Punky's Diary, 4/20/07


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"No, c'mon, I'm just saying, Chucky-girl. I thought it was just my eyes being tired and blurry this morning, but...you got a glow on your face that wasn't there last time I saw ya."

"Well...I guess."

"You 'guess.' Right. I mean if you ever wanted to market 'Freshly Fucked'—"

"Claire, dammit!" Charlie yelled. Then she laughed. "'Course...you'd know all about that, wouldn't you? Speaking of this morning—"

"Hey, time out!" Claire chuckled. "I said that wasn't my fault."

"Well, Punky sure figured out your 'fault' line, now didn't she? Exploring all those crevices and folds and caves way down below."


"Didn't hear you goin' 'oh please stop, oh my god, stop it...stop it now!'"

"Dammit!" Claire said, exasperated. "I'm dreaming I'm with Carmen Kass so what do you fucking expect?"

"You still going on about Carmen?"

"Well, of course," Claire says, looking a little hurt. "She's my dream-babe and always will be. Besides, your 'dream-babe' is pretty dreamy anyhow—not that I had my eyes open or anything. That's all I'm sayin'."

"...yah, actually she is...." Charlie says, and she reaches over and touches my face. I get shivers all over but try not to show it.

"Okay," Claire says, clearing her throat. "Where were we? Something about you being able to have your 'everything' seen and it doesn't matter anymore. You should'a just called me in for the shot."

"Well, it came to mind," Charlie murmured. "But there was this one shot where, well, I didn't think you'd want to be laying there with Punky between your legs slamming her dildo in and out of you, you know?"

"Shut-uuup!" Claire laughed. "Show me that one. I didn't see that one. It's gotta be frickin hot or something, right?"

"Calm down Evil Twin," Charlie said. "We really didn't use that one. Way too graphic."

"Well I'm graphic!" Claire cheered. "I can think about it when I'm daydreaming about Karen Elson..."

"What happened to Karmen Cass?" Charlie said.

"Well, her too okay?" Claire said. "The more the merrier, right?"

And so of course my mind leans that way and I'm spacing out about it: the whole thing—photo shoot, the dildo, that cute little cabana, and then, now, imagining the whole thing again, but with Claire.

My clit hardened, but I took a breath to clear my head. I guess I was a little too loud.

"See?" Claire said. "Even she's getting graphic about it."

"Dammit Claire," Charlie said, exasperated. "Maybe I should leave Punky with you for an hour or so, so things'll be a little quieter around here."

"How do you figure?" Claire asked.

"Because she'll do you till you pass out." Charlie laughed, but I didn't think it was funny.

Not funny 'ha-hah.'

I mean, I was having 'thoughts,' okay?

Then Charlie and Claire got up and headed upstairs so Claire could copy Charlie's bush, and as I sat there even more 'thoughts' were starting to swirl around in my head.

I open my robe and look down at my crotch, then cover it up again. I'd been trying to grow something back down there, thinking I can make some cool-fucking design or something, but all I had so far was stubble. It was itchy too, sometimes and without thinking I reached under the robe and was 'scritching' it and then that, knowing me, turns into this whole other thing.

Anyhow, I'd been day-dreaming about the two of them together—in Tibet—and them trying to get the sex thing going and failing and laughing and all that. But to imagine Claire opening those gorgeous legs of hers to Charlie and then the one thing pushing into the other!

Then I open my eyes and it's fifteen or twenty minutes later, and Claire's standing beside me with her mouth hanging open and her tongue poised on her lower lip, staring. I'm still 'lounging' there, but with the robe almost all the way off, my fingers all drippy with pussy-melt, and everything hanging out, and she's looking, and probably has been for awhile. A moment later Charlie walks up behind her and now they're both staring.

Seeing them together like that, right at that moment, brought me off once more. It was like the day-dream had materialized before me. I was just gazing up at them with my eyes all stupid looking, and I finally realized it was for real and yanked my robe over me again.

"...she...was right in the middle of it," Claire was whispering to Charlie. "Um, I couldn't exactly...you know...disturb her an' shit...."

Charlie nodded.

I apologized, but Claire shook her head.

"Oh, no-no, baby-girl," she said, still looking totally stunned. "Don't. I mean...well..." She stepped back and gave Charlie a quick smile. "I've...got something to do...in my room. Be back in a little while...." Then she turned and rushed off. Charlie came to sit by me, picking at my robe and adjusting sections of it so it would cover me better.

