Siren Song Ch. 08


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Barbara rubbed Menena's meaty labia between thumb and forefinger. The skin on her fingers began to itch, and the red stone in her ring flashed as it absorbed the strong magic. Barbara parted the hand sized petals that split from the huge hole at the bottom straight up to the top where the engorged plump strawberry of Menena's clit sat on an inch long thick rod, throbbing like an eager but woefully short cock. She gazed into the vagina's gaping opening beneath. All the way down into blackness, its ribbed walls clenched and relaxed like a bellows and breathed musky air into her face.

"Goodness, Anosthea, you've outdone yourself this time," muttered the blonde as incredulity and curiosity fought for a place on her face.

Menena just barely recognized the voice. "Barbara?! I'm so sorry! I — I didn't know — how it hurts! Aaaaaghhh! I — I only wanted more milk, I didn't know — forgive me, please! Stop this pain! Make it stop! Gods, cut my throat, do what you will with me, but end this pain, please!" She sobbed from the far side of her inflated breasts.

"Oh, I'll make it stop all right," groaned Barbara, laying Menena's crotch bare. She pouted and pressed her lips against the quivering, glistening flesh, slurping the glazing from the plump outer labia until they were even redder. Her finger with the ring trembled, and the stone flashed almost blindingly. The magical trinket was at the brink of discharge. Barbara took a deep breath, held it in and rubbed her cheeks in circles against the soft, yielding wrinkles. The swollen labia rubbed over her temples as she forced her face into the widening funnel. Menena's thighs clutched her head.

The mermaids of her entourage watched nervously as they lay side by side at the water's edge, pressing their bodies flat against the sand just in case that bloated woman would burst and send a rain of entrails across the beach. They stared and chattered quietly.

"Is she — is she drinking all of that lotion? All that power! She should be filling this bay by now! Yet she's just packing it in! Goodness, the Feeder is gifted all right!"

"Gods! Her face — her whole head is slipping into that fat hole! She's so brave! I would've just thrown a trident at that wailing thing to shut it up!"


The ring did its duty. Barbara's throat trembled. She lowered her jaw and extended her tongue. The wet tip traced the wrinkly rosy cave of her former mistress. Everything inside Menena was coated with the strange taste of magic. Barbara grabbed the woman's fleshy buttocks and pushed. Even her jaw fit comfortably into the gaping sex hole. Her lips rimmed the inner circle. She knew she wouldn't need air for minutes, but her shoulders ran against the plump orb and kept her from entering further.

Her tongue itched with power now. She stretched it out, and it kept on stretching and widening. Soon her lips barely fit around the tentacle that grew thicker at its base as it kept on conquering the strange landscape of Menena's enchanted monster cunt.

"Y—you're ... filling ... me," groaned the mature woman. Her plentiful juices foamed all around the writhing and swelling tongue that ladled them up and transported them into Barbara's thirsty maw, adding fuel to the magical fire blazing through her body. The tongue tip reached Menena's cervix and tickled against the smooth ring, positioning itself into the opening.

"Yes," moaned Menena, "deeper! The gods, what a way to go! Lick me dry, swallow me, impale me!"

Pushing and prodding, Barbara forced her tongue's slippery cone through the round muscle. The cavern behind it was filled with a slightly sweet liquid, and it was vast, so huge it couldn't possibly fit into the belly, bloated though as Menena's midriff looked. Barbara angled her tongue and let the tentacle coil and roam along the squishy ribbed wall.

Barbara's searching tongue tip ran against something hard and smooth. At the mere touch her mind was pulled forward into darkness and fell into a lightless void —


Chapter 30: The Forest of Pears


Barbara blinked. Her body felt wrong. She hesitated. No, wrong wasn't the right word. It felt different, reduced. She needed a few moments to recognize that the weird sensations came from having an ordinary woman's proportions again.

So that's what I was like ... all my life? Feels strange now.

She ran her fingers up her sides and cupped her soft, voluminous breasts. They filled her hands easily but the encompassing touch wasn't nearly as orgasmic as the response she had become used to. Barbara frowned and struggled to her feet, fighting the disorientation. Somehow she knew this world, she remembered the wet sand under her feet even though the rest was very different. Instead of the empty plains under a black sky, now she stood in a forest of vines covered in plump pears. The tangled jungle glowed in an eerie blue, and the color of the fist-sized fruits pulsed slowly, changing from cerulean to white and back again with each stroke. She followed the narrow path and almost ran into the white being as she turned around a thick stem that had blocked her view.

