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The call to the man at NSA was quick and dirty. I knew within minutes he would have a team on route to arrest if possible or kill if needed the FBI agents covering for the crime family.

My next move was to close the company until all hostiles were eliminated. I made it to the shop and called all employees to the main conference room. Since I didn't want my wife's complicity revealed, I down-played the reason for temporarily closing the doors, but told them there was a threat to the company and that until that threat was resolved I had no choice but to close shop. I ensured all that they would be paid for their time off without loss of vacation time or benefits and the time lost would be minimal, but is necessary at this time. Apologizing for the current events I made sure they knew that everything is being done to protect this company and them. What they didn't know was that each employee had a body guard/ surveillance assigned to them.

My next call was to my family.

"Mike, you there?"

"Yeah I'm here. Has it started?"

"I'm afraid so. I just shut down the shop and sent the employees home until it's all over. How are my girls?"

"Their antsy and want to go home. They want to talk to you."

Mike handed Julie the phone, "Dennis! I'm not happy with you right now. Mike told me everything! A damn kidnapping and you never told me! Bethany and Carla heard the whole damn story from Mike. They cried the entire time. You know what you mean to them. When I see you I'm gonna kick your ass! I can't believe you didn't tell me. I didn't think we kept secrets from each other."

"Yes your right, I didn't think we did either, but we do, don't we my dear wife?"

She knew what I was eluding to and she had better not throw keeping secrets from her especially not when I just had to shut down our company.

"I'm sorry honey, I forgot. It won't ever happen again, believe me, please."

"I do believe you, but right now your assurances won't help with what I just had to do."

"What happened?"

"I just shut down the company and sent everyone home."

"Why did you have to do that?"

"Because the crime family your old boyfriend works for has the financial records you gave them for sale on the black market. Monster and Suzy found the information for sale and my covert operatives discovered the FBI agents monitoring the crime family is actually working for them. Those agents assisted with your blackmail. Escalation was next on the agenda so you and the girls were definitely in danger. If I didn't react when I did and send you with Mike, you all might have been killed!"

She started crying, "Damn Dennis this is all my fault. I've ruined everything haven't I?"

"It's not your fault. Dickhead is to blame and I'm going to make sure he pays dearly. But you sure in the hell didn't help any by doing what you did. But I'm sure everything will work out for all of us. Oh hell honey, if nothing else at least my worst secret is out and you got to meet Mike."

"Yeah he seems like a nice guy. The girls want to know when we can come home."

"Not until it's over. Shouldn't be much longer though. Not since the last protocol was activated. I want you home too because you have some making up to do and I have a couple ideas on how your going to start."

"I bet you do. Honey...I am so sorry for everything. I know I keep saying it, but I really am sorry."

"I know you are. After we get past this, we'll be OK. Now sit tight and do what Mike tells you and give him the phone. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Mike here."

"Mike, your guys discovered the FBI agents is working for the family so keep a close eye on things in case they somehow discovered our protocols."

"I'll bring extra guys on out here just in case."

"Sounds good, keep safe Mike."

Hanging up the phone I leaned back in my chair and looked at what has transpired today. My family is cared for and they were safer than the gold in Fort Knox; the company is closed down and I have a small army watching over my employees; The NSA should be killing FBI agents and a crime family. So what's am I missing? Oh yeah, dickhead. But before he gets what he deserves, I'll make him sweat for a couple days.

There was nothing for me to do in my office so I walked around the building looking at rooms void of the people who make this place successful wondering to myself if this is the end, will I lose everything because of someone's lust for money. Thinking back over the beginning of this company and the difficulty I had in the beginning barely making enough money just to pay rent. If it wasn't for the good people in this town who helped me I never would've made it. I owe the people in this town everything. I owe the people who work here so much. I found renewed determination and made a promise,

"No fucking way am I going to lose any of this!"

I secured my shop, turned off the lights and drove home allowing myself one night of relaxation and one night for the NSA to reduce, if not eliminate, the family and the corrupt FBI agents. Thank God my family is safe.

