Reunited Ch. 02


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"That was good, Angela," Todd said, "But look at his face now. Didn't I tell you the moment you crushed him would be even hotter."

Angela stared right into Terence's eyes, and she smiled a wide, evil smile. Waves of pleasure rolled over her.

"Come, Angela," Todd said with an imperious tone, as if he were a king, "enjoy this moment to the fullest." Angela stood up, and kept her eyes on Terence as she stepped in front of Todd with her back facing him, her strong legs straddling his lap. He put his hands on her perfect, round ass and guided her down onto his cock.

"Slowly, slowly," Todd said. "Look at the hurt in his eyes. Think about how much he's in love with you, how he could trust again because of you, all the things we laughed about when I would come visit you and fuck you in the bedroom you two shared."

Angela was practically cumming by the time she reached the base of Todd's cock. She screamed and spasmed while Terence let out a visceral, painful yell. Like a woman possessed, Angela began to buck and thrash on Todd's cock.

Terence could no longer deny the reality, to pretend this was a nightmare, or that somehow she was being blackmailed, or anything that could take away the pain of knowing that the woman with whom he had learned to love again was twisting his honest feelings into a plaything for her sadistic pleasures. Tears streamed down Terence's face. How could he have fallen so deeply in love with a woman who had lied so completely? He believed all her sweet words, all the times she comforted him. It was all so real.

He remembered the phone conversations and that first time when he called Mark to confirm that Angela wasn't cheating. He turned and looked up at Mark, who merely shrugged. Terence looked down into his lap. He thought about how every time he spoke to Angela on the phone, he masturbated from excitement thinking of her, and now he knew that each of those times, she was fucking Todd. Terence felt sad and pathetic, his memories of those times and others now ruined.

"Terence, don't look away," Todd said, "you don't want me to have Mark force you."

Terence looked up resentfully.

"That's a good boy," Todd said. Then he turned to Angela, who was still keeping her eyes on Terence. "Savor this, baby. Isn't his pain so delicious?" Angela kept her eyes fixed on Terence.

"Aw, poor little boy," Angela said in a low, sultry voice, but with the intonation that was sarcastically imitating a concerned mother. "Does it hurt? Don't you wish I would stop fucking Todd and come back to you now? How does it feel to want me, and love me, and hate me, and adore me all at the same time?"

"Please!" Terence suddenly burst out. He wanted to avoid giving the satisfaction of playing into their game, but as his heart broke into pieces, and his mind was grappling with the complicated realities, there was nothing in him strong enough to resist the outpouring of his primal feelings. "Please stop this Angela! I love you soooo much! What we had couldn't have been fake. I believed in it! I still believe in it! You're not thinking straight...!" Then Angela interrupted him.

"Would you forgive me, Terence?" She asked, with an innocent tone. She stopped writhing on top of Todd, and looked like she might get off Todd's cock and go to Terence. "Could you forgive me after I've been so bad? Do you love me that much?"

"Yes! Yes!" Terence said quickly and desperately, his heart grasping for the faint hope that her words were sincere.

"Hah hah hah!" She burst out laughing and started to bounce up and down on Todd's cock with renewed excitement. From then, she and Todd became lost in the ecstasy of the moment. Todd grunted and pushed as Angela thrashed and screamed.

Todd's back arched and he made a final, powerful thrust that lifted Angela up as she arched backward as well. The held that position, shuddering slightly, while Todd pumped what seemed like quarts of cum into Angela. It dribbled down her legs.

The two of them collapsed down, with Angela coming to rest on Todd's lap. She twisted at the waist and turned her head so that they could kiss passionately, their tongues dancing across each other's lips.

Terence bawled the whole time. He moaned with pain, his breath was halted, he sniffled as snot dribbled from his nose.

"Ah, that was excellent," Todd said. "Now, it's time to take care of business. Angela, do you have those documents Terence came here for?" Todd asked casually as he patted Angela on the ass. Angela giggled, and slid off Todd's cock. It made an audible wet popping sound when she got off. It sprung upwards again, still hard and throbbing.

Angela stepped over to reached into a briefcase sitting on the table. She pulled out a stack of papers and held them up for Terence to see.

"This are all the forms signing the company over to you," Angela said. Then she threw onto the table so they scattered and landed in random places, and some on the floor. "You can gather them up if you want, but, personally, I don't think you should bother."

Terence looked at the papers spread out like discarded pamphlets in front of him, and then up at Angela. His confused look obviously meant she needed to explain. Angela looked to Todd.

