Spalding and Cousin Starla


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And damn it, Starla wouldn't even take off her blouse!

Now, two dates after THAT, the big Number Five, Porky was once again in his birthday suit getting his cock gently nuzzled by Star's pink Jimmy Choos.

Porky knelt absolutely still. Star's heel rubbed his penis a little faster and the other shoe was prodding his balls a little bit.

God, what gorgeous long legs!

"Don't have an accident, Porky. I don't want your nasty stuff all over my nice shoes."

"I'm getting really close, Starla."

"I'll distract you." Starla went into her handbag and took out a hairbrush. A BIG hairbrush, made of elephant tusk, like they don't sell anymore.

Porky looked at the brush in terror, but his cock hardened against Star's shoe.

"Now get up and go over my knee."

"I-I don't-"

"You really have trouble following directions, don't you?"

Porky reluctantly obeyed, and within three minutes he was sobbing, realizing that Haley had taken it easy on him last year.

He tried to rise, to escape, but Star held him down with amazing strength, pulling his left hand across his back.

"I'm going to stop at three hundred. Hold still. We have time-Javier is out there but Spalding is giving him a long sloppy one in the backseat, so I don't have to leave till midnight."


Finally, she let Porky up and he sobbed in her arms.

"That's right, just sit next to me for a bit." Star giggled, and put the hairbrush back in her purse.

"I know about Haley. I also know about Queen Nitrous at the dungeon in New Haven. Guess what? Nitrous hits you with a light rubber whip, it's all psychological."

How does she know-

"But I use real whips and real hairbrushes and will teach you to be less of a fat, self-centered putz, honey. Do you realize since we've been dating, you've lost about twelve pounds?"

Starla hugged Porky close and kissed the tears off his cheek while rubbing a forefinger on his engorged cock head.

Star pushed a long sharp fingernail into his pee hole and Porky screamed, and she giggled again, of course.

"No, don't reach for my tits, babe. My breasts are for real men to play with. You can look, but don't touch. And no pouting or out comes the hairbrush again."

She kissed Porky again, running her tongue in and around his teeth, and again, Porky began reaching for her considerable breasts, the cleavage impetuous in her sundress.

WHACK! Star slapped Porky across the face.

Before he could recover, she shoved him off the sofa and onto the floor.

"See, you can't handle a promotion to the couch, so you're back on your knees."

Jesus, she weighs like ninety pounds, but so strong!

Porky found himself sobbing softly. His penis, though was sticking straight up from his kneeling position.

Star took one foot out of her shoe and rubbed her toes across Porky's glans.

"I told you not to touch my yummies, hon."

"B-but I love you" Porky protested.

"I'm sorry, Porky." Star said, not unkindly. "But as I said, Javier doesn't like other men to touch my tits."

"I want to marry you!"

"That's great, but the rules still stand."

"But the other night at the carnival, when we were on the Ferris Wheel, you said you loved me too."

Porky began crying harder. "And you won't take your clothes off, or let me touch you."

Weeping, Porky blubbered, "I haven't jerked off this much since 9th grade."

"What's wrong with that?" Star said idly, as she lit a Marlboro.

Porky was surprised. He'd never seen Starla smoke. He had watched Sterling finish a cigar putting it out on Spalding's tongue but-

Porky cocked his head. "Star, you told me to quit smoking, and I gave up a two pack a day habit, and now you're smoking?"

"It's a filthy habit." Star said cheerfully.

Porky got up to bring Starla an ashtray.

Starla waved him down. "Forget the ashtray. Look, I like real men, guys who can take a hard time. That's what makes me strip off my clothes."

Then, Starla pulled down her sundress top and flashed Porky. He wasn't aware she had no bra on, though sundresses work that way.

What beautiful, pale nipples, and those heavy boobs stand up by themselves!

"You wish you could lick them, don't you, Porky? Kiss the tips a bit, right?"

"Please. Let me-"

"No. You're a little jerk-off boy. A pud-pounding predator. Those sticky "Fredericks of Hollywood" catalogues in your toilet are disgusting."

"I'm a real man! I was an Eagle Scout. I did four years of Marine ROTC. I bench-"

"Yeah, yeah." Starla said boredly. She inhaled her cigarette. "I should go home."

" N-no, please." Now Porky was sweating. "How can I prove I'm a real man?"