"Don't mind Claire, okay?" she said softly. "She's...just like that; always has been. Actually, with all the brash talk and stuff, she, shall we say, has a problem with physical contact. That one time in Tibet—that was the first time she'd ever done anything like that with anyone."

"But she's so...she seems so experienced and shit...." I say.

"She is," Charlie says. "But she, uh...watches, if you know what I mean. And she's watched all kinds of things."

"Well what about this morning? I mean we were—"

"—She was dreaming," Charlie says. "To her it's reality. She actually thought it was a dream, poor baby. That's why, even if we weren't such close friends, I couldn't be angry or upset with her...."

I sat up and got my robe back on proper and Charlie gave me a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and her eyes had that look in them.

"Of course if you feel guilty or anything," she whispered, "Then I'm sure there's a way you could make it up to me—if you wanted. Claire'll probably masturbate for an hour or so, so...we could take that much time too; just to get 'reacquainted' after my trip...."

My whole body shivered inside, and a moment later Charlie and I were heading upstairs to get 'acquainted' again.

We did it for nearly two hours nonstop, and just as Charlie was getting off me, while we were still catching our breath, there was a really frantic knock on the bedroom door.

"Hey, you two finished in there? Hey!"

It was Claire.

Charlie called for her to come in and she did; dressed like she was heading out the door.

"I...ohhh!" Claire said, and when I realized she was staring at my feet sticking out from under the covers we'd quickly pulled over ourselves, I tucked my feet back underneath as fast as possible.

"Claire?" Charlie laughed. "You...were saying?"

"Oh yah," Claire said. "I'm heading to the airport to pick up, well, what we discussed earlier, okay? Just wanted to let you guys know, so you don't miss me too much and start crying 'n shit."

Charlie nodded, Claire closed the door behind her as she left, and then Charlie pulled the covers off me with this big grin on her face.

"We'll be having a couple of very special visitors when Claire gets back," she said. "But I'm not sure you're prepared."


"You don't have that freshly-fucked look you normally have. So that means you're not."

"Am too."

"Where did you put that strap-on dildo?"

"Charlie—you better not."

"I have to. Keeping up appearances and everything, you know?"

Charlie rolled out of bed, knew exactly where my strap-on dildo thingie was, strapped it on over her softened dong and then crawled back in bed with me. It was only a moment, and then she was on top of me again (with me squealing and giggling like I was mental or something), pushing the dildo deep into my cunt. I'd been in mid-orgasm when she'd cum in me minutes before Claire's interruption, and now the whole thing built up and exploded. I gasped, Charlie rammed, and with all the pumping, the cum she'd just spurt in me came oozing out and down the crack of my ass. She fucked me hard and fast for a little bit more, bringing me off three times in a row, and then pulled out and used her own semen as lubricant as she gently penetrated my ass.

That was added to of course, when I squirt a few seconds later, and my fluids plus her own made things really nice and slick. Forty-five minutes later when we came downstairs in robes and slippers and found Claire showing two sorta small women around the house, I'm sure I had a properly 'freshly-fucked' glow on my face.

I knew that's how I felt.

* * *

Claire was all smiles as she proudly introduced her guests. I couldn't get over how beautiful they both were. They were obviously twins, and though they were petite, it was also obvious that they were in their twenties at the very least.

Orientals always look a bit younger than their actual age.

"Kioshi and Keiko," Claire said, "Please meet Charlie and Punky."

I bowed at the waist (because I'd seen people do that on TV and I thought it looked classy) and reached out to shake their hands. Charlie did the same 'cept she said something in Japanese and the girls giggled and bowed back.

Show off!

They were cute though—I have to give them that. Perfectly identical twins and so gorgeous you wanna just dip them in your coffee, roll them in sugar and then lick it all off. Claire was all proud and shit, coddling them and going on and looking more like the proud father or something.

"Okay if they take a separate room?" Claire asked Charlie, who nodded. We all started to reach for their luggage, but one of them (I don't know which was which) shook her head and waved us politely back with a smile, and then the two of them grabbed their own gear and followed Claire down the hall and went into the room next to hers. They were happily gabbing amongst themselves and a moment after they disappeared in their room, Claire came rushing back. She was rubbing her hands together like before a meal or something.

