Suspicion - a Sequel


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'I doubt it, as the Police have a warrant out for his arrest.'

'I see. So you are doing your duty by your ex-wife.'

'You could say that.'

'Could I ask if this duty was a pleasure.'

'Yes, Sandra you could. I never wanted to divorce Kathy, but the situation left me no choice. I loved my wife then, and continued to love her during her marriage to Gerring. I love her now, and can not conceive of a situation where I shall ever cease to love Kathy.' A sudden howl from the bed brought them both to Kathy's side. It wasn't pain it was the onset of Kathy's tears. She had awoken to hear Paul's last words.

'Paul, you cannot love me,' she cried through her tears, 'not when I have treated you so badly.' Paul sat down and took her hand.

'Darling Kathy, I always loved you, even when we divorced, I could not stop loving you. I went to sleep with the pain of not having you there beside me, and woke up with the pain of not seeing you sleeping on the pillow next to mine. The only way I could cope was believing that one day you would come back to me.' Kathy's eyes opened wider.

'You hoped for that even though I was with him?'

'Yes Kathy.'

'But I am soiled now.' His sudden anger surprised her.

'Don't ever say that again. Ever. You are not soiled, you are all I ever wanted and will want. Anything that has happened is in the past and stays in the past. I want you home with me where you belong. That offer is on the table for the rest of my life. If you ever feel like taking it up, all you need to do is walk in the door and tell me you are home.' Dr Masters tapped Paul on the shoulder. Kathy is a bit distraught at the moment, would you give me five minutes or so, to calm her down. Paul nodded and walked out of the room. Kathy's eyes followed him as if her look alone could drag him back.

'He'll be back, Kathy, don't worry, and if I am any judge of character he will be sitting here through the night. Now lets get you comfortable. Soon Kathy was feeling better, a warm face cloth, and Dr. Masters even found her lipstick. She stood back and judged her efforts.

'Yup, definitely human again.' Kathy laughed a little, and the Doctor was rewarded by a little sparkle coming back into her eyes. She sat down.

'Right Kathy. I acted a bit dumb with Paul, but I know from your sister all about your problems. I am not concerned about your morals, nor your love-life. I am concerned about your health, and I want you to get better. I can prescribe all sorts of drugs to make your feel better, feel happier, get you back on your feet again, but that's all they are, Drugs. Take them away, and you will be back where you started. I have just seen the best medicine for you, and do you know what. It won't cost you a dime. Don't beat yourself up about the last few years. You know Shit happens, wipe your Butt and flush the crap down the lavatory. Grab that man and get him into the sack as quickly as possible. He won't fight you, I reckon that it will be a race between you as to who can get naked first. That's my prescription, trust me I'm a Doctor. I'll see you tomorrow, and I want some good news. That will make me happy, and as when I am happy I jump my husbands bones, it will make him happy as well. Just imagine the good you could be doing for the world.' She got up and left.

Kathy had little time to think as Paul was soon back in her room. His smile gave her courage for what was to come. As he came beside her she lifted her face slightly, and without hesitation Paul bent and paced his lips on hers. It wasn't one of those great sexual kisses with tongues literally digging for each others tonsils, it was soft and gentle yet it contained so much love. It was the kiss of long time lovers. Kathy's eyes misted. She stirred herself to say what she had to say.

'Paul I don't know how to say this, but I will just get it over with. I'll make mistakes, I may not make sense, I may hurt you, if I do I am sorry because that is not my intention. As soon as I left our house that last time I knew that I had been totally unfair to you. As time went by I could not believe that I had asked you to share me with Karl. I know some people can do that but that was not us, and I say us intentionally, because I understand now that I deliberately pushed you to a position where you had no alternative but to kick me out. That was so I could get what I wanted. That was so bloody selfish, I can't believe it. Evelyn told me you had read my letter. My relationship with Karl was something that never came to a conclusion one way or another, and suddenly fate was offering me a chance to be eighteen again and experience the things I should have done. That opportunity blinded me to all else in my life. If you had loved me less you may have gone along with sharing me, but you loved me too much to consider that. It was after the birth of Andrew that the understanding of that fact hit me like an express train. Evelyn put it into words today, when she said that you loved me so much that you were prepared to sacrifice your happiness in order that I could be happy. I felt that small.' she held up her finger and thumb with a gap between them of a quarter inch. 'It was also at that time that I stopped being the wife that Karl wanted. I wanted to get back to work, doing the job that gave me so much pleasure. You, my Darling, let me do that, encouraged me in fact, another examples of your accepting less in order that I could be happy. Karl did not approve of my working, and put lots of obstacles in the way. Gradually I realised that Karl wanted to treat me like pretty Canary, admired and loved, but in a cage nonetheless, a possession. When Andrew was two, Evelyn told me that when you saw Andrew you treated him equally with Jason and Christi. Ok, they were older but you talked to him when he came round with Christi and were kind but fair, exactly as you hade been with ours at that age. Why would you do that? He was the Son of a relationship that hurt you deeply. Why did you do that?' Paul knew but found it difficult to put into words. Then they came to him.

