Sun, Sand, Sea and ...


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"What are you so happy about?" said Jack, sliding a coffee and a bowl of cereal across to Peter as he sat down.

"I just nearly knocked Cathy on her ass into some gravel. I was just coming out of the toilet block, she was going in, and she wasn't paying attention, I don't think. Anyway, I grabbed her, stopped her falling." Peter grinned.


"She gave me a thank-you kiss."

Jack laughed. "Lucky you."

"Yeah. Nice, soft lips."

"All very well, but for the moment, get your own lips into action eating that cereal."


They'd finished breakfast and were enjoying a second cup of coffee when there was a tap at the door.

"It's open," Jack called. "Come on in."

Cathy's smiling face appeared round the door and she stepped in, closely followed by Cheryl.

"Good morning, ladies," said Jack. "Coffee?"

"Not for me, Jack," said Cheryl. "One's my limit at breakfast. But thank you anyway."


"Me neither, Jack."

"Take a seat, then."

Cathy slipped onto the couch beside Peter and Cheryl took the other command chair, across from Jack. There was silence for a moment before Cheryl spoke.

"Plans for today, guys?" said Cheryl.

"Dunno. Suggestions? You've been here before, we haven't." Jack arched his brows in query.

"Cathy and I discussed this. We need to digest breakfast for a while before we swim, so we thought we'd just chill for a while, and we thought, 'why not chill with the guys', so here we are."

"Very welcome you are, too," said Jack. "Right, Peter? Peter?"

"Sorry, Dad. Let my mind wander there for a moment. Yes, you ladies are very welcome." Beside him, Cathy smiled warmly, and he became even more conscious of the warm length of bare thigh touching his own, Yes, and the erection that was threatening to grow, too. Major embarrassment potential, that he could do without. Oh, he had ideas involving his erection and Cathy, but it involved them being private, and preferably on, or in, a bed, not sitting with his dad and her mom.

"And after we've chilled for a while, perhaps the beach?" said Cheryl.

"Sounds good," said Jack. "Now, you've been here before, so tell me, what's the swimming like?"

"Quite good, really," said Cheryl. "Wouldn't you agree, Cathy?"

"Yes, Mom, I would. Sea swimming is good. There's a sheltered cove which takes the edge off the breakers, so that we won't have to worry about rip or undertow, and it leaves the breakers on the main beach for the surfers. And of course, there's the pool. Good size, and not usually too busy."

"What about lunch, later?"

"There's a little mart here, and they usually have some nice sandwiches. We could get some and bring them back here to eat." Cheryl shrugged, and Peter enjoyed the movement of her breasts for a moment. He glanced at Cathy and she winked, with a sideways glance at her mom. Peter grinned, and Cathy matched it.

"Sounds good," said Jack. "Okay with sandwiches for lunch, Peter?"

"Sure, Dad. Sounds good. What about tonight?"

"Tonight? Well, what I'd like to do tonight is to treat us all to a meal in the restaurant." Jack grinned. "I've never been to a restaurant where one is expected to attend naked!" He turned to Cheryl, and then to Cathy. "So, what do you say? Shall we?"

Cheryl smiled, and nodded. "We will, Jack, on one condition."

"And that is?"

"You fed us last night, so it's our turn."

"That wasn't exactly a major capital outlay, Cheryl."

"Nevertheless, I insist that you let us repay the hospitality, either in the restaurant, or perhaps if we prepare a meal in our RV for the four of us, tomorrow evening. Tomorrow lunch, perhaps sandwiches again?"

"Tell you what," said Jack. "Last night was just a getting-to-know-you meal. Starting today, we take turns. Okay with that?"

Cheryl paused for a moment, then nodded. "As long as we do take turns."

Solemnly, Jack crossed his heart, then held up his hand. "I promise."

Cheryl laughed. "Okay, meal and sandwiches on you today, us tomorrow, you the day after and so on."

"Exactly," said Jack

"Yes, and that's enough forward planning for the moment, Mom," said Cathy. "Come on, guys, tell us a bit about yourselves?"

"Us? The most boring father and son RV team here?"

"You can't be boring! The boring ones would never have dared come here and be naked!" Cathy grinned at the two men.

Peter nodded. "Cathy has a point, Dad."

"True. Okay, me? CEO of a small software company. We do bespoke work for small companies, and we also do some games programming for some of the big games companies. We've developed some clever routines, and we license those to the big boys. Peter has been doing some summer work for us for about three years now."

"And I'm studying for a computer science degree at university. Dad says if I get a good degree he'll even think about offering me a job." Peter grinned at his father, who nodded.

