Rachel Reveals All


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But then I just drifted back into my stupor. From time to time I would surface to find they were still fucking me. Once when I surfaced enough they turned me over so I was kneeling, lifted my butt up to take me from behind, stuck their fingers into my cunt and arse, and fucked me at will like I was a piece of meat. It was just absolutely gorgeous and I doubt I will ever have another night to compare. I remember thinking that I did not want it to end. Each time I was vaguely aware of one of them withdrawing from me I could not wait to feel another of their cocks filling my pussy again. They all had me at least twice -probably more, I don't know.

My regret about that night is that I had this fantastic experience but do not really remember lots of the detail due to being so paralytic. I suppose if I had not been drunk I would not have done it at all and that is the paradox of getting drunk that many will recognise. I would love to have been able to remember exactly how many times I was fucked and savour each one but I cannot. I was not really conscious for long periods of that night and that is a shame.

Much later when I came to again I found myself on a blanket on that beach and I could hear the sound of gentle waves rolling up the sand nearby. It was just starting to get light; dawn was breaking behind the mountains; I had apparently been out on the beach all night. There were three guys dressed just in shorts , probably in their late twenties, softly chatting and lying with their heads resting on my thighs and chest smoking.

I saw to my horror that I was wearing nothing at all. And then it hit me. I remembered walking along the beach with the three boys. I had the most almighty hangover. My head hurt and I had a raging thirst; I was so so thirsty.

I saw what a disaster I was. I thought , "What the hell have I done?". I was covered in sticky bodily fluids and running in sweat with my legs wide apart. Some more recollections came flooding back into my thumping head. The three boys had apparently put their shorts on again whilst I had been comatose. My first reaction was to cover myself up too. I looked and reached around for my panties or skirt but there was no sign of any of my clothes anywhere around me.

The tavern along the beach where earlier I had been dancing and partying now seemed to be in complete darkness with all its lights out. Christ I am in so much trouble I thought. I had to get back to the boat where I was staying with my husband and family and I was supposed to be. I felt tired, ravaged and conquered. It was chilly and I felt cold and frightened. I became even more scared and upset and curled up in a ball on the blanket whimpering and appealed to the boys to give me a cuddle .The boys put their arms around me and consoled me and reassured me that I had loved every minute of it and had a great time, and so had they. I knew they were right. I could not pretend I had not encouraged them every step of the way. They made me start to feel a bit better. They were lovely and I enjoyed cuddling up to them and being close to them. It was just lovely to be so appreciated and wanted. To be honest I was flattered that these young fit guys had found me so sexy and desirable at forty. I wanted to prolong this wonderful sublime moment a little longer before I had to return to my real world and face the music; that would come soon enough I thought.

I did not blame the boys or feel angry; they had only behaved as any boys would have with sex offered on a plate by a drunk available woman. They were sweet and nice to me and pulled me up and wrapped the blanket around me. We walked slowly and silently back along the sand to the tavern. Nobody knew what to say as we prepared to re-enter the real world. In the tavern the waiters had neatly folded my skirt, and top and left it by the till. (I never found my bra and panties). The boys helped me get them on, and walked me back slowly and silently to the harbour.

It was early dawn and I was just hoping and praying that Andy and the kids would be asleep and not sitting up waiting for me , or worse out looking for me. I was obviously so nervous when I climbed quietly back on board our boat terrified of waking Andy or one of the kids. I was so relieved when I found the boat all quiet and I peeped through the hatch and could hear Andy snoring down in our cabin.

I laid down in the cockpit in the open air with some deck cushions and contemplated what I had done. By not getting into our bed in our cabin I thought there was some hope that Andy would not know just how late I got in. I had slept out on deck several times during this holiday ,as it was cooler up there at night, and so Andy would not have thought this unusual. I got up again as soon as I began to see movement on other boats , before Andy awoke, and went and had a thorough shower to wash away all the bodily fluids and sand that were all over me and in my hair and make myself as decent as I could. When I returned Andy was stirring and thankfully did not seem aware that I had been out all night. For now I told him that I had come back later after having a couple of night caps with those boys and slept in the cockpit.

As you can imagine I had a hell of a hangover the next morning and Andy was pretty cross with me but not particularly because I had taken my clothes off; he already knew what I was like and I had done that before. No, he was cross because he thought I had been flirting with, and making up to Barry . And I would have to concede that he had a valid point; dancing stark naked with someone does count as flirting, I suppose, although I really didn't see it that way but I was in no position to argue. And he had encouraged me at the beginning to take my clothes off.

He of course at that stage had no idea what I had done after my strip and neither would he suspect or expect for a moment that I might have done such things. He did not know about me hiding under the blanket lying across the guys. He was not aware that I had stayed so late, so for the time being I left it that way.

