Party Favor Pt. 03


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In the end, he had three pages filled with comments. Some were short, only two or three words, while others were entire sentences. Shane sighed, and sent the file back to Mr. Miller. Some of the negative comments were still in his head.

He got up from the chair, and removed his shoes and trousers so he could have a nap. It had been a pretty exhausting weekend, and Shane closed his eyes as he got comfortable in the bed. Maybe if he slept, he wouldn't have to think about how some of those guys from last night thought he was terrible at sucking dick.

It was weird, though, to lie here without Mr. Miller, and with that little plastic cage around his cock. He didn't mind that he wasn't able to jerk off, but he wished Mr. Miller would simply trust him not to jerk off. He did have some self-control.


Maybe not. Maybe it was better this way. He definitely knew his body belonged to Mr. Miller now.

Would Mr. Miller make him wear the cock cage to school? He hoped not. He wouldn't be able to explain that in the toilet, or during Gym class.

He drifted off to sleep, dreaming about being fucked by a crowd of men, all touching him eagerly. He woke up with his cock hurting from trying and failing to get hard. He grunted with frustration as he got out of bed. That hadn't been a nice nap at all.

Realising he only had an hour to pack, he washed his face and got to packing. He did his own bag first, since he didn't care about the mess.

He took his time with Mr. Miller's suitcase, packing up all the different sex toys, and wondering when they'd use the ones they hadn't used on this trip. Would Mr. Miller use a bigger butt plug on him some other time? Shane hoped so.

He did his best to get everything in the suitcase, and had just finished when Mr. Miller returned. Shane stood next to the suitcase while Mr. Miller gave it a quick inspection.

"It'll do," he said, and shut his case. "Are you sure this is everything?"

"Yes, Master," Shane replied. He rolled his eyes when Mr. Miller inspected the room anyway. "I checked those drawers!"

"And I'm re-checking," Mr. Miller told him. Once he had finished, he walked over to Shane. "Show me your dick, boy."

Shane did, biting his lip as Mr. Miller uncaged him. "Thank you, Master."

"You were very well-behaved last night after being caged all day," Mr. Miller mused, putting the cock cage in the pocket of his jacket. "I wonder if the cock cage is why?"

"Definitely not, no, Master," Shane replied, stepping back and zipping up his trousers. "I was just, uh, eager to get fucked after the glory hole."

"I'd like to test my theory soon anyway," Mr. Miller replied. "Have you caged for a day, then at a party in the evening. Who knows, maybe I'll leave you caged during the party, then enjoy you the next day."

"Master, no, you said I did well last night, you can't punish me like that!" Shane insisted. Dammit, Mr. Miller had been so pleased with him. Why did he want to cage him for so long?

"Don't complain, boy. I need to know how you respond to things like the cock cage. If I hand you over to someone else, that's something they will need to know too, for your training. If you being caged leads to you being on your very best, most obedient behaviour..." Mr. Miller moved closer, then suddenly reached out to grab Shane's hair. He gave it a firm tug. "Then being caged is what you'll be, boy."

Shane gasped. "Yes, Master," he managed. He ran a hand through his hair when Mr. Miller released him. "I'll be good."

"I knew the cock cage would motivate you," Mr. Miller told him. He smiled. "Come, let's grab lunch and then we'll leave."

Shane hesitated before following Mr. Miller out the hotel room. "Do I have to kneel at your feet again, Master?" He didn't want to, not after how weird it had felt that morning.

Mr. Miller turned in the doorway to look at him. "Yes."


"Because I enjoy it, boy," he replied.

Shane nodded. It should be answer enough. He was here to please Mr. Miller, after all, and it wasn't uncomfortable. He still didn't like having to do it. "I think it makes others think I'm being punished, Master."

Mr. Miller considered that. "And you don't like it when others think you're being punished, boy?"

"No, Master," he said immediately.


"Well, it's -- I don't want them to think I did something wrong, Master. Or that you aren't pleased with me." He gestured at his laptop. "Some of them already think I'm bad at that."

Mr. Miller smiled. "You want others think you're a good boy," he said. "Oh, of course you do."

Shane wasn't sure what to reply to that. He did want that. "Shouldn't I, Master?"

"Oh, you definitely should, boy, yes. I'm glad you want that. Now, there is one way to avoid it looking like a punishment," Mr. Miller told him. "You have to look happy, boy."

"Happy?" Shane echoed. "While kneeling?"

"Yes. See, every man here has different punishments for his boy, depending on what his boy doesn't like. Sometimes, the punishment for one boy is a reward for another," Mr. Miller said. "It all depends on how the boy reacts. In this case, if you look miserable while kneeling at my feet then yes, others will assume you're being punished."

That made sense. "I guess I looked a little uncomfortable this morning," he mumbled.

"It was your first time doing that in public," Mr. Miller said. "It was fine. Come on, let's get lunch and remember, look happy."