"This company isn't worth shit," Todd said. Angela walked back and got down on her knees, and began lovingly worshiping Todd's cock with her mouth. Todd had to take a moment to enjoy himself as Angela strained her jaw to open wide enough to take Todd in, and slid her soft and wet lips down to the base of the shaft. She moved back up and then down again, over and over, and Todd made Terence wait while he indulged her distraction.

"The boss was trying to hide the fact that all our assets were tied up in toxic mortgages," Todd said when he was able to concentrate again. "His wife told me everything... when she wasn't choking on my cock." Angela giggled a muffled giggle with his cock stuffed in her mouth.

"I knew years ago to get out of this company," Todd said. "That's why I started moving any worthwhile assets out of the company, and selling my shares. Wasn't I lucky that some stupid fuck trying to work anonymously was all too eager to buy them up."

Terence felt a hollow feeling inside.

"I was ready to leave this shit hole," Todd said. Then he turned to Angela and looked at her like a proud father. "Then Angela showed up and told me everything you were up to, and I was able to use the information to move all my under-performing stock into this company, and take out anything of value, leaving you with nothing."

"That's not the funniest part, though," Todd said between breaths as Angela was pumping his cock with her mouth in earnest now. "The funniest part is that during your divorce with Amy, it was me who bought up all the shares in the stock you sold at far below market value. Amy knew the company was going to go up, and she was right. I made a fucking killing, and now I'm three times as rich as you ever were. You, right now, are sitting on a cross roads. This company is a hollow shell, but no one knows that yet. All it will take is one email to investors revealing the true worth of the company assets, they'll dump all their stock, and all the stock in this company you hold will be worth nothing."

Terence felt sick to his stomach. He had worked so hard for years to get his revenge. However, now he sat here, in a very similar way to how Todd had him before. Except now it was even worse. Now Todd seemed to hold Terence's whole life's work in his hands, and, worst of all, the woman Terence loved deeply. Even though he was looking right at her mocking face, people's feelings don't change on a dime. He felt a longing for her, a deep need to find some way that this could be explained so that she could be forgiven. The feeling of love he had for her and the reality of what she was doing to him grabbed opposite sides of his heart and pulled to the point where he could physically feel his heart ripping in two.

Todd nodded to Angela, and she got up as if she knew exactly what was planned, and went over to a side table where there were crystal liquor decanters and some fine cut glass cups. She took one of the cups and returned to kneeling in front of Todd. He stood up, and with her free hand she began pumping his still raging hard cock. She kissed and licked at it as well.

"When I fucked my boss's wife, and found out all I needed from her to control him with information, I made him stand in front of all the employees and announce my raise while praising me. I even made him apologize to me, just to humiliate him, even though he hadn't done anything wrong to me. He knew his place, and didn't resist me, and so I let him keep a little money while I emptied his accounts."

"I've fucked so many men's wives and girlfriends, and whenever those men had something I wanted, their women told me everything I needed to ruin those men," Todd said. "All of them knew their place. They knew I owned them, and even though they hated me fucking their women, they kept in line. Some, like my old buddies Jeff and Taylor, knew they were better off accepting me as their superior."

Angela was pumping Todd's cock furiously now, and working the tip with her mouth.

"But you, you slug," Todd said with a smile, "you tried to fight me. And for that, you need a very special lesson in humility."

Angela held the glass in front of Todd's massive cock, holding it nearly sideways. Todd shuddered and thick, gooey dollops of cum shot out from the tip of his member. It splattered and back-splashed, making a mess of Angela's hands, the cup, and spatterings of cum landed everywhere. He filled half a cup, not including the cum that landed everywhere but inside the cup.

Angela dutifully brought the cup over and placed it on the table in front of Terence. Terence looked down, slack jawed. Then he looked up at Todd. Todd stood there, grinning like a jackal. Angela stood beside Todd, snuggled up under Todd's arm, looking admiringly up at Todd's face, and holding his still hard cock. Todd looked like a king, or chief... or god.

"You can't be serious..." Terence choked.

"Drink it," Todd said. Angela giggled.

"Yes..." Angela purred, "you're such a god."

"If you don't drink it," Todd continued, "I will have Angela send that email right now that will inform the investors about this company's toxic assets, and all your stock in this company will be worth nothing. You will have nothing. You'll be stuck paying a mortgage on that McMansion you bought too quick because you were running from Amy, that you can't afford and be reduced to poverty. Your whole life down the tubes. If you drink my cum, though, I'll let you dump your shares tomorrow, and you'll lose most of your worth, but enough that you can still live a middle class life."

Terence looked down at the cup of cum in front of him. He felt sick to his stomach. It was a mix of clear, viscous liquids and thick, white, jelly-like globs.

"How do I know you won't screw me over anyway?" Terence asked.