I pulled the car into the garage and went straight for a beer. Red Bridge gluten free beer actually tastes better than it sounds, but I can only handle one every now and then. I wanted some quiet time but I didn't want my body guards outside in a damn car when I could have them comfortable here inside the house so I made a call, "Yes sir."

"Why don't you guys come inside. There is no need for you to stay out in a car when I'm alone inside this big house. Come inside and get comfortable and something to eat."

"We don't want to impose."

"Your kidding right? You guys are keeping me alive, get in here."

"Thank You sir. We'll be right...WHAT THE HELL!" then I heard a crash.

"Guys...GUY'S! Can you hear me! GUY'S! Shit something's wrong. I ran to the window to see what was going on and what I saw scared me. A dump truck collided with the SUV holding my body guards. Steam was coming out from under the hood, glass was on the ground and there wasn't any movement from my guys. I knew they were hurt and had to get them help. I called 911 and told them of the accident, gave them my location and went running outside to help them.

Something told me not to go outside, but I had to. These guys would put their lives on the line for me so I would do it for them. Approaching the SUV I seen the two of them still in their seats slumped over, but the seat belts holding them upright. There was blood running down the sides of their heads but I could see they were breathing, "Thank God." I could hear the sirens coming closer. Good these guys are going to be OK. Then everything went black.

I woke up tied to a chair. "Not again!"

"Hello sunshine. Did you sleep well?" then next thing I knew the fucker slapped my face.

Hal Fucking Johnson, "Well good morning to you dickhead!"

Next was a punch to my face. "Pay back huh? Well try it again, you didn't break my nose."

He did and he did. It hurt, but I made sure I gathered enough blood from my nose and spit it in his face. "That's OK, I have enough money to get it fixed. That damn deviated septum was giving me fits anyway. So what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"You know why asshole. The family is on the run and taking you was a last ditch effort to save my life. If I deliver you to them, they get to take their revenge on you and I get another chance to repay the money I owe."

"Mike, he's gone!"

"WHAT! What do you mean he's gone! What happened? Our men's SUV was rammed by a dump truck and they were knocked cold. Look's like Mr. Golden called 911 and went outside to see if they were alright and was taken. There was a small amount of blood found outside the SUV and it's his. Our men were taken to the hospital and are going to be OK, but both have minor concussions. The doctor's wouldn't release them so they stole doctor's scrubs and walked out. I have them with me now. How do we proceed?"

"I'm on my way. Stay where you are and let those men get some rest because by the time I get you, it will be time to bring hell."

During the phone call Julie was outside practicing with the Glock pistol Mike gave her to use. She was actually a fast learner and became quite good. A natural it seems. "JULIE!"

She turned around and seen the distress on his face, "What happened?"

"Someone took Dennis and put his guards in the hospital. I have to go."

"You're taking me with you."

"The hell I am! You're staying here!"

"My husband is in danger and it's all my fault! I'm going! The girls will be safe here and I'll be safe with you. I cannot let anything happen to my husband so let's go!" A watered down explanation was given to the girls as Mike and Julie headed out.

Only two people knew that I had a tracking device implanted on my body. It was something I did after my first kidnapping. Stung like a bitch at first but I got used to it quick enough.

There was a helicopter waiting for Mike and Julie at the local airport eliminating hours of drive time. The tracking device was kept in my office and besides myself Mike is the only person who has the combination to the safe it's kept in. Landing in the local airport Mike and Julie was met by my injured body guards and their back ups. "You guys alright."

"Yeah boss, we'll make it."

"Drive us to the company, I have to pick something up."

Mike gave Julie the details about the tracking chip during the flight and that tracking devices were installed in all my family's electronic devices. So if my kids or wife were taken and held for ransom, I could find them before something bad could happen. She wasn't happy that I kept track of them to such a heavy degree, but she realized that I would do anything to keep them safe.

Making it to the company Julie and Mike went inside to retrieve the tracker. Julie couldn't believe Mike had the security code, keys and knowledge of a secret wall safe in my office and Julie called him on it. "Mike why do you have so much access to everything?"

