Punky's Diary, 4/20/07

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Claire and the Japanese Twins.
17k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 02/22/2007
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Punky's Diary -- a Friend's Experiences, collected by Selbryth.

April 20, 2007

So, still in Charlie's palatial home in the Bahamas, that first night goes by, and then I wake up the next morning missing her so bad I can hardly think straight. I mean, I've gotten way used to waking up with a warm naked body next to me under the covers, you know?

Food though; I was thinking that would make things better. I pad on downstairs with a robe on in case any of the domestic people are there, but no need; the whole place is deserted. I start breakfast (I think I had some over-easy eggs that morning), and then I'm eating—alone—and I'm really feeling it.

The loneliness I mean.

I started to realize that I'd gotten really used to being alone, with the occasional 'tryst' like the tabloids said, and now things were different. I felt like part of a couple and it was a pretty nice feeling—except for now.

I washed up afterwards and went to sit on the veranda, but all I could think of was Charlie and all the things we'd done out there. In fact there were so many places that reminded me of her (and all the torrid, frenzied things we'd done) that it was almost like a library of memories.

I wandered down the halls and went into rooms I'd never been in, and basically felt like a ghost. I had the phone with me in case Charlie called, but I figured she was just too damned busy, and she never called. I remember winding up in some second story bedroom down some long hall that had gone off from the main hall, and even though it was one room of like seventy-five or whatever, it was still huge. I flopped on the neatly made bed, switched on the TV and watched the news for a little bit.

Then some old movie with James Stewart, and then some space thing with some tentacle monster ripping people apart.

Then Oprah and Dr. Phil and more news, and that's when I heard the thunder way off in the distance. I went to look and saw flashes, and then I turned off the set, pulled up a chair to the window, sat and put my feet up on the sill and watched. I watched the fucker get closer and closer and got a little uncomfortable because this storm looked really nasty. It had a 'mean' vibe to it if that makes sense, where the other ones we'd seen were just stormy-storm kinds of things.

Then there was a big lightning strike like half a mile away and everything went dark. It was already just after sundown so there was still a little light, but it was frickin awesome to have all those electric flashes and have everything else so dim. I hear some big roar off in the distance like a big eighteen-wheeler gunning his motor and the lights flash back on full, then there's this big thunk! and everything goes dark again.

I get up, close the window and hurry back down the hallway, get fucking lost, turn the other way and finally make it downstairs by another set of stairs. I get into the kitchen area where I know there's candles and flashlights and shit, and get stocked up.

I'm just deciding I'd 'camp out' in that room I'd spent the afternoon in, but when I can't find it again I give up and go to do my little 'in the wilderness' thing in the main guest room downstairs.

Then the phone, which I'm still holding like some magic fucking wand or something goes off in my hand. I...of course scream, but then I answer it and it's the major domo guy and he's telling me the backup generators all went down and he's sorry and they'll be working on it till they get everything going, and I tell him not to worry about it because I'm going to bed anyhow. He says they'll still get it going and then he wishes me good-night.

So I finally get to the (spacious frickin) guestroom and I remember sitting there on the bed in the total dark watching the light show (I'd decided to not use any light at all), and I guess I must've fallen asleep at around nine or something.

But I'm still thinking about her, you know? I miss having bare body snuggled up against me. I miss feeling her hair on my shoulder or over my arm. I miss waking up and hearing her breathing.

And yah, I miss all that other stuff too.

So (and it's not my fault), I start, you know...touching myself. I mean, here I am all alone with lightning lighting up the room and it's scary and thrilling all at the same time and so, just to calm myself, I masturbate.

And I keep masturbating.

I'm not using any dildos or rubbing my tits till they fall off or anything; it's just touching and rubbing my clit; like really light stuff. And then I'm cumming and thinking of Charlie and remembering all these things we did and cumming some more, and then I fall asleep again.

Then maybe an hour later there's a whole bunch of lightning flashes and thunder crashing and I wake up again, get up and go to draw the shades so no light gets in at all, and then come back to bed and masturbate some more; this time by sitting on my foot and squishing around on the heel.

Lots of orgasms, me fondling my boobs real light, more orgasms, and then I fall over on my side and pass out again.

