Once Upon a Time


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Here was a woman in her late 40s standing in what was the skimpiest bathing suit I had ever seen. I did not know they made such things. It was a string with just enough material to barely cover her nipples. The front of the suit met just above her lady parts in a very defined V. Then it disappeared in front and went through her legs. It was so tight there it left a distinguishable camel toe. There was no sign of it in the back of the suit until it emerged from her butt and even then it was just barely a couple of strings. I did some research in very small swim suits and discovered it was called a wicked weasel or a sling shot, something like that anyway. Its color was yellow. Then she got into the pool for a dip to cool off and when she emerged the suit was completely transparent. She looked naked. I was flabbergasted. In just a few minutes my wife came back into the view of the camera wearing an almost identical suit only it was pink. I had never seen anything like this and did not know they even existed. Her suit also became transparent when wet and it did not take the girls long before they were making out rather heatedly. If it had not been my wife and my best friend's wife I would have found it very erotic. Even as the scene unfolded right in front of me on the computer and bringing back the vivid images I still had in my head, I know I would have been extremely turned on. They spent the next hour pleasing each other in ways that only women could.

I copied that video into a secret file for future reference. I still was not sure what I was going to do about it. After all she had a lesbian thing going on and even though I knew it was not right, I didn't feel she had actually cheated on me. After a few more weeks they did it again. So apparently this had been going on for a while. So again, I was checking out the many different cameras, but now I was even doing it at work looking for a live feed.

Again only two weeks later the two ladies were at it again when a third person came into view. It was my best friend with them, the other woman's husband. Now it was getting interesting. After both ladies had their wicked weasel suits on he merely stripped his clothes and just stood there naked. Within just a few minutes both women were on their knees playing with him and literally bathing his manhood with their tongues. By the look of his face he was definitely enjoying it. Me, I was starting to get queasy. Since this was a live feed during work hours I knew he should be on his way to the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area for a sales call. Even though he left early enough to get there in plenty of time, he was technically stealing time from me. I paid commissions on the seminars, all expenses during trips and even paid for travel time to and from jobs. So he is now literally stealing from me. Not only was he stealing my money but stealing my wife as well. Now there is another video to put into the file I had on this whole sordid affair. I was just wondering when I would find out about the other two guys that I used to call my best friends. Now it was only time that would tell.

That time soon reared its ugly head just a week later when I was on a sales call in the Houston-Pasadena, Texas area. After I got checked into a hotel for the night, I logged into the hidden account just to check things out. WOW did I find things I really wasn't sure I wanted to find. There was my wife bent over my desk at the company office being plowed by guy #2 and blowing guy #3 at the same time. Well that just sealed the deal on all three of my best friends. I was in for two more surprises before I got back just three days after I left.

I now found out that my loving wife 35 plus years was not only loving on my three best friends, one of the wives but also the other two guys working for me. I had been cuckolded by every one of my five employees and my wife. Talk about being in the dark. Now I knew this all had to come to an end. It had to come to an end real soon. As the Star Wars saga came to me in my mind, I was ready to go to the Dark Side of the force.

Chapter 4

Revenge...Best Served Sweet

With all the information I had, I went to see my lawyer. He had already been given a heads up but that was almost eight months ago. He thought that I really had dreamed it too, but then again, so had I. We discussed all sorts of scenarios. The first thing was to protect my business which was now worth about six million dollars. I did not and would not let her have any of that. I did remember that we did have a clause in the contracts of the five guys I had hired in that stated absolutely no sexual contact was to ever happen while at home or on business trips with any of fellow employees, the customers or their representatives. Since basically I was these guys' customers because I bought their services, we may have them. I thought that I would have to dig deep to find out about any such contract with my wife and he reminded me about the infidelity paper or Post Nuptial agreement she had signed when she signed the insurance papers. Does the term "Gotcha" ring a bell with anyone?

A competitor and long time friend had been after me to sell him my interest in the business. Since everything was in my name only because we figured if I didn't make it we would at least have her credit to fall back on. Company XYZ and I began contract negotiations the very next day. We went over the books, the liquid assets, the liabilities and the accounts receivables. His lawyers and my lawyer and I had finally agreed upon a price that we could both be happy with. The owner of company XYZ and I had a heart to heart talk and we too had a verbal agreement on what to do with my five guys. I wanted them roasted, toasted and severely damaged when I was finally out of the picture. The whole business transactions were completed in less than 21 business days. I was to run my office for another month before I would disappear. I had to sign a non-compete clause that would expire in five years so I had no problem with that. The amount of money I would clear from that was 200% of the company's yearly gross income of around 4.5 million dollars. This was a total of $9,000,000.00. OK, now I knew I would not have to work for the rest of my life and could live pretty comfortable too. With no expenses of rent on the building, utilities and employee salaries and then the sale of the house, I did not hesitate to put my plan of revenge into actions.

