Sarah and Eric


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As I was driving back I got to thinking about her. I wished I had met her twenty five years ago. She was quite a woman. Beautiful, intelligent, loving and the best fuck I ever had. Sadly I knew we could never be anything but fuck buddies. You could see in her eyes that she loved Richard. They were a perfect match. Anyone that loved her enough to let her have a lover was truly a remarkable man.


Five days before the wedding date Sarah called me.

'Hi baby girl. How are you doing?"

"Oh, Daddy. I'm getting so excited."

"OK, calm down. I'm planning on coming up tomorrow. When is your Mom coming up?"

"She's already here. Were just doing last minute stuff with the wedding planner."

"How's Brian holding up?"

She chuckled.

"I think he'll survive. I think he'll be glad when it all done. He's mostly staying out of the way."

"OK, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bea told me she already made a reservation for you at the Hilton."

"Great, I'll call you as soon as I get there. Tell everyone hi for me."

"I will, Daddy. Drive carefully."


As I pulled into the valet parking I noticed a few heads turn. My tuned exhaust was rumbling. I stopped, shut it off and popped the trunk. A bellman and a valet attendant walked up. The Valet attendant looked my car over, I saw him mouth, "wow" as he walked up. I slipped him a five and told him.

"If you take it for a test drive I'll hunt you down and kill you in your sleep."

"Awesome ride, sir."

As I walked up to the desk I called Sarah.

"I'm here, baby girl. I gotta get checked in. What are the plans for dinner?"

"I'm not sure. Why don't you just come over at about five. We don't have anything planned yet."

"OK, see you at five. Bye bye."

"Bye, Daddy."

I approached the desk with the bellman close behind. I showed my ID to the lady and she smiled and welcomed me. She handed my key card to the bellman. He smiled.

"This way, Sir."

We got in the elevator and I noticed that he pushed the button marked 'P'. A 'WTF' went through my mind. Bea had reserved me penthouse suite for me. I was gonna be fucking in style for sure. Now all I needed was some prime pussy and her name was Bea.

I walked in and told the bellman to put my suit case and wardrobe on the chair. I would unpack myself. I slipped him an five and went to look around.

Living room, dinning room, kitchen, hot tub, and a separate bedroom. I walked into the bedroom and my jaw dropped. There stood Bea wearing my favorite. Naked, shaved pussy, C cup breasts, black thigh highs and red fuck me heals. She had one hand behind her head and the other on her hip. My cock jumped to half hard immediately.

We didn't say a word. I slowly took off my clothes and walked toward her. She melted into my arms. My rock hard cock pressed against her stomach. A moan escaped her lips.

"Fuck me, Eric. Fuck me hard and fast."

I pushed both of her hands up behind her head and bent to her breasts. She moaned and I tongued each nipple. Our lips met as I twirled each one. She backed toward the bed as my hand found her pussy. It was wet and ready. We fell on the bed together and she grabbed my cock. I moved into her saddle and both of her hands were on my cock.

"Take it Bea. Take my cock and fuck me. Show me how much my dirty little whore missed me."

I felt her shiver as both of her hands took control of my cock. She pulled me down and rubbed my cock on her wet pussy lips. He legs went up and around my ass. He hips thrust up and took half my cock in her. Her eyes closed and her body quivered as an orgasm took her. He humped up took all of me in. Our bones met and she came again.

'Yes, Yes. My big cock is back. Now fuck your whore. Fuck your dirty whore."

I held all the way in and rubbed my bone on her clit. He moans got louder as her orgasm built. Her pussy was frantically milking my cock. She was so tight I couldn't hold back.

"Now, whore. Take my cum. Fill my whore's nasty cunt with my cum."

She squealed, jammed her bone against mine and squeezed me. My cum rocketed into her. We both howled and we climaxed together. Our orgasm seemed like it lasted forever. We fluttered back to reality, gasping and holding each other tight.

"Oh god, Eric. I missed you so much. I'm so glad you're back in me."

"I missed you too, Bea. I thought of you every night as I went to sleep. I dreamed about my little whore's pussy fucking me."

"Did you really, or are you just sweet talking me?"

