Please Understand Me


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There was one nagging issue that was unresolved. Where was Victor? It had been a week since his Porsche pulled in the driveway and left with a subservient Karen. Jake vowed he would find Victor and get him in that little cabin in the Northwest communications station, and, according to Sean, he quicker the better.

Jake waited until Darlene had arrived before leaving. He made both girls promise that if Victor showed his slimy face they would call Detective Rawlins first and me second. I wanted to go back to Mattson Ave. and see if Victor was still living there or had gone to ground someplace else. I was getting out of the car on Dominion when my cell rang. It was a near hysterical Darlene. She said Victor had called Karen and told her he would be in the driveway in five minutes and for her to meet him. Darlene was incredulous when Karen went out the back door, walked around the house and waited on the porch. Victor must have been parked down the street because he was in the driveway in about two minutes. Karen calmly walked to the passenger side of the Porsche and climbed in.

"What the hell is going on Jake? Why did Karen go with that total piece of shit? What can I do? Karen took her phone and I don't have Detective Rawlins' phone number. Why didn't Karen call him or you?"

"It's complicated Darlene. Go home and wait. I will contact you later."

I was already just a few blocks from Victor's house when I took Darlene's call, so I should be able wait here for him to bring Karen to me. I stepped on it and arrived at Dominion St. and parked so I could have access to the rear of Victor's house. I approached the house, looked in the driveway and the garage. No Porsche. I did my credit card trick on the back door thankful I had left it locked the last time I was here. Stupid shit, didn't he know cheap locks are the burglar's friend?

I gambled that Victor would bring her to his house and not some other place and when I saw the black Porsche pull in the garage, I knew I had been lucky to win my gamble. Let's hope my luck holds today. I surmised that Victor didn't want his neighbors to see him taking Karen into his house and, because it was an attached garage, he could get her in without anybody seeing her. The attached garage would work for me as well.

I stood in the kitchen just to the left of the door from the garage; when an unsuspecting Victor opened the door and took one step in the house, I quickly grabbed his shoulder and put him in a forearm choke hold from his back. Karen just stared at me and then started pounding me on the back with her little fists.

She screamed "Let him alone. You are going to hurt him. Who are you?" Ah, that last scream gave it away. Karen was in her "bad girl" persona. Her beating fists were like a massage on my back, so I just let her flail way until I felt Victor go limp for lack of oxygen. I let him slump to the floor and whirled around and captured Karen's arms and gave her a deep kiss. She stopped struggling and I watched her give a little shudder and her eyes went from a wild non-focus to the clear intelligence of my wife. I said "Hello Karen what brings you here?"

She quickly assessed the situation "I let Victor bring me here didn't I?"

I responded "No, not really. You didn't. It was your alternate self that did."

She looked at the comatose Victor at our feet and said. "And my knight on a white horse saved me again."

"Right, I left my horse tied to the back gate." I dragged Victor to the bedroom, found some cable ties, and said. "You know how these things work. We need to tie Victor up and get him ready to transport.

I need to stay here in case he wakes up. Here's the keys to my car. Go straight between those two houses and you will see my car. Open the trunk and bring me the motorcycle helmet bag, and the 21 thread sisal rope. Then go in the bedroom and get the rubber ball gag."

Karen said, "I can do that, but where are you taking him?"

"That is something you can't know right now. You still have your cell phone? Call Darlene and tell her you are all right. I need to bring our car around and put it in the garage so we can dump Victor in the trunk without nosy neighbors calling the police. "

Karen was already at work with the cable ties trussing Victor up in a little ball. She took the D/s rubber ball gag and roughly jammed it in his mouth and pulled the black helmet bag over his head. She was possibly recalling the times he did the same to her.

I had to chuckle to myself. This is a much better plan than I had formulated that involved slipping him a roofie. A good old-fashioned choke hold did the trick without the uncertainty of the dose of the drug to knock a man out long enough to transport him. You make a good plan and then are flexible enough to accommodate this kind of serendipitous situation. The Ranger Way. In his arrogant move to get Karen back to his house of horrors, he actually facilitated his road to retribution.

