Phantom Flings


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"Tams, trust me, I am not imagining things."

"Are you sure?"

"I think I must have tired it out yesterday."

"Have you explored around?"

"No. I've been to the jetty and back, except the bit in the boat."

"Oh yeah, your imaginary boat, that isn't there?" She smiled.

"Shush you, it happened. Did you put the coffee machine on?"


"Nor did I." I smile and gulp my coffee.

"Oh...what? Anyway, yesterday before coming here, I googled a hiking trail around the lake."

"Hiking?" My eyes widen with fear. I feel sweat sliding down my back just at the thought of it.

"Mir, it's going to be flat, it's alongside a lake?"

I look over my shoulder at the view and looking back nod in agreement and take a deep resigned breath. "I guess I could have a day off my writing, and we could take a picnic with us?"

"Well, Mir, I know with you there has to be food involved."

"Guilty. Oh, we could have a nice white wine as well?" I poured the coffee into the mug and offered it to Tammy.

"If it keeps you happy?" She grinned and stroked my arm.

"An excuse not to type always makes me happy." I look at my laptop on the table and feel guilty. I must clean the mess up under it at some point.

Chapter Eight...|

Chapter 9

Tammy's rucksack was now very heavy, filled with ham, cheese, nibbles, and importantly two wine bottles, along with some bread, and a couple of bottles of water. She takes charge of the situation. I rest my legs and concentrate on smoking whilst sitting on the sofa as she flits around. I want to try to stay cool. Without the ghost around. The area still feels very hot.

I am not going to lie, it's a very strange feeling and the idea of going out for a walk, without any knickers or bra on. I felt very exposed and in a short dress I felt particularly saggy and sweaty. But we put some sensible shoes and socks on...praying that was allowed.

It was nearly eleven before we finally set off. It was far too hot. But amongst the trees it was cool and pleasant. I try to explain my plot line with Jenny, how she spends a lot of time walking amongst the trees around the lake and the ghost keeps coming up surprising and spooking her.

Tammy had to laugh at me, she paused and looked around the wall of trees, and laughed. We were literally trying to see if the ghost would come and spook us. I was confident it would. Walking through the woods meant that there were convenient logs to sit down on and have regular cigarette and drink breaks. But the bark is particularly rough on bare thighs and buttocks. My dress was not quite long enough. I would have been fine with leggings.

By twelve thirty we really had not got very far. But far enough that I was hungry. We found a little cove of the lake with sand rather than mud on the shore. Setting up camp we spread out a mat that Tammy had cleverly packed from her car, and opened the wine as we sat down.

It was fun sitting there chatting about the week whilst smoking, drinking wine, and of course eating food. I like sitting more than walking, that is for sure. With the bread and ham finished, I lit another cigarette. Tammy turned to me and giggled, squeezing my knee. "I'm so hot I'm going for a swim!" she announced. Climbing on all fours flashing her round ass at me. I was tempted to either kiss it or slap it. She stood up, crossed her arms over and wiggled her hips as she hauled off her dress over her head, so she was standing naked in front of me. I take the dress off her and declare I am still happy sitting and smoking. I always am.

Looking up at her I couldn't help but admire her curvy hourglass body, nice hips, bit of proud stomach and large breasts. Even her pubes were impeccably trimmed. I would love to look like that. I take a drag on my cigarette as she slowly walks into the water. Her curvaceous buttocks bouncing and jiggling with every careful step. I am disappointed that the ghost has not been seen at all this morning. Other than kindly making the coffee.

Looking at Tammy naked, I'm filled with a feeling. I am now craving sexual attention. I watch as she slowly wades into crystal clear water. I keep pulling smoke into my lungs. It's as I exhaled, I then feel a swirl of cool air flutter between my thighs, the breeze is coming directly off the lake. I can't help but gasp as I exhale my smoke. It is here. It has come to play.

Should I warn Tammy? She is now waist deep in the lake. She pauses in her march out into the middle.

"Ooooh!" She squeals from the water.

"You, okay?" I called back. With genuine concern. Worried as to what the ghost was up to now?

"Yes, very much so, just warming the water, by having a quick wee!" She giggles as she then wades further out so she stands several feet away from me in the water. I could do that too. She then lowered herself in the water and started swimming. I watch her as she breast strokes slowly away from me. Her head bobbing up and down flashes of her bottom glistening in the sunlight as she slowly glided through the water.

