Punky's Diary, 4/20/07


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I blinked at one point and saw that the male was standing, hands clenched behind his neck, legs parted, while his sister knelt directly in front of him lovingly sucking his tiny dick. I think that was when my first real orgasm went through me—it was such a sensuous, lovely sight. But then images blurred and now the female was standing, arms stretched above her, legs together and on tiptoes, while her brother knelt behind her, prying her ass-cheeks apart and daintily tonguing her bung-hole. The room seemed filled with swirling cries and grunts and moans, and then the male began to lick his way slowly downward, down over the smooth, shapely legs of his sister, teasing her, satisfying her until she finally lowered down onto her heels. He then lifted her foot backward toward him—the graceful bend of her knee adding to the dance-like quality of the image—and as I stared through that shadowy light, he began to make love to her pointing foot with his tongue and his lips. He even rubbed his face against that perfect foot and then rose up and rubbed his chest against it.

More hissing gasps.

A moan.

I noticed Claire's leg, the one on top, now bent at the knee. Her foot rested flat against the opposite calf, and I could see that her hand was now moving between her upper thighs.

She gasped and I saw her body twitch and quiver. I glanced over at Charlie and she happened to be smiling right back at me. She winked, and then went back to watching.

So did I.

Now the Twins were switching position yet again and the female was lifting her brother's foot back toward her. She kissed it and sucked its pretty toes and I saw the male's prong lift up hard when this was going on.

Claire gasped again. Her upper leg was now bent further and the foot was pointing so that only the toes were pushing down into the opposite thigh. I could see her fingers plunging deep now, slow and deep and that's when I came the second time.

I looked down at myself, with the way I was sitting. I remembered the yoga center and all that had happened there. I remembered all the times I'd masturbated on my heel and wondered if I should do that again. My foot wasn't even close to my pussy and I hadn't been fingering myself (both my orgasms so far had happened just from the intensity of what I was seeing), so I decided to just sit like I was and let things happen as they would.

Another moan caught my attention and I looked up.

Keiko (the male-to-female sibling) was now laying on her side facing her brother, but she was laying with her body straight and her feet pointing toward us. You could look right up the front of her body and see everything because of the way the starlight was flowing into the room. And then Kioshi lay on his side facing his twin but with his lead toward us. A moment later both twins lifted their one leg to make room, and a moment after that they were completely and utterly involved in sixty-nine, with the male's head nodding and moving between his sister's shapely thighs and the sister's head going back and forth just beyond.

I came again but it was getting fucking hard to keep the noise down, know? I didn't want to disturb anyone. It felt enough like being in a library at night as it was!

There were slow-motion transitions from sixty-nine to mutual leg and foot licking then onto long moments were one twin would sit or lay back and let the other enjoy whatever it was they had between their legs. All of this went on for what must've been over an hour and a half, and as it went on Claire got more and more into it.

At one point she shed her top and bottom—which wasn't no big frickin deal since there must've been like a square inch of fabric in the whole thing—but then she went from laying on her side, masturbating, to sitting on her heels and squirming around on them to get off.

That, especially with a body like hers, was sexier than shit! I came once just watching her, and that's when I realized I was so wet that the back of my robe was soaked through. I got up as quietly as possible and then sat back with my heel upturned beneath me, and went on watching.

After that things drifted and swirled. The female twin pushed her brother down and mounted him at one point, and as she settled down on his erection, Claire leaned forward and then started to crawl closer. She got within five feet of them and then knelt on her heels again, her hips and pelvis rolling and twitching, her gasps and moans still soft but more excited sounding.

We all watched the girl humping up and down on her brother. It was incredible! Both of them had long, luxurious, jet-black hair, but now the girl got her hands behind her neck and pushed up to reveal the shape and curve of her neck and the beautiful arch of her back as she rode and pushed and squirmed on top of the other. She looked like she was riding one of those electric rodeo bulls or something.

Every now and then her head would tilt back and she'd gasp and moan up at the ceiling, then her head would face down at her brother again and she would ride up and down, up and down till the next orgasm.

At one point they reached out and held each other's hands as this was going on and I noticed Claire reaching out to them. She knew she wasn't noticed by either, but I felt a little knot in my throat seeing her hands trembling like that.

