Rachel Reveals All


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I thought to Hell with it; I won't see these people again after the holiday so I will give them a thrill by parading in my panties. And then one of the waiters, I think, brought me yet another large drink that I also gulped that down and this time it tasted like Ouzo. It's hard being a female some times when you just know that you should not be doing something. I know that I am going to regret this big time tomorrow and that Andy is going to be fed up with me. Suddenly the drink hit me and I felt absolutely exhausted. I felt so drunk I had to sit down on a plastic chair by the decking and said that was definitely their lot. But then came the inevitable chants of," More, More, More! ", and Barry and Mike (another one on the boys from the all male crew ) came and lifted me back to my feet again and everyone was laughing.

Then Barry started dancing closely with me again holding both my hands. Before long he then uses one of his hands to start trying to lower my panties whilst looking for and getting the approval of the crowd. I used my free hand to try to hold them up, and of course the crowd were all cheering Barry on. Suddenly I realise that someone else has his thumbs in the waistband of my panties from behind and I look round to find Mike is pulling my panties down. At that moment I thought back again to the first strip that I had done in the first year of uni and how exciting that had been.

I shouted, "No! That's not fair," but in truth as you know I adore being undressed by someone else, and to be undressed in front of a crowd is just the best for me. Before long he is on his hands and knees with my knickers around my knees and I am stepping out of them before I fall over. I just felt amazing with the wickedness of the situation being butt naked and the centre of attention of the party. You will know me well enough by now to know that actually I was loving this situation.

I broke free from the boys and danced around a bit with everybody clapping and cheering but then I was not sure what to do next , so I took a bow, and was about to walk off to get dressed as my show seemed to fizzle out . But then Barry took control and did some sort of improvised jive dance with me so I did lots of twirling and bending thus ensuring everyone got a good and full view of all my assets. You can imagine that I had never been more popular. I realised that there were camera phones flashing all over the place. Everyone was taking pictures of me. I had not reckoned on that happening. There was even a couple of boys ,who could not have been more than twelve, lying on the floor taking pictures up at me from below no doubt so they got the best view of my pussy. How bloody cheeky I thought and where were their parents allowing them to do this for God's sake? There were not supposed to be any kids there. I had not noticed them earlier. I decided that there were already too many explicit pictures of me already so I ran down the sandy beach and into the shallow water through the waves much to everyone's amusement. Predictably I stumbled in the water and fell over and just sat in the shallow water laughing.

When I emerged from the sea I was felt exhausted again and saw a large outdoor sofa away from the decking in a darker corner of the beach garden that just looked really inviting and I staggered over to it and collapsed down into the middle of it. Almost immediately Barry and Mike came over and sat on each side of me on the sofa laughing. I said I wanted my clothes and would they get them for me but they just made fun of me by mimicking my request in my west country accent. They said that I didn't need my clothes as they would keep me warm and I laughed and said that was what I was afraid of! I asked them if they had seen Andy and they said they hadn't. The last thing on their minds was where Andy was.

After about a minute I started to feel a little chilly as I had cooled down from the dancing and there was a bit of a breeze now and I could see a really huge blanket on the ground next to the sofa so I asked Barry to reach over and get it. He willingly laid it over all three of us and I felt much less conspicuous and exposed. I pulled it up to cover my chest. In fact it felt very cosy and I started to feel very sleepy.

At this point I did not feel that badly about what had happened because as far as I was concerned that was the end now-the show was over and I just wanted to get dressed and go to bed. But the alcohol was making me very confused and I leaned right back in the sofa and closed my eyes. I pulled the blanket up even further to cover my face. Before long Barry took my hand and gently squeezed it, and then intertwined his fingers with mine, and finally kissed the back of my hand and then kissed me on my forearm several times. I could not help enjoying the tenderness and gentleness of his touches. He put his arm around my waist and his hand squeezed my bottom.

