Paramedic Pt. 07


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"Thank you Grandfather. May the peace of the Creator be with you in your life and journeys" said Jared.

As the vision of his Grandfather faded, he said "I love you Jared" before disappearing entirely.

Jared then looked around the lodge and said "let us give thanks in silence for what we have gained during this ceremony."

There wasn't a sound in the tent for 2 minutes. Jared then declared the door open and last one in the lake is a rotten egg.

The men had rinsed themselves off and drank the last of the bottled water. They had consumed 48 bottles of water between them since the sweat started.

Jared was standing alone, deep in thought standing near the fire and staring into it. The rest of the men came to him and hugged him.

They had all stood together for a moment when Josh asked "Is anyone beside me hungry?"

"Josh, you are always hungry" said Darren. A loud smack of an ass cheek was heard and Darren yelping. "Josh, you are going to get such a spanking........" he yelled.

"That one wasn't me" Josh pleaded. Troy broke from the group and ran for the cabin. As Darren was watching him, his ass was slapped 3 more times by people running by him and up to the cabin. Jared suddenly stopped running and turned around, heading back to the sweat lodge to gather his sacred objects. With them in hand, he ran to the cabin.

"Hey guys, get the BBQ lit, I have more steaks in the fridge and there is lots of salads and bread. There's also potato's in the oven and they should be ready. I did it this afternoon after my meditation was completed" said Jared.

"Jared, you weren't kidding when you said your Grandfather contacted you in visions. Is your plan cheaper than my damn cell phone?" asked Liam

Jared smiled and pulled Liam into a hug, then smacked the back of his head playfully. "I can't believe you asked that" laughed Jared.

The men got the steaks cooked, the food spread out and they attacked it with the appetites only equated to hyenas attacking a wounded zebra. They made short order of all the food, leaving only a pile of debris on the table. They were all sitting around the table on the deck silent, but very content.

Darren let out a belch which was of such quality it resonated through the table. Josh leaned over and slapped the back of his head.

There was another belch heard, this time from Tyler.

"Amateurs" said Troy and proceeded to let out a belch of such volume and duration one would have thought it was not humanly possible. The men applauded.

Jared looked at them all and then let go a sound which sounded like trumpet, except it wasn't a belch. He sat there with a very satisfied smirk on his face.

Liam put his hand over his mouth "Oh my god Jared, that's terrible." He promptly let go his own fart.

Josh stood up and looked at his friends "is this a re-enactment of the campfire scene from Blazing Saddles?" He then stuck his ass out a bit and joined in with his own contribution.

"Good god. No more beans for you guys" Tyler said waving his hands in front of his face. They all started laughing uncontrollably.

Liam stood and gathered up some debris "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to clean up and its bed time for me." Everyone stood and joined in the cleaning. It didn't take long, and soon they realized they were all worn out from the activities throughout the day, but especially after the sweat. The men all soon headed off for bed with their boyfriends.

Josh and Darren were lying in bed together, Darren spooning his boyfriend from behind.

"Josh, I thought I had lost you this afternoon" Darren said quietly.

Josh turned his head towards Darren and spoke "It wasn't my time and Jared won't let it happen before my time Darren."

"I'm beginning to understand what people mean when they say that Josh. I've learned so much about life tonight Josh. I'm beginning to realize there's a higher entity and he does care about us. I don't know how to describe it except I didn't think something like guardian angels existed until today Josh. Is Jared an angel and Liam learning to be one?" said Darren.

Josh rolled over and faced Darren. "No. Although it's easy to understand why you'd think they were. They are as they say, just men who are the conduits for the Creator's will and powers. You've begun to learn Darren, but there's so much more to this and it'll take time. Open your mind and heart, and it'll help you to comprehend."

"I will Josh." Darren looked into Josh's eyes and smiled. "Falling asleep with you being the last l thing I see before I close my eyes is perfect Josh."

Josh tenderly kissed Darren, and they both fell asleep, holding each other.

The men all got up at different times in the morning. By mid-morning, they all found themselves sitting in pairs on the deck, picking at the remnants of their breakfast.

"What's up for today?" asked Troy.