"I was out with your relative Punchy last night. He still has his cock, the operation isn't till Thursday. Punchy jacked his legs over his head and sucked his own dick. It's an impressive trick, and after he's going to be Pauline, he'll do other tricks for me. "

Star kicked Porky in the stomach, hard. "But your gut prevents you from doing autofellatio. Maybe if you did crunches."

Starla giggled and grabbed Porky's arm. She pulled him up to the couch and leaned over, kissing him hard, till he felt strawberry lip gloss all over his tongue.

"Can you take some pain?" Starla asked. "Spalding can. I let Spal lick my clit last night because he proved he could take a little pain. Not just a spanking."

Porky nodded. He looked down and Starla was running her magenta nails up and down his now bulbous member.

"When I'm with a strong man, I don't worry about dropping ashes on the couch his Grammy gave him." Starla said earnestly.

Porky blushed. He shouldn't brag about his Nana's 19th century divan, he supposed.

Starla leaned over and gave Porky a long kiss. Her full lips bit his lower lip gently and her tongue flicked in and out of his mouth. Strawberry gloss, Wrigley's Spearmint, the sensations...

"I think I should be able to put out my cigarette any way I want" Starla whispered huskily, her face close to Porky's.

Porky gazed intently into the limpid eyes.

He felt her left hand stroking his cock faster.

"I-okay, you can put your cigarette out however." Nana will kill me, Porky thought.

Starla smiled. "Don't worry, I won't damage the precious sofa."

"You sit still, no matter what." Another full lipped kiss. Star's breasts were still visible, the sundress had not been pulled back up.

Starla leaned over with her burning cancer stick and put it to Porky's right nipple.

Pushing slightly, she felt a fizz and excitedly put her tongue between his teeth.

For his part, the burn zapped Porky badly, and he tried to pull back.

Starla leaned forward and kissed Porky deeply...

Those lips!

"No, no, don't pull back" Star said patiently, as if she were coaching an especially stupid child in a school play.

Porky tried to stay still as Starla's cigarette burned his other nipple.

Star rewarded him with another kiss, and took his wrist gently and rubbed his fingers on her left breast.

"I want you to stay absolutely still." Star said, grabbing Porky's shoulder firmly.

"Spalding's mom trained him to do this when he was only nineteen years old. Grit your teeth and take the burn, but in the future when I burn you, I want you to smile."

With wild thoughts running through his fevered head at the depravity of Spalding's mother, Porky nodded. He couldn't take his eyes off Star's tits.

And he'd gotten to touch her.

Would he be able to suck them if he allowed her to torture his own nipple to her heart's content?

Starla leaned over again with the burning cigarette and pushed into Porky's right nipple firmly.

The burn was intense, but Porky sat absolutely still, and strangely, became even more erect. He squeezed his hands into fists.

As Starla pushed the sizzling butt into Porky's other tit she laughed again.

"Next time I'll put it out on your eyelid."


"No, silly. I'm just kidding."

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LeoLewinskyLeoLewinskyabout 1 year ago

Boring, again by chastitydevices and gay actions. Sorry but is there a story of yours, that is not based on blackmailing via chastitydevice? One I found that is without that: Miss Andi.... Are there more, or is it all the same boring cuckold and chastityporn?

Sub_HubbieSub_Hubbiealmost 6 years ago

I hope there's more...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I love the adventures of Spalding! Maybe next time we can see him home for the holidays, getting teased and tortured by his mother!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
This story rocks

Don't listen to the closet cases commenting here, so insecure with their masculinity they have to shield it from the suggestion of gay shit, so close to blowing their roommate they have to publicly comment how not-gay they are on a private porn site nobody knew they were on. These geniuses don't even stop to think a dude is getting them off with his words every time they visit literotica. This story is sadistic and hot and so intelligently structured for maximum story-telling potential, it is one of the best I ever read. Saved in favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

...and blows hard

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Is this an April Fools joke?

If you put a monkey in a room with a typewriter and he wrote this story, even the monkey would know better than to submit it.

Zephyr33Zephyr33over 6 years ago

The old stuff like Karin's Thimble and Tali/Fenton were great. Not sure what happened to the person that wrote them. Did he retire and pass control of this pen name to a new author?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
"How thoroughly did you really consider category choice?"

How thoroughly have you examined this site? They're cousins, and, with only a few exceptions, incest takes precedence over other content in a story.

worshipper622worshipper622over 6 years ago
Your score *1*

Couldn't even get through first page.

How thoroughly did you really consider category choice?

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