'It's true. Every night. You're the best pussy I ever had. World class fucking and sucking."

She rolled against me, pressing her breasts against my chest. One hand was holding my wet cock. She tucked her face against my neck and kissed me. I pulled her close. We just laid together, enjoying the closeness and afterglow.

After a while she sat up.

"Let's have a glass of champagne and some strawberries. I ordered them special just for you."

She stood up and I saw our love juice running down her legs.

"Bea, baby. You 're leaking."

"I know. I want to leak all over. Maybe leave some cum juice tracks on the floor. It's from our love and it feels so good."

We sat at the table, had some champagne, strawberries and chatted a while. We were going to dinner at Brian and Sarah's. I guess Richard was off somewhere making another million dollars. I mentioned her renting the penthouse for me.

"Nothing but the best for the best fuck I ever had."

We both chuckled.

"I'm not used to going first class. It's way above my pay grade."

"Well, get used to it. I like to take good care of my lover."

"It still feels a little strange being with you like this, knowing it's ok with Richard."

"I guess I should tell you. Richard and I talked about you and I. He wants me with you. All he ever wants for me is to see me happy. He sees you doing that. He sees a change in me that he likes."

"He is an admirable man to love you that much. I've never met anyone like him."

"He loves me with all his heart. He'll do anything for me. I feel the same about him. In spite of all the money he has, he's a down to earth good guy. I fell in love with him the first day I met him. I think it hit both of us like that. We were never apart from that day on."

She watched me for a minute and then stood and took me by the hand. She led me to the bed.

"I'm thirsty."

She pushed me back on the bed and knelt between my legs. One hand grabbed my cock and the other cupped my balls.

"She licked and sucked my cock till I unloaded for her. She didn't miss a drop. I grabbed her up and threw her on the bed.

"Turnabout is fair play. I fell between her legs.

'Time for some cream pie. Hold on, baby. This is my first time at this.

"Oh my god, Eric. It's mine too. Are you sure?"

"Yep. You seem to like it so I'll give it a try."

I licked and sucked our juice out of her pussy. My fingers went in her and found her G spot. I sucked up her clit and sent her off to heaven. She screamed and came so hard I thought I hurt her. I didn't.

"Holy fuck, Eric. That was amazing. My pussy was so sensitive."

"It sure was. We taste pretty good. You can look forward to that happening again."

"Oh fuck, I hope so. And we do taste good.

Bea got up and ran a bubble bath for us. She got in first and had me lay back against her magnificent breasts. We finally got around to washing. We were never cleaner.

We got dressed and went to Brian and Sarah's for dinner. We hung around a while. Sarah gave us some knowing smiles. She didn't know for sure but she suspected we were fucking. I wondered if Brian had filled her in on the arrangement that Richard and Bea had. I didn't see any reaction from Mel. I guess if she suspected anything she just didn't care.

Brian and I were discussing what his plans were. He was going to set all of Richard's business dealings up so they could be run from one office. He wanted this to cut down on the travel he saw his Dad doing. Smart man for sure. He planned on hitting it hard core after the honeymoon. I knew he would do well and make a good husband for Sarah.

Just as we were about to leave Sarah handed me my credit card.

"Brian gave one, Daddy. I don't need yours."

"Did you max it our for me?"

'No, just a couple of lunches on it."

We said our goodbyes and promised to come back for dinner the next night. Richard wasn't due back till the day before the wedding so Bea spent the night with me. As soon as we were in the room we got naked and started fucking. We started with the standard missionary and progressed through doggie, reverse cowgirl and she finished me off with an amazing cowgirl. We laid in bed watching some chick flick while she played with my limp cock. After the movie finished she sucked me back up and we went at it with some hard doggie. We fell in each others arms and fell asleep.

She woke me the next morning with a wicked blow job. We took another bubble bath and fucked in the tub. After breakfast we got my car out of valet and she took me around town. She was my navigator. We went to a couple of museums and to the tar pits. We had lunch over looking the Pacific. She knew all of the best places to eat. She had a great time teasing me about my car. She accused me of going through my mid life crisis. I countered with the fact that it may be mid life but it wasn't a crisis. It was a boy with expensive toys.