Barry was encouraged by the apparent welcome of his advances and placed his hand on my knee under the blanket and started to stroke my upper leg and then my soft fleshy inner thigh. I took hold of his hand and said, "No! " and reminded him that I was a respectable married woman but I suppose I did not sound that convincing as I was still giggling. I felt that tingling sensation at the back of your neck. He did not stop ,of course, and the stroking became more and more daring just brushing the edge of my mound. I cannot tell you how sexy I felt and of course I was feeling very wet down there. Before long Mike started giving my other leg and thigh the same treatment. I have to say that it did feel very very nice and so I said to the boys no further than that and then closed my eyes again and relaxed. I really just wanted to go to sleep.

I felt so tired and the worse for wear that I decided to lay down sideways with my head in Barry's lap and my legs across Mike's legs completely under the blanket. None of my face was showing. Looking back being naked like this was clearly a very stupid thing to have done. At the time though all I wanted to do was lie down and close my eyes and sleep. I knew I should not let things progress any further than this but being under the blanket was like an unreal world, like being in a bubble where the real world rules did not apply. I was more or less completely hidden and felt like I was hiding and nobody could see me or would know I was there.

More or less straight away Barry began stroking my hair and cheeks and forehead under the blanket. It was lovely. At the same time Mike resumed stroking my legs which were conveniently strewn across his lap under the blanket. Barry then proceeded to massage my shoulders under the blanket which was equally heavenly and before long he had his hands further under the blanket stroking around my breasts and my tummy which again was just too nice for me to stop him. Predictably he then graduated to stroking my breasts and nipples which were already erect. At this stage I became nervous and held his hand to prevent him doing that but it was a token gesture really. Barry twisted around a little, bent over towards my head, lowered the blanket down from my face and put his lips to mine. It's a funny thing that when you are really drunk the reflex response just kicks in and you could be kissing anybody really. I could not do anything but respond and before long he had his tongue down my throat and we were in a deep passionate snog. Whilst we were doing this he established his territory under the blanket and now had the run of my entire chest above the waist and indeed as far below the waist as he could reach.

Between my legs I felt warm and moist. Whilst I was still kissing Barry, Mike upped his assault on my legs and thighs and reached the promised land and placed a finger at the entrance to my hot and very wet desperate pussy. I could not believe that I was helpless to resist and all I could do was lift my bottom up towards him to encourage him to penetrate me. When his finger began to enter me it sent a shiver through my whole body and a sigh escaped my mouth. I could feel I was blushing but my face was hidden and it was dark and they would not have seen. My kiss with Barry came to an end mainly because I needed to breathe and then I snuggled back down completely under the blanket in my unreal world where nobody could see me. I closed my eyes and my heart was racing with the excitement and outrageousness of the situation.

I completely submitted and let them do their worst under the blanket where no one could see me. It was my private little world where four hands were all over me. It was probably the most sublime and exquisite moment of my life so far. Mike had command of my body below the waist as I continued to lay with my legs across his lap. My legs were apart to give him full access and by now he had two fingers in my cunt and it was gorgeous. I was writhing around under the blanket and moaning in ecstasy louder and louder and pushing my bottom up to meet him. Mike was so talented with his fingers. I was panting , as my hips gyrated shamelessly onto his thrusting fingers. As I did so he slid his other hand under my butt and began probing my crack from underneath and sliding a finger into my arse. I don't think I have ever been so wet and turned on in my life. Every so often Barry lowered the blanket down my face just enough to give me another passionate kiss . On one occasion I briefly opened my eyes and noticed that the music had changed to slow smoochy stuff and there were far fewer people left and those that were, were couples having slow cuddly smooches. No one seemed to be interested in us now and in any case it was dark in our corner. I felt shameless and let these boys completely squeeze, stroke, and caress my entire body without any restrictions or limits.