There was a long pause and Jared said "Not much, a day to relax by waterskiing, fishing, swimming or laying in the sun. I want to cut some wood and bring it in to make sure there is enough for the fire pit and the house."

"I'd like to help" said Tyler. "It's a good workout." The rest volunteered as well

The group cleaned up the breakfast mess, and at Jared's insistence they all got into clothing for cutting wood. Jared led them past their parked vehicles and into a large Quonset behind the treeline. Inside was large pickup up truck and all the equipment they would need to get wood. The Quonset was garage height but long enough to park 8 vehicles. In the back was a work shop area with chainsaws and safety equipment.

"Hey hose puller, do you know how to run one of these?" asked Jared.

"Yes, of course. I love running a saw" he replied.

"Grab that one" Jared said pointing "and the chaps, helmet and muffs are over there" as he pointed another direction.

The men checked the equipment out and loaded it into the back of the truck.

Josh asked if he and Troy could use the quads and Jared nodded his head. They grabbed helmets and started them to make sure they ran. The rest of the guys got into the truck and Jared backed it out. He headed down the laneway and turned onto a cutline leading into another part of the forest. After a few minutes, they arrived at an area which looked like the trees had been snapped off by the hand of God pushing them down.

"What caused this?" asked Liam, amazed at the destruction.

"It was a plough wind. This happened a few years ago. Before you ask Liam, a plow wind is the result of a strong storm front and a very strong wind being formed within it. Instead of a tornado, the plough wind is straight, and impacts with the ground at an angle. Look at the trees over there and do you see how they are broken off high? You see how they are broken off or pushed over lower and lower until the ones at ground level were hit. If you were to draw a line from the ground up to where the trees first show damage, this one hit the earth at about a 30 degree angle."

"Are they common?" asked Liam

"They seem to be getting more common" Jared replied. "I like to get my firewood from this area. It has been drying in the sun for a few years now and the wood has dried quite well."

Soon the sounds of chainsaw were heard as Jared and Darren began limb the trees and buck it into stove cord length. The others were piling the wood into the back of the truck. When the truck was full, Troy and Liam drove the truck back to the cabin and threw it out near the Quonset next to the splitter.

The men had made 6 loads of wood when Jared said "Enough guys. I think we have enough stored for a few sweat ceremonies and use in the house. Over the summer, I hope we can get some more and get everything split and stacked as well."

They headed back to the Quonset and stored the gear away after unloading the last load. They headed back to the cabin and lunch.

After lunch, Tyler, Darren and Josh wanted to split some of the wood to get a better work out for them and headed out back. They were now back to their usual cabin dress code, wearing their loin cloths as they split wood to prevent slivers in vital organs.

Jared and Liam stayed dressed after Jared suggested they go for a quad ride on some of the trails in the area. They put their helmets on and headed out, Jared in the lead. They drove along trails, through swampy areas and mud.

Liam hadn't driven a quad much, but he was getting more confident. He managed to splash Jared a couple of times with great gobs of mud having the consistency of homemade thick gravy, coating him from head to toe.

Jared had got more than even with Liam. One time, he gunned the quad causing the wheels to spin throwing clumps of mud directly at Liam. By the time he was finished, there was about 4 inches of mud stuck to Liam's head and upper body.

Soon enough, they ended on top of a hill. They parked their quads and took their helmets off. Jared led Liam on foot up higher and then around the peak. When they broke through some bushes, they found themselves on a large flat rock outcropping which was high above the lake giving them a stunning view of the entire area. On the outcropping was a couple of handmade willow chairs, a table and a fire ring made of rocks.

"This is a fantastic view Jared" stated Liam. Jared came up behind him and embraced him.

"Yes it is. You can see the top of the cabin in that direction" Jared pointed. "The area where we were cutting wood is over there. Over there, you can see the river feeding the lake and then out of it again over there. This is a sacred place once used for spotting enemies and signal fires. Sacred ceremonies were also conducted here."

Jared led Liam over the rock face, and showed him some drawings of men with spears and animals painted about 1,000 years ago.

"Touch them" suggest Jared.