"Mistress!" breathed the apparition. Moments later, her warm arms encompassed Barbara's chest. "So long you've been out of my reach! Have you come to marvel at the gift I've been preparing for you?"

Barbara gazed at the walls of the tiny clearing. These pears were huge like honey melons. They glowed and throbbed much stronger. She saw them swelling with each pulse. The woman-shaped creature of light took a succulent pear in both hands and caressed it gently while her light seemed to rub off into the bulging fruit.

"What is this place? What are those ... those things?"

Even without discernible features, Barbara felt the proud smile of the white lady. "These are the source of milk, deep in that mean woman's breasts. I'm nurturing them, preparing them, filling them. Oh, they could feed whole towns with all the power I bestowed upon them. Soon, they'll begin to turn power into milk, filling beyond measure, and she'll burst. So sad, yet so deserved. Come, sit with me, let us watch her demise. No harm will come to you with me by your side."

"No!" Barbara stumbled away and ran backwards against the warm, pulsating mesh of veins and lobules. Her hands searched for a grip and closed around two fat glands, squeezing their pints of milk into straining ducts that led nowhere. From somewhere in the distance, Menena's moan filtered unearthly into the weird place. Barbara shuddered and quickly opened her hands again. She turned to the apparition.

"Stop that. Please! End this, do not fill her any further. Let her purge all that, before it's too late!"

"Mistress, is this not to your liking? I've done my best! All the magic and power that I've been given I have spread into these burgeoning boobs, and they're only just waking! Soon she'll produce milk by the barrel and with her nipples clamped her breasts will burst like overstuffed sacks."

"No! I do not want that! I don't want her to suffer. I don't want anyone to suffer! Listen to me. You've been my guardian. How is this about guarding me? She can't harm me anymore. Please, make her normal again."

Barbara hesitated. Something about the specter's posture felt wrong. The living light seemed uneasy.

"You can do that, can't you?" she inquired.

"Uh ... it's — it's too late to undo it. I spent hours touching every single one of them, carefully setting them up, and they'll all begin to turn power into milk within moments."

"What if I pulled you — your stone — out before that, would it help her?"

"Well," the light shrugged, "no. All that magic's in her flesh now. Can't undo it anymore, because I left none for myself."

Barbara grabbed the apparition's shoulders, closed her eyes and put her forehead to the faceless light's.

"I won't give up so easily. Send me back now."


If anything, the world was darker as Barbara's mind returned from the strange place that the gem called home. No light save for the reddish glow of the midday sun filtering through the taut swollen flesh of Menena's crotch. The oozing, throbbing pink funnel she wore like a mask over her face didn't let in any air. Barbara's tongue traced the gem deep inside Menena's salty wet womb, and she drew on the lube's power as she willed another ten inches to her agile appendage, shoving it deep into the abyss to Menena's horny wails of delight. She licked up the precious stone and began the long retreat.

Thick and meaty, the tentacle of Barbara's enchanted tongue curled out through Menena's straining cervix. The flushed rosette became pale as it stretched and struggled around the coil of the tongue tip that held the blue gem wrapped up tightly.

"Gaaaahh! M—my womb! You're tearing it out!" wailed the swollen woman as lust turned into pain again. Barbara grabbed Menena's spread-eagled thighs and pushed.


Her face emerged glazed with lube from the pink funnel while her wide-open lips still strained around her grotesquely enlarged tongue that stretched like a pink python trapped between her mouth and the depths of Menena's vagina. The labia bulged and widened as the plump cervix, huge like a coconut, was dragged to daylight. The ring muscle seemed unwilling to relinquish its grip on the gem.

"Mmmmphht!" Barbara pulled stronger. Menena's womb widened. Sparkles of magic came from the gem and danced around the opening. The smooth flesh ring throbbed bigger together with the whole dome that housed the bizarre crotch, and finally the cervix was big enough to lose its greedy grip.


Four feet of wrist-thick tongue slid back between Barbara's gaping lips and down her throat like an outstretched spring being released. She gulped and opened her eyes wide.

She gulped again and ran her fingertips over her neck.

"I — I swallowed the stone!"


White fingers, almost transparent in the daylight, caressed her flanks.