"And if he gets it, it will be on merit. I've seen what unchecked nepotism can do to a company, and there's no way I want that happening. Peter will go through the same selection process as any other candidate." Jack grinned. "Although, I have to admit it, he's good!"

Peter affected a shocked look. "Dad! You care!"

"Idiot! Of course I care." Jack gestured to the two women. "What about you two?"

"My husband left us well off, so I don't need to work, but I've always been interested in medicine. I'm actually training to be a doctor." Cheryl grinned. "I must be almost twice as old as most of my fellow trainee doctors."

"And twice as caring, too, Mom," said Cathy.

"What about you, Cathy?"

"Me? Just graduated high school, and I'm wasting the summer in idleness. Start college in the fall. I thought about computers, but while I enjoy a bit of programming and general messing about, it's not what I want to study." She paused, smiling. "No, what I want to study is English. Specifically, English language, and English literature and poetry, from Chaucer right through to now."

"Good god! Whatever for?" But Jack was smiling, and Cathy grinned.

"Because I want to be a writer, and because I want to teach. In high school I had a wonderful English teacher, and she could take almost any dry, old text and make it sing! If I can be half as good as that, I'll be delirious." She grinned. "Maybe I just like the idea of reading so much as part of my studies." She shrugged. "And there are other careers open to graduates with a decent degree in a recognized area, even if that degree isn't directly relevant to the job. Some employers just want to be sure their employees show some intelligence."

"True. Some of my better programmers have degrees in other fields." Jack smiled. "But my best have computing degrees."

Cathy shrugged, and Jack took a moment to enjoy the similarity to her mother in the delightful quiver of their breasts. "Takes all sorts," she said.

"True, and I think it's time to hit the beach, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," said Cheryl. "Cathy? We'll just pop back and get our towels and sun-block. See you guys outside in a couple of minutes, okay?" She made to leave, then turned back. "Jack? Take your valuables, and lock the Winnebago, okay? Theft is almost unknown here, but it has happened."

"Thanks, Cheryl. Will do."

A few moments later the four of them met up again on the hard stand. All four naked, all four barefoot, and all four with a sling bag on their shoulder. Jack offered his arm to Cheryl, and with a smile she took it. Peter glanced at Cathy, and offered his own. She smiled and took it, then slid her hand down to grip his. He glanced across at her and she smiled.

"I prefer holding hands."

"Suits me, especially when the hand belongs to a lovely girl like you."

"Lovely, am I?" Her sideways glance was arch and he laughed.

"Of course you are, and I think you know it."

She made a face. "Sort of, but girls always have that touch of insecurity, thinking things like my ass is too big, or my nose is too long, or my boobs are too small, little things individually, but they add up."

Peter laughed and shook his head. "Well, let me reassure you. Your ass - " he glanced down " - is lovely, just the sort I love to watch move, your nose is perfect, and your breasts are lovely."

"Why, thank you, kind sir." She squeezed his hand. "I might just kiss you for that." she drew him to a halt, and turned to face him. A glance along the path showed that Jack and Cheryl were almost out of sight and Cathy moved close to Peter, raising her lips to his. Her lips were soft, sweet, and the kiss was over far too quickly for Peter, but Cathy smiled.

"Later," she said. "For now, come on, I want a swim!"

A little bemused, Peter let her take his hand again and tug him towards the beach. Was that a promise? Heck, I think it was. Grinning, he broke into a trot.

On the beach, there were only a dozen or fifteen other people. As Peter and Cathy came out of the trees, Cheryl, ahead of them, pointed right, and the four moved towards the sheltered part of the beach. They stopped at a quiet spot and put down their bags.

"I think we should take turns to watch the gear. Who swims first?"

Grinning, Cathy held out her clenched fist, and a smiling Cheryl matched it. A moment later, Cathy whooped in victory.

"Scissors cut paper, Mom. Peter and I go first. Let's go, Peter, before they pull parent on us." She grabbed Peter's hand and the two of them ran lightly down to the water, Peter trying not to notice the bouncing breasts beside him. He failed.

The water was cool, refreshing, and they enjoyed themselves swimming, playing, ducking each other, but a half-hour or so was enough and they waded out of the water together. Cathy paused to wring the water from her hair, then reached for Peter's hand, and they strolled up the beach towards Cheryl and Jack.

"Good swim?" said Cheryl, passing a towel to Cathy.

"Very good, Mom. You and Jack going in now?"

"Yes, I think so." Jack stood and reached out a hand to pull Cheryl to her feet.

