Rachel Reveals All


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By now the six guys were packed so closely around me that I had no idea who was doing what. It was unbelievably nice and erotic. I did not want to communicate with them anymore. I just wanted to close my eyes and shamelessly enjoy their attentions.

I started to feel the very slow almost imperceptible descent of my panties down over my hips. I think they were trying to be so gentle that I would not realise! What a fabulous game and boy was I so enjoying it. When I felt my panties go below my pussy I feebly put my hand down to try to hold them up but they tugged them so they slipped through my fingers. Then they were completely down to my thighs and I was fully exposed.

I tried to protest with an even feebler, "No! Please don't." But my plea for mercy was lost and muffled as my mouth was still being passionately kissed by Gavin. His tongue was so far down my throat that speech was impossible.

I could feel my panties travelling down past my knees and knew that my complete nakedness at the centre of these six guys was now a certainty. I felt them lift up one foot at a time to fully relieve me of them.

I broke away from Gavin's embrace and said, "Now that is not being good is it guys? Taking a girl's clothes off is no way to treat a lady." Before I could say anymore another guy called James changed places with Gavin and pulled me towards him and commenced a passionate full tongues snog.

The guys were now all able to freely explore my naked body. I was being thoroughly groped and manhandled all over and it was gorgeous. One of the guys was sliding his hand between my upper thighs backwards and forwards massaging the lips of my cunt. And then two fingers were thrust easily into my warm wetness. Can you imagine what a turn on this whole situation was? One of the guys was sucking a nipple. There were hands all over me and I was getting so aroused by the two fingers that were now thrusting rapidly into the wet delights of my cunt that I was finding it harder and harder to stand up. My legs were feeling weak and I was in danger of slithering down to the floor.

I said, "Right I have a better idea. Turn that light out and I am going to lie on the bed and if anyone wants to join me that would be lovely . But there is just one rule I am afraid. You all have got to keep your clothes on. . . "

They would have agreed to anything. With that, I broke away from them and staggered towards the bed. My arms had still been through my bra straps but that fell away to the floor before I reached the bed. The only things I was wearing now was a watch and a silver necklace and they were not covering very much at all! I lay down in the middle of the bed with my legs splayed out shamelessly flaunting myself and tapped the blankets beckoning them to join me. I then put my hands behind my head and the guys were all staring at me with their tongues hanging out in disbelief and it gave me such a warm feeling of total appreciation. They gathered around me sitting on the sides of the bed. I waited for another one of the boys to kiss me and I closed my eyes again to let them do their worst. They carried on where they had left off. Their hands roamed freely all over my body. There were hands groping my breasts, hands stroking my upper thighs, hands massaging my feet, hands holding my hands, hands stroking my hair, someone massaging my shoulders, and most importantly magic fingers massaging my clitty and in my pussy. The guy playing with my clitty was fantastic. He was flicking my firm clitty from side to side, and backwards and forwards very fast and giving me the most intense sensations. It was completely overwhelming. I had waited all my life for an experience like this. To be so the centre of attention of a group of guys. It was wonderful to feel all those hands groping and exploring my body, in between my thighs, and feeling the wetness of my pussy. I let them avail themselves fully for a few minutes getting more and more aroused, rolling around, and thrusting my pussy up off the bed desperate for more and more attention. I was absolutely loving it but then I saw one of the guys taking his trousers off and I could see there was a serious risk of getting gang banged and that was definitely not what I wanted. I just wanted to exhibit myself to them as sexually provocatively and wantonly as I could and for them to desire me.

Even though so drunk I knew there was a danger of my teasing getting out of hand so I called a halt and told them straight that there was going to be no gangbang. I was just giving them a bit of a treat. But then I said, "Look, if you want me to I do have a bit of a party piece that I think would round off the evening nicely." They looked puzzled and desperate to know what I was going to say next.

In my life I had only ever masturbated to orgasm in front of a group of girls, apart from my husband of course. I was beside myself with the excitement that I might be about to do it in front of a group of guys. I said to the guys, "Pass me my handbag. It's next to the television."