Shane knelt down by Mr. Miller's chair while he went off to get himself lunch. He forced a smile on his face, even as his stomach was squirming. He reminded himself that no matter how awkward this felt, it was what Mr. Miller wanted him to do. He was pleasing Mr. Miller, and he was comfortable enough.

Soon, Mr. Miller returned and it was easier to smile, especially when Mr. Miller was stroking his hair again. Shane leaned into it, and Mr. Miller gave him a friendly pat on the head. Then, Mr. Miller pushed him closer until Shane had to rest his head against Mr. Miller's thigh.

"Good boy," Mr. Miller said, loud enough for the men at the tables next to them to overhead. "You're a very good boy."

Shane felt his cheeks turn red. Sure, he hadn't wanted people to think he was being punished, but Mr. Miller was overdoing it now. He kept smiling though, because it was nice of Mr. Miller to think of him. And it did feel nice, resting his head against Mr. Miller's thigh and having his hair stroked.

All too soon Mr. Miller told him to get up. "You eat, I'll say goodbye to a few friends."

Shane got himself some sandwiches and muffins, along with coffee. "Okay, Sir." As he ate, he did keep an eye on Mr. Miller every now and then. Was he inviting those men to his parties? Would they be fucking Shane any time soon?

Mr. Miller returned to the table before Shane had finished eating, and he sat down. "Are you looking forward to going back home, boy?"

Shane swallowed the last of his sandwich. "Uhm, sure, I guess? I hope my parents won't ask too much about what happened." He would just say it was boring and that he typed out a lot of boring notes.

"Are you looking forward to my next party?"

"Oh yeah," he replied, nodding. "Depending on, er, what you've got planned, Sir." After this weekend, he was sure that Mr. Miller would want him to do more than simply get fucked and suck a lot of cock.

Mr. Miller gave him a smile. "I'm still considering my plans for you for my next party. We'll also have to plan a training session to work on a few things. Those will be separate from the party, but we can do them before or after," he said.

"What kind of training, Sir?" he asked.

Mr. Miller just smiled. "I'm still considering my plans for that too, boy. This weekend has given me some things to think about too."


They left once they had finished with lunch, and drive back was spent in silence. Shane stared out the window, thinking about what it'd be like to be back home again. It had been an intense weekend, and it was weird to imagine sleeping in his own bed, without Mr. Miller there, and without having been fucked hard beforehand. Jerking off just wasn't the same. He didn't have any butt plugs or dildos to use on himself. Unless...


Mr. Miller smiled as he glanced at Shane. "That rule was for in the hotel room, Shane, but well done. You can keep calling me Master when we're in private."

"I didn't -- I forgot," Shane muttered, feeling flustered. Right, he hadn't called Mr. Miller 'Master' until this weekend.

"What did you want to ask, boy?"

"I was just wondering if I can have a dildo or a butt plug or something? Just so I have something to use while jerking off," he explained.

"That's an excellent idea, and you certainly may," Mr. Miller told him. "Not right now, though. I have a bigger collection at home. You can pick a few toys next time you're at mine. Until then, you'll have to make do."

"All right, thanks," Shane replied. He was a little disappointed he couldn't pick anything from Mr. Miller's suitcase, but the man was right. He did have a bigger collection at home, and Shane looked forward to seeing them all and trying them. Or have Mr. Miller use them on him, especially the bigger, thicker ones. Oh yes, Mr. Miller would take his time, getting Shane used to taking thicker dildos, working him open, and then fucking him with them...

"Are you thinking about them right now, boy?"

Shane was started out of his fantasy. "Yes," he replied, since there was no point in lying. "About how much fun it'd be to try a few of yours so I pick one I really like to take home." His own cock was half-hard just thinking about it, and he was sure Mr. Miller could see how excited Shane was.

"That would be lots of fun, yes," Mr. Miller agreed. "Mmm, yes, watching you shove a big dildo up that pretty ass of yours would be a treat."

Shane let out a soft groan, and felt himself harden further. "How big?"

"Bigger than you've taken so far. Yes, that's the point of trying several dildos, isn't it, boy? To make sure you can take bigger ones, ones that stretch your hole around them and leave you nice and full," Mr. Miller continued. "You've taken two dicks at once, you can definitely take a thick dildo, boy."

Fuck, he was hard. "Master..." He wanted to jerk off. He wanted to come.

Mr. Miller just smiled as he kept driving. "No, boy. Some other time. We're about fifteen minutes away from your parents' house, so if I were you, I'd focus on calming down."

He groaned in frustration. "C'mon, just one last fuck! You didn't even fuck me today."

"Desperate, horny slut," Mr. Miller said fondly. He reached out with one hand to palm Shane's groin. "So desperate to be fucked and used, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master," he breathed, thrusting his hips. "Please, fuck me."

Mr. Miller squeezed, then put his hand back on the steering wheel. "Another time."

Shane sagged in his seat, sulking. "Fine."

"I do want you to do something for me, though, before next time. Consider it homework."

"Oh?" Shane asked. "Homework?"