I looked straight at Karen and said, "I left the keys in the Porsche, take it home and put it in the garage. Stay there and I will be home in a few hours.

Karen's face was set in her "I will have my way" expression. She said with conviction "I'm going with you."

"Oh no, you're not. What I'm going to do with Victor is way outside of the law and I don't want you beside me in court. I may go to court, but I want you watching from audience not in the dock."

"Jake, I have no choice. Even Dr. Erikson said it. The only way I can be free from Victor is if he is dead. Not that you tell me he is, I need to see it myself. I want to see the light go out in his eyes. Please, please, I must go with you. Besides, you know I can't drive a stick shift."

It was not lost on me that she used the same words that she used last Wednesday morning that seemed so long ago. On one side, I wanted to protect her from being a lawbreaker. But, she is so correct when she cited Dr. Erikson's words that this piece of garbage would haunt her for the rest of our lives if she didn't know exactly what Victor's fate was to be. I did not plan to kill him, but if Karen tells me it is necessary, I will. After he cuts his own cock and balls off. The fact that she can't drive the Porsche cinches it. I can't leave her here, and I don't want to drive all over Norfolk and VA Beach with Victor in the trunk.

If Karen is going to be my partner, I'm going to have to read her in on the whole thing. I really wish I could confer with Dr. Erikson to determine if this intense event might damage her psyche. I held Karen by her shoulders and looked straight in her eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this? I warn you, my plan is not pretty. It can get bloody and disgusting, but I'm not going to change it just to satisfy you. Do you understand? Once we start, there is no stopping, no turning back."

"Jake, I don't care what you are planning to do with Victor. How about we build a small fire and roast him like the pig he is?

OooKaay, I guess if she is up to slow roasting Victor over a low fire, she won't flinch at cutting his cock and balls off, or making him cut them off himself with a dull, plastic knife.

I'm just going to trust that my fantastic wife does have the strength of character to follow through with my plan. It appears I don't really have a choice, so I will take a page from that great US Navy hero, Admiral David Farragut, and say "Damn the Torpedoes and Full Speed Ahead"!

I told Karen to watch Victor while I moved our car around and put it in the garage so we could stuff Victor in the trunk without an audience.

I should have known my wife, the off the charts genius, was made of stern stuff. She said "Jake, whither thou goes, and I will add, whatever thou doest. I'm at your side or watching your back, whatever gets the job done."

With Victor secure in the trunk of our car and the Porsche in his garage, we headed for the former Northwest Naval Security Group Activity. On the way I briefed her on what was going to happen and how I was going to include her in the script.

"Karen, remember that day last Wednesday when Victor told you that, if that dumb wetback had understood English he would have beaten you harder?"

Ah, my super smart wife immediately grasped the entire plan. "Of course, you are going to be that Spanish speaking wetback, and if Victor survives, he will think a poor illegal immigrant did it to him. You might be behind it, but there is no proof."

"Bingo, smarty pants. So we must be careful in two important things. While the bag is off Victor's head he can only see me in my Mexican gardener's clothes—they are in the trunk along with everything else. He can't see you or hear you at all."

Karen looked at me with an expression I have never seen before. I cannot describe the expression, but I think I can describe the emotion behind it. It was a combination of her strength that will be needed to pull this off, mixed with the extreme joy that full retribution will be served to the person who had made her life these last six months, a living Hell, and would have destroyed her and her marriage.

"Jake, let's do it"

With traffic heavier than normal it took over an hour to get to the little cabin. I had used the bolt cutters my last visit and positioned the cut lock to look like it was intact. I removed the chain and opened the gate. I was getting excited to finally get my retribution - not revenge - on Victor. I gave a thought to Karen, she has no idea what I'm going to do. Will it be too intense for her, will she beg me not to be so cruel? Down deep, does she have vestiges of feelings for this creep? Well, let's see.

I pulled the car around the back of the little cabin just in case someone is snooping or if there is a modicum of security in place.