The next step was to sell the house out from under the wife and leave her with exactly 40% of its sale price. This was not really necessary but after almost 36 years of marriage I felt I did owe her something besides the screwing I was getting. If she found a job and with what I was going to leave her, she could live a somewhat dignified life for an old divorced woman. Of course with her looks, she would have no problem snagging another husband before she actually started to "wilt" because of her age. I signed a contract with the new owner, which just happened to be the same guy that bought the business, that I would have 120 days or four months to vacate the house.

Now was the time for me to actually take control of the business, but only as a temporary manager until my thirty day tenure would be up and I would be gone. Once everything was in place, I contacted all of my clients and explained that I had sold the company to XYZ and they could expect the same level of quality and service from them. Also after a 30 day period I would not longer be available for any type of consultation. It was requested that they keep all communications with anyone else except me and the new owner completely confidential. This was to serve two purposes. First off my people would not be notified of the sale until we changed the sign in front. Secondly my people did not know it but they would be terminated on the last date of my service. Their termination would include sexual misconduct and would make it very difficult to find jobs afterwards.

Three days before my last day, I had my wife served through the court system. I asked the process server to come by my office first because I wanted to give him another package to deliver which I gladly paid them an extra $200.00 and he gladly accepted.

The contents of my package were a copy of the quit deed she had signed, the Post Nuptial Agreement and a copy of all the videos I had of her and everyone involved. She had been instructed not to return to the company office for any reason and if anyone called to talk to her on the house phone or her cell phone she would get even less money. If anyone came by the house she was to brush them off as quickly as she could because she would now be under 24 hour surveillance and I would know and again her settlement would be also be far less than I had intended to give her. She had finally found out about the sale of the business and the sale of the house. She had only thirty days to vacate the house. If she signed the papers the following morning at my lawyer's office she would receive a certified check in the amount of $400,000.00 so she could start her new life, ALONE. If she refused to sign she was informed that her refusal would constitute further legal actions that would drag her through the mud with the videos not only going public but also to all our friends and family. My next step was to figure out where I was going to live when I "retired" from the new company in a month.

The lawyer was instructed to send copies of the video to all parties concerned at their homes while the husbands were at work. That was to coincide with their impending date of separation of the new company. All was to be the date of my last day of work. I would leave with the area as a single man with a total asset of almost eight and one half million dollars and change.

Chapter 5

Fairy Tale Ending

So now here I am at the present time looking forward to a new life away from central Texas where I had built a home, built a business, raised three kids and in general had a good life, at least up to a point. I decided to buy a motor home with a tow vehicle behind it and start touring America. Could life be any better? You bet your sweet ass it could!

I started out just heading east. I knew I wanted to visit the East coast. I had spent several weeks there when I was doing one of my consulting jobs and thought I'd like to see the area while not on business. From there I just went wherever I felt like going. Sort of like Forest Gump, "I just felt like driving" OK maybe a little twist, but the same basic idea. I never went directly from one town or another, I never stayed more than a couple of days unless something really peaked my interest. Quite honestly after a short while I think I was getting bored being on my own. I also did not actively pursue any romantic interest along the way. I knew I was not ready to kindle any type of relationship with anyone yet. I did get a pet and I did have a few encounters with the ladies. I really wanted a gold fish, but I figured it would probably get sea sick from all the sloshing around of riding in a motorized vehicle for long periods of time. So I settled on getting a chocolate lab puppy. I had trained dogs in the past and I figured I could easily train this one too. For lack of a better name I named her "Sex". That way if needed, I could have a few laughs with others about me always looking for Sex in the craziest places.

About six or maybe seven months, I really was not keeping track, of just driving around the country I was headed through Colorado. I had met a lady four years younger than me. She had been widowed for five years and had been doing as I was doing for also for the past eight months. How our paths crossing was merely a small incident, literally. She had been driving her tow car to the nearby restaurant in Vale, Colorado and had collision with another car. While no one was injured, her car was simply not drivable. I witnessed the entire thing. I then offered to buy her coffee so she could settle down. I explained to the police officer investigating the accident what I had witnessed and he agreed that if the lady was so inclined that I could escort her home or to her next destination. Since the police had my contact info she readily agreed that I had no ill intentions towards her. I also offered to drop her where she needed to go. At first she seemed a little apprehensive but I convinced her I was completely harmless. We also discovered we were staying in the same RV Park so that made things better for her. Since I was in a hurry to get nowhere, we just started hanging out. I moved my coach next to hers and we set up "house keeping" next to each other. If she needed to go somewhere, either I took her or loaned her my car. Most of the time I drove her because she couldn't drive a stick shift very well. We got to know each other over the two weeks that the body shop took to repair her car. The guilty party did not have insurance so she would have to pay out of pocket for a rental car and I just told her not to worry about that. I'd help out.