"We'll see you in about half an hour," said Jack. He turned to usher Cheryl away from the youngsters and as they moved away, she took his hand.

Cathy laughed. "Hey, look, Peter. We aren't the only ones who hold hands." She returned to drying her hair and Peter was able to watch the tantalizing movement of her breasts for a moment or two. It wasn't long before she'd dried herself, and she combed out her long hair, and tied it back with a ribbon. She rummaged in her bag and pulled out a bottle of sunblock, holding it out to Peter.

"Do my back, please?"

"Yeah, sure," he said, waiting until Cathy stretched out, face down, on her towel. He started with her shoulders, and the small of her back, making sure the block was rubbed well in. Reaching her lower back, he paused.

"Yeah, Peter, do my butt." A giggle. "You said you liked it."

"I do," he said, beginning to rub the sunblock in, enjoying the yielding firmness of her. She moved her legs apart a little, and he stifled a gasp at the sight of her pussy, as he smoothed sunblock over her thighs. He enjoyed oiling Cathy's well-toned body and was almost sad as he reached her feet. He sat back.

"All done on the back," he said.

"And now the front," said Cathy, wriggling around to sit up, facing him. She looked around, but no-one was near as she began to rub the sunblock into her breasts. She held his eyes with hers. "I bet you wish you were doing this, don't you?"

He gave her a wry smile. "You torturing me? Of course I do."

"So do I." He stared at her, his mind churning. She wished it was his hands on her breasts? Wow! She smiled again, soft. "I mean it."

"I'd really like that," he said, feeling his cock thicken. Oh, no! Not public embarrassment.

"But not here, and not now," she said. "Tonight, maybe." She grinned. "For the moment, though, think of something else, Peter, for your own good."

He laughed. "Too early for lunch."

"Wait until Mom and your dad get back, and we'll go for a walk. You haven't seen much of this place yet, have you."

"No, not yet, but I have to say I like what I've seen so far, very much."

"Oh, yes? What?"

He grinned at her. "You and your mom, but especially you."

She stared at him for a long moment, then grinned, and blew him a kiss. "Thank you."

"My pleasure."

"Mom looks good, doesn't she?"

"Your mom is lovely. So's her daughter."


He shook his head. "I tell it as I see it."

"Then thank you again. Now, let's lift our minds from base thoughts." She grinned. "For now. Um, books and music. Who do you like?"

They were having an animated discussion of the relative merits of Dean Koontz versus Stephen King when Jack and Cheryl came back.

"Good swim, Dad?"

Jack nodded, "Very good. Your mom's half fish," he said to a laughing Cathy.

"I know! She always beats me if we race."

"I guess I'm a little competitive," said Cheryl. "Pass my towel, please, sweetheart."

Discussion was general for a while as Jack and Cheryl dried themselves and applied sunblock. Peter noted that his dad had the same job oiling Cheryl's back as he had with Cathy. He caught his dad's eye as he was oiling Cheryl's butt, nodded at where Jack's hands were and winked. Jack was fighting a laugh for ages after that.

"Mom?" said Cathy.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Those sandwiches for lunch? I promised to go for a walk with Peter, show him around a little. How about after we do that, I bring the sandwiches back to the RVs? It's what, half-ten now. Say, one o'clock?"

"Sounds good. Jack?"

"Sounds good to me, too. Peter, take some money from my wallet, will you? Food's on us today, and on you lovely ladies tomorrow, that's right, isn't it?"

"That's what we agreed, yes. So, we'll see you two back at our stand, at one?"

"At one, yes."

"Will you take my bag and stuff back, please, Dad?"

"Sure thing. Cathy, don't let him get lost, will you?"

She laughed. "Jack, I'll be with him, so if Peter's lost, then so am I! If we're not back by half after one, send out a search party. Got your watch, Peter?" Mute, Peter held out his arm. "So, that's a yes. See you later, Mom, Jack. Don't let yourselves get burned." She turned to Peter. "Here, give me that money. I'm taking my bag. A girl is lost without a purse of some kind." She winked, waving goodbye to Jack and Cheryl. Hand-in-hand, they strolled away.

Jack and Cheryl watched them as they walked away, not speaking for a few moments. Cheryl sighed and sat back. She turned to Jack.

"Jack? Peter? What does he think of Cathy?"

"He likes her, likes her a lot."

Cheryl nodded. "I thought so. She likes him a lot, too. In confidence, Jack. Cathy told me that if Peter makes a move on her, she plans to co-operate. You okay with that?"

He gazed at her for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I am. In any case, they're both legally adults, aren't they? Anything between them has to be their business."