The big day came. The wedding planner went off the scale preparing the church. The church filled and the wedding march started. Everyone was in place as Sarah came up the isle. She was beautiful and glowing in her long white dress. I was bursting my buttons being the proud father. They had written their own vows and both recited them. The left under a shower of rice in a white limo. The went to the apartment and changed and flew off to Hawaii on Richards private jet.

Two weeks later they returned. Richard had bought them a house. Brian started to work on computerizing Richards empire and Sarah took on the task of decorating her new house. She kept me posted on all of it by phone.

Two weeks later she called and called me.

"Were pregnant!"

She was all excited about becoming a mommy. I reminded her about my order for a grandson. She had to wait for the sonogram to let me know. I was feeling like a proud Daddy and Granddaddy all at the same time.

Every time Richard was out of town Bea flew down and stayed with me. We were really getting involved. We tried to stay just fuck buddies but all the together time bred feelings we didn't talk about. We both knew they were there but never discussed them. We just enjoyed them.

Right on time Sarah gave birth to a baby boy. They named him Brian Eric. I was a proud grandpa. I flew up for the birth and helped Brian get through it. Sarah recovered quickly. She was young and strong.

Two months later she was pregnant again. Her second one was a girl. She was named Beatrice Melissa. The decided to stop at two and Sarah had her tubes tied. Brian didn't need my help with that one.


A year after Beatrice was born Richard was flying back from St Louis. He had a couple of business associates with him that wanted off in Las Vegas. McCarran field picked his plane up on radar. They waited for his pilot to contact them. Nothing was heard and the plane flew on past the airport. The military scrambled a jet to take a look. The jet pulled alongside but couldn't see inside. Either the plane was full of smoke or the windows were fogged over. The jet followed it till it flew out over the Pacific ocean and crashed. The would never know what happened. The official report stated that it was either a fire on board or a catastrophic loss of cabin pressure.

Everyone was devastated. Bea had lost the love of her life and Brian lost his dad. Sarah lost a great father in law and I lost an admirable friend. A memorial was held and we all attended. I talked to Bea and we agreed that she shouldn't be alone in her big mansion alone to grieve. I took her home with me.

She stayed with me a month. I helped her get through the grieving process. She finally settled down enough to go home. She stayed with the kids and put her big house up for sale. Six months later it sold.

A week later I got a call from Sarah.

"Daddy. You'll never guess what happened. I took the kids to the park. It was closed because somebody found some razor blades in the grass. I stopped and did some grocery shopping on the way home. I walked in and found Brian and Bea taking a shower together.

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bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg12321 days ago

"Sarah And Eric:" - The two (2) grating issues that gave me heartburn was 1) writing consistently from "first person" to "third person".....many times; and, 2) improper contractions were many, i.e., we're vs were; your vs you're. Almost never was a proper contraction versus a non-contraction used.

There were/are other issues that were (not: we're) commented on by other readers. The overall theme, plot-lines and ideas were good, but too many sentences had to be read two (2), three (3) times to understand what was being said; A good proof-reader and/or editor would help with proper sentence/paragraph grouping.

This story could have been a great story with attention to editing, contractions, missing words, incorrect words used, i.e. past tense versus present tense, words ending in " vs ed..." etc. Tender, loving care are necessary for words to make sense and end up as a masterpiece.

bigurnbigurnabout 1 month ago

Soooooo, we got a beginning, a middle of the story, and then you left us with... The beginning of the end! But, no actual ending. 3 Stars ⭐⭐⭐ . At least you tried.

redboat7redboat7over 1 year ago

WTF?? Is there going to be part 2 ?? I also agree with londonteadrinker comment..

londonteadrinkerlondonteadrinkeralmost 2 years ago

So I am guessing that the follow up was a massive financial divorce, the kids learn to love their grandfather and lover of their mother and rich son and mother live happily on the vast money they have left over. Any other way of reading this? I thoroughly enjoyed this story but the very end was a twist where a follow up was evidently due.

Dark_StormDark_Stormover 2 years ago


This was one-third incest story, one-third cuckold story and one-third unwritten.