"Julie, it's part of the protocols Dennis set up. We've thought of every contingency and prepared action plans to save life and limb; only I and the man from NSA knows this."

Mike pulled the tracker from the safe and turned it on. He was shocked that my signal wasn't picked up. "This shouldn't be happening. This has never failed. Even a room with walls of lead can't block the signal. It may have been damaged if he was hit in the head too hard."

"Why would that damage it?"

It's located in his head. Sinuses to be exact.

"Mike we can't waste time, I'll call Monster and get him down here. If anyone knows how to fix this thing he will," said Julie.

A quick call from Julie telling Monster that I was in trouble got him down to the office within minutes. Suzy tagged along. Julie knew with those two computer geniuses on our side, only good things could happen.

Mike explained the device, tracking chip, signal frequency and type and within minutes they were able to get a weak signal from my chip after they hijacked a military spy satellite.

Julie knew the area. A small abandoned industrial area used for metals castings about 10 miles outside of town. They all headed for the signal. Mike was uneasy with Julie, Monster and Suzy tagging along but he knew he couldn't go without Julie and he might need Monster and Suzy again to reacquire the signal if needed.

Reaching the area raised the stress level of Mike because not only did he have too many unarmed people he had to worry about, but there were several cars outside the building where I was being held. Looks like some of the family made it out of Peoria and wanted to take their revenge dickhead offered them.

Mike gave strict orders for Julie, Monster and Suzy to stay in the SUV while he and his men went in after me. Not knowing how many was inside Mike decided on an approach from all sides style attack. His men were professionals and forced rescue was a practiced exercise.

What Mike didn't know was that the family had only been there for about 15 minutes and they were indeed on the run from the NSA and wanted to let me know how unhappy they were about all their trouble. A few them didn't make it during the short lived fire fight, but the family heads escaped through a tunnel that only they knew about to an awaiting car.

Dickhead called them after they made it out of town to tell them he had me tied up and was waiting their orders. When they found out I was available for an up close and personal talk they changed plans. Mexico would have to wait for just a little bit while they got some payback.

The family don was a guy named Milo. He wasn't a big man in stature, but he used his influence to an imposing level. Got to give him his due, he had the FBI in his pocket but all good things must come to an end. He shouldn't have taken me on. BIG MISTAKE.

"So Mr. Golden, I had my doubts when Mr. Johnson came up with this idea of his about forcing a deal with you. Something was telling me not to do it and for the first time since I became head of the family I didn't listen to that little voice. And look where it got me. Some of us are dead, the FBI agents I had on payroll are dead or arrested never to see freedom again. I had to transfer all my stateside wealth to an offshore account and I have to now live in Mexico. All because this shithead couldn't keep it in his pants."

I wasn't too sure how much time I had left and I made a promise to make Hal Johnson pay for his wrecking my happiness so, "Sounds like you have a problem. Why not take care of it and put a bullet in his fucking head, or better yet, let me do it. That way both your problems will be taken care of."

"What two problems?"

"Well him for one, and me for two."

"How is killing him taking care of you as my problem."

"Simple, if he dies, I'll leave you alone. I'll call off the feds and allow you to live a hassle free life in Mexico."

He thought that was funny and damn near busted a gut. "If you're dead I'll have that hassle free life anyway."

"No actually you'll be tracked down and my private army will kill you and your family without warning or sympathy. Do you know why your here? Your here because certain protocols were established after my first kidnapping and because of what I do for the government I had to agree that if I or my company were ever compromised the protections were such...all external threats is literally destroyed. Other words, you will die! Living in Mexico will not protect you. YOU WILL DIE unless you quit now and surrender. That wasn't the FBI after you in Peoria, it was the NSA. If you live, Gitmo will be your vacation spot for the rest of your life."

"Your bluffing. You don't have that kind of power."

"Afraid I do. Also, I have a tracking device implanted on me and it is only a matter of time before my men come in shooting. So please put a bullet in dickheads brain and give up."

About that time Mike and his men were in position and heard my last statement. He gave the order to enter the building and to hold fire until he fired the first shot. Beside Milo, there were another five men inside the small room here I was held not counting dickhead. Three were standing close to me with one behind Milo and Hal was away close to a door leading outside.