"I confess to being relieved, Jack, because that's how I feel about it, too." She smiled, and then stretched across to kiss him, soft, sweet, too quick.

Jack held her eye as she pulled back. "Nice, Cheryl, very nice, but I want more."

She smiled. "You do, do you?"

"Yes, I do. For the first time since my wife died I find myself attracted to another woman." He held his breath, hoping, for he could see no rejection in her eyes. There was a pause, and then her smile broadened.

"Would that include being sexually attracted?" Cheryl's face was calm but her eyes were dancing.

Jack nodded. "Yes, it would. A lot, in fact."

"And what would you say if I told you that the feeling is mutual?"

A long pause, while they held each others gaze. "I think I'd say, 'lead me to the nearest bed'," he said, grinning.

"Mine, I think, because I know it's big enough for two. But not yet."

"Why not?"

"Because we've just applied all this sun block. I want to put it to use for a while. Half an hour, Jack, then we'll have a shower together, get nice and clean. We'll have two hours before Peter and Cathy get back. That should be ample time for us, for our first time. Two hours to take it nice and slow. You okay with that?"

Jack laughed. "Yes, I can contain myself that long, but only just. Now, can we talk about something else while we pass the longest half-hour ever known to man or woman?"

"Of course we can. If I'm going to be cooking for us tomorrow, what sort of things do you like to eat?"

"Ooh, now, there's a question. Let me think ... "

* * *

Walking along the beach, Peter and Cathy were quiet for a while before Cathy broke the silence.

"Um, Peter? I think that when we get back at one, we're going to find that Mom and your dad have been to bed together. You okay with that?"

Peter stopped dead in his tracks, and Cathy, because she was holding his hand, found herself swung around to face him. "You sure?" said Peter.

Cathy laughed. "Nothing's certain except death and taxes, but Mom said that if your dad made a move, she was going to cooperate."

"She said that? 'Cause Dad said if he got half a hint he was going to make a move."

Cathy laughed. "The way Mom was talking, he'll have to be blind not to take the hint."

"Good for Dad!" Peter cocked his head. "What about us?"

"What about us, what? Am I going to drop you a hint? Am I going to cooperate if you make a move on me? Are we going to have wild, uninhibited sex all night?" Cathy grinned. "The answers to those questions are yes, yes, and I damned well hope so."

"You're serious?" said Peter, hesitant, looking as if he'd been clubbed.

Cathy's grin faded. "Cross my heart and hope to die? That serious enough for you?"

Peter nodded, feeling his cock twitch in anticipation. Oops! A hurried look around showed no-one near. "Um, Cathy? Can we change the subject for a while, otherwise I'm liable to get seriously embarrassed?"

She gave him a mock leer. "Now that, I want to see!" She laughed. "It's okay, hon, I'll behave. For now, at least. Now where were we? Oh, yes, poetry. Do you read any?"

Peter laughed. "Not if I can help it! Why? Should I be reading it?"

"Some of it, yes, but there's a lot of rubbish about."

"How do I tell what's good and what isn't?"

Cathy shrugged, and again Peter enjoyed the enticing jiggle of her breasts. She looked down at herself, and then back at him, laughing. "Oops, and I said I'd behave, didn't I?" She pulled, getting him into motion again. "This way to the commercial area of the South Fork Sun Club. Poetry? To be honest, I don't know, yet, how to tell good poetry from bad. I'm hoping that by the time I get my degree I'll know. In the meantime, I can just go on what I like, and what I don't like."

"That works for me!" He gestured. "Wanna soda?"

"Yep. Let's see what they've got."

* * *

Back where the youngsters had left them, Jack and Cheryl were silent, toasting themselves, until Cheryl uttered a muffled 'damn it', and sat up.



"I know it's only been ten minutes, but I don't want to wait any longer. I'm horny!"

"Makes two of us. Shower first?"

"Yeah, I need to degrease myself."

"May I wash your back?"

"Of course. In fact, please!" She grinned. "Front, too, if no-one's looking."

Jack had been busy gathering up their belongings. He straightened, grinning. "Lead on, temptress!"

In the toilet block, although the actual toilet facilities were segregated by sex, washing and showering was communal. There was no one around and they turned on adjacent shower heads, stepping into the spray with their gel. Cheryl held out her gel to Jack.

"Care to wash me, Jack?"

"Of course." He delighted in washing her thoroughly, enjoying the soft weight of her breasts, goosing her as he washed between her legs, but a giggle and a subtle pressure reassured him that no offense was taken, the contrary, in fact, as when he had finished she turned and pulled him into her embrace, kissing him fiercely.