They still could not guess what was coming. How could they?

I opened my handbag and took out the little silk bag that contains my vibrator that I take everywhere especially when I away from my husband.

I took it out of its little bag and then the boys got it. I heard a few of them exclaim, "Oh blimey, Oh My God! Fucking hell! " That sort of thing.

I switched it on and went to work at the activity in which I would win an Olympic Gold medal -bringing myself off. God knows I have had enough practice. The boys carried on caressing and stroking me. I asked them to lift up my bottom and hold me up higher so they would get the best possible view. I was being outrageous and wanted to shock them and I succeeded. They held my legs and bottom up off the bed so my pussy was up at their shoulder level as they were all sitting down around me. My lower legs were hanging down and my feet were supporting me on the bed. It's amazing what gymnastics are possible when you have the services of six strong blokes! It was pure unadulterated decadence. I was near to orgasm before I even started with my best friend and so it was no surprise that it started making me come in no time. I was bucking and thrusting my wide open cunt right up at them as I alternately plunged my vibrator deep into my wet streaming desperate pussy and then held it against my clitty. I was moaning like a crazy woman. I knew I was in for a climax that was going to be something special. The guys had never seen such an explicit depraved display and probably never will again. My orgasm was absolutely mind blowing.

I cried out loudly , "Oh! Oh! Oh! ," over and over again. It just seemed to go on forever. At the end the guys looked stunned but clapped my performance. I suddenly felt drained and exhausted and I collapsed back down flat on the bed and curled up in a ball as the tiredness hit me.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt like someone had hit me over the head with a hammer. It took me a few seconds to work out where I was. I was curled up in a ball stark naked in bed under sheets and blankets. The curtains were open and then it hit me what I had done. I saw my vibrator on the bedside table. I must have passed out. OMG! What had happened? Had they all fucked me?

Then Richard appeared from the ensuite looking fresh, washed and dressed for the morning session. I had apparently slept in his room and in his bed. Had he fucked me I wondered? I felt mortally embarrassed.

I hesitantly asked him, "Oh My God Richard. I am so sorry for my behaviour. What happened? Did I pass out? What did I do? You know what I am asking."

He was very polite to me. He sat on the side of the bed and said, "You have nothing to feel embarrassed about. You were a great sport. We all thought you were amazing. Such a gorgeous sexy woman. We all want to be married to you! "

"But did I? Did you? You know. "

"No your honour is still intact. One of the guys was going to take advantage of you but we all stopped him and I said No! You are asleep unconscious and that would not be fair or right. Actually, everybody left soon after you fell asleep. It was late."

"Thank God! But what about us? Did we? Did you? Did we sleep together?"

"Yes but I kept my pants on all night. Actually, you were the problem -not me! You kept rolling over and cuddling me and asking me to cuddle you. You were quite insistent! You kept trying to pull me on top of you and groping me. But you kept calling me Andy. That is your husband I presume. No! I behaved a complete gentleman and did not take advantage of you and neither did anyone else. I have to be honest though I did cuddle up to you and it was very cosy. I might have fondled your breasts and thighs once or twice, and maybe even your gorgeous bum! A guy wouldn't be human if . . . . . . "

I laughed ,"No! Don't worry. That's fine. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! Please ask the others to keep this a secret. I could not bear it if it gets back to my office. I would have to resign. Oh God! I feel so ill. I have such a hangover. I will have to go home. Please tell the instructors that I was not well and had to leave."

I did not want to face any of the other guys anyway. I would have been too embarrassed. Richard kissed me and said, "Of course. I will do that. Anyway Rachel you are a very gorgeous sexy woman and your secret is safe with me and I'll make sure that the others are discrete about it."

I know some readers will be disappointed that this did not end in a gangbang but this is real life and a real story. I am not going to embellish it just to make it popular. I was still not ready for sex with anyone other than my husband (other than Steve at Uni) although I have since succumbed. I thought that what happened that night was wild enough and, looking back, a step I needed to go through.