But even when I'm asleep I'm thinking about Charlie. I remember that first time in my kitchen when she showed me her real self and I think I must've been smiling in my sleep at that. I remembered everything that happened right after that, and then some of the other things that happened since.

I wake up and realize I've been masturbating under the covers and so I do it some more, still half asleep, and then I lay back and snuggle up again, wishing she were there.

Then I'm dreaming some more and it's one of those 'wet sex' things we'd gotten into with pee squirting everywhere and pee-wet legs and me licking Charlie's legs dry and her holding my right foot down in front of my crotch so my pee would hit it, and then her licking my foot dry and getting into toe-sucking and all that stuff.

Then my left big-toe pointed and pumping in and out of Charlie's bung-hole while her left toe plunged my cunt. I loved that! Everything so pretty and wet and both of us gasping, and then me reaching my other foot over to rub her thing. I started to dream about how she sounded, how she felt, how it was always so nice to snuggle and cuddle with her afterward, either still dripping wet or completely clean and dry like after we'd share a bath or shower.

I think I was cumming that whole time I was dreaming, but I could feel the bed move and I turn over and remember reaching out and touching a smooth shoulder and then letting my hand drift down across the back. Warm skin, and smooth as silk. I feel her turning on her back and now my hand's on her boob, fondling it gently, feeling the nipple rising. I scoot closer and there's thunder from somewhere but I hear a gasp and a soft moan. I put a leg over her and feel her pretty bush hairs tickling my inner thigh. She starts to squirm and turns to me but we kiss for just a tiny bit before I turn around the other way and burrow down under the thick blankets and crisp sheets. I follow her creamy legs downward, like one of those 'hold your breath forever' divers that go straight down, and I'm rubbing my face against her thigh and then her kneecap, and the leg is bending toward me, turning. The skin's so warm and soft and wonderful, I start kissing that amazing dream-leg and then hands are around my knees, pulling my legs closer to her. I feel her turning, turning to face me and then feel her butterfly-light kisses on my knees and then my shins as I squirm further down her own legs. I'm kissing and just rubbing my face on her legs, and finally reach her ankles and start kissing below and beyond.

And just as it's been so many times, those pretty feet point and the toes clench and curl downward. I can't see anything even though I can still hear muffled thunder through the blankets and so there must be lightning, but I can feel my way down there. Down around the tops of those lovely feet, down to the tops of the sensitive, curling toes.

I finally inch far enough down so I can curl my head and shoulders around her feet. I rub the balls of her soft feet with my fingers, and then suddenly indulge myself and start to suck each of her sexy toes. Each one just gliding back and forth through my pursed lips. I hear gasps and moans, and realize how much I really missed her—missed all of this.

Then she's sucking my toes and licking my insteps and for a long, long while we're doing toe-sixty-nine and nothing else. She's always had such sensitive, sensuous feet that I'm not surprised.

Then, after ages, and with the air getting hot and tight down there under the covers, I start to squirm back the other way, up her writhing, spreading legs to her knees and thighs, and then I can't wait any longer. I can't stand it. I simply push my head between her legs and her legs spread wide. I lower my head and push my tongue into her pussy and smile when I find it molten-wet and slick. I find the button of her clit and rub my tongue back and forth and side to side over it and her whole body begins to jerk and squirm.

I'm going '...oh! Charlie's had the operation! She went off on business but instead she had the operation and now...'

So I plunge my tongue full-length into her cunt again and hear her gasp and moan, and then I lift my head, bring a hand around, wet my fingertips in her thick melt and then insert two into her quivering pussy and one into her puckered ass.

She lifts up, arching. I hear her gasping in joy. Her body trembles, shakes, and the covers finally get yanked off. The air rushes in around my sweaty body and chills every pore, and as I'm slurping on her rigid clit and fingering her furiously, I feel her strong hands pulling me on top of her. I spread my legs out around her head and shoulders and in moments she's tongue-fucking me to the point where my pussy starts to spurt. My whole body's shuddering, undulating. I press down on her beautiful mouth while I'm tonguing her clit, and then there are suddenly lights everywhere, and I squint and look up.

"Well, at least I don't have to introduce you two..." Charlie chuckles as she stands in the open doorway. I'm staring at her like WTF? and then the squirming body beneath me stops squirming. The head and shoulders lift up under me and dump me off and I look back and...it's still Charlie!

