Rose and Gephard Pt. 06


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I looked down. "You didn't let me pee."

He shook his head and walked over to me.

"Okay Rose let's get you out of those clothes. It's a good thing they have laundry service."

Gebhard pulled my shirt up and over my head and then tossed it on the floor. He grabbed me by the arm and brought me over to the coffee table in the sitting room and had me lay down. The hard surface put additional pressure on my butt plug. He then pulled my socks and shoes off, followed by my sweatpants. Again, he shook his head when he saw my wet diaper. He unpinned my diaper and removed it. Using a wet clothe he wiped my privates powdered me and placed a fresh diaper on me. Then he stood me back on my feet. I was naked except for the diaper.

Gebhard had me pick up my soiled clothes and place them in the laundry bag while he began to undress. As he took off each article of clothing, he had me place them into the laundry bag. He put on his robe and walked over to make a drink. He didn't offer me one this time.

"Rose, I want you to go out and put the laundry outside the door. Then I want you to take the ice bucket and get it filled up."

"Where?" I asked.

"I don't know, I am sure you can find it. Now run along."

I went over to my dresser to find something to put on.

"Rose, what are you doing, I asked you to get some ice." Gebhard scolded.

"Yes, but I was going to put something on first." I pleaded.

"Rose if I wanted you to do that, I would have told you to. Now run along and get me some ice."

I think I would have preferred to be completed naked than wearing this diaper. Thankfully as I stepped out of the room the hallway was initially clear. However no more than 10 feet later, I ran into a couple walking toward me. It was an older gentleman with a young girl about my age. Both were dressed. I expected her to snicker at me, but she looked scared. I wondered if she had a diaper on underneath her clothes. She gave an expression like she was glad she wasn't me.

I kept going down the hallway to look for ice. The humiliation continued moments later when I passed a group of four, all older gentlemen. This time I got chortles. They spoke German to me, but I did not understand. I found a stairway and quickly opened the door to escape the hallway. I stood there for some time until I heard someone coming down the stairs.

A young man about my age approached me. The boy was also in a diaper, nothing else. He was carrying ice. I pointed to my empty bucket and tried to communicate with him. He was speaking French, but I guess I got my point across because he led me to the ice machine. I was so grateful. I knew the French word 'merci' but that was about it. I said it several times.

"Je t'en prie, mon nom est Philippe." He whispered.

"Philippe, Merci, my name is Rose" I answered.

He just smiled, kissed me on both cheeks and went on his way.

It made me happy.

On my way back to the room I passed three other 'couples'. Always a fully dressed older gentleman with a much younger person. None of the other younger individuals were wearing diapers that I could tell.

The first couple were both fully dressed. They walked by quickly without acknowledging me.

The second couple was an older gentleman with scared young girl trailing behind. She was short, under five feet,tall and probably in her early twenties at most. They stopped me when the girl began addressing me. I could not understand her very well, but I think she was saying something about my diaper.

The third 'couple' was an older gentleman with a boy. The boy was wearing torn jeans and no shirt. The hair on his chest matched the blond hair in his head. He had a chain wrapped around his neck and draped down his chest and belly and then disappeared inside his pants. I had no idea how it was attached under there. They simply passed me by.

Finally, I got to the room with the ice.

"That took you some time Rose, but good job". Gebhard greeted me.

"Thank-you, it took me a little while. I saw some interesting sites along the way."

After describing to him what I saw, Gebhard tried to reassure me. As a reward for competing my task he informed me that I would be allowed to sleep without butt plug in, however I was to keep my diaper on. I was happy to hear that. I did not mind the diaper so much but was glad to be rid of the butt plug.

Gebhard had me get on my bed so he could remove the diaper. I could have done it, but apparently that was not allowed. After the diaper was off, he rolled my over and slowly removed my plug. He stuck a couple fingers inside my hole to insure himself that my muscles were stretching. After cleaning me up he rolled me back over on my back.

"Would you like to masturbate now Rose" He invited.