"Oh yes, mistress. Oooh, finally I'm inside you, it's so much better than just dangling between your breasts. Ah! I'll be your obedient servant, now that I'm one with your body."

"So — so you can make me strong again?"

"As long as there's magic, I'll do my best. And — oooh, you've glutted yourself on Mistress Anosthea's lotion, haven't you? Heavens, is there magic in you!"

"Good. Good! Make yourself useful then! Help me stand up, my breasts are ... unwieldy on land."

"As you wish, mistress."

Barbara felt firmness building in her man-sized boobs. They no longer anchored her to the ground between Menena's legs. She struggled to her feet and took a step backwards. Her breasts dragged themselves across the sand and came to rest in front of her, growing almost as weightless as underwater until only a plate-sized area of their undersides kept contact with the beach. She took a step forward, and they bobbed ahead.

"Yes," she moaned relievedly, "that's much better."

A deep rumbling sent vibrations through her soles.

"The gods! They're — growing again!" howled Menena.

"Mistress, it's almost time," whispered the white lady's disembodied voice. "Her breasts are waking. Please, let's go back into the water, this beach will soon be such a gooey mess!"

Barbara shook her head and wiped the last smears of Menena's juices off her face.

"I will not let that happen. Find a way to relieve her, gem."

She shuddered as warm kisses from invisible lips wandered along the side of her neck. Barbara pinched her eyes when they reached her cheeks, then the pouted lips were pressed on her closed eyelids. Contours appeared. Barbara recognized them for the two taut orbs of her former mistress, only now they looked transparent like jellyfish. She staggered a step forward and raised her hand. The mermaids behind her gasped in unison.

"Do not touch them," warned her ethereal guardian too.

"I'm sick of being told what I can do," hissed Barbara. Her fingers touched the struggling skin.

"Oooaaahhh!" howled Menena.


Slippery with sweat, the overstuffed flesh quivered under Barbara's touch. Her gifted sight revealed rings that rippled out from her fingers across the milk planets' surface like waves from a stone dropped into a pond.

"She's holding. What a surprise!" gasped the creature.

"It's almost like they're glowing," frowned Barbara. "Like there's glowing milk stuck just behind the teats and spreading like veins into her melons."

"Well observed, mistress," whispered the ghostly presence. "It's milk of magic, not her own. The mermaids fed it to her breasts, squeezing the juice into her through her dry dugs. Now she's been hexed tight, keeping it all in. Her udders will keep on conjuring up milk until, well, she becomes too full. Aaand — pop."

Barbara blinked, and the scenery returned to normal. "Surely not if we squeeze that juice out? Go ahead, make her ducts open again."

"Squeeze her too much, she bursts. Besides, even if she sprays like a whale, that magic's bound to her now. It'll just seep back into her and force more milk to come out in an endless cycle until her ducts can't take it anymore. She can't be saved, only by death."

Barbara's fingers hovered over the taut skin. "So someone has to hold in the magic juice she gives so it can't get into her again. She just needs to be suckled dry."

"Just? Mistress, she's huge. It'll come out mixed with her milk, and she has gallons of that, too. Nobody can stomach that much so quickly."

Barbara eyed the pair of breasts. They were indeed huge but nowhere near as huge as her own had been after the first ceremony.

"Mine were bigger. So I can hold that."

"But Mistress —," the presence protested.

"No — no, don't do that," panted Menena, too. "I'm worthless! You — you mustn't sacrifice yourself for me, please!"

"Shut it. I still have hope for you, that's why. Come here now, let's tit-scissor like — that ..."

Barbara took a step forward. Her enchanted breasts ran into Menena's cursed cleavage with an ooing sound. She leaned in further. The four taut orbs spread a bit and squeaked as they arranged themselves against the crevices of each other's cleavage, then the rising pressure forced the two women apart again.

"Aaaaagh! Please — so full, I can't hold it — don't squeeze me again," panted Menena.

"We're both too full and firm! I can't even reach a nipple," groaned Barbara. "And the skin's slippery all over. Wait, let me go around, try it from the side —"



"She's lucky her teats are pointing outward," observed the apparition. Her ethereal fingers stroked through Barbara's humungous mammaries and softened their firm round shape, making them settle down on the beach again. "You may push closer now, mistress."

Barbara leaned into the smooth skin. Her breasts' warm chasm widened around Menena's hard bulging orb. Both women moaned in delight as the ballooned breast squeezed into the soft embrace of Barbara's malleable cleavage and their mammaries almost merged.