Karen joined me when we popped the trunk. We did not speak, but I think we both were thinking the same thing. Victor is awake and struggling against the cable ties. Ha, Sunshine, it's going to get a whole lot worse than a ride in a cramped trunk. I grabbed one of the ropes that Karen had wrapped around this piece of garbage, and roughly pulled him out of the trunk to the ground. He gave a grunting sound around the rubber ball stuffed in his mouth.

While Victor was on the ground, I reached in my goodie box and handed Karen a pair of paper booties and a hairnet. My uber smart wife grasped the concept immediately. No evidence must be left behind linking us to this area. I used a hair net under my straw hat, and put on the paper booties. When this was over we were going to burn all our clothes including my boots. I even brought a small broom to obliterate our tire tracks.

I cut the cable ties and removed the rope that was around Victor's legs so he could stand. I grabbed his belt at the small of his back and frog marched him into the cabin. It was about four in the afternoon, and there was plenty of light in the little cabin. I secured him to the table in the face down position I had practiced on myself yesterday. Only this time I replaced the cable ties with the 21 thread sisal rope on his arms and legs and pulled the slipknots tight with all my strength.

I motioned to Karen to leave the room. We went outside and I put Karen at one of the windows where she could see everything in the room, but Victor couldn't see her. Using hand signals I indicated she should stand here while I was in the cabin in my Mexican persona. We moved to the open trunk where I retrieved my gardener clothes. We walked two cabins away where one of the cabin's front doors had been torn off. I was sure that we could talk out of earshot.

While I was changing, I told Karen that we were going to wait for about a half hour before going back in the cabin. I told her that the psyschwar courses I took in the Rangers taught us when a subject is left without sensory input, and we have deprived Victor sight and speech, so he will imagine the worst. He can still hear, touch and smell, but his mind is running a mile a minute. He will imagine every terror even before he learns the real terror.

After I had turned myself into an illegal Mexican worker, I walked in the cabin. I looked at the little table in the corner to ensure that everything I was going to use was there. Ooops, the bull whip was still in the car. I pantomimed a whip and Karen left the window and in less than a minute, I saw an arm and hand holding the whip at the door. My clever wife only showed her arm and hand in case I had slipped up and prematurely removed the bag over Victor's head. Boy, she is really into this thing.

I laid the whip on the table, took a last look around, walked to the head of the table and jerked the bag off Victor's head and pulled the rubber ball out of his mouth. He started screaming nonsense about what he was going to do to me when he got loose. I let him scream for a few moments and then I put the ball back in his mouth, not gently. I wagged my finger under his nose and said loudly, "CALLA TE!"

I left the room and went out to talk to Karen. We walked over to the other cabin in silence together. When we got inside I asked her, 'How do you like this so far?"

She looked happily excited and her voice matched her face when she said. "I love this, Wow! You are beyond clever. Becoming a Mexican with no English. Bravo!"

I walked back with her to her observation window, and we looked in.

Victor's eyes were wide when he saw the contents of the room, the table secured to the floor, the 21 thread rope in position at the four corners of the table. He stared at the seemingly unrelated items on the little table in the far corner of the room, the bottled water, the electric drill, the plastic knife, and the bull whip.

Karen had looked at the same items through the window, but without the stark terror on her face. We are gathered here specifically so she will never again know the terror this total asshole had caused her in the past.

Victor was trying to process all of this, including the scary bull whip when he looked at me. "I know you! You're Karen's gardener" he blurted out.

"Lo siento, no hablo Ingles. I said, knowing he probably had no idea what I said.

OK, Jose, You don't speak English, and I only have cantina Spanish. What now?

I was a little surprised he understood me, but really, it was a pretty stock phrase that most tourists know. Time to break the language barrier. I took a sheet of paper from my pocket and handed it to him. {here is the text of the paper|}


Hello Victor. You will read the rest of this letter out loud. Jose does not understand English, but he has a tape recorder in his pocket that will record everything you say.

Start Reading the rest of this note out loud.

You are not going to enjoy the next few days or hours. The length of time you spend tied to this table is entirely up to you. You will understand this shortly. First, when you finish this, Jose is going to use the bull whip on you much in the same way you whipped Karen to punish her for calling you a bastard in my driveway. Let's just call it an attitude adjustment. Your vicious beating of Karen has left permanent scars on her back, so I think it is only fair that you get a few, or a lot, of scars on your back, don't you agree?