Then another dark and soft movement and the female was on her back on the carpet, legs up and wide apart, and a moment later the male knelt over her, inserted his prong and got his thighs up under hers. His ass began to roll and lift and push, and aside from the girl's first gasp, everything got real fucking silent for a long time after that. All you could hear was that squish-a-squish-a of that hard dick sliding in and out of that dripping-wet pussy.

I came again a little bit after that started. I was all blank-eyed and shit by that time but I looked down and realized I had my right ankle in both hands and had been pulling it up against my pussy all that time. I looked up, saw the female twin's pretty feet sticking up in the air, looked down at my own foot and where it was, and came again.

My pussy squirted and I promise, it wasn't my fault!

Then the couch moved and Charlie was suddenly sitting right up against me. I looked and she was grinning ear to ear. Her eyes looked a little glossy, but I figured it was because we'd both been doing the 'night-vision' shit without any actual equipment.

No matter, because she then brought her foot (her left one) up off the floor and tucked it right up against her cock (which was so hard it looked pitiful!), and then reached down and took hold of my ankle and started to work my foot for me. I came again and for a moment I forgot all about the 'stage-show' happening across the room. I leaned over and grabbed Charlie's foot and started to work it against her cock, and for this one, long, electrifying moment that's all either of us was doing—helping one another masturbate on their foot.

Then there were an agonized series of grunts and groans and Charlie and I both looked up. Claire had now moved to the other side of the twins and was kneeling there staring at them as she openly masturbated. There wasn't a single thing hidden now—hand groping her boobs, other hand down between her thighs bending and unbending as her fingers plunged fast and deep. The Twins seemed unaware of anything else in the world except for each other, and with the way Claire's face looked, that was obviously perfect.

Then Clair's eyes rolled back a little. Her mouth fell open and her hand stopped what it was doing between her legs. She leaned over a bit and gasped, and then there was silence followed a moment later by an agonized series of moaning grunts.

Just then the male twin pushed down and forward, his back arching, head tilting back. The female's legs stretched out and pointed, and then both of them were gasping for air, moaning and shaking all over.

I felt something warm gush against my hand—the one that was holding and moving Charlie's foot—and then I felt the smooth bulge of my own heel pull up tight against my pussy, felt my clit get pushed in against it, and came.

Really, fucking hard too.

I kept working Charlie's foot against her thing but now everything was slimy and slick and gooey. She was gasping, moaning, but kept yanking my foot up against me at the same time. I had another orgasm and then two more. I heard Claire moaning and inhaling and at one point it didn't matter where I turned my head to look because everyone in that room only added to the orgasms that were still exploding within me; like we were all little glowing balls of release at that point and it no longer mattered who was who and which was which.

I looked at Claire's jutting nipples and shivered; I looked at the female twin's side-turned face and her frowning eyes and gaping mouth and quivered some more; I looked down at the strings and drops of semen dripping down over Charlie's pretty foot and felt sizzling electric go through me. I even looked down at myself—my own melt-glazed foot—and continued to orgasm.

It was crazy.

Then, just like one of those thunderstorms, the whole mood thinned and cleared. The air seemed to cool off and a warm haze that had seemed to fill every nook and cranny began to fade. I sat back and Charlie let go of my foot, sat back breathing deep. I finally let go of her ankle. Across the room the girl's legs relaxed and wilted downward and the male took a breath and lay flat on his sister's heaving chest.

Claire came once or twice more and then sat back with legs to one side and her supporting hand to the floor on the other.

"...oh my god that was something...." Charlie whispered, and I looked and nodded at her. It really had been. Like some magic spell that had come out of the Twins and touched everyone there.

When we could walk (because it had been a frickin awesome orgasm for both of us), Charlie and I got up and tiptoed out of the Sun Room, leaving Claire and the Twins to themselves. When we got to the hallway I noticed Charlie was leaving a sticky footprint on the shiny wood floor, and then looked back and noticed I was doing the same. We got back up to our bedroom and I dunno, the 'fuck-mood' hit us again. I guess seeing the kind of thing we'd just seen wouldn't just fade away that fast.

We jumped in bed were instantly in sixty-nine, and I don't remember ever being that horny in my life!