"So?" she said to us. "What d'you all think? Cute, huh?"

"They're just adorable," Charlie said.

"Picked them up in Taiwan of all places, even though they're from Japan," Claire explained. "And they're just totally amazing! I mean, talk about Live Onstage Sex, ya know?"

My insides twitched. I remembered how it was in my band back home.

"Nothing faked, huh?" Charlie asked.

"Oh no," Claire said. "Thirty minutes of foreplay and then...squirt! I left a puddle in my chair, that's for sure!"

"Well by how enthusiastic you are," Charlie said. "I can only tell you how happy I am for you! It's the real thing then?"

Claire's eyes softened for a moment, from being excited and proud, to thoughtful.

"...well, it's never the 'real thing,' but it's close enough, you know?" she said, and then one of the twins poked their head out the door and said something. Claire went charging back to see what was up, and Charlie and I took each other's hands and headed for the veranda.

"Be out back, Claire!" Charlie yelled, and then we went out and relaxed in the sun chairs. It was late in the afternoon and though there wasn't a lot of sun, it was nice just to sit there looking out across the estate.

"...she really means well." Claire breathed.

"She's totally sweet," I said.

"I...wish she could find someone like I have...."

I looked over at Charlie and she'd turned her head the other way. I did notice just a tiny sparkle of wetness at the corner of her eye before she did though.

Maybe it was just the late-day sun.

* * *

We decided to use the main dinning room for supper, which was frickin ridiculous because you almost needed a fucking satellite phone to talk to people on the other end. Claire and the Twins were down at one end, with me and Charlie at the other, and at one point Claire yelled toward us.

"Throw us another one!"

Charlie stood and chucked a wrapped Filet-O-Fish down to the other end—nice toss by the way—and one of the twins tried to catch it and fell over. There was laughter and then that twin got up holding the prize.

We'd had the major domo get us dinner from the McDonald's in town and this was the result.

"God they're just so darling!" I told Charlie.

"I'm just grateful to see Claire happy though." Charlie said. She stuffed a Big Bite of Big Mac in her face and chewed. She made it look so yummy I followed with a handful of fries, and for awhile there we all ate in silence.

Lots of giggles from the Twins though.

After dinner we all decided that the hot tub sounded promising. Charlie had mentioned it that first day, but I hadn't seen the thing. It, like every frickin thing else, was huge. It was subdivided into smaller areas, and after donning bathing suits Charlie and me climbed in and started to enjoy ourselves.

No, not that way!

Claire and the Twins were a little late. I think they got lost like I would've if Charlie hadn't been walking by my side, but then they were there; Claire in a two-piece that was so skimpy and revealing she shouldn't've bothered wearing anything at all, and the Twins wrapped only in big beach-towels. Claire got in halfway and helped the girls in, but as each of the twins climbed up, they dropped their towels.

So yah, of course they were naked. Why would it be any other way?

And I have to say, that 'yes' they were obviously adults, but it was the other 'thing' that really made my mouth drop open.

The two of them quickly huddled down in the steamy hot water—like in that traditional communal bath they have in Japan (whatever it's called)—but I couldn't believe what I'd just seen! The two of them stayed close together, one pouring handfuls of hot water down the other's back, while Claire floated over to Charlie and me.

"Sweet! What'd I tell ya?" she said, leaning back beside Charlie.

"No doubt," Charlie said. "I sort of 'thought' Kioshi was a male's name."

"Well it is, but...it's a little complicated."

I was still staring while Charlie and Claire went on chatting, but I didn't get most of what they were saying because I was still stunned that one of the twins was a guy. I mean his cock was small and beautiful like Charlie's, but he didn't have boobs or hips or anything like that. Even his sister didn't have much topside, but they both had looked so feminine in their movements and facial features and everything, it was just a little hard to believe what I'd just seen.

Just like that first time I saw Charlie naked.

"Oh, you're kidding!" I heard Charlie say and I looked over and Claire saw me looking and smiled.

"I guess you'd understand what it was like to a certain point, huh?" she asked me.

"Huh? What?"

Charlie turned to me as Claire pushed off to rejoin the twins.

"No," Charlie whispered, "Claire was just telling me that the twins...they're actual twins and all, but they were both born male. Thing is, they had that gender assignment surgery that's sometimes done right after birth; you know, when it's not clear what gender is predominant? Except they both wound up...I dunno how to say it—'opposite' I guess?"