I admit I was a little excited seeing all that I had seen, not to mention the embarrassment of walking around naked with a diaper on. But I had not even thought about masturbating. I also knew it was less of a question and more of a directive. Gebhard liked to watch me masturbate.

"Yes Gebhard, I would like to masturbate." I answered.

With that Gebhard took a seat at the end of my bed. I drew my legs up and reached down to touch myself. I watched Gebhard watching me. No closing of the eyes: Performing for an audience, even an audience of one, added to my excitement. Then there was also the excitement of what lay ahead this weekend. There was no need to fake it. I enjoyed a powerful orgasm, and another. Gebhard looked please.

When he stood up, I could see how just how much. His penis was no longer hiding beneath the pile of gray hair around it. His manhood was standing out.

As he stood over and sat on his bed, I followed him. He did not need to ask me. I knelt on the floor in front of him. His ball sack hung low over the bed his thick penis pointed out at me.

While I was once repulsed at the idea, I did not hesitate a minute. I opened my mouth and clasped it with my lips. I moved my head forward until I reach the base of his rod. His package had a slight odor. It didn't bother me in this moment. My forehead rested under his protruding and hairy belly. I moved my head slowly up and down his shaft until I felt him stiffen. I felt the little squirt of semen in my mouth as he grunted loudly. It was over quickly.

Gebhard was not longer a heavy cummer so I did not have much to swallow. His penis quicky receded from my mouth. I licked his hood and cleaned his package with my tongue.

It was almost midnight when Gebhard diapered me again and put me to bed. I could tell I had pleased him, and I liked doing so.

I slept well that night and woke to the sound of Gebhard in the shower. I noticed he already had our dress clothes laid out, so I assumed breakfast would be more formal than I expected. I got out of bed and of course the first thing I wanted to do was pee. It dawned on me that I had yet to even use the toilet.

"Rose it is time for your bath, then we have to get dressed for breakfast." Gebhard declared.

"Gebhard, I have to pee first".

"Well come on in here and pee while I draw your bath".

Apparently, I was not going to be allowed to do these things for myself. I walked into the bathroom and stood there while Gebhard removed my diaper. He stood and watched as I sat in the toilet and peed. With nowhere else to sit, I remained on the toilet until the bathtub was full.

As if I was a toddler, Gebhard knelt by the tub and washed me. It was enjoyable. He then dressed me in my suit, and we headed off to breakfast.

We took our seat in the large dining room. At our table there were four other 'couples'. All five Elders, including Gebhard, were men. In the larger room, I noticed most Elders were men. Apparently, Ute who was Carl's Elder, was one of the few female Elders.

Four of the youth at our table, including me, were women. The other three woman wore chokers. The chokers were all similar in style. Looking around the room I noticed most of the girls wore chokers, either gold, silver, or polished brass. It dawned on me that these might be some sort of formal collar.

There was also one young man at our table as well. His collar was leather with a silver ring in front. It was like the one that Carl wore. There was far fewer boy than girls in the room, but the boys, like the girls, wore collars with few exceptions. I surmised that the color must have some meaning. This also implied that my lack of collar meant something.

As breakfast finished there were a few speeches. I understood very little of it as they were in German, but I got the distinct impression things were building up to something.

A new speaker took to the podium. He spoke in German, but now we also had a French and English translator.

Names were being called. One at a time an Elder took his youth up to the stage. My heart started racing when I realized none of the first three youth had collars. That likely meant I would also be called up.

The fourth girl called up was Liesel, who I met at the reception. I was the fifth one called. The French boy I had met the night before was sixth. I looked around and noticed two others I saw during my diaper walk: The boy with the chain around his neck and the little, short girl who made fun of my diaper. Both had serous looks on their faces.

In total there were ten if us, eight girls and two boys all lined up in the order we were called. Our elders stood behind us.

As the German speaker spoke, most our group started undressing. Phillipe and I looked at each other, unsure of what was going on. The French speaker spoke, and Phillip started taking his clothes of. The English speaker was last and directed me to remove all my clothes and put them in the bag on the floor in front of me.

