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"Look how simple this is. I attach this thing to his right wrist and this thing with the belt coming from it to his left wrist. Now I quickly lift his legs up with one hand and run the belt across, connect it to the right wrist and pull it tighter. Just a little tighter. There.

"See, it's like his hands are holding his legs up in the air and pulling them back. He doesn't want to do that, but the wrists are connected with the belt, and they're right behind his knees. I've pulled the belt so tight that his knees are being pulled back against his chest. See how he's trying to slide his hands down over his butt to release his legs. But the belt stops him. He's stuck just where I want him.

"He's helpless, and I've also totally exposed his butt, so it's ready for whatever I want to do to it. I could experiment with larger dildos, but I'm more excited about opening him up another way for his new lover.

"I've been watching those videos where the women stick their fists into the man's ass. I like the ones where they pretend the man doesn't like it and he's restrained, sometimes like Roger is right now. Roger won't be pretending not to like it. He'll be mortified and uncomfortable when I start putting a few fingers in. His emotions will be totally real. There just won't be any sound, except maybe some grunts.

"I'm going to be careful and use a lot of lube and open him up to three and four fingers before I put my whole hand in. After I do that, I'm going to try something else I've seen. I'll pump his penis with my left hand while my right hand moves in and out of his ass until he comes. I may have to use Viagra, but I'm going to do it.

"I see you're getting red in the face again, Alice. You could watch me do everything if you agree to video it. I would give you a copy of all the videos. I can tell you're turned on, so think about it."

"I don't believe you're going to do that. You'll turn Roger into a babbling idiot."

"That's right, except he won't babble. All he can do is make those little whispery sounds like you heard before. Even though he can't talk, it would be great if he would at least scream, but all I can expect are those little sounds or maybe a grunt if we're lucky. I've been thinking about talking while I work on him. I can humiliate him verbally at the same time I'm doing it physically. What do you think?"

"I don't know what to think, Mary, but I just thought of something else. What happens when Roger gets his strength back?"

"That won't be a problem. I called Dr. Roth and told him Roger was sometimes getting so agitated about his voice that he was losing control and even getting violent. I said I could handle it because he was still weak, but I was worried about my safety when he got stronger. I told Dr. Roth I didn't want to institutionalize Roger, so he wrote me some prescriptions.

"I'm going to start experimenting with them. Some of them will turn Roger into a helpless vegetable for hours at a time. Others just make his muscles relax and his mind foggy so he can't really do much without my help. I'll use them when he's not restrained. When I'm working on him, I don't want him to be doped up. So I'll put his restraints on while he's medicated and wait until he's fully alert before I start."

"I don't know," Alice said. "You better be careful. If you make even the slightest mistake when you're drugging him and he escapes, he could be dangerous. After what you're going to do to him, he might kill you without even thinking."

"Don't worry," said Mary. "I've thought of everything. I'll be testing my ideas next weekend when Nancy and Phillip are home from college."

"Oh my god," said Alice. "I forgot about your kids. What are you going to do?"

"I'll tell you next week after they leave," said Mary.


"So there's the camera," Mary said. "Are you going to be on my team?"

"Well, after the last time I was here, I had trouble sleeping a couple of nights," Alice said, "but I realized that it wasn't because I was feeling bad about what you are going to do to Roger. It was because I was incredibly excited. So I guess I'm going to get involved. I just hope you're careful, because I don't want anybody hurt, and I don't want you to go to jail."

Mary laughed.

"Don't worry. I've thought of everything, and the fun starts today. Look at Roger. Now watch his face as I open this drawer and take out this piece of paper."

"Wow!" said Alice. "He really looks like he's seen a ghost. What's on the paper?"

"The kids came home last weekend. While they were here, he managed to get me out of his bedroom and using hand gestures, he got them to give him a pen and some paper. Look what he wrote."

"Oh, wow!" said Alice. "What did the kids say when they read it?"

"They brought his note straight to me, because each time they called in the last few weeks, I've been telling them that Roger is becoming unstable and is acting in strange ways when I'm around. I said I managed to figure out some of his bizarre paranoid fantasies. They asked me what they were, and I told them I hoped they would never have to find out.

"When they read what he wrote, they were shocked, but they comforted me and told me that maybe I should get some help with him. I told them I was handling it, but if I saw it was getting out of hand, I would follow their advice."

"You are amazing," Alice said. "I never dreamed you could be so devious."

"I've always heard that an extreme situation is a test of your ability to be calm under pressure. I've been learning a lot about myself, including how important it is to listen to those who love you.

"For instance, I thought about what you said last time, and I realized you were right. I need to think about my safety.