"Oh shit."

"Yes," Charlie went on. "And so at a certain point they decided to have the reassignment surgery, both of them going from male to female. They were actually going to do it at the same time but there was some problem with scheduling or something and Keiko went first. God, Punky—Keiko almost died on the operating table! But they were so close and so actually in-love, Kioshi seemed to be giving his sister life just by being present in the room. Then when it was time for Kioshi to have his operation, Keiko begged him not to because of what had happened to her, and Kioshi remained male just for her sake. That's how they explained it to Claire, anyway...."

"Fuck, man."

"Yah, I know," Charlie whispered. "They've gone through a lot to be the people they really were meant to be."

"Shit...maybe like the rest of us, huh?"


* * *

We all soaked and relaxed and chatted about things, but I still couldn't get over how pretty the Twins were. No, maybe it wasn't just their physical beauty. It was that 'other' thing I guess—that bond between them. I mean it was totally obvious that they were way more than siblings or even affectionate siblings.

After awhile things started getting a little hotter than the actual water we all were sitting in and Keiko and Kioshi's playful antics sorta got distilled (I guess) into this one mouth-to-mouth kiss that just seemed to linger and linger and go on and on. They turned to each other and were hugging and then they were touching each other's hair, and seeing that made my pussy clench from how sensuous it looked. Claire, who was sitting right beside them, turned and smiled back at Charlie and me.

What'd I tell you? she mouthed silently at us. I looked over at Charlie and Charlie was grinning.

"...maybe we should give them a little privacy?" I asked, and Charlie nodded. We started to get up out of the tub, but Claire splashed over to us.

"They're not gonna mind, honest!" she said, and she was almost pleading. "I...I'd just like to share this with you two. You don't have to stay long or anything, but...maybe just a little. I just want you two to see this and experience this with me. Okay?"

Charlie was smiling and nodding when I looked, and then Claire went back to the Twins, whispered something in Kioshi's ear, and they suddenly broke off the kiss and got out of the tub with Claire right behind them, covering them with their towels. Charlie and I got out and followed, drying ourselves as we padded along, and then Claire stopped and turned back to us.

"Uh, where would be a good place?" she asked.

"The Sun Room, definitely," Charlie answered. "There's no sun right now, but it's got a beautiful view of the hills and forest through those big picture windows, you know?"

"Perfect!" Claire said, and then we were all heading that way.

* * *

I'd only gotten a quick glimpse of the Twins as they'd shed their towels earlier, but now as I sat on one of the big sofas in the spacious, darkened Sun Room, I got more than enough to look at—and remember.

There wasn't a single sound except for the soft, moist noises of wet lips touching and smearing together and the gasps and sighs that exploded in the silence as the Twins, without towels or anything else to cover them now, knelt on the plush carpet before the windows.

The sun was completely down by now but there was starlight and a bit of moonlight illuminating what was going on, and all I could think was Damn, they really aren't faking it....

—Because they actually weren't.

Charlie sat on the other end of the same couch I was on, watching in total silence and concentration, but Claire lay curled on her side on the carpet twenty feet away from the Twins. I could only see her backside, head propped on one hand, the other arm draped over her hip.

I could only imagine what she was thinking as she watched what the siblings were doing.

Then after endless, lingering moments of kissing and touching, the one, the male, raised his arms over his head and arched. He waited and then the female leaned down to gently kiss his nipples. He gasped and the sound got me so turned-on I wanted to just crawl over and stick my face down in Charlie's lap! I mean it was that kind of sound, you know?

He was sooo chick!

Then Keiko licked her brother's smooth underarms and there was another gasp and soft moan. My insides were sizzling. Twisting. Curling up tight.

I kept watching as the sister explored every inch of her brother's torso—back and front—and then watched as their roles exchanged, the female kneeling with arms raised, as the male kissed his way up and down her chest and arms.

Obviously the reassignment surgery hadn't taken any of Keiko's sensitivity away.

Then things seemed to melt into a single, solitary 'moment' where everything moved in slow motion—almost like a dance in a lot of ways. Bodies moved and pushed and rubbed together, heads appeared and disappeared behind hips or chests, legs clenched tightly together or spread invitingly open, and the transitions between various sitting or kneeling or standing positions seemed like a warm, buttery blur.