As someone else pointed out, the author seemed to not be able to decide on what type of story this was and then just quit in the middle of it all.

"Forever" lasted less than four years. Sarah (Eric's supposed "woman") didn't even give him a goodbye fuck before she got married.

This was akin to the first hill on a roller coaster, a slow, anticipatory climb to the top, then a quick, long plunge to the bottom.

jessicadjane_81jessicadjane_81about 3 years ago

Excellent story, but, I think that you should write a second and a third and, why not, a fourth part, what I mean is to make it into a Sarah and Eric's Series, involving all of the characters that you had mentioned in this one and, if you think is convenient, create new ones, but, that is up to you, being the one and only author of this fascinating work.

premshankerpremshankeralmost 4 years ago


Author has created a very 'complex erotic situation', one of "the best" of it's kind till date

Only query about Mel's 'sexual needs' and its fulfillment.

Please continue such 'magnificent' story


WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

No proper ending, area going to finish this story

Wabagoon1171Wabagoon1171over 5 years ago
What The???

Talk about your cliffhangers but this was more like your story ran out gas than a proper cliffhanger. But hey, it's still a free country. No harm, no foul if you tell me to F**K OFF because in the end, it's still YOUR story and not mine. Ciao!

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 6 years ago

I expected the story to stay focused on Sarah and her Daddy and for the to end up together, but one moment she's his woman and she declares that she will take care of him from then on, the next she leaves for UCLA, and for some reason Eric encourages her to fuck other guys.

A few paragraphs later she has met someone else and is going to marry him.

Overall it left me disappointed that she didn't stick with the daddy, which seemed like the initial premise.

It's just another inconsistency as if the author had no idea where he wanted to go with the story and just wrote from paragraph to paragraph.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 6 years ago

A shame it wasn't ended, it was just cut off from one sentence to the next. Overall it could use some editing, there are several small inconsistencies where the author brought up some new info, but wrote it as it had been mentioned before like the mention of the daughter going panty less, or the character Nora.

PNR2PNR2almost 8 years ago
The Nebulii

Okay, I enjoyed the read although, this story was really all over the place and, virtually guillotined off at every plot twist. Unfamiliar names pop up, typos out the wazzoo, grammatical errors all over the place, and wild, left field plot stabs that send normal brain waves flying in all directions trying to keep a mental track of everything going on. You have a very creative imagination and, pretty good writing skills but, you sure to work on your literal word play to bring it all out. 4 stars because I don't have a normal brain and, the story made perfect sense to me.

mikes5785mikes5785over 8 years ago
Way to leave things hanging

Way to leave things hanging

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I could comment on a number of the obvious things but I think theyve been covered below, so Ill stick to the oddities ;)

Im surprised rich boy didnt have all kinds of red flags going up when she decided to go off BC so she could get knocked up RIGHT after they got married! Then two months later shes preggers again?! Give the girl a break! (Or he should be double paranoid, lol!;)

....and naming your son after yourself? That sucks ass! Poor kid gets stuck being called junior for the rest of his life!!

Yeah, the story is all over the place, still kinda fun to read, though I had no interest with his hookup with the inlaw chick. Sure as hell wouldnt have told my girl to go date others, lol, Id have moved my ass up to where shes going to school!

GforGrahamGforGrahamover 8 years ago
too much

Too much for the story adding in the last bit. That should have been left for another chapter. Although you forgot that dad and daughter had promised to be together forever, then she got married to someone else. I missed where they fell off each other. I will give 4star because overall enjoyable, but you jumped too quickly without sufficient exit and re entry in storyline. Eg ch 1 daddy daughter , ch 2 d d split and grow apart, she marries and he bonks her muminlaw. Ch 3 could be daughter returns to him realising she made mistake, or the 4 of them live together in bonking heaven.

Btw dinner has 2 n's, dining has 2 as well, not 3. Just annoyance, like loose instead of lose. So many do these two errors.

GizmorGizmorover 8 years ago

Sarah walking in on the shower, makes me think that there ought to be another chapter. Thanks.

jPilgrim1964jPilgrim1964over 8 years ago

HornyViginAngel well put & agreed...

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