In the cold light of day the enormity of what I had done began to sink in. It occurred to me that the likelihood was that all three blokes had come inside me on multiple occasions without any protection. I knew that I was going to have to endure several weeks of worry that I might have caught something horrible from one of them. I knew that eventually I would have to tell Andy what had happened and what I had done , and face the consequences but that would need to wait until we were back home. I thought that if he was so annoyed at me for just flirting with Barry, how was he going to take it when I told him the full extent of what I had done? For now I told him that after the disco I had gone with the boys for a skinny dip and then fallen asleep on the beach and lost track of time, some of which was true of course. I thought telling him I had gone skinny dipping with them might make it easier to eventually tell him the full extent of what I had done later. I guessed right for now; he was not particularly surprised that I had gone skinny dipping with the boys as that was completely in character.

We were flying home that day so I faced a very tricky situation to navigate at the airport queuing up for the check in with the same people who had witnessed my strip the previous evening. They gave me lots of condescending smiles, and I knew there was lots of sniggering going on behind my back. It was so embarrassing in the cold light of day. Thank God that only the three boys knew what I had done later with them. None of the rest of the group ever saw me under that blanket so would have had no idea how my evening progressed! And the three boys were totally discreet about it and gave no clue to Andy or anyone else that anything else had gone on.

Chapter 13. A period Of Adjustment

It was about a week after we had got back to the UK that I sat Andy down , when the kids were out, burst into tears and told him what had happened. I was ,of course very upset, and contrite and tried to get him to understand that I had done similar strip teases before and guys had not taken advantage of me. I had to try to excuse it that way; that I had been drunk, and had not expected this to happen or wanted it to happen. Andy loves me very much and was as understanding about it as any husband could possibly be expected to be. I was so full of regret and remorse at that time that we actually reached a point where we could actually laugh at my naivety that I had thought I could behave like that and not end up getting fucked. He even comforted me that it was extremely unlikely that I would have caught anything from them and not to worry about that.

When you really love someone it is my view that when they stray you do not just immediately chuck your relationship away. I often hear people say that if their partner was ever unfaithful then that would be it. But if you really love someone would you not try to work out why they strayed and what was missing in your relationship? If the roles had been reversed I would certainly have afforded Andy that leeway and thankfully he felt the same.

In the following weeks Andy had to work very hard to get over it, and I often felt ashamed about my behaviour that night in Greece. I did however feel a whole lot better about it after I had got it out into the open. At that time sometimes I felt full of regret and worried that things will never be the same again with Andy. But other times privately I was glad that it happened-and thought, 'You're only here once.' Before that night, I had only had full sex with two men, and in one night I had increased my tally to five and I felt some private satisfaction about that. My biggest regret is that I wished I had been fully conscious for the whole experience and not passed out. Although at the time, when I accused the boys of having me when I was asleep, they told me that I had been responding and enjoying it from start to finish but that is not my memory so I don't know. Often I felt concerned that that could be the only time I ever had sex with multiple partners and it might never happen again. I became increasingly obsessed with the notion that I had to change Andy and our relationship to give me more freedom to indulge my wild urges.

I had some very honest and candid discussions and arguments with Andy about how and what I am and my obsessions. He began to understand me a lot better and my need to do it. I did not want to have secrets from him anymore. He wanted me to himself but I knew that I was no longer able to promise that. I had to have the freedom to have sex with other guys now and again when my exhibitionist desires surfaced. He wishes I was not like this but he loves me and accepts it. I told him that he was also welcome to have sex with other women and once he got used to the idea he could see that could be fun for him. I said that life was too bloody short to only ever have sex with each other and that it was only sex for God's sake. The important thing was that we should not do anything behind each other's back or have secrets from each other.

He has obviously even accepted my exhibitionist desire to tell the world my intimate secrets about my exploits on erotic literature web sites and in forums and chat groups. I have to tell you that I get a lot of email and messages from guys who wish that their wives or girlfriends were more like me so maybe Andy should think he is lucky! I get messages all the time from guys who would like to see their partners have sex with other guys. Equally I get messages from females who have the same urges as me but wish they had the nerve to act on them.

To be honest I would have liked nothing more sometime than to have sex with Andy in front of others- even strangers if he preferred. He did fuck me once in front of his flatmate at university as you know. I also would have loved to watch him fuck another woman. At that time he was not up for such high jinks and I did not want to risk putting pressure on him. For my part I needed to change too and try to behave less outrageously.

But over the last four or five years since then, gradually, he has indulged my exhibitionist streak and we have together progressed to some of these fantasies of mine. It has been a case of, 'if you can't beat them, join them! ' We have now had some fun experiences together some of which I am going to tell you about. One of the more innocent places we started driving to during the summer was Studland Bay which is a beautiful sandy beach near to Poole in Dorset but which is not too far from Bristol for a day trip. There is a popular naturist beach there where you can legally sun bathe and swim naked and that kept me going for a while and gave me an outlet for being naked in public until I discovered even better places.

I obviously thought a lot about when I was had by those three guys on the beach on holiday in the Greek Islands it had a big effect on me. Don't get me wrong-I know full well that I deserved it, and attracted it so I do not blame the boys. When I think about it in perspective I had it coming. It was an accident waiting to happen. In fact it is a surprising it had not happened before.