I sigh, my nipples are hard against the summer dress. I know it's nearby. I just have to widen my legs invitingly, hopeful that it will tickle, flick, or as Tammy is busy, fuck me. I need the attention. I want the attention. But as before, wishing for it to happen doesn't work. it won't touch me.

"Oooh..." Tammy squeals excitedly from the water.

"You okay?"

"I think my nipple has just been tweaked by an ice cube or an evil crab underwater." She cackles and laughs "Oooh wow, both at the same time, oh wow." She says much more calmly. I watch as she quickly swims back closer to the shore and stands up. The water flows off her gorgeous, now sunlit glistening wet body.

"It's fun, isn't it!" I called back. I pull on the cigarette. It was my ghost. I feel a sulk building.

Tammy splashes around in the water. "My god!" She calls out.

"You okay?" I ask for a third time.

"It's playing with me below the waterline." She squealed as she bounced splashing the water.

I wince and I drop my cigarette and stub it out with my shoe, before taking them off. I need to have fun too, it's my ghost not hers. Grunting and coughing from trying too quickly to take my dress off, as it's a struggle. It feels like it takes me hours as I get myself all untangled. Eventually I am very naked and try to waddle as fast as I can into the nicely cool water. I should have gotten in earlier. It is rather nice. The cool water splashing around my hot sweaty body as I wade out until I'm standing next to Tammy. The air is equally cool. I smile as her head is back, as she is panting, and the water is sloshing around her stomach.

"Oh Mir, he is fucking amazing!"

I nod, then standing close to her, I then squeal as I too get a touch. My eyes widen as I moan, "Oh I know. He is fabulous."

I grabbed hold of her hand and squeezed it as I felt my vagina being fondled. It knows exactly what to do, and the water around her hips makes the whole thing a lot more exciting. There is swishing and sloshing water flowing between my buttocks, it's another glorious sensory overload. But this time I can squeeze on to Tammy. I can now get some human to touch as the cold frozen fingers push deeper into me.

It was standing in front of us, using both his hands playing with us. If anyone had walked past it would have been two naked women holding hands standing in the middle of the lake taking in turns squealing increasingly louder than each other. Almost in competition as to who was getting the most pleasure from the fingers.

It was Tammy who pulled me closer to her. We were then holding hands before our hips touched, we wrapped our arms around each other's backs, hugging tightly against our waists. Both of us were moaning and panting for a few more minutes. Releasing our grip, we shuffled slightly on the 45 degrees to each other; our breasts were almost touching. We were both quietly moaning as the water splashed between our thighs. Standing with our feet unnaturally apart allowing access. It was Tammy who leaned in, our large breasts squished firmly together, it was then that she kissed me on the lips. She also needs touch too. It was as we kissed the thrusting inside me increased. I had to grope her sexy sagging breast, I needed to touch something. The ghost liked what we were doing. We both paused the kiss to squeal as it clearly increased its velocity. She squeezed my breast, and we passionately kissed once again before stopping. We both needed to pant. Panting hard, I soon wanted to kiss her again, we started probing with tongues, it was a good five minutes before either of us realized that we were hugging each other groping buttocks squeezing ourselves bare stomach to stomach, breast to breast as we kissed and hugged. It was when we stopped for a breather that it dawned on us that the temperature had risen, and it had left us. We were just passionately loving each other.

We almost guiltily walked hand in hand back to the beach. We both lit a cigarette as we sat on the mat dripping. It was a good excuse to open the second bottle of wine and hunt for some more cheese-based nibbles at the bottom of the bag.

With the sun beating down on us, at some point still holding hands we laid down and on closing our eyes, to do a spot of sunbathing, we actually fell asleep. The walk, the wine, the fun had got to us.

Chapter Eight...|

I awoke with my predictable cough. Lying still on my back for a long time always does it. We had been asleep for hours. My skin was now hot to touch, far too pink from the sun. My coughing or the lighting of my cigarette and the drifting smoke tickling her nose finally awoke Tammy.

She blinked and rubbed and fished sleep from her blue eyes as she smiled at me. "Did that happen?"