"Ugh!" moaned Barbara. "What's happening — I — I can't think right, I'm getting so horny."

"It's the lotion on her skin," whispered her ghostly advisor.

"Yes — let me die like this, in your chasm of milk," stammered Menena, her tongue hanging from the corner of her mouth. Her head dangled without strength.

"Still can't reach her dug! Gem, roll me forward onto my chest!"

"No! You'll —"

"I didn't ask!"

Splayed fingers grabbed Barbara's buttocks and pushed. Her feet lost touch of the ground as she shifted onto her own breasts and slipped closer to the huge dome of Menena's throbbing areola trapped between them. The glazed teat was finally within reach.

Up close, the turgid, cock-sized nipple seemed beyond huge. Barbara licked and sucked the lube from the areola and hesitated before she finally grabbed it with both hands.

"What a teat! There's even a hole in the middle."

"Haaaah! Yes, yes, knead it! Knead it open!" begged Menena's lust-choked voice.

I remember David put his finger into mine and opened me, letting my milk out when I was bloated. Barbara quickly dug her forefinger inside the slippery canal, but only managed to make the nipple's first three inches swell around her digit.

"Uuughh! Deeper! Deeper!" Menena howled, burning up between pain and raw horniness.

Finger's no use, but I still have a few extra inches to my tongue, Barbara mused. She opened her mouth, moistened her lips and put them over the taut, erect nipple. No matter how she struggled, barely half of the hardened flesh cylinder fit between her lips. She kneaded the areola with her hands and sucked and squeezed the swollen teat with her lips. Menena groaned more lecherously but nothing else happened.

Barbara licked into the tight tunnel. Longer and thinner, she wished. Her tongue obeyed. It slithered into the narrow passage and finally tickled the dead end of constricted wrinkles.

The excited flesh responded immediately. The nipple gained another inch in diameter. Barbara's lips were locked firmly on the rough-skinned spout now. Warm and sweet, the mixture of milk and magic forced her tongue back out of the distending pipe. She sucked as hard as she dared. The taut pillow underneath her throbbed stronger.

Is this milk? she mused. The liquid was sweeter than her own milk's taste, and it had the consistency of warm honey. Barbara's cheeks fell in. She needed all the vacuum she could build just to draw a mouthful from the swollen bud.

"Mmmmh. Pure magic, mistress. Swallow it! I'll use it to make your mouth stronger," the apparition whispered excitedly.

Barbara forced the sticky sweet gulp down her throat. Her cheeks tickled as invisible lips and fingers stroked them.

"Now suckle some more."

Barbara pushed her face against the swollen areola and sucked at the clogged teat. Rough skin slipped through Barbara's lips until the nipple stuck to the hilt inside her mouth. Menena's howling was raw bestial delight. The reluctant juice seeped from every pore that was subjected to the powerful draw.

"Easy, mistress! You wouldn't want to draw blood, would you?"

A powerful gush of milk blasted the last of the thick juice out of Menena's teat. Barbara's cheeks bulged as the pressurized liquid suddenly filled her mouth. She tried to swallow, but couldn't keep up.

"Mistress!" Gentle fingers stroked her throat. "You broke the seal! You're so daring! You'll need this here —"

Something in her neck stretched, and the thrust in her mouth eased. Barbara reached around the throbbing breast for as far as her arms could and held on. The thick jet blasted out of Menena's fluttering teat, rushed down Barbara's gullet and into her stomach. Barely a second passed before she was full. Her belly's skin stung and ached, jutting out beneath her ribcage like a pumpkin. She closed her eyes in pain as the pressure grew.

Gods' mercy! She's too full! I'm — bursting with her milk! I — I hoped — Why isn't it going into my breasts?!

The specter's hands cupped her straining orb. The pain vanished as her angel drew upon the liquid's buzzing power and funneled it into Barbara's skin. The struggling bladder full of milk stretched like rubber and jumped into the triangular space between Menena's and Barbara's breasts.

Growing more spherical by the second, she felt her distending paunch as it rubbed first against her thighs, then her knees, sagging down with the weight of gallons being pumped down her gullet until it touched warm sand. Something hard inside her rolled along the inner wall of the milk bowl, forced its ways through the paper-thin flesh and made Barbara's navel pop up like an egg. The skin over the blue stone opened and retreated until it stuck in her navel's framing like a piece of jewelry.
