inside me without having to worry about consequences. He deposited his gooey mess as deep in my butt as he could. I watched his face and felt the flexing and straining of his shaft, trying to take it all in before it was over.

"So are you going to admit you liked it, or what?" Denver asked.

I rolled my head to the side and feigned a yawn. "Whatever. You had your fun, now how about you lick me for a while or something."

Denver groaned and pulled me by the arm to an almost sitting position. "What am I going to do with you?"

"I told you. Lick me."

He rolled his eyes and grinned. Then he kissed me, and once again I felt myself melting a little. I was pretty sure he would have let me go and pulled out of my butt, but I wrapped my arms around his neck and kept my lips working on his. I wanted to feel his cock soften all the way to nothing inside me, and dammit that's what I was going to do.


After getting eaten out to a pair of successful orgasms, and of course getting cleaned up, I was ready to just chill out. Denver and I grabbed some half-assed breakfast--that very nearly qualified as lunch--and rooted ourselves firmly to the living room couch in front of an episode of Gilmore Girls. We were cuddling even before our food was gone.

"Where do you think Mom and Dad got to?" Denver asked.

"Don't know. More walking maybe? Socializing perhaps? Hell, maybe yard work. Did you think to check out the window?"

"Nope. Did you?"

I giggled. "Not so much."

It was funny to me that we were both so happy and relaxed that we couldn't even think straight. I snuggled deeper into Denver, the remainder of my breakfast forgotten. I closed my eyes in spite of our show and simply let myself fall adrift in a flow of pithy dialogue and the comfort of my brother's embrace. It was all a girl could really ask for in life.

"Damn, that's nice," Denver mumbled quietly.

I smiled with my eyes still shut. "You checking out Lorelai again?"

"Well I mean, you've seen her ass. Come on, though."

"Is it you favourite now or something?"

"Of course not," Denver said promptly. "That would be yours."

"Damn right it is."

Somehow Denver's correct answer led to me giving him a blowjob. The timeline kind of made sense; I rubbed his crotch a little, he grabbed my tits, we wrestled a bit and I ended up in his lap.... I wasn't quite sure how or when I ended up on my knees in front of my brother with his cock in my mouth, but I most assuredly did.

I truly loved it. Gone were the days of my uncertainty, my pretense, and ambivalence. I sucked my brother's cock, and I enjoyed it. I liked the way it felt, the pleasure he got out of it, the way he looked at me, and the way he ran his fingers adoringly through my hair. It was all so damn good.

Of course, it was kind of a stupid thing to do. A blowjob in the living room in the middle of the day was dumb beyond description, and we should have known it. We were just too giddy, too full of lust and hormones. We didn't notice our parents getting back until it was way too late.

I heard the most horrible strangled squeak just as Denver was cumming in my mouth. I whipped my head around, catching a shot of cum across my cheek for my trouble, and found Mom leaning desperately against the living room door frame with her hand across her mouth. Dad was still talking to her from further away, blissfully unaware of the scene she'd stumbled into.

Thus began the very calmest full-blown panic of my life. We were already dead. There was no disguising what Denver and I had done, no explaining it away, not even a little uncertainty to give us some wiggle room. His cock was out, my face displayed the result of our sexual activity, and I was still on my knees in front of him if any further proof were required. It was too late to do anything about it, so I didn't.

With a body trembling so hard it remained perfectly still, I swallowed the load in my mouth. I met Mom's eyes, noted the dismay, the horror, the utter bewilderment therein. There was simply nothing I could do to make it any worse. It was quite a liberating experience in its own way.

My gaze was level, my voice unwavering. I was already as in trouble as I could possibly get. "What?" I said. "I was just getting a healthy snack like you're always telling me to."

Mom was unamused. Denver let out an involuntary snort, which he tried to cover as a cough. The following moment dragged out for hour-long seconds.

"Go to your room," Mom said in an icily controlled tone.

"'K, but--"


I shrugged, stood up, and simply did as I was told. I hadn't been yelled at or figuratively murdered yet. So far so good.

Denver was trapped alone with Mom. I hoped he'd be ok. As the elder, and the boy to boot, he might end up taking more heat than me. There was nothing I could do for him. He was on his own.

Once in my room, I examined my face. The lone cum-streak across it really wasn't all that impressive in some ways, but its significance couldn't be overstated. It made me feel bizarrely sexy, and even more marked than my tummy-load the night before. I gave into an insane urge and snapped a picture of myself. Maybe I'd share it with someone at some point. Maybe it'd just be for me. Maybe I'd delete it as soon as I calmed down and got some rational thought back.


Mom remained pissed for a long while after the fact. Denver and I weren't even allowed unsupervised contact; basically just meals and some tv time as long as one or both parents were also present.

I wondered many a time if Dad had ever been told what happened, or if he figured it out, or if he remained in the dark. He knew something was up, he couldn't possibly have missed Mom's outrage at her children, but damned if I was going to ask if he knew what it was. Either way, he didn't act any differently around me, and I appreciated that.

Mom tried to keep us in our separate rooms at night. For a few weeks she'd stay up way too late to make sure there was no sneaking around. Little did she understand there was no hour late enough for her to keep me away from my brother. All three of us suffered for our lack of sleep. Dad suffered the brunt of a cranky, sleep-deprived family, and I tried to be extra nice to him to make up for it.