Charlie stayed rock hard and solid for nearly two hours and after she completely fucked my brains out—mouth, cunt and ass—she wound up laying her greasy prong on the tops of my feet and rubbing back and forth until she spurt on my ankles.

It was stupid-incredible!

* * *

First thing next morning the bed's shaking and I open my eyes and Charlie's leaning over me looking all frantic and shit.

"Punky!" she's hissing like she's yelling, but real quiet. "Get up! Yes! Hi! Please, please hurry!"

"What?" I say. "Earthquake or something?"

"No." she says and backs off the bed and reaches for a silver tray with a carafe of coffee or tea or whatever, three cups, creamer, sugar, three glasses of orange juice and a cute little vase with roses. I'm thinkin' 'naw, you shouldn't have!' but she's standing there still looking all frantic and shit.

"Here!" she says, handing the tray to me. I take it. "Wait!" she says and takes the tray from me. "How fast can you shower and douche and get ready?"

"For what?"

"Just how long?"

"I dunno, twenty minutes?"

"You have five, now hurry!"

So I go off to the bathroom. Before I close the door I peek out as seductively as I can, which probably just looked stupid.

"I...gotta go potty," I say in a half singsong voice, but Charlie just looks at me all cross and shit and I go and jump in the shower. I do all the stuff she wants and then come out shivering in towel. She takes my towel and hands me the tray.

"Hurry now," she says. "I was just taking this into the second guest room and the Twins are all snuggled up asleep and Claire's curled up on the foot of the bed, also asleep, and, well...this is a good opportunity."


Charlie starts rushing to the bedroom door, motioning me to follow. I'm padding along as fast as I can behind her, trying not to spill anything, and she's going on.

"Remember how I said I wanted to be with you forever?" she says in that same intense whisper. I nod. I'm going 'oh fuck, it's over now. I'm totally useless to her and—'

"—and that I didn't expect anything of you?"

I nod again. We're going down the main staircase now to the ground floor.

"And that anything you wanted—including other lovers—was okay with me?"

"Yah, we almost got in a big fucking argument about it; how could I forg—"

"Well," Charlie says, and we stop in the hall leading to the guest rooms. "Tell me you're not at least a little attracted to Claire and I'll forget the whole thing."

I'm staring like a moron probably.

"Well," I say. "She does remind me of you. Like a bio-female version of you. Except she talks more like m—"

"—Exactly," Charlie hisses. "Well here's what I want you to do...."

So I listen to the whole plan—which ain't much—and then tiptoe down the hall to the room. The second room. I'm about to knock then remember, look back at Charlie, who's making sweeping motions with her hands for me to go in, and then I just open the door and walk in.

It's just as Charlie told me it was: a totally naked Claire laying on her side on the foot of the bed, curled slightly up, and the Twins snuggled under the blankets toward the head of the bd. I walk further in and stop right where Claire is.

"...hey..." I whisper. "Good morning. Claire? Hello?" Her head turns but she's still asleep. I stand there like an idiot but then I'm looking at her—Claire—and yah, I have to admit it's pretty sexy. I mean she's totally sexy, and she's all naked and stuff so I sidestep around a little bit and I'm looking at her hips and her back and her ass.

Bitable ass.

And her sexy thighs and legs and her feet, even. She really could be Charlie's long-lost twin.

I set the tray down on the bed between her and the lump that's the Twins (it's a huge bed), and I reach out to run my fingers through Claire's hair, think better of it, remember what Charlie's just told me, and then go ahead and do it.

Feeling her hair sliding through my fingers is a bigger turn-on than I ever would've imagined. I actually gasp a little. I call to her again but there's no response, and I'm going 'Fucked if I'm gonna just munch her awake—that shit just ain't right!'

So I'm thinking I've failed my Mission Impossible thing and I'm getting ready to get up and go tell Charlie I'm a fuck-up, but then I remember the other morning. I get up and put the tray on the table, come back, and then get carefully on the bed again with my back facing Claire, and then just lay there. After a few seconds I'm feeling so totally horny it's pathetic, so I scoot back just a little more until I'm up against her.