"What?" I asked, casually scratching an itch on my bare breast as I dragged on my cigarette.

"That?" She pointed towards the lake. My eyes followed and I nodded.

"Oh, the ghost fingering us both in the lake and us kissing?" I smiled and tapped my cigarette, sending the ash scattering on the late afternoon breeze.

"Yeah, well I guess both, it wasn't all a dream?" She looked all confused at me.

"If it was, I can certainly say we shared a very sexy dream together. Tam, of course it has happened, and will more than likely happen again." I grinned and again pulled on the cigarette then reached out and I found myself grinning at her as I gently stroked her bare hip beside me.

She smiled back at me. "Oh, I see. I like that. A lot." Her eyes twinkled at me. "Well, before we go anywhere, I might just go for a very quick swim..." She smiled climbing up on all fours again. I was starting to learn her code. I can't help but smile at the pattern of the rug imprinted with pink lines all over her ass cheeks. I affectionately stroked it. In return she giggled and wiggled her hips.

"I am okay." I suggest smiling while waving my cigarette. I can easily water the grass here. I don't bother saying that, maybe I am both uncouth and just too lazy to get up. I have a long walk ahead of me. I don't need extra exercise. I need my smoke rather than another swim.

As such I drag on my cigarette with hissing a darkened puddle stretches out on the grass and mud between my thighs as I watch on as Tammy's blonde head bobs up and down as she swims several cooling figures of eight out in the lake in front of me. One day I will try to be able to do that too, one day. I just need to cut back on the cigarettes, cake, and then do proper exercise, as with most things in my life, it's just a case of finding the time.

Chapter Eight

Jenny had already turned away from the lake trying to head uphill as a way of finding a signal. But as darkness had set it properly was getting harder and harder to decide where she actually was. The phone was no use in the situation, as it had no signal for Google maps to help. Her Dad was right again, she should have downloaded it before she left. She was just too busy doing other important things on TikTok. Dad 1 Daughter 0.

In the dim darkness she kept going up further and further repetitively checking her phone. She was giving the screen a hard stare, willing a bar to appear. Nothing, as such onwards she marched.

Her heart rate was thumping hard, looking around her, it was now pitch black, the sky merged with the trees. She was stumbling over branches and debris in the woods, each footstep creating a loud crack that echoed underfoot. She had long since deviated from a path. She just wanted her phone to work. Up was the only thing going through her head. Looking ahead, painting, she keeps going.

She kept walking faster and faster, breathing harder and harder as she worked her legs as she marched up the hill. Her flip-flops were the worst shoes to wear for hiking. Sticks and stones were twanging her toes. Crying with every pang of pain. Sweating and shivering as she made her way up, the floaty summer dress was not warm enough for the cool air.

Wishing she had brought her water bottle rather than beer. With a loud echoing unlady like burp, the bottle was soon empty. She balanced it on a rock to find it later.

Twenty long minutes later and shrieking as she tripped over roots and fallen branches several times, her legs were bashed and bruised. Relief waves over her as she finally breaks through the tree line. Looking back even in the darkness it's a phenomenal view. The moonlight twinkling on the blackish water of the lake. The ground was stonier and mossier to walk on. Her flip-flops were sliding everywhere. But higher up she feels happy, she can see somewhere to sit. High up the side of the hill was a large collection of boulders and stone. On reaching a rocky outcrop she sat down. Relief flowed through her body. Looking down at her phone suddenly started vibrating in her hand before the sound of pinging and bonging as the messages and notifications all started downloading. She had finally reached the signal.

Jenny could finally smile and breathe and relax. Her heart was fluttering, rather than thumping. She was now reconnected with the outside world.

Her phone went mad, vibrating and bouncing in her hand as if it were on a trampoline. There are hundreds of messages, about ninety are from the parents. Four are from Steve, her boyfriend. Running her hands through her twig infested hair, picking out what felt like a crawling bug, nods to herself, to build up confidence before she rings him.

"Hey, yes I am fine, missing you so much!" She smiles as her dress flaps again in the cool breeze, her hand trying to hold it down. "Finally found a signal, like four miles from the house."

She nods as he talks "It's an amazing location. The view is stunning. It's so instaable, like, it's amazing."