"I want you to watch porn. Gay porn, to be exact. I don't really care what kind, but I do want to know what kind you like best, and what kind you didn't like at all," Mr. Miller told him.

He had never watched gay porn before. "Huh, seriously?"

"Yes. Obviously, porn videos aren't instructional videos, but it'll be good for you to see what other kinks and fetishes are out there. Before Wednesday, I want you to send me links to five clips you really liked, and five that turned you off," Mr. Miller told him.

"Okay, sure." Watching porn sounded like pretty great homework. He'd just have to find a few websites dedicated to gay porn, but that probably wasn't difficult.

"I'll be honest, I'm very curious about what you'll send me," Mr. Miller said, glancing at Shane for a moment. "Depending on the clips, I might be able to recommend you others like it."

"That'd be fun," he replied. Mr. Miller probably knew how to find some good, kinky porn. "Can't you just send me stuff to start me off with?"

Mr. Miller laughed. "No, I think it would be more interesting to let you do some exploring on your own at first. I look forward to getting your e-mail."

Shane sighed. "Fine, but I might just send you boring stuff you've already seen a dozen times before."

"Well, if it is, then I should have no problem recommending something similar but more exciting," Mr. Miller replied. "So long as you're able to explain a little about what you did or didn't like about the clips, everything's fine."

"Sure, I can do that," Shane replied. He found that he was looking forward to it now. Not just to watching porn and jerking off over it if it was hot, but to sending some of it Mr. Miller and telling him what he liked about it.


Mr. Miller arrived at Shane's parents' house a little after three, and followed Shane to the back of the house, where Shane's dad was already waiting.

"I told you I'd bring him back safe and sound, didn't I?" Mr. Miller said. He reached out to squeeze Shane's shoulder. "Shane was a great help this weekend."

"That's good," Shane's dad replied, looking a little nervous. "Shane, how did it go?"

Shane shrugged, trying to look casual. "It was mostly just boring and I typed out a bunch of notes and fetched a lot of coffee."

Shane's dad kept eyeing him as if he was expecting Shane to say more. "Well, that's... nice, I guess. Thanks for dropping him off nice and on time," he added, looking up at Mr. Miller.

"Of course. I can't claim all of Shane's weekend, can I? He's got better things to do than fetch coffee for an old man," Mr. Miller said, releasing Shane's shoulder. "And he's done his homework already, I made sure of it."

"Really?" Shane's dad sounded surprised. "He's actually done his homework?"

"I do my homework!" Shane protested. "Usually."

"Doing your homework is important, Shane," Mr. Miller told him. "You know that."

Shane grit his teeth. He knew Mr. Miller was making sure Shane's dad was fine with Shane spending a weekend with Mr. Miller, but he got enough badgering about his homework from his parents. "Yes," he grumbled.

"Well, thanks again for letting me borrow your son. I'll talk to you again soon. Say 'hi' to your wife for me!" With that, Mr. Miller turned and left.

Before Shane could enter the house, Shane's dad grabbed his arm. "Did anything happen?" he asked, his tone hushed.

"Like what?" Shane asked, shrugging off his dad's hand. "I told you, it was boring. I fetched coffee."

"So you... didn't do anything you didn't want to?"

"Except for my homework?" Shane countered. He glared at his dad. "The weekend was fine."

"Well," his dad said, stepping back. "If you say so."

"Yeah," Shane told him. He hated how his dad kept prodding him about the weekend. He was sure his mom would do it too. "Yeah, I say so." He walked inside, still dragging his bag with him. "I'm gonna go to my room."

He had homework to do for Mr. Miller.

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savage12ksavage12kover 2 years ago

I'm loving the realistic character development. The mental conditioning from naive, straight, spoiled, high schooler to this wonderful, submissive, gay cock slut is really well laid out. Keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
loved it

looking forward to more

SexySandra01SexySandra01almost 6 years ago

Loved this chapter and I'm really looking forward to more already

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

This story is one of my favorites to fap to. So fucking hot. Thank you.

Daisy_xDaisy_xabout 6 years ago

oh ps, also loved the reference to the spa from your other story - the idea of shane going there was a reaaally cool addition- i imagine miller is a fan of the twink special ;) x

Daisy_xDaisy_xabout 6 years ago

Reaaaally like this story - i wonder if his parents will ever find out?! god i hope so, would be a great read!! Maybe miller will 'accidentally' get shane caught ;) hehee - please update soon:)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

One of the best stories I have ever read on this site!!

JasonClearwaterJasonClearwaterover 6 years ago
Nice evolution of reluctant to enthusiastic

Your characters feel real, especially Shane, and the way Mr Miller handles him and moves him towards his (Mr Miller's) ultimate goal, is very nicely done, and very satisfying. Hits all the right notes of d/s and care and concern. I was hoping you'd write more on this, and ten pages was a very nice surprise.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Favouriting to read later

10 pages.. hell yeah! The last two parts were brilliant. Will comment more when I've read it allll.

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