"It's not my fault, Charlie—really it isn't!" I hear, and for a second I'm thinking I'd just said it. But then Charlie is bent almost in half laughing so damn hard and I look at her, look at the feet sticking into view at the foot of the bed, notice the nicely painted nails (in red, no less, after all Charlie has said about never liking her nails painted), and then look back at this other person.

"Claire, meet Punky," Charlie laughs. She's making choking sounds and now I notice saliva or snot or something is dripping from her face. I slide completely off this 'Claire' and then stop and just stare at her.

It's like this girl is Charlie's twin sister or something!

Then, yah, I notice my own face is dripping—and it's not snot or spit, so I start wiping it. Charlie's worthless. She's gone down to her knees now and is still cracking up and I'm just sitting there, trying to cover myself with blankets, staring back and forth between these two.

"Hey, fuck; it's not that funny, man!" Claire grumbles. I look at her again. She has the same beautiful profile, same nose, same eyes. Her mouth is just as cute, but way dirtier.

Charlie finally looks up. Her face is beet red.

"Yes, yes it is that funny Claire," she gasps.

"It wasn't my fault either," I finally say, and Charlie gets up and comes to sit next to me. She kisses my face and my nose and mouth, and at first I'm wincing a little bit because I've got girl-melt just all over the place, but Charlie doesn't seem to mind.

"I know, Punky," she finally says. "I'm not so sure about Claire here though."

"Aye, c'mon, Charlie," Claire protests. "I may be a lot of things, but I'm not somebody who's gonna try to swipe my best pal's gal from her, ya know? Fuck, gimme at least that much. Besides, she started it."

I'm going 'wow, I guess I did,' but Charlie's just obviously happy to see both of us. She has her arm over my shoulder but turns to Claire now.

"I was sort of half expecting you to show up," she tells Claire, and now Claire is pulling the edges of the blanket to cover herself.

Even their nipples were the same light brown; Claire's being just slightly bigger in diameter.

"Well, I wasn't," Claire says, and she realizes she has smears of me on her and starts dabbing it off with the sheet. "You know...shit happens...."

"Like this?" Charlie jokes.

"Well, who told the bitch to be such a squirming little hottie?" Claire says. "Plus, what's she doing in my regular room anyhow?"

So of course I feel like an inch tall at this point.

"I mean I come in out of the storm, get ready for bed and climb in." Claire goes on. "Just like I dunno how the fuck many times already. And it's pitch-fucking black and the bed's way huge and I'm dreaming and then I'm dreaming about some cute lady kissing my legs and shit. How am I gonna refuse that kinda attention—especially if I'm asleep halfway?"

"No damage done," Charlie says, and then she looks at me. "I'm real sorry for the misunderstanding."

"You mean you're not pissed about me...you know....?" I say and Charlie shakes her head.

"Claire and I have shared so many things in our history, sharing you—just this once! (she's glaring at Claire with a grin)—doesn't make me jealous or anything. In fact, I'm more concerned about how you feel."

"Well it was just like being with you," I say. "Except for your—"

"—Please don't even say it, girl," Claire laughs. "Ever since I met Charlie here, I've been feeling like I got cheated on some spare parts and shit, you know? You surely do know your way 'round girl-plumbing though, no?"

"Punky's just totally remarkable," Charlie tells Claire, and Claire's playful little smirk fades instantly away.

"...and I can see how special she is to you Chuckie," she almost whispers. "Congrats, lady. Plus, she looks exactly like—"

"—God don't either of you say it!" I say, and they're both laughing. I finally join them.

"The Runaways were my heroes," Claire finally says as she tosses the covers off and gets off the bed. "Especially JJ. She's still going strong too, so that's cool."

Then Charlie gets off the bed and walks over to Claire, and they suddenly hug and kiss each other's cheek. Charlie has her flats on so I can see even more how similar they are—in height, build, proportions. Seeing Claire in side view like that, I realize that there's no way I would ever be able to tell them apart, except for that one thing, which at that point I was wishing I had between my lips.

* * *

Claire and I got dressed while Charlie went upstairs to change out of her traveling duds, and there were several times she caught me glancing at her, but an almost equal number of times I caught her glancing at me.