'He was your son, born of your flesh therefore he was precious to me.' Kathy's blinked rapidly, trying to stop the tears that threatened to flow.

'I think I knew that, but hearing you say those words was beautiful, Paul, Thank you. When Anita and Samantha came to see me you could probably imagine how I was hit. Yet in a strange way it was as if someone had suddenly found all the light switches together. All of the little things that had concerned me for some time assumed their rightful place in the arguments going on inside me. But it was the revelation that Karl would lie and cheat to get what he wanted, and what he threatened you with if you didn't agree to let me go, and what he threatened me if I didn't leave you for him. There was this clarity, that I had refused to see before, because I wanted my teenage dream to come true. Well it did come true, and in the end it was ugly. Yes, ugly, and I had connived with him to make it happen, hurting lots of others in the process, but most importantly hurting the man who had given me love, unstintingly, unselfishly and without reservation. How could I ever face you and say I was sorry. Yet sorrow was the abiding emotion. Sorrow for those things I had thrown away without thought. Sorrow for the pain that I gave you, when I gave the body that only you should possess to another man. I couldn't live with all the anger in me, the anger and the guilt.' Kathy paused and took some deep breathes. 'I was sorry I didn't succeed, and just let go, hoping that I had swallowed enough to complete the job. That was until I realised that you were here, I dreamt that you were here in the night, and Evelyn told me you had sat there for sixteen hours holding my hand. Dr. Masters said that at some time I subconsciously decided to fight to live. I think that was the time, when I knew you were here, that through all of this you still had some feelings for me. I had to live to show you how sorry I was, to spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you in whatever way I could. I didn't think that you would allow totally back into your life, but I perhaps I could hope that one day you would allow that. Then you said those wonderful words, all I had to do was walk through the door and say I was home. Paul, when I get out of here can I come home please?'

Paul somehow managed to smile and cry at the same time.

'Yes Kathy, please come home.'

Three weeks later Paul did take Kathy home. Yes, it was difficult at first, but they worked at building a new relationship. Kathy slept in the guest bedroom for a while, allowing their new relationship to adapt and solidify. As it did they both felt the need to go to the next step. Kathy waited, it was for Paul to take the lead. That happened one night when Paul appeared at the door to the guest room as Kathy was just getting into bed.

'Kathy, please would you come and share our bed with me. It has never felt right without you.'

'Yes, Paul. I would love to.'

They lay together, reminding themselves of the tender feelings that neither had forgotten. Kathy felt his hands on her body caressing her breasts, flanks, thighs, back, and she tentatively drew her hand up and down his thigh. They kissed, tongues searching out the sweet flavour of each others mouth. There was no hurry just being there together was as good as any orgasm. The warmth gathered slowly but undeniably. When she held his manhood there were no doubts that Paul was ready, and Kathy was equally. When Paul did enter her, Kathy almost froze, expecting a rejection, but there was none. He moved slowly and powerfully inside her, and those feelings started to overwhelm made more powerful by the throbbing and fullness of Paul moving inside her . Their orgasms coincided, not the strongest she had ever experienced but certainly the one which was the most enjoyable of all her life, enriched by the fact that this steadfast man, who had continued to love her when it seemed love was doomed, who had continued to hope when hopeless, and stayed by her when she was falling over the edge. This good man who was so capable, but now rendered incapable of control by her body, as he spurted his essence into her.

There are words describing thoughts and feelings that no man and woman will speak anywhere or at any time, except in the aftermath of Loving. Kathy spoke of some of those feelings now.

'Paul, my true husband. I would like to offer you a gift. Something that is only for you. You have never taken my Anus, nor did he. If you should ever desire, it is yours. It would be a symbol for me, something that was never taken away from you, that you and you only will have as long as I live. I am your woman, you are my man for as long as you want. If you cast me aside at any time, I will accept it, thankful that I was able to have you for a little longer, when I don't deserve you.

'Kathy, if that ever happens it will be because we love each other, and will be because it will give us both pleasure. No other reason is required. I will never cast you aside, because that will entail me digging my heart out of my chest and sending it away with you.

Karl Gerring was arrested, and as Anita forecast was not given bail. The District Attorney insisted that he had full medical reports on Karl, and that entailed a Psychiatric examination, which revealed his disturbed mental state. He was placed in a State Institution until such time as he was fit enough to face trail. That never happened. He was killed by another inmate who thought Karl had drunk from his coffee cup. By the time the nurses got to them, Karl's head had been stamped on so viciously that identification was impossible.

So there you have it. Yes, call me a hopeless romantic, for wanting a happy ending for Paul and Kathy, but maybe it wasn't me. Cupid may play tricks, but Zeus is the most powerful of all the ancient Gods, so maybe he had a hand in it.