Eventually Mom gave up. She maintained discipline during waking hours, at least enough for show, but nights belonged to Denver and me again. She recognized what he and I already knew; we weren't going to let her come between us. Even when I was too tired to sneak down to him, he'd visit me instead. It wasn't even all about sex. Sometimes we just slept together. We needed it.

I never knew when or if Mom learned to accept it, but she never brought it up again. Things gradually returned to normal, and I noticed neither of our parents ever knocked on our doors first thing in the morning. It wasn't exactly a loving acceptance, but it was about the best we could have reasonably asked for.

I got to wake up in my brother's arms every morning; that was enough for me.

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202GE202GE26 days ago

Very good story. Personally not a fan of dissing each other and all the angst. However, it was well written. Thanks for sharing with us.

hiddenagenda876hiddenagenda8762 months ago

Also, I would read a few more chapters of their story. Are they in love? Do they stay together? I need closure!

hiddenagenda876hiddenagenda8762 months ago

"I was just getting a healthy snack like you're always telling me to."

What a beautiful, baller response. Jesus, I want to be her when I grow up lol

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I enjoyed the story a lot but when you said there was butt stuff I didn't think it would be multiple pages about. I mean anal is fine, that was too much when you're talking about a girl learning about sex the first time. Most women do not like it and as a girl myself and from what my own friends have said Theyre not fond of it much either.

Don't get me wrong I really liked the story still. It was distracting considering how new to sex this girl was, y'kmow. I loved the character and I loved that both characters were in love and it wasn't just about sex. You're my favorite writer on here so I knew I'd enjoy this no matter what.

rbloch66rbloch667 months ago

I feel like the whole story was a setup for the line to mom about getting a healthy snack like she asked. That was hilarious. Also, cool best friends are amazing.

quandomquandom8 months ago

Very well done. You have a gtreat ability to snatch the reader's interest and then make us NEE to stay aboard for the next sexier escalation of bro and sister. (I'm a writer too, so appreciate the depth of your ability).

And're a FIRST CLASS tease.

Thanks for the enjoyment

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Brilliantly funny dialogue. Masterful.

fhippensteelfhippensteel10 months ago

Wonderful story although there should be more

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your ability to write dialog is the main reason I read your stories. In fact, the dialog makes repeat readings as exciting as the first. I have encountered ‘denial’ consent although not in an incest context. On multiple occasions my partners have hidden behind a ‘if I don’t acknowledge it, it isn’t really happening’ facade. It is an amazing nuance to sexual encounters that is incredibly arousing.

KING_03KING_03over 1 year ago

Loved it. Completely

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germanyover 1 year ago

Anonymus 7 month prior to my comment made some very good points regarding anal, so much so that I mostly skip that aspect.

When I first read Xarth's stories, I was intrigued by his/her unique style, but for me, this wears off. The repetition of cliches about the male and the female of the species becomes more obvious when reading for the second or third time. If you are writing about special relationships, why then relate on stereotypes, especially regarding men? Doing this takes away from the quality of your work on several levels.

Just for instance, it's always about ALL men ALWAYS thinking ONLY with their dicks. Well, even if it were true, is's not that different with women and their respective sexual organ, in other words, thank goodness, most of us get horny and do not always think rationally. If we did, the world might be a better place, it would be much less crowded as far as human beings go, too, and I leave it to the reader to classify the latter eventuality.

Another obvious dig against heterosexual men is the use of the "homopbobic" slur. The whole sentence that this term is used in in this story is an urban myth, the term itself a ridiculous tool of brainwashing. You have a phobia if something makes you panicky, paralyses you, hampers a normal, everday life. If you don't like something you don't like it, it's not a phobia. I don't know if there really is just one person alive that suffers of homophobia in a sense that would justify the use of that term. But that's not even relevant, because certain self-appointed liberal circles call everybody a "homophobic" who isn't outright enamored with homosexuality. So if you just don't care what other people do for fun, as long as they don't hurt anybody and do it on a consensual basis, if you just care for your own business, as far as your sexuality is concerned, and don't feel attracted by what others do, you are called a name that indicates that you are mentally ill or hampered at least.

While this author uses such a term as homophobia, solely created for brainwashing the public, he/she/whatever on the other hand sort of normalises if not idealises non consensual sexual activities. The irony is, the same influential circles who create and swing blunt weapons such as the term "homophobia" also insist on positive consent, preferably in a written and notarized form. One of the more recent theories concerning human sexuality states, that arousing a woman by touching and caressing means to objectify her, which is harmful to the female psyche and detrimental for a long term relationship. I do have several hangups with this, since mentioned theory specifically distinguishes the roles of male and female. The male should wait for the occasion when the female is horny and, obviously, tells him so. It seems to be alright for the woman to arouse the man physically. I'm not sure about the subsequent implications, are men not objectified if they are treated that way, or is it plainly o.k. to objectify men according to the scientist's ethical and moral beliefs? But I digress.

Anyhow, I do believe in the merit of positive consent, especially when building a new relationship. It might be different, I think, in a longstanding partnership.

Consequently, the brother's behaviour to me is unacceptable as far as a romantic story goes, apart from eliciting no sympathies from me. I guess all I can wish for are some adequate tags, or to put this in an appropriate category- non consent/reluctance.

On a side note. Don't ever put something in a womans ass first and in her vagina afterwards without cleaning it in between!!!

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