"Watch what I'm doing now. See how I'm grabbing Roger's balls and pulling them slowly straight up. His sack is stretching as far as it can. It's starting to hurt, so he's trying to lift his butt even though the restraint holding his legs only lets him roll back. If I pull his balls slightly forward as I pull up, they are stretched out in front of him.

"See the position of his body and his balls? Do you think you can do what I'm doing now, Alice?"

"I guess so," she said, "but you told me you only wanted me to do the videos and that you were the only one who would touch Roger."

"You're right. This is the only time you're going to touch him. I need your help to emasculate him."

Alice screamed, and Roger rose off the bed, fell back and began struggling against his restraints. Mary let go of his testicles, and he began moving sideways as much as he could. He also tried to move back, but all he could do was roll back, raise his buttocks for a moment and then roll forward again.

"You can't be serious?" Alice said after catching her breath.

"I am. After you warned me last time about how dangerous Roger could be if I made a mistake with his meds, I did some research and found the solution. I was hesitant at first, but then I realized that I had no desire to ever make love with him again, so it didn't matter. It really works together. His vocal cords won't produce any words, and soon his testicles won't produce any testosterone.

"It will change his body only a little. He will lose muscle mass and become softer and weaker. It also affects his mind. He'll be more docile. His personality won't be strong and forceful anymore. He won't be the take-charge guy I fell in love with. He'll be the guy who likes to be told what to do.

"It will actually be better for him, because I'll be able to reduce the drug doses and still be safe. He's never going to work again, so he doesn't need any drive. Do you see how this makes sense?"

"So you want me to hold them up and stretch them out like that while you cut them off?" Alice said. "I'm sorry, Mary, but I don't think I can do that. Oh look."

Roger's bed was moving as he threw himself violently to the right and left. They watched him for a minute quietly.

"This is good," said Mary finally. Her voice was steely and calm. "He's going to tire himself out, and that will make it a lot easier for us."

"No, Mary, I can't," said Alice.

"Don't be silly, Alice," said Mary, not looking at her but watching Roger intently. "I'm not going to cut anything. While you stretch his sack out, I'm going to tie some string around it, right where it connects to his body. I've read all about this. I'll tie the string really tight. That's all there is to it.

"Nothing is going to happen today, but the string will stop the circulation to his balls, and gradually, they will begin to change color. I'll be able to tell in a couple of days if the string is tight enough. If not, I'll tie more strings and make them even tighter.

"Eventually, the testicles get dark because no blood is getting to them, and they begin to wither away. Sometimes, they just become little flaps of skin, and sometimes, I heard, they actually drop off like a scab. Either way, they'll be gone and so will his manhood."

"Well, I'll try," said Alice looking at Roger. "But the way he's going, I don't think we'll be able to do it today. I've never seen him this upset since the first time you started talking about your plans. Look at how far the bed has moved. I think he's as strong as he ever was. Are you sure that restraint is going to hold."

"Absolutely," said Mary, never taking her eyes off of him. "This is amazing. He knows he can't stop me, but he's going on pure adrenalin, fear and testosterone. He's magnificent, like a wild animal in the jungle who would rather die than be tamed.

"Let's just watch him. I want to enjoy this moment to the maximum. We've never seen anything like this, and we never will again. What a show! We're in no hurry. Once he's exhausted, we can get to work."

"I don't know about that. He seems to be moving more violently than before. Listen to the bed scraping."

"He can't keep it up forever," Mary said. "I wonder what he's thinking."

When Mary pulled out the message he had scribbled for his children, Roger felt the air had been sucked out of him. He knew he was doomed, and as he realized that, it seemed as though his mind was leaving his body and flying up in the air to hover over it.

He was no longer connected to the pathetic body on the hospital bed, with the hands locked behind the knees and the ass pushed out and up into the air. It was like a chicken with its head cut off -- already dead, although the body didn't yet know it and was throwing itself wildly against the restraints.

Roger heard the thing on the bed talking into his brain, saying crazy words, a flood of words that repeated themselves.

"Bitch!" the dying body was yelling to him. "Evil bitch! Evil bitch. Bitch. No! Stop! No! Bitch! Help! Kill! Bitch! Destroy! No! Help! No! Help! Help! Help! Help!"

The dying body was moving frantically now in a last burst of energy. Only one word was left.

"Help! Help! Help!" kept repeating in Roger's mind. Roger knew the end was near. The voice in his mind got louder as the body moved the bed violently.

Suddenly, Roger felt a pulling sensation. The body on the bed was sucking him back. Roger tried to close his ears, so he couldn't hear the screams of "Help!," but it was no good. The screams in his mind got louder, and each one seemed to pull him back inside that pitiful naked body on the bed. He was going to die inside it. He tried to resist, but the body took over and all he could hear was the body screaming into his mind.