She makes a yummy sound, smacks her lips and then she puts an arm over my hip. I nearly cum just from that, but I hold on and then squirm a little bit. I hear her breathe in and then she sorta squirms against me, still totally asleep. Then I put my hand on her wrist, move her hand so it's right over my boob, and get comfy. I figure it's gonna take awhile.

—Except I'd been half asleep when Charlie had bounced me off the bed and in like a couple of seconds I'm out like a light.

I wake up gasping because someone's kissing my shoulder. First thought is that it's Charlie but then I remember everything and figure it's one of the Twins—which would be okay too, since my pussy is melted anyhow—but I look slowly up and see that those two cuties are still bundled up together at the head of the bed. I squiggle and squirm and get another kiss; this time on the back of my neck.

Electric shivers!

"...god, you smell so sweet," I hear Claire whispering to me. "...all freshly bathed, perfume...mmmmm" Her hand slides down from my shoulder to my waist, and then she rolls closer against me and her hand reaches down in front of me. I feel her fingers brushing and stroking my belly and this knot behind my navel just twists up tight, and I gasp.

Okay, now I'm totally awake.

I turn. I can't help myself anymore. I turn and Claire's smiling directly at me. She's so pretty, so sexy looking with her half sleepy eyes, I need to kiss her.

Then I do.

And she kisses me back! I can hardly believe it. It's like a dream but not, if you know what I mean. I'm still thinking about her phobia about being touched or touching anyone, and I look into her eyes—really look—and see them slide a little more closed.

She's still dreaming. That's all I can think.

And it's perfect.

I start to kiss her face and her hand moves from my ass up my side and gets between us, palm facing me. She grabs what little boob I have and squeezes it, and now she gasps and I feel such a need to fuck it's stupid.

"...shit Punky," she whispers. "...I never got to show you my bush after I made it look like Charlie's huh? I was gonna, but you were all cute and squishy looking in that chair with your fingers all plunging away and shit...I never....(yawn)...got the chance...."

She's all mumbling and sleepy and shit and I'm totally awake and ready to go. I reach up and make her hand grab more of my tit, and then put my hand on hers and squeeze.

Claire moans softly. She twists and turns till she's on her back, and she turns her head and smiles at me.

"You're just a dreamy dream-girl, you know that?" she whispers. "I like dreaming about you. You're so sweet."

Okay, so at this point my inner-upper thighs are slimy, you know? My pussy lips are swelling up so fast, it's ticklish and I can't breathe. I'm thinking this bitch is never gonna wake up all the way and in that case I might as well do what I need to do, and I sit up, curl down the other way and start kissing and licking Claire's legs.

She loves it.

She loves having her feet kissed. She loves having her shins kissed. She loves just about everything I do to her and in like ten minutes she's laying there, legs spread flat on the bed, arms out, letting me do what I want.

And the thing I want most is to get back to doing what I'd been doing that first morning. Turning a little and laying down across her thigh, I drop my head between her legs and start eating her out. I can't hold back anymore.

It's not my fucking fault!

* * *

I think it must've been about half an hour before Claire actually woke up all the way, and when she did she was having an orgasm. The seventh one I think. I was just lapping away, enjoying how clear and honey-like her melt was, smearing my face in it, poking my nose in her cunt-hole, and really focusing on her clit.

Funny thing though, as I was doing all this, I was imagining Charlie was there instead of Claire! You'd think someone would just enjoy the fantasy freebie, but the more Claire writhed and jerked and gasped, the more it reminded me of Charlie and that only made it sexier in a weird way.

Then other stuff happened that normally can happen, and Claire took me by the waist and hauled me over on top of her and started doing my clit at the same time. I didn't know if she was totally aware at that point, but it didn't matter. She was touching and being touched and wasn't freaking the fuck out. A little bit after that she was snuffling my name as she went on tonguing me and I figured she was awake enough.

Finally she got me on my back and pinned me and she had this wild look in her eyes and I knew she was totally aware.

"...you little hotty," she hissed at me. "Temptress! Vixen! God, what you do to me, girl!"

Then Claire went down on me as I lay there and all I remember was seeing her feet crossed behind her, wagging back and forth, orgasms that looked like blue zigzags in my mind, feeling my skin crinkling and falling off and my pussy squirting over and over again to the point where nothing was squirting out anymore.