I started to feel that sensation where the sky could fall in but you don't care and my legs were all over the place under the blanket. Mike was working his magic until I had the most amazing orgasm of my life. As I climaxed I was gripping the blanket with my hands as hard as I could as my hips pumped onto Mike's hand. Barry put a hand over my mouth to stop anybody hearing my cries of ecstasy. I think it was the outrageousness of my situation being in a semi public place naked under a blanket with two fully clothed relative strangers and not my husband which combined to give me such an intense trembling shuddering orgasm . By now I felt no shyness but I was making too much noise and from under the blanket I could hear the boys chuckling quietly with satisfaction at my helpless display. I still had my head on Barry's lap (although I had turned to face his chest) and he continued to hold his hand over my mouth to reduce the sound of my moaning.

I closed my eyes and said that that was fantastic to the boys and that they were very sweet but very naughty but it was now definitely time for me go to sleep. The alcohol swept over me again and I just felt so much I needed to close my eyes.

We stayed quiet and still for a few minutes and I think I dropped off to sleep. Barry then said, "Why don't we lie down over there , where it will be quiet? You can sleep there and it will be more comfortable," pointing along the sandy beach well away from the taverna.

I said I was too tired to walk anywhere but Barry and Mike said, "No problem. We will escort you."

By now nearly all the other people in our flotilla had gone back to their boats. I was not keen on moving anywhere but they stood up, and lifted me up, each holding me under one of my arms and wrapped the blanket around me. I could hardly walk and it was an effort for them to support me and stop me just sitting down on the beach. I was giggling a lot and saying, "Please take me home."

I suppose by giggling I was giving them mixed signals. I could hear the gentle waves of the sea as they walked me away from the taverna along the shore . Looking back I can see that I was being led quietly and docilely to my fate. I was just too drunk and naive to see it.

We came to a halt at a piece of sand and scrubland grass along the beach well away from where anyone would ever have seen us. I said that I really need and should be going home now back to my boat. To this Barry responded by putting his arms around me and kissing me passionately allowing the blanket to drop to the ground. I was helpless in his arms and put my arms around his neck to hold myself up. My tongue was in his mouth and down his throat, and his hands moved down to squeeze my bum and then down into my wet crack and his fingers slipped easily into my sopping wet pussy. I could not resist and pleaded with him to stop as I writhed around with his fingers in my wet cunt. Then Mike put his arms around me from behind and was fondling my breasts. My legs melted to jelly and I slowly slithered down to the ground onto the blanket.

I laid on my back exhausted and looked up at the stars and pleaded, "Please just let me sleep now." I was not giggling anymore.

I know it will sound unbelievable but even at this stage, being so drunk I suppose, I was not consciously planning or expecting to have sex with them or be unfaithful and was not expecting them to take advantage of me; nobody ever had before when I had flaunted myself. On this particular night up until that point I'd seen it all as a bit of fun-a bit of a laugh really. They both lay down each side of me and carried on caressing me and then I realised that their other crew member, Tony, had been following and he was also there and gently caressing my feet. Barry said something like I was completely safe with them and nothing bad would happen and I should just relax. I closed my eyes again and tried to sleep. I also remember Barry stroking my face and whispering in my ear that I was a very beautiful women and should be proud of my body . I think looking back that was my moment of total surrender. My seduction was complete and absolute. It had just been so long since I was flattered like that and made to feel so completely desirable.

With my eyes closed I felt them stroking and groping my body , until it reached fever pitch with 6 hands going anywhere they wanted. I offered no resistance. I was past that now. Barry whispered in my ear that nothing was going to happen that I did not want to happen. I just sort of squeaked pathetically in submission. He whispered some more that nothing bad was going to happen and again I sort of meekly and feebly thanked him for his reassurance. Looking back I wonder at my naivety at that moment. I wonder what I thought was going to happen. Tony began to kiss his way up my legs until he was running his tongue up and down my pussy. I let out a little scream as his tongue went deep into me. My husband had not done this for me for so long and it was too much to bear. I held Tony's head to my desperate pussy as he devoured me. The other boys were each holding a breast and kissing my nipples. I never saw when the boys stripped off. That just seemed to happen in an instant.