"Help! Help! Help!"

The two women watched Roger's movements and heard the sound of the bed scraping across the floor.

"What was that?" Alice asked. "Did the bed hit something?"

"I didn't hear anything," Mary said, not taking her eyes off Roger.

"There it is again. Maybe it's something that can hurt him. Should I look?"

"No! You're imagining things."

"I'm not imagining it," said Alice. "That was louder. You must have heard that."

She looked at Mary, whose eyes were riveted on her husband. Alice heard the sound again, but this time she didn't say anything. The sound was now repeating in a strange rhythm with Roger's movements and the bed's scraping. And it was getting louder.

Mary jumped up, and Alice jumped up a second later. The sound was still barely audible, but it was definitely getting louder, and the women heard it as they stood staring at Roger. They began screaming. As the sound got louder, they screamed louder.

They ran at each other and almost knocked each other over before they could put their arms around each other. As they held each other, they continued to scream, and at the same time jump up and down.

The sound was getting louder, and it turned into a scream that was different from their happy screams. This scream was a horrible heart-rending sound. As it continued getting louder, the scream formed into a word repeating over and over.


The first person to stop screaming was Alice. She suddenly let go of Mary, who almost fell to the floor. She took a breath and began yelling.

"You did it! You did it! You did it, Mary! It worked!"

Tears ran down her face and down Mary's face, too. Mary stopped screaming, but Roger kept right on screaming "Help!" over and over.

Mary yelled at Alice over his voice.

"Call Dr. Roth and see how soon he can get here. Then call Nancy and Phillip. I have their cell phone numbers by the phone in the kitchen."

"They told me they wouldn't leave my house until they heard from me," Alice said, "so I'll just call home."

"Go!" Mary ordered, wiping tears away from her face with her hands. She turned to her husband, who was still screaming, but now he was screaming other words at her.

"Bitch, kill, stop, no, help!"

"Roger," Mary said when Alice left.

He didn't hear her. She began yelling as loud as she could, trying to be heard over him.

"Roger, Roger, Roger, I love you so much."

She stopped yelling for a moment to grab a sheet and throw it over his naked body. Then she began again.

"Keep screaming. Yes, Roger, you want to kill me. Tell me how much you want to kill the bitch. Tell me again. I'm leaving for a moment, but I'll be right back. Keep screaming while I'm gone.

"See how fast I came back, Roger. I love to hear you screaming. It's music to my ears. I can't take off your restraints yet because you might hurt me or yourself, but I'm going to bring your legs down and put some more sheets over you so you're not embarrassed when Dr. Roth and the kids get here.

"I don't think you can hear me yet, but I have to tell you anyway. I'll tell you again later. The kids never went back to school last weekend. They've been waiting for this. They've been waiting to hear you. They know everything, Roger, and they helped me.

"Dr. Roth told us that when love and encouragement don't cure hysterical mutism, there is only one other thing to try, and that usually doesn't work. It's called 'scaring back,' and it was my last chance.

"He said it had to be more frightening than the most terrifying horror film. I had to drive you out of your mind with fear, anger and hatred until you couldn't hold those emotions in. They drove out the mutism, because they needed your voice. You had to be scared insane before your mind could become healthy again.

"I hated to make you think I was a monster, but I'm not sorry I did it. When you finish screaming and begin talking again, you have to thank Dr. Roth and the children, but most of all you have to thank Alice.

"She helped me think up all the horrible things I've been telling you. I couldn't have done this without her. She held me together. I have to thank her for the rest of my life because she gave me back my husband.

"Can you hear me, Roger? You're back. You're complete again. Dr. Roth will give you something for you to take at night. He said if this worked, it would give you nightmares for a while and I had to expect you to sometimes act strangely toward me. But I don't care how long it takes, and I don't care what terrible things you say to me. All that matters is that the treatment worked and you are well.

"Yes, keep screaming, Roger. I love you so much, and I'm so happy, I'm going to scream with you. Bitch, kill, help, stop, bitch, kill, help."

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well that was totally fucked up. She must have been beyond desperate and really loved him to consider doing something this extreme to try to get him to recover. Although now he'll have nightmares and shit to deal with instead. She really played the part of psychopath well, so did her friend to a lesser extent.

WisquejacWisquejac4 months ago

Fucking demented.

fredbrownfredbrown5 months ago

TwiLite Zone there Vern?

Busman19639Busman196395 months ago

What a strange story.

john_67_SWEjohn_67_SWE8 months ago

This story need a proper ending, and the 2 bitches needs to get the punishment they deserve, The doctor and kids should be ashamed of how they treated Roger

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