"I do need you to come out here though?" she asked as she watched as the force made her legs suddenly widen in their stance. "Ohhh."

"Yeah, I am fine. Just the cool breeze on top of this hill." She sniffs the air and winces as the ice-cold feeling returns.

"Mum, may have been righhhht about a few things." She took a sharp intake of breath and squealed as quietly as she could as the ice-cold tongue dived in and flicked and circled her clit.

"Hi, yes, I'm not drunk. I am..." she again took a sharp intake of breath and threw her head back as it started licking and sucking "...abbbsolutley fine. I am just looking forward to seeing you. Ooooh...I really need to see you."

"There is nothing scary at all. Evvverying is loooovvely." Her eyes widened and threw her head back and gasped as the tongue probed deeper.

She works hard trying to explain the house, her walks, and rowing, trying to speed the conversation up by skipping most parts out. All while trying her best not to pant, moan or squeal too obviously. She just knew she had to end the call. They quickly agreed he would make the effort and come out at the weekend.

"I love you so much."

"I better ring mom and dad." She says between deep pants trying to get her breath as she is tickled and flicked between her thighs.

"Love you."

She hung up and finally squealed loudly. "Oh my god. Whatever you are, whoever you are, are so amazing." Jenny gently squeezed her own breasts as the tongue dug deeper into her body.

"But, please, just stop now, please, I really need to ring my parents, and then we can do this back at the house?" she whined. "Please?"

She sat there quietly still breathing deeply...the cool sensation slowly dissipated leaving the trail of its fingers tickling down her inner thigh as if a snail had crawled along, as it retreated, the ghost had listened to her. She coughed after taking a deep breath, the sudden smell of fresh cigarette smoke again lingered in the air. Shaking her head in disbelief. Looking around, there was no one there with her, she was completely alone. With a deep breath and another cough, she focused again on her phone and called home. Everything was absolutely fine. She was on top of the hill in the dark because she needed a signal to call Steve. Everything is fine. There was nothing to worry about, everything was honestly fine.

She will use her torch on her phone, there is nothing to be worried about. She certainly was not worried. She loves them so much. She will be home next week. On hanging up she looked around. Her eyes were slowly adjusting to the true surroundings. It was in reality it was now completely pitch black. At that moment in time even the moon was hidden behind a cloud. It was dark and she was all alone.

Looking out over the view from her rocky seat she could just about see the way down the hill to the trees. With a deep breath. She slowly set off as she gently made her way along. Whilst trying to watch her step and flicked through Instagram and Twitter before her heart sank once again as she noticed with one final scroll that at the top of her phone, with no bars, it had once again become a brick.

With her hand gripping the case her next problem arose as she stumbled down the hill. She had again reached the line of the trees. Inside it was completely dark, not a hint of light anywhere to be seen. She literally could not see the wood for the trees. Scanning the area, neither to her left or right there was an obvious path to follow. She was annoyed that she had come down to a different location to that she had climbed up. Looking at her phone screen her heart sank after spending half an hour talking to both Steve and then her parents. The battery icon now glowed red, it only had ten percent charge on it. With another heavy sigh, she reluctantly turned on the torch, she needed light. It shone enough that she could slowly make her way in, watching her step, and watching the tree trunks, branches and stones that were looming in the darkness.

She made her way into the deep dark woods. The noises of the trees, the scampering and flying animals along her own footsteps that cracked twig after branch were amplified by fear and the darkness. Her own heart was thumping hard and very loudly in the stillness of the forest. Progress was slow. Jenny jumped and stopped moving with every snap or echoing crackle, or loud pop. Every windblown creak of a branch sent a gasping shiver down her spine and through her whole body, or at worse made her jump. She had to keep reminding herself to breathe. After what was only fifteen minutes of walking in what she thought was downhill, she was none the wiser if she was heading in the right or wrong direction. There was no sign of the lake. Looking around, in the darkness everything looked the same. There was no denying it was completely lost. Setting off again, thinking it was down the hill, it was extremely disorienting as to which way was up or down hill. Everything looked the same in the white light of the phone torch.

It was then a few minutes later that her phone battery finally died. She was standing there in the complete darkness sniffing, failing to hold back the tears that had been building. It was the worst place she could possibly be. All she could do was think about crying. Tears started to trickle down both her cheeks.