Reluctantly I began removing my suit. Initially I was trying to be neat, but noticed the others were already half naked, so I picked up the pace. By the time I was down to my pants I noticed all the others had diapers on as well. In no time the ten of us were standing side by side, naked except that we were all wearing diapers.

The speaker called for us to assume inspection position. In near unison we raised our arms and placed our hands on the back of our heads. Our elders were instructed to put 'Befriedender Knebe', a pacifier gag, on their respective youth. Gebhard reached from behind me, inserted the pacifier part in my mouth, pulled the straps around my head and fastened the buckle in the back of my head.

The girls' gags were pink glitter, and the two boys wore plan black. We were each handed matching baby bottles. The speaker then seemed to be giving us directions. I waited through the German and French version until he got to English:

"At the sound of the whistle, your Elder will place the key to your room inside your diaper. You will then pick up your clothes bag and carry it back to your room. You will not need it for the remainder of the day. Then fill your bottle with water. In your room you will find a large baby bag full of the items you will need for this afternoon. Pick up the bag and the bottle and carry them back here with you. Don't forget to put the key back in your diaper. Once here you will stand on the spot in front of your elder. There will be a penalty for the last and a reward for the first." He announced.

He blew the whistle. Gebhard immediately placed our room key in the front of my diaper, and I took off with the other nine babies. I thought the whole thing was a bit silly, but my competitive nature soon kicked in.

There was a lot of pushing and shoving initially, but we soon separated in different directions to our rooms. I remembered the stairway from last night and ran as fast as I could up two flights of stairs to my room. Once there I retrieved the key, which fortunately was still were Gebhard put it.

Coming back down the hallway, I ran into the boy with the Chain. I think his name was Andreas. He tried to shove me to the ground, but I grabbed his bag and threw it down the hall, sending its contents flying everywhere. I looked back and thought maybe I had just made an enemy.

I arrived back in the dinner hall and looked up at the stage. Three of the girls and the French boy were already standing in position. That put me in a disappointing fifth place. 'Better than last.' I thought.

From my position on stage, I was able to view the rest of the babies as they finished the task. A couple of the heavier girls were a distant sixth and seventh place. The small girl came in eighth place. We all waited anxiously to see who would finish last. When the door opened the group cheered as the last girl came through. That meant Andreas was last. He came in and shook his head when he saw all of us on the stage. He glared at me as he took his spot.

The ten of is stood lined up in inspection position facing the audience as the Speaker addressed us:

"First, we will confirm that everyone has their room key in their diaper. If anyone is missing their room key, they will need to run and retrieve it and then take their new position at the end of the line. If all of you have your key, Andreas will remain in last place."

"The last place baby will she stripped and shaved of all body hair except your head. But your head will have a baby bonnet it anyway. The loser will also remain a baby until all the others have earned their brass collar."

"So, Liesel, we will start with you: Do you have your room key in your diaper?"

Liesel reached in her diaper and pulled out her room key.

"Congratulations Leisa, your elder may remove your pacifier gag and your diaper and place your brass collar around your neck. You also have the honor of checking the diapers of the nine remaining babies and determining who has their key."

Now naked, Liesel turned to Philippe who was standing in the second-place position. She looked him directly in the eyes as she reached her hand into his diaper. She smiled as she played with his package. After a short time, she pulled the key out of his diaper and held it in the air. The audience applauded.

I watched as she repeated the procedure with the next two girls. Both girls had their keys.

I was looking forward to my turn. Ever since I met her last night, I was attracted to her. She took a position in front of me and winked. Her hand reached into my diaper. I could feel my key inside there, but she skipped the key and stuck a finger into my pussy. She quickly flicked her finger a couple times, and then pulled the fingers out of my pussy, grabbed the key, and held it up.

As she continued down the line Andreas was anxiously watching in hopes that at least one person would be without a key. When Liesel pulled the key from the diaper of the ninth-place girl, he dropped his head forward.

"Thank you, Liesel. Erich you may take Liesel back to your table. She is no longer a baby and will watch Andreas' punishment with the rest of us.

"Andreas slide your diaper down then stand up in the inspection position."