Some of the things I have done since have been even worse and I have had some very honest and candid discussions with my husband about how and what I am and my obsessions. He does now understand me a lot better and my need to do it. I don't have any secrets from him nowadays although at the time this episode on the course took place I was living a secret life and it was a while before I confessed all this to him. He wishes I was not like this but he loves me and accepts it.

Chapter 12. My Exhibitionism Gets Out of Control

This brings me to what happened one crazy night on a sailing holiday in the Greek Ionian islands when eventually my exhibitionism spiralled out of control got me into a lot of trouble. At the time when this happened we had been married for about twenty years and up to this point I had never had sex with anyone else since I had got married. In fact, despite all my exhibitionism, I had only had sex with two men in my life before this night and one of them was my husband!

Andy and me still loved each other but inevitably time has taken the edge off the sex and it had become less frequent, and routine. For example it had been a very long time since we had any oral either way around and in truth I had become less interested and most of the time was going through the motions to keep Andy happy. Andy often says that long term married women are more worried about the prospect of their husbands having sex with someone else than they are about whether they ever have sex with their husbands themselves. There is probably some truth in this. And being a working mother of two I never got enough me time and always seem to come last in the queue, and when this episode happened I can remember feeling that the time had come for me to have some fun for a change.

Most fictional erotic stories that feature sex with other partners, or multiple partners and the like portray two dimensional sex mad women who cannot get enough, and it is all completely marvellous and never seem to involve real women who have mixed feelings about what has happened to them or regrets. Having sex with other men was completely out of character, unplanned and unexpected, and throughout the whole experience I knew I should not be doing it, but I was so drunk and it was so much fun that I was just unable to stop.

I crossed the Rubicon that night. It changed my life and I have never been the same person again. I do not think about myself the same way anymore and, without getting too heavy, I struggle to understand how other woman can apparently behave promiscuously and seemingly not experience these dramatic changes in how they see themselves. I am not proud of what I did and picture myself on that beach behaving like a complete slut every day. At the same time another part of me craves for other similar experiences and you cannot go back.

Anyway, this is what happened. As I said we had been on a sailing flotilla holiday in the Greek Ionian Islands. Every night we stopped somewhere new, each time more idyllic and beautiful than the last. We had got to know the other crews over the two weeks and had a lot of fun. The different crews had gelled well. There had been a succession of balmy boozy evenings with a lot of banter and yes some innocent flirting. All the other crews were couples or families except one, which had three fit boys on board who seemed pretty dishy. I call them boys as they were about fifteen years younger than me but they were men really in their late twenties. Their names were Barry, Mike and Tony. You could not help noticing them as they were fit, and tanned, and more often than not had no shirts on. As I got to know them better in the evenings I also found out they were intelligent and well educated professionals and very funny.

Every day we went sailing to the next destination and every evening we met up as a group at a Greek taverna and got noisily drunk. It had got to the very last night of the holiday and we had gone to a dinner at a beach taverna arranged by the holiday company and had the usual prizes, awards, funny anecdotes from the holiday and votes of thanks. There had been unlimited wine provided and I had been completely stupid and in the party atmosphere got completely drunk. The evening had been a riot. After the meal we staggered outside onto the beach where there was a private party disco. It was a hot beautiful evening and there were pretty coloured lights scattered around and you could hear the sound of the waves lapping on the shore. I should have said that our two children were being looked after with all the other younger kids in the flotilla at a nearby separate location where they keep them amused with films and pizza etc.

This night I felt like I was so far from home but had that demob happy feeling that you get when you are going home tomorrow. The setting was just perfect and so pretty and everyone was just having fun, playing the fool and laughing. I just seem to be in the mood to let my hair down and I had had far too much to drink . Apart from the wine I had been drinking mainly vodkas and Manhattans, which my husband kept getting for me. He also seemed to be enjoying himself ,although I think he had sensibly stuck to beer, and seemed to be chatting and laughing with all the women. It was just one of those parties which was going really well and everyone was up for enjoying themselves.