"You don't," Todd said. "Which is why you have to beg for my mercy and ask my permission to drink my cum."

Angela looked delighted at that idea and laughed as she looked toward Terence with evil eyes.

"I love the way you play with the men you dominate," she cooed.

"Think about it, Terence," Todd said. "The whole rest of your life. This isn't small stuff here. This isn't spending a night in a dumpster. This will decide everything from this moment on for you. Do you really have a choice?"

Terence felt the tears welling up in his eyes again, just like high school. It was a feeling he couldn't control and he resented his own propensity for tears. The more he wanted to not show weakness, the harder he fought inside, the more he trembled and cracks formed in his strength.

"Please..." Terence said, choking the words out. His voice cracked and shook as he spoke. "Please show me mercy. Please allow me to... drink... drink your... please allow me to drink this cup of your cum."

"Aren't you forgetting to say something?" Todd said, goading Terence. Terence had to think, but having gone this far, he decided to go all the way.

"I am sorry!" Terence said, and as he did, tears burst out and it was like there was a part of him that sincerely was. Terence was fighting inside, but a part of him just wanted to curl up and be left alone. It wanted to just admit he lost and not be hurt anymore. "I am sorry for everything I did. Please let me drink your cum so that you may forgive me. I am sorry."

Todd let out a huge laugh, and he sat back in his chair so that he could sit in it like a throne. Angela got down on her knees and had one hand on Todd's thigh and one hand holding the base of his powerful cock, which throbbed with excitement. All of Todd's motions were slow and deliberate, as if he wanted to savor this moment of Terence's humiliation. He was deliberate in making the chair seem like the throne from which he indulged the show.

With a casual gesture of waving his upturned hand and a smug, self satisfied smile, Todd motioned for Terence to drink up.

Terence slowly reached out with his hand and gripped the slippery cup in his right hand. His hand shook as he raised it to his mouth. The smell made him wretch a little in his mouth, and had to turn his head for a moment. Then, with a grimace and resolve, he put the edge of the cup to his lips and tilted it up. The gooey cum slid down the cup, and Terence drank it in.

"Oh my god," Angela said with half surprised laughter and half disgust, "He's actually doing it!". She began to pump Todd's cock as she spoke.

Behind him, Terence heard Mark mutter under his breath, "Damn..." In that one word, Terence could hear that Mark was not only disgusted, but lost that much more respect for Terence.

Terence coughed as much of it down as he could, and then placed the cup down on the table with a bang. There was still a fair amount stuck to the side of the glass, but Terence hoped he wasn't expected to lick it clean.

There was silence in the room. Todd knew that Terence wanted to move on as quickly as possible, to forget this moment and move on. The sooner everything ended, the sooner he could wash the taste of pure humiliation out of his mouth. Which is exactly why Todd didn't say anything, he just leaned back in his chair, with an arrogant smirk on his face. After what seemed like forever to Terence, he realized he would have to speak.

"May I go now?" Terence asked, almost under his breath.

"Just about," Todd said, and then he snapped his fingers. Mark opened the double doors to the boardroom and two large security guards in uniform walked in. One had a Taser, and the other had a night stick at the ready. They took a moment to take in the scene and shared a glance that seemed to say simply "wow", but then they regained their professional composure and walked to either side of Terence. They picked him up roughly and began to walk him out the door. Terence didn't resist, as he wanted nothing more than to leave.

Todd raised a finger, and it was all that was needed to make the security guards stop. They turned so that Terence could face Todd, who swiveled just slightly in his chair so he cold look more directly at Terence.

"But first," Todd said, speaking leisurely, "I want to make sure you know something. It's important to me that you know that tomorrow, Angela, and I are going to Europe. We'll be fucking a lot, but we'll also be doing some nice sight seeing, drinking wine, having a good time. My life is great not just because of the sex, but everything I do. Amy's going to be having my child soon, and we're in love, and we're doing great. She likes it when I fuck other men's women, Angela likes it when I fuck other men's women, so I get to do that, and be with the women I want, and do everything else in a well balanced life. The reason I want you to think about that, to have that image in your head, is because I want you to compare your life to mine. I want you to think about how it's your money that made it possible. Got it?"

Terence nodded, and the guards began dragging him to the door. Just as they reached the doors, Angela spoke.

"Tell him," she said excitedly, as if there were an unopened gift left under a Christmas tree.

"Oh, you are wicked," Todd said condescendingly as he patted her on the head. "Are you sure you want me to tell him? After all, it was your idea."

For an answer, Angela pulled Todd's meaty cock down so that it angled toward her, and she slipped her lips over it's bulbous tip. Then she nodded, all the while keeping her eyes fixed on Todd.