Andreas pulled back the tape on each side of his diaper and let it fall to the ground. His penis popped out. It was soft, but already larger than I expected. His blond pubic hair was thick and slightly darker than the hair on his head and chest.

"Andreas does not look like a baby, does he?" the announcer snickered.

The audience laughed.

"Well, we are going of take care of that right now."

The announcer held up an electric razor.

"How much should we shave off?"

As members of the audience began shouting out different options the announcer continued.

"First I will ask our elders to escort the remaining eight babies outside."

I was a little relieved. I didn't relish watching Andreas' humiliation as I felt responsible for his finishing last. At the time I was unaware of the full consequences, though I doubt much would have changed.

We were walked off the stage and brought outside. The noise of the jeering audience slowly faded away as we were walked toward the pool area. The eight of us were seated around in a circle with our elders behind us.

I had my first look at my remaining competition. Having won the first competition, Liesel was no longer with us. She remained inside and was no doubt watching as Andreas was being humiliated on stage.

Philippe was the only other baby boy. He was also the only one left in our group whose name I knew at this point. He had a well-tanned surfer's body. His elder was a woman, probably in her sixties. I sensed that she would push Philippe to win what I could only assume was going to be another competition.

As best as I could tell the remaining six girls were German as were the six elder men who stood behind them. Like me, none of the girls appeared to shave their legs or armpits. Beyond that there was little in common. A couple of the girls were a little chubby. One of the girls was probably less than 5 feet tall. The rest were in nice shape. My bi-side was pleased anyway.

I would guess the elder men in our newbie group where in their sixties. Most had gray or white hair or were balding. A few, like Gebhard sported a pot belly but some were in good shape.

Over the next several hours the group of 'babies', or 'newbies' as I preferred, were introduced to a variety of toys including blindfolds, clamps, ticklers, paddles, and such. As far as I could tell Gebhard was quite practiced with their use.

I think I had a higher tolerance of pain than most of the others as I could have handled a lot more. I was one of the first selected to receive my collar and lose the diaper. Of course that meant I was naked, but I was okay with that.

Philippe was able strip off his diaper the same time as me. His flaccid penis was probably four or five inches long and he was one of the few males here who were circumcised. He had a great butt too. I liked him, but unfortunately the language barrier made communication with him difficult.

Before long Liesel and Andreas joined our group.

Liesel was naked. She winked at me as she joined the group. I am not sure if she was acknowledging my success in earning my collar, or if she liked me.

Andreas was in a diaper and walking slightly behind his elder Manfred, Andreas' entire body, at least what I could see of it, was now baby smooth. He had a little blue bonnet on his head, but I could see the curls of hair peeking out the sides of his bonnet. 'A least his head wasn't shaved.' I thought.

Over time all the remaining babies in our group followed suit and were no longer sporting diapers. Andreas, who he did not even seem to want to remove his diaper, was last.

All of us stood watching while Andreas was forced to pull the tape back on his diaper and let it fall. His rather large penis flopped out exposing his completely bald pubic area. He seemed ashamed, but I was more engrossed by the size of his penis than by the fact that he was shaved down there.

Being all naked allowed us the opportunity to experience the toys used on body parts previously covered by the diaper. The boys were not separated from us, so this also meant exposing our most private areas to their gaze.

I was blindfolded at one point. I had no idea who was watching me simultaneously feel both pain and pleasure in my most intimate areas. It felt like clamps were attached to my labia while a feather or something was being lightly drawn back and forth across my pussy. It was an amazing experience. It was even more stimulating not to know which of peers were watching.

Of course, I also had the opportunity to watch others. I most enjoyed watching Liesel and listening to her sounds of pleasure.

Both Peter and Andreas had erections when it was their turn. I looked forward to seeing them ejaculate, but neither of them did. Their elders seemed to purposely bring them to the point of orgasm and then let them go partially flaccid.

The weekend was amazing so far and I just wanted to experience more. Gebhard was a great teacher. His friends were nice, and I was making new friends myself- friends who were experiencing the same incredible things I was experiencing. Except one person. Andreas was obviously furious with me. I was determined to win him over.