We got to know each other pretty well and just sort of decided where our next stop would be and drove both our coaches to the next location. Again we parked side by side with one exception, one of us would back in and the other would pull in so our doors faced each other. Our canopies opened up and we had some real nice shade between the motor homes. We might stay at one place for a week, get bored and move to the next place. We might stay there for a month before we moved to the next place on our bucket list. We did visit places like National Parks, State Parks and privately owned RV parks. We would go hiking on hiking trails, biking on bicycle paths and see things we would not normally do by ourselves. We had actually enjoyed a light winter together getting to know each other better. So after about another five or six months we decided to visit one of her kids and possibly leave her motor home and my tow car there. Since her tow car was an automatic she would be able to drive when we set up for a while.

It's funny how some things work out. We traveled to see her family and then we traveled to see all of my kids. Her family accepted me and my family accepted her. After all we had become a couple in every sense of way. We enjoyed each other's company and became friends long before we settled into one coach as traveling companions. On the second night of the trip after we decided to use just one coach, we made love. It was the first time we actually got together as lovers. Up to that point, we had become close friends. Yes we got romantic, we had many meals together, but never intimate. It was slow and sensual and to be honest, a whole lot of fun. After our first time together, even though we were both past our prime, we had sex. It was not the lovingly kind we experienced just over two hours ago, but it was definitely raw, animalistic, wild, crazy and excruciatingly fun. We did things neither of us had done in a very long time. I could go into details of what transpired, but what would be the sense of doing that? Besides a gentleman or even a lady does not kiss and tell. I will tell you that eventually we did get married, settled down in a small community near Vale. When life throws you a lemon, make lemonade! When you can share the lemonade with someone that cares about you and you care about them, does it get any sweeter than that? Certainly! The revenge I got on my ex-wife and her five lovers made me remember that "Once Upon a Time"...

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chytownchytownover 1 year ago

*****Good BTB read very entertaining. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Started out okay but, it went down hill fast!

luvsonmeluvsonmeover 7 years ago
Where's the Dialogue

I have to agree with the others in regards to the rushed ending, and no explanation why his wife was cheating. My biggest concern is there was no dialogue between the characters. With dialogue we become more intimate with the characters. Narration is boring. I did like the premise to the story, but could have been so much more. Stories without dialogue get a 3 from me, and go downhill from there depending on the story. I gave you a 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This was a detailed synopsis. No confrontation, no reasons given for the wife and friends doing all of this to him. Someone should have said something in their conversations that his surveillance system could pick-up. Emotions were missing.

Even though reality can be stranger than fiction, it is not as entertaining.

B_Bailey gave you 2*s.

Learn from this and write some fiction, please🎭.

Thanks B_Bailey.


B_BaileyB_Baileyover 7 years agoAuthor
Once Upon a Time - Part 2

I have submitted Part 2 of this story to address the concerns of those mentioned by some of the comments. I really appreciate those comments. Thanks for them. Also I a currently writing more stories and have submitted another called "I'm a Trucker". The intent is to get my feet wet and open up some dormant creative juices. With your help I can and will improve. Again thanks for all comments, whether constructive or destructive. I read all of them hoping to gain insight as to what you the readers want. Again, Thanks for reading.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 7 years ago
Good start

However, we need to find out more. Was it a dream or did it really happen?

What about his children? Were they even his kids?

A part 2 would be a great read, I think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
two words....

spell check.

B_BaileyB_Baileyover 7 years agoAuthor
Feed back

You are right. I am new at this. Help me learn, teach me. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
what ??

not complete are there missing pages ? why did his wife do this what happend to her and his employes ? he woke up from a dream ? w/ a knot on his head ? and still thought it was a dream wifes actions made no sense sry 2* ps how come ALL the heros sell their small biz. for Millions an ride off into the sunset ?stlcris

hindsight2020hindsight2020over 7 years ago

Really skipped the interesting parts. Stories, all stories revolve around conflict. You managed to skip the real conflict. As a result, the story got dull.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What ?!?

I see you're a pretty new author here , thank you for sharing your stories with us.

First , this really seemed to be rushed in the important places , and drug through some of the not so important places.

For example , you go into pretty great detail about setting up the hidden cameras , and the dealings with the lawyer , you were setting up the climatic scene . But then you simply skipped over the climax like it wasn't even there !

That's the meat in the sandwich ! That's why we read these types of stories !

You set up the confrontation with all of the cheaters , and then with absolutely no mention of it , he's in a RV back east.

A year or two back , a certain author on this site posted a couple of stories under a different username ( RL Mann ) , this almost feels like the same thing . If you are a new guy , then I apologize for the accusation . But this is just Hookie as hell.

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