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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Typical European rationale. This is the exact attitude that leads us to have to bail them out of every war. 1-star. Cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

U took a strong man and made him a pussy. Shame on you.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You have written about the only cuck in the world who would have done this. Poppycuck a man like this would be too stupid to live. Lol

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Just no. Pure balderdash. Paul's not going to wait around for 5 years while she fucks Karl and even has a son with him. Look there are RAACs and then there's just delusional, this is bordering on stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Utterly nonsensical mand irredeemable RAAC. Paul being a monk, hoping Kathy, who is married to Karl for five years and cheated liberally on him with Karl before her crazy, insane sharing request, and having a child with Karl, will come.back to him. Wtf?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What kind of person carries a torch for 4-5 years for a cheating wife? Sorry you really out did yourself with this diatribe...

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter9 months ago

Not much point in commenting on a story that is 15 years old, but in spite of knowing this author loved RAAC stories, this one is just too sick to swallow! Kazaa wrote some great stories and I have re-read several, but this is not one of them! Mist of time, for example was great. This story just turned my stomach.

JTassJTass10 months ago

OK, just a bit of feedback about something that struck me as incongruous... I had to look up Paramectol (Tylenol to us Yanks) poisoning. It takes 4 to 18 days. While it has been used as a suicide method, there are many easier and quicker methods, even if the choices are limited to over-the-counter medications. Unless Kathy & Karl had three full bottles of Tylenol lying around the house (and why would they?) it's clear that she bought the pills for the purpose of taking an overdose. But if she had to go out to buy pills that she planned to use to commit suicide, why not pick something like sleeping pills that would work much more quickly and painlessly?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow that was berserk. Paul apparently has no spine. Umm I like reconciliation as much as thr next guy but this was almost contrived gibberish. It goes from her at the beginning talking about she had a happy 5 years with Karl, to after the reveal he is a bigamist, that controlling and made her quit her career, and sex which had been great before when she was cheating on Paul, suddenly ground to a halt after their wedding and she has ro initiate and isn't that good anymore. Blah blah blah. Look thr author took a difficult base story where a woman betrays her husband of some nearly 20 years over a high school relationship that was split apart before it could develop. Somehow this leads her to nit only cheating on her first husband Paul and father of her two kids, but then asking Paul to share her with Karl. Of course he refused and divorced her. Big surprise. No one asks for that sharing crap after being In a monogamous marriage for so many years. That is the height of delusion. So yeah Paul is a nice guy. They split amicably and managed to get primary custody of the kids. He is OK with her young son Andrew because his daughter Christi likes Andrew. Ok that is stretching credulity, but not impossible. But suddenly no we learn that Paul never dated, never saw any woman, never any sex, because he had his Jon, his kids, and he hoped that Kayhy would return. Huh? She is married now five years with a kids by the insane predator Karl. Umm what is he waiting for? Then the other two women show up, Karl's supposedly dead mother and Karl's still legally married 2nd wife. And we learn that Karl is a nutjob, he lied about everything, seduced Kathy (who knew none of this toxic mess), and planned to either rough up Paul or kill Kathy if she tried to leave him or didn't leave Paul. Nice. I get that Kathy is now in a bad place. Her marriage to Karl is a toxic sham. She realizes the horrors of the way she betrayed Paul and asked him to share with Karl. Heck she claims as soon as she asked that batshit crazy request that she knew it was wrong and how much she had hurt Pauk and that she realized she made a huge mistake ... except she wss happy for five years with Karl (and before when dating and sleeping with him while married to Paul) until thr MIL and real wife showed up at her door. Yeah she tries to commit suicide and is miserable. Honestly, based on his hatred of Karl, and thr danger to his kids and Kathy, the mother of his two kids, I can see him nit wanting her to die and trying to get her out of thr hospital and free of the lunatic Karl. Ok. But it stops there. Or should at least if anything like n reality. There is no way the fully reconcile as husband and wife. None. Maybe they coparent and have cordial relations occasionally. But the reconciliation was insane. Kathy's betrayal was far to enormous unless Paul has zero self esteem and zero respect for himself. Just crazy. Hard to pull off on such a stark base story. Eep.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A lot of fairytale nonsense here.

No man "loves" a woman enough to accept her back after the betrayal she perpetrated on him.

Any love would turn to hate. And rhen to indifference after 3 or 4 years.

"She took pills to try and kill herself? Because she found out the guy she cheated on me with and left me for was a monster? .

Not my problem. Stupid bitch. She can't even get that right."

That's a more believable reaction.

Maybe there's pussies out there like this husband...but I don't know any men like this.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

I liked the premise, but you use too many words, to me it’s as if you need to pack a good story out just to make it longer, back to your story, nice try on this ending,

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Idiocy, pure idiocy.

She is an unrepentant pig, living in the past.

He is either a Saint, or an asshole.

Asshole rings true.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You made Paul a complete moronic idiot (can't stress how stupidly weak you made the poor fool) Kathy has a lot to make amends for what she did, how she thought, etc..., she really doesn't deserve a chance at all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nope. Doesn't matter if Karl was a mental case, she still betrayed Paul with him. She was indeed soiled by him. Then compound that with having Karl's kid and there's just no way Paul would take her back.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

That was disgusting!

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