The music was good too and I was doing a lot of dancing which I always love. The dancing area was some decking really close to the water's edge. It was still very warm and the dancing and alcohol made me even hotter. I was wearing a silky white sleeveless blouse and a short red cotton skirt. I was really getting into it and enjoying a good bop when Barry (one of the boys from the all male crew) came over and started dancing with me just as wildly as I was. I think it was some old 70s rock group but the beat was as hot as ever. My skirt was swirling up and exposing a lot of my panties and I was getting distinctly sweaty causing the fabric of my blouse to cling. I felt so sexy and so drunk. I had not realised how much attention I was attracting until a crowd of the other crews started to form around me and start clapping in time to the music. I was just loving this attention and laughing uncontrollably.

Suddenly someone started chanting ,"Strip, Strip, Strip. " I had not realised that I was dancing so provocatively that they thought this might be a prospect! I had had no intention of doing anything like that that night especially with Andy there but he was also laughing and whispered in my ear something like, "Just unbutton your blouse and show your bra a little to keep them happy." He knew ,of course, that I enjoy showing off my body from time to time.

It all seemed innocent enough. I suddenly felt excited and sexy at this prospect and asked him if he was sure. He smiled again so I slowly undid the top three buttons and pulled the blouse down off my shoulders to show my cream lacy bra. Of course the audience went wild and pretty soon everyone at the party was surrounding me and chanting , "More More".

I said ,"No way -that's it. That's your lot! "

My thoughts went back to that night in my first year at uni and that strip that I had done at the party. Is this going to happen again I wondered? 'Life in the old dog' I thought.

But they started mock booing and I felt stupid and churlish so I looked at Andy and he was encouraging me, so I decided to undo some more buttons. The more I exposed the wilder everybody got. It's was hot and I was wearing a bra anyway so I figured I'll give them what they want and took my blouse off completely and threw it to the crowd.

There was lots of cheering and shouting and laughing and Andy came up behind me and pulled the bra strap from behind and twanged it and then danced off laughing. This was seen as encouragement to Barry who did the same thing but this time the clasp broke and I was left trying to hold my bra on in front of me without a bra strap. You can imagine the commotion and Barry was then trying to pull the bra away from me. I was hanging on to it as best I could but he was too strong and he took it off me and threw it into the group to much riotous celebration. At first I put my hands over my breasts but then I thought,' What the hell!' and continued dancing topless to great approval.

Needless to say this only made the crowd more excited and demanding and the chanting became more frantic. By this time the Greek waiters had joined the group hoping for more. I looked at Andy and he winked back smiling. What did that mean? Would he think me a party pooper if I did not carry on? I thought , 'It's the last night of the holiday, I'll probably never see any of these people again-I'll give them something to cheer about.' So I slowly started lowering my skirt. They were all going mad but Barry came over to me and put his arms around me and started cuddling me whilst still dancing . I then realised he was fiddling with the skirt button, and then quick as a flash he pulls the zip down and my skirt is now free and falls around my feet much to everyone's delight. I was still trying to dance so I stepped out of the skirt. I had long ago lost my shoes so there I was dancing just in my cream skimpy lacy panties, which were already revealing too much.

I was absolutely loving the attention but Andy started to look like it had gone far enough and was signalling me to stop and get dressed. I was, of course, in Heaven; it had been a very long time since I had taken my clothes off in front of such a large group. I was very drunk and someone brought me another large glass of I don't know what which I gulped down and everybody cheered me on. I was just enjoying this too much although by now I see that Andy is not. The music was very loud and he came over to me and shouted in my ear that it was time to collect the kids anyway. He was being all serious now and told me he was going to take them back to the boat and would see me when I got back. Looking back, not to excuse me and what happened, but in the state I was in he should never have left me there alone. He does admit that now. I watched him leave and then thought that I would just stay another 20 minutes or so and enjoy this evening a little bit longer.