Liam reached out his right hand and with his fingertips touched the figure of a man. His head was immediately flooded with visions of a large camp of natives located on the banks of the lake where it meets with the river. There were children playing, women weaving or sorting grains for storage and men practicing their spear throwing or using their bows to shoot arrows at a target. There were racks of split fish and strips of meat hanging from them to dry in the sun. The tribe appeared to be healthy and very happy in their lives. The vision changed to a medicine man sitting on this ledge by the side of a fire. The man suddenly sat straighter and turned slowly to look directly at Liam. He stood and walked towards the boys.

The man raised his hand, palm facing upward and said "Greetings travellers. Standing Maskwa (bear), it is good to see you again my friend" he said looking at Jared.

"Greetings Sacred Medicine Man of the people" replied Jared.

"You have brought a man. Is this Soring Mikisow (eagle) who we saw in our vision? The man of two spirits who will stand by your side and will blend his powers with yours?" he asked.

"It is so Sacred Medicine Man of the people. He has arrived as foreseen" replied Jared.

Jared looked at Liam who was standing very still, his beautiful eyes wide open. "Jared is this real?" he asked, his voice quivering.

"Yes, Liam. You may take your hand off the painting now" said Jared. Liam did so slowly.

"Liam, your name is soaring Mikisow or soaring eagle. This man is the greatest medicine man of the people who ever lived. I introduce you to Trumpeting Wâwâskesiw, Sacred Medicine Man of the people and my grandfather. You would call him great-great-great-great-great grandfather Liam in English. Grandfather, I am honoured to bring to you to Liam or Mikisow, my soul mate" said Jared.

Grandfather stepped forward and embraced Liam strongly, patting his back 3 times and then stepping back. He then motioned to the fire and said "Join me for tea. I have been waiting for you and it is ready" he said.

"How shall I address you wâwâskesiw?" asked Liam.

"Liam, you may call me Grandfather. It is term of respect for anyone young to call an elder Grandfather regardless of the other's culture to assign only two grandfathers for a family. In the people's culture, it takes an entire community to raise a child, therefore the young may call all elders grandfather or grandmother" he explained.

They sat down and Grandfather Elk poured tea into the 3 cups and handed it to them. The drink wasn't made with actual tea leaves, it was made with various herbs and berries provided by Mother Earth locally. "Maskwa, I sense a change in you since last time. The Creator has touched you." He stated.

"Yes grandfather, he did. Although I am not worthy, he has named me Sacred Medicine Man of the people in the sweat lodge ceremony" Jared said. "The Creator also reached deep into Liam to bring the knowledge of the ancients near to the surface in him. He needs to be trained so it will surface completely."

"Then we will start" the old man said. "First, Mother Earth needs her dirt back and you two have much of it on you. Do you not take swims in the lake to be clean in your time?" he asked while smiling.

Jared and Liam both smiled back. Liam said "Grandfather, we were playing in the mud like children, but it was fun."

The old man smiled and said to Jared "You have chosen well. Let's go to the lake and you may swim to clean up. I have loin cloths for you ready to wear."

They took a trail down to the lake and the boys jumped into the water. They took off their clothes and rinsed them as much as they could, and taking them out to dry on the rocks. They returned to the water and finished washing themselves. Coming out of the lake, the old man met them at the shore and gave them some loin clothes. Liam and Jared put them on quickly.

"I shall lead Liam into the forest and we shall look at the medicines and talk with the spirits" stated Grandfather.

"Yes Grandfather. I shall remain here in meditation until you return" said Jared and made himself comfortable on the moss on the edge of the bank, leaning against a tree crossed legged. Liam and Grandfather disappeared into the forest.

Jared had been sitting and meditating for quite some time when he heard some children yelling in the near distance. Curious, he got up, stretched and walked towards them. There were 6 or 7 young teenagers standing around another teenager on the ground. He was crying.

Jared approached the group and held his hand out palm up "Greeting cousins." The youth were startled and turned to him.

"Who are you?" the biggest one demanded. "We don't know you."

"You are old enough for proper courtesy and a proper greeting" said Jared sharply.

The youth were startled by Jared's words. They began to get nervous when the bigger one spoke again "We don't know you. You are not of our tribe so we do not need to show respect."