"Oh, Terence," Todd said. The security guards turned Terence around at the door, holding him firmly. Todd turned to the side so that Angela could keep her mouth on his cock but also see Terence. Angela turned her head as far as she could while keeping Todd's cock in her mouth. It stretched out her cheek.

"By the way," Todd said, "I lied. Angela sent the email about the toxic assets earlier today, so you have nothing. Have fun being homeless." With that, Todd burst out laughing. Angela also laughed, but it was muffled by having her mouth filled with Todd's thick cock. Her eyes twinkled with sadistic satisfaction.

"What? No! But you..." Terence sputtered as the guards started pulling him away. "You promised!" he cried out. Mark followed the guards as they litteraly dragged Terence away.

"It's not fair!" Terence cried out like a child. "It's just not faaaaiiir!"

As Terence was literally dragged away, Mark closed the doors on the meeting room, as Angela began hungrily bobbing her head up and down on Todd's meaty cock. It felt not just hard in her mouth, but powerful.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good grief you fool. How much hate do you have in your heart? You must have been a high school star that never amounted to anything after your glory teen years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

People like this writer is what's wrong with this world

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story is as pathetic as the writer. It doesn't worth reading it. I'd suggest the management team to clear all the stories including the bloody writer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The author is seriously in need of mental help.

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

This author must have suffered a truly devastating experience in his past that makes him cry out so desperately for revenge. But you can still write as many stories as you want, so you can't get over your failure!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Is there any less than 1 star?? If so, you got it. Hopefully the worm will turn. LP

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A lot of people feeling cucked by this magnificent story.

So basically, even outside of this fiction,

NTR Master - Todd

Whining Wimps in this Comment Section - Terrance

Get cucked beyond the fourth wall, you whiny little twats.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

I didn't think it possibly be as bad as the first chapter, but I was wrong.

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Successfully went down to 1 star... Worthless CUCK story!!!

ewray321ewray321about 5 years ago

I never comment to negatively but you are one sick dude. Cant take any more.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
So basically you are severely socially retarded, and get off on this wimp fetish. And/or you are a person who enjoys trolling others here on. LitErotica

Neither is good for your look, but you obviously don't care about that.

No one with a brain thought this chapter would end a yway other than it did.

I do think you deserve props for being true to your crap, errr, craft.

You probably should stop trying to make like NTR is some sophisticated thing. You just have a cuck humiliation fetish. You are definitely on the losing end of that fetish, even if your sexuality is affiliated with the tormenter POV

Real life Alpha/Top Dog/Leader/PullsTalent types would never bother to write such stories. Not to mention everyone alive is but a few ounce away from death.

Again, one star for basically juvie and ridiculous plot. 3ish writing, 5 stars for staying with the dog you brought to the LitErotica prom.

IntruderjamesIntruderjamesover 5 years ago

What a shit End...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
terrible fony story

Your not a writer, your just as much an asshole as Terrence is. You have no respect for anyone who has been fucked over by his wife or his new found friend. I know if it was me, Todd would be pushing up daisies so would Amy and Angela as well and I would have got away with it because of careful planning. You need to get your fucking head on straight and if your going to write these type of stories be realistic. One thing it hurts to be betrayed by a spouse and people who were supposed to be his friends. He made mistakes by being a bit of a wimp but he needed to come to his senses and figure away out of his situation which would not have involved someone else especially someone his did not know or if he could trust. He did not deserve what happen to him in the end. I thinks you suck as a writer as you have no idea of reality.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Needs an actuall story

There just isn't a realistic story here at all. Maybe the first chapters of all your stories are decent but the all turn the same way. Big Cock = Love. There's a lot more to a relationship than just big cocks. Other ntr works realize this and incorporate other elements. But you just don't you focus on the same elements in all your stories. There is no individuality among them all focus of a wimp getting his wife taken away. They all start to same and end the same. Not to forget how all the sex scenes are copy paste of your other stories piss,huge cock, phone, then the reveal and humiliation with the wimp still loving his wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
More shit wasnt possible!!

Some people think writing shit is funny and go on and on about there pervert fantasy about cuckolding/wimp!! Maybe your lifestyl is into it! But be aware also mental illness is curable! Try it its never too late!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Do us a favor, just eat a bullet.

kilcannonkilcannonalmost 7 years ago
Totally unbelievabke

You expect anyone to believe a uberwimp could amass a fortune like you are talking and be taken for a ride not once, but twice.

Anyone who did either wanted it to happen or would be pushed to being suicidal.

Your writing is good, but plot holes so big you could fly a 747 through.

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