Mike just happened to come in the door dickhead was standing by. He flung open the door and hit Hal along side his head knocking him down and fired center chest of the big guy next to Milo. The others came in and shot the guys around me leaving only Milo standing. I looked at him and smiled, "Told you so."

He froze waiting to see if he was next. There were four guys pointing rifle muzzles at him, "Decide Milo, live or die." He chose. Mike put the last round in his head.

Outside Julie heard the gunshots and tried to leave the SUV. Even with Monster and Suzy holding on to her she broke free and bolted for the nearest door.

Mike was trying to untie me when Julie launched herself onto my lap crying hysterically and hugging me tightly. I was beyond shocked to see her there and was more than a little ticked off at Mike. "You and I are gonna have a little talk when we get back home Mike, got me?"

"Yeah Dennis I know, but she didn't leave me much choice."

"What, you can't control one little woman?"

"Please, like you have ever had control of her? I know better."

I had to chuckle at that one because it was true. Mike and his men were checking on the damage they cause to the gangsters when we heard the hammer of a revolver pulled back. Dickhead!

He had the revolver pointed right at me. I was about to turn toward Julie to protect her when I heard two gunshots too close to be from Mike and his men.


I don't know how, but before anyone could react Julie pulled her Glock and fired twice at her old boyfriend. The first round missed and hit the door frame behind him, but the second hit him just below his heart.

He was lying on the floor moaning and bleeding asking for help. I took the gun from Julie's hand, still shocked at what she just did. "You OK?"

"I don't know."

"Who gave you a gun?" Dumb question since I already knew, "MIKE!"

"I know, we're gonna talk."

"Mike get Julie out of here now! She doesn't need to see this." As I pushed her toward the door, "JULIE GO NOW!"

I literally pushed Julie toward Mike as he dragged her out of the building while I walked over to dickhead. I knew he only had seconds to live. "When you see Satan, tell him I said 'Hello'." The look on his face will stay with me for a long time. Hatred, pure and simple hatred. Some people will never take responsibility for their own actions.

Looking down at the body I could hardly understand why it all happened.

Not long ago I was an extremely happy man. I had my own company that made good money, a wife who loved me, and my kids were happy and healthy. I guess I had it all.

That would explain why it was all taken away from me. At least someone tried. That someone being Hal Johnson. It was his body I was looking at on the floor. Digging down deep I pulled as much bile I could and spit on the lousy fucker. May he enjoy hell because if anyone deserves to be there, it was him.

Turning I made my way out of the building to a crying wife. I think the shock of killing her old boyfriend was beginning to set in. When I walked out the door she broke free of Mike and grabbed me tightly sobbing into my chest. All I could do was let her work it out.

I looked over to the SUV and seen Monster and Suzy holding each other with tears in their eyes watching me and Julie. The look I gave Mike..."Yeah I know, we're gonna have a talk."

I whispered, "Julie...Julie, she raised her head and looked at me, "Come on let's go home."

"Mike, call the feds and get them to clean this up, OK? And have two men stay with us just in case there are any of Milo's stragglers out there."


"Harold, Suzy get in the car. It's time to go home."

And that's what we did. I was able to reopen the company after a week. The financial information was removed from sale and any interested parties trying to buy it had a personal visit from guys with computers and guns. The same guys found all the information intact on the computer's in Milo's office. Thank God.

Julie took it personally after I had Monster install another layer of security in the accounting department, but she realized it was necessary and forgave me.

The NSA killed most of the gangsters and captured about all the FBI agents. Seems they didn't want to die; they were just greedy.

Monster and Suzy did admit to each other they were in love and married one year later. For helping with saving my life I paid for their honeymoon. They had three kids; two girls and a boy all little geniuses, just like them. They were married for 53 years before cancer took Harold. He was visited frequently in his hospice suite by a not so Little Mary who never forgot the big man who made her smile when she was so sick a long time ago. Suzy was lost without her Monster and she followed him seven months later.