I get a lot of messages from readers and have accumulated quite a following of people interested in me and my life. Many people enjoy and complement me on my writing and I thank them for their kind remarks. Many people admit to me that they too have similar exhibitionist desires but are afraid to act on them. People seem to envy the fact that I have actually had so much fun actually doing some of the antics I have told you about. But I don't think anyone should envy me being gang banged on that beach. I wish very much that I had not allowed that to happen and had perhaps called it a night at the point when I was being fondled under the blanket. It was not so much doing it that I regretted but doing it behind Andy's back. Some readers are extremely judgemental and cruel to me about my behaviour and I do wonder why they read such stories if they disapprove so much.

Anyway four or five years have now gone by and things have settled down again but with new rules in our marriage. Andy and me are still together and he has come more to terms with who I am and my needs. I have had many requests from readers to keep telling them about my experiences that I feel I cannot deny them and also as I have said before I do find it a turn on writing about them. I had not intended to reveal anymore about myself after that experience in Greece but I have been persuaded by the number of requests that I have received. Nothing has happened to me quite so extreme as being fucked by those three guys on the beach and I do not plan to do anything like that again ;well certainly not without Andy anyway. So you may find that my more recent experiences a bit tame but this is not a story; this is real life and in real life there are limits and constraints. The big difference now is that I never do anything wild without Andy knowing about it first and usually being present and that is a cardinal rule for us.

I do enjoy chatting with readers on email and sometimes I have experimented with some fantasy stories with readers in which we imagine what we would do if we met up and how it would be and stuff like that. I encourage them to describe in detail what they would do to get me out of my clothes and what would follow and all I have to do is chip in from time to time with a bit of imaginary reciprocation and they love it. It is great fun actually on the lap top on a cold wet evening. However unfortunately for many guys this is never enough and I get many requests from guys in the UK who want photos and to meet up for real. Obviously I cannot do that not just from the safety point of view but also because I have vowed not to cheat on my husband and do anything that he does not know about. It has been difficult enough preserving my marriage after the Greece thing that I am not going to do anything that he does not condone even if he does not particularly like it. This is the difference between real life and fiction. I have a reputation and a husband to think about and I have children and I am not going to behave as an unfettered slut having sex with all and sundry.

Having said that I do not actually meet my readers I did make an exception in an alcoholic soaked moment and it is this event that I will tell you about next. It was actually a bit of a disaster and put me off doing it again. This was before I cut right down on drinking and was one of the reasons I did actually as it was obviously clouding my judgement. Bear in my I am an ordinary English middle aged woman going about her nine till five thirty work routine selling houses. This guy had originally contacted me as the result of one of my earlier stories I had posted about my exhibitionism.

You would be amazed how many blokes contact you on email. My revelations have always been popular and I have many fans, but the truth is when the majority of them show their hand they want to meet up, and get inside my knickers. I, on the other hand, only want to have some fun exchanging emails with people who want to play and fantasise. But that is not enough for many, and I cannot go further with casual readers-my life is complicated enough! I would be meeting new men every week!

With this particular guy we had emailed each other many times and become sort of friends. We played that game where we imagine what it would be like if we met up and what he would like to do to me. But in this case as he seemed so unsure of himself I told him he would have to sit on his sofa like a good boy and watch me strip very slowly and seductively for him. He was without doubt infatuated by me and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he worshipped me. He told me so many times how much he would love to see me naked. I was all his fantasies and wet dreams rolled into one! He was a lot younger than me-late twenties ,and single. I suspect he had not had many girlfriends and was very inexperienced as he was fond of telling me. It was almost like I was his mother or his agony aunt advising him about how to have more success with girls. I had always known that he happened to also live In Bristol.

Anyway, one afternoon after I had been to the pub with my work colleagues, we were given the afternoon off and I suddenly had this very bad idea of at last contacting this guy called Kevin and seeing if he was in. Clearly looking back this was both a very stupid and dangerous thing to do. I contacted him on email from my phone and he immediately came back and said he was in and it would be amazing to actually meet me in person. When I got to his flat and he answered the door I knew straight away that this was a big mistake and I should never have gone. He was scruffily dressed in jeans and a T-shirt and there was washing up around the place. To be fair he had not had much notice and did not know I was coming. Can you believe he actually had my story up on the screen of his laptop? Maybe he opened it up after I had called him to remind him who I was. Straight away, he started telling me that he loved me for God's sake. Obviously, he did not really know me so that was clearly ridiculous. He told me he thought I was the sexiest woman he had ever seen or known. I do not know how I thought this was going to turn out before I went. I told him straight away that I could not stay long and he had to be on his best behaviour. He said over again how much he had dreamed of me stripping off in front of him. Part of me wanted to bolt for the door but he looked so sad and pathetic I thought I could not disappoint him. I told him to sit on his sofa and not move. I told him if he moved off his sofa, I would leave. I enjoyed having all this power over him. I told him he had to keep all his clothes on and not touch or the deal was off. He would have agreed to anything.