After your attitude has been adjusted, we get to the main event. As Karen's loving husband I am very cross that you fucked her repeatedly over the last six months. I am so cross that I am going to assure you never fuck anyone else's wife in the future. I know you agree with me so much that you are going to separate your cock and balls from your body yourself. Either that or you are going to die an excruciating death by thirst, your choice. You see the bottled water on the table? As soon as you get free from this table you can drink all six bottles if you want. As soon as you drink your fill, I suggest you apply the dressings I so kindly have provided. The gauze pads have anti-biotic cream on them. Put the gauze over your wound and wrap the elastic bandage, also provided free of cost to you, in a way to stop the blood flow. Comprende amigo? I suggest you go down the access road to highway 168, about a half mile down that access road. Flag someone down and plead with them to take you to a medical facility before you bleed to death, Good Luck and Adios


I stepped forward and took the paper from Victor and replaced the ball gag.

Victor was like a person in a medieval torture rack. He just looked at me and moaned around the rubber ball. I took the K-Bar and cut all of Victor's clothing from his body. I then removed his shoes and threw them in the corner. If he takes the quick route, rather than dying of thirst, he'll need the shoes to walk to the highway. Aren't I the compassionate one?

I went over to the little table and picked up the bull whip. I cracked it a few times—it sounded like pistol shots (I had practiced in the back yard last week). I drew back and brought the whip down in an oblique angle so I wouldn't hit the exposed beams in the overhead. Even though Victor had the rubber ball still in his mouth he made a pretty loud noise. I noted the first lash drew blood. Ouch, that had to hurt. I drew back again and laid even a stronger lash. After the first 20 strokes Victor passed out. It was no fun to whip an unconscious man, so I decided to proceed with phase two.

This is going to be a bit easier than I envisioned. I thought Victor would be conscious and struggling. I loosened the ropes and flipped him over. He moaned when his back that looked like raw hamburger hit the rough surface of the table. I pulled his legs apart and bent them at his knees. Again I pulled the rope as tight as I could and secured the ends to the bench part of the table. His genitals were exposed, and his dick was tiny. It looked like little dicky knew what was coming and was trying to crawl up in Victor's belly.

As I went to the table to get what I needed, I looked at the face in the window, Karen's face showed an expression I had never seen before and hope never to see again. Her expressive face was like reading a newspaper. It looked like REVENGE written in 32 point type as a headline in that newspaper. So should it be and what is the real difference between revenge and retribution? I am pleased that Karen was watching the pain and suffering visited on the person that inflicted both on her. He was getting a full measure of both.

I first laid the steel strap on the line I had drawn earlier. I actually had to loosen his leg ropes and tighten his arm ropes to correctly position his body, so the junction of his penis and scrotum was over the line I had drawn and the pilot holes I drilled yesterday. Victor was still unconscious. I reflected this may the only time Victor was not experiencing horrible pain for a long time.

I pushed the strap down in the proper place and put a 3" screw through the outermost hole in the strap. With the drill in screwdriver mode and the special security bit in place, I spun the screw in about a half inch. I did the same on the other end of the strap. Victor moaned and looked like he was about to regain consciousness. The pain signals were trying to reach his comatose brain. I decided to up the ante. I screwed down a bit on each end of the strap alternating until Victor came fully awake and screamed as loud as possible with a 3" rubber ball tightly pulled into his mouth. He tried to thrash around to get away from that awful pain between his legs. I pushed the remaining two screws through the inboard holes in the strap. One just wasn't going all the way into the wood so I turned the drill around and smacked the head of the screw. Victor outdid himself, the scream was pretty loud considering the placement of the ball. I looked closer and saw why the screw was giving me trouble. A fold of Victor's scrotum had been mashed out and was under the hole. When I hit the screw it punched through the skin fold. There was surprisingly little blood. It was kind of hard to tell because there was so much blood coming from the deep slashes on his back from the bull whip.