"Charlie never told me she had a twin sister," I said at one point, and the smirk instantly reappeared on Claire's face.

"Actually," she said, "Charlie and me ain't related at all. Freaky, huh? It's just one of those freaky, natural fucking-freaky things. Wanna hear something else?"

I nodded.

"Charlie and me are exactly the same age, right down to the second. Born the same year, month, day, hour—everything."

I'm just staring now. I have my robe and panties on; she has her bra and panties on. There's a lot to stare at if I wanted to, but I'm totally frickin stunned.

"Plus," Claire goes on, "We meet in Tibet like nine years ago because we'd each decided we needed something 'spiritual.' Instead we find each other."

I'm spacing out on the fact that aside from her using the same kind of language and words that I use, she even sounds like Charlie. She's like the bio-female version of Charlie or some weird shit like that.

"And..." a voice comes from behind me, and as I turn to see Charlie standing there in the doorway, wearing just her robe, "When Claire and I find out we're the exact, precise same age, both come from stupidly wealthy families and look like identical twins, we—"

"—Of course decide it's destiny and shit," Claire says. "So we meet in her room in that hotel—"

"—Your room," Charlie corrects. "Breakfast is ready by the way...."

"Okay, 'your' room," Claire continues. "And so we've gotta be soul-mates or some such shit. We get naked, start groping and kissing and we just start sixty-nine—"

"—And she doesn't mind me having a schlong," Charlie says as we all head down the hall, "Because she says it's a 'special sign'—"

"—I never said that," Claire complains. "I said, 'Something this special's gotta be a sign or some shit."

"Yes, that's right." Charlie says. "So there we are all naked and stuff and I slip my tongue into her pussy and she puts her mouth on my 'special sign,' and we both start laughing so hard we both nearly threw up."

"...why?" I ask.

"Because it seemed so silly all of a sudden," Claire says. "I mean I was perfectly willing to suck this gorgeous babe off till she came and I wouldn't even have cared if I drowned in semen. But the moment her thing was in my mouth it felt like...I dunno, like I was making love to my own brother or something. And if you met him Punky, you'd go 'yuck,' okay?"

"Same with me," Charlie said. "Like she was my aunt or mother or something."

"Hey, watch the age-thing, okay?" Claire said. "And even though I said it was like 'brother,' yah it was more like 'sister.' Even with that cute dong of hers. That big clit. It just didn't feel right. It seemed funny, and so we were laughing until we cried, tried a couple of times to get restarted, and nothing."

"And remember?" Charlie said, bringing the eggs and bacon over from the stove, "We even tried to 'just get it over with.'"

Claire laughed aloud.

"Yah," she said. "It was like, 'okay, no romantic stuff! Just put it in me, and we'll fuck and see what happens.' That kind of shit. It was hilarious...."

"I couldn't even keep it hard enough to insert," Charlie laughed. "It became 'My Little Button Mushroom.'"

"That still cracks me up Chuckie-girl," Claire said, but then she looked at me. "So after countless failed attempts at becoming lovers, we settled for just being friends. I...think it's worked out better, right Charlie?"

I turned to see Charlie nodding as she munched crisp bacon. She swallowed and washed it down with coffee.

"Sometimes having a friend is all a person needs." she said.

"Plus," Claire added, "Charlie's like my frickin hero. You notice I don't do a thing to try and look different from her? Hair, nails—except I like painting them—shit like that?"

I could only nod because I'd just stuffed my face with home hash browns.

"Oh," Charlie suddenly said. "I trimmed my bush a little different from the last time. I'll show you after breakfast, okay?"

Claire was chewing toast. She turned to me and smirked again.

"Gotta keep up, right?" she said to me, and she was so funny and sassy I wanted to just bite her!

Well, since I'd already eaten her, maybe that wasn't quite the way to put it.

Then we were laughing and drinking coffee and eating and they were telling tales and...it was the best breakfast I'd had for a long time!

* * *

Afterwards we're lounging around while Charlie brings Claire up to date on what's been going on—in the press, thank god; I wouldn't have been able to stand it if she'd started talking personal, private shit, ya know?

"But really," Claire says, and I have to glance over to make sure because the two of them sound so much alike. "Having this little tigress in your bed hasn't hurt things that much either, I'll bet."