I did notice though when a hard erect cock started to push easily into me and I instinctively let out a loud ,"Mmmmmhhhm," moan . I opened my eyes and saw Barry grinning down at me and screamed ,"Oh God, Oh My God, Oh Fucking Hell! "

I shouted at him, "No! You can't fuck me. I can't! I'm married. You musn't. Get off! "

But I instinctively put my arms around Barry's naked body . I held his arse to pull him deeper into me. I became an animal and was completely out of control. I thrashed around as he slowly and deliberately built me up to a second fantastic mind blowing climax. My orgasm exploded in my pussy and radiated violently outwards until I was shaking and trembling all over. Mike and Tony were chuckling at the sight of me falling apart having an uncontrollable fit on the blanket restrained only by Barry's bulk on top of me. This time I was allowed to moan as loudly as I liked as there was no one around to hear me. Looking back the other boys were also no doubt enjoying the anticipation with the absolute certainty that they were also very soon going to get their goes with me.

Even then I stupidly said something like ,"We should not have done that and I was going back," but Mike and Tony gently took hold of each of my arms and legs. It had not occurred to me that Barry was not even finished with me anyway, and continued taking his own pleasure. He seemed to go on forever. I did not really offer any resistance. I just became passive to be used, as they wanted. I laid there and reflected that a lifetime of exhibitionism and the occasional striptease had finally led me to get what I deserved. I thought that I could not really complain; this had been an accident waiting to happen for a very long time. I so had this coming. I had got away with getting ridiculously drunk and shamelessly exposing myself for a very long time.

The second of the boys, Mike, took his place between my wide-open legs and thrust his hard cock into my hot juicy pussy up to the hilt. As he slid into me he said, "Christ -You're fantastic". He lifted his muscular body up onto his forearms and really gave it to me hard with each of the other boys holding one of my hands to gently restrain me. The boys also continued to fondle and squeeze my breasts and feel and invade my body everywhere else.

I had a sudden panic that Andy might come looking for me and find me like this. I was terrified at this possibility but knew that I was in too deep that there would now be no stopping these guys. While Mike was pounding me all I could think about was Andy seeing us. I asked the boys to watch out for Andy coming along the beach looking me. Mike paused from fucking me ,with his cock deep inside me, and they said they would and if they saw him coming we would have time to hide behind the rocks which lined the edge of the sand. I felt a bit less worried because I thought he was unlikely to come this far anyway and if he did he would never see us in the dark behind the rocks. I made them promise me again that they would watch for him and then relaxed about it. Normal service was resumed. Mike began fucking me again , and I closed my eyes and settled back into enjoying it.

Mike turned me over and entered my cunt from behind whilst pulling my cheeks apart which I loved. I remember thinking this was the most robust pounding I had ever had, but the boys were never too rough with me. For those of you who are interested in such details, and I know many of you are, Mike was the largest of the three. I could tell from the tectonic sensations down below that he was a big boy.

This second fucking session seemed to go on forever . Mike laid me back in the missionary position and I had my eyes closed for most of the onslaught and just lay in submission moaning and sighing . From time to time when I had the energy I put my arms around Mike, and occasionally wrapped my legs around his back but mostly I was just passively available to him for his use. Of course, in the back of my mind I was frightened that this could be the end of my marriage, but for now the thrill and the ecstasy of lying out on the sand under the stars and being ravaged like this was just too much to resist; I couldn't fight it.

I saw that Tony was stroking his dick it to get it nice and hard. He was obviously going to fuck me as well , I thought. Nothing was going to prevent that. I thought, 'My God, what have I unleashed?'

I was so drunk and so tired that I started to float away and drift in and out of sleep. I missed Mark cumming or Tony taking his place. At some point Tony obviously swopped with Mike but I was out of it by then. At one point I surfaced from my drunken oblivion and looked at the boys feeling me up all over with big smiles on their faces , and looked up at the face of whoever was plundering me with abandon and having the time of his life and I thought they were going to fuck me to death. I thought that this can't be happening-what the hell am I doing?