Jared walked up to the group. The little tents in their loin cloths, the stains on the front of them and the crying youth with his loin cloth pulled down made things obvious to Jared what was happening. He looked at them all, towering over even the biggest and held out his hand, palm up again "Greetings cousins."

"Who are you?" the biggest one demanded again.

Jared was getting upset at their rudeness. "I am Standing Bear, Sacred Medicine Man of the People. My Grandfather is the most Scared Medicine Man of the People Trumpeting Elk. You have not learned your teachings for someone nearing the age of a man and not knowing when to show greetings."

"Trumpeting Elk has no grandchildren" the big one said.

"Now you call me two faced" steamed Jared. Jared stared at the young man who looked back at him. He was trying to square off with Jared. Jared looked skyward as he raised his arms up with the palms facing the heavens. The boys stepped back a bit.

When he brought his head down and looked at the boys, his eyes were glowing bright white. "You have dishonoured yourselves by forcing this boy to have sex with you. In my life, it is called rape and in some cases is dealt with by the punishment of death. You have also failed to properly greet a visitor and by calling him a liar." In a thunderous voice Jared asked "Why do you choose these paths."

The young men were scared now, except for the biggest one. "You don't scare me with these tricks water spirit." He turned to look at his friends and realized they had stepped back and he was alone with the boy on the ground.

"Now you insult me boy" said Jared. Jared focused his eyes on the young man and commanded "Stand with your friends" he said with a thunderous voice again. The boy didn't want to move except he had no choice now as he was now being wiled to move by Jared.

Jared kneeled next to the young man and took him in his arms and pulled the loin cloth back into place carefully. He spoke very gently "what these boys have done to you is a dishonour to them. They will be punished. But first, I wish you to share your pain and suffering with those who have done it to you."

Jared placed his hand on the young man's forehead, and raised his other arm fingers upright like a stop signal pointed at the group of boys. The hand on the boy's forehead glowed and he stopped hurting. Jared looked over at the group and saw them all on the ground crying, and in pain. Jared then gently placed both hands on the head of the boy in front of him and prayed to the Creator. His hands glowed briefly, and the glow spread to the boy and throughout his body. "The Creator has chosen to heal you, the damage, the pain and shame has been removed. You will walk a long path in your life and be with your people for many years of plentiful food, good weather and many children."

The young man looked up and said "Thank you Standing Bear. I will hear your words and make them happen."

Jared stood up and looked at the group of youth on the ground, still crying and in pain. Once again, Jared looked up to into the sky and prayed. The youth were released from their experience.

"Stand up" Jared commanded them.

Jared did not lose his temper very often but, he was fighting it at a level he had never experienced before in his life. He was fighting to remain calm and to think of actions which were suitable for this situation and not over react. Suddenly he filled with rage and thought with what these youth did, they should be destroyed, killed, put to death. They should not be allowed to live and do this ever again. Jared had never felt anything so vivid in his life. He could feel his body breathing quickly, increased heart rate, narrowing his vision to what is called tunnel vision and focused only on the young men. He felt his hands moving with the fingers stretching out and then into a tight fist. He was sweating profusely in spite of the wind and suddenly become aware all of the muscles in his body were tightening and ready to spring into action. His training in Aikido could be used to deal with these young men effectively. He also thought of ways he could make these young men be punished or tormented for years in the spiritual world, made to suffer for their actions.

Then, like a light come one, Jared thought "I am not the creator, I am not the judge, I am not an executor, I am a healer. My body has gone into "fight or flight" mode and I am not thinking about the full picture. I hate their behavior but the tribe has a justice system to deal with transgressions using tribal history and beliefs. I cannot hate, that is an emotion which can run out of control and cause rash decisions. I must only disagree or not like their behavior, never hate the person. I can determine they have broken rules, or laws, or behaved unacceptably but I cannot let hate dominate me. Even the guilty must be healed and dealt with properly. I would be no better than the youth who raped this boy. I must allow the people to deal with their own."

He began to control and will himself to settle down. This time he used his Aikido training to defuse his body from the "fight or flight" mode it was in. He willed his parasympathetic nervous system to work immediately and return his body to normal. It worked and the monster which had grown so quickly in him was slain. He was in control again.