The Arrangement Ch. 05


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"I forgave you long ago Stephen." said Millie quietly into the room. A stunned Stephen raised up from his chair, staring into her gorgeous brown eyes. He saw no duplicity or fear in them and was amazed.

"Thank you. Both of you, thank you so very much." said Stephen softly to the two as a tear slid down his weathered face.


Jacob and Josephine remained in the lobby of the hospital waiting for Millie and Stephen to exit while the crowd of friends and family concerned for Peter's well being slowly dissipated over time.

Millie was the first one to leave the room and greet the two in the waiting room. She told them how Peter fared and some of the dialogue that passed between the three of them. Josephine swept her mother in a tight embrace, whispering how proud she felt of her mother's courage. Millie patted her daughter's back and was released shortly thereafter to get a small breather before her son-in-law scooped her up in a bear hug that had the woman laughing.

"What's this for?" asked Millie once Jacob released her.

"That's for you being amazing as always." said Jacob as he held her slim arms in his large hands.

Millie smiled up at the young man and son-in-law and patted his cheek.

"Come on handsome, you two need to get home to them grandbabies of mine before they give their sitter a heart attack. Again." joked Millie.

Josephine & Jacob laughed, knowing that by now the sitter was either passed out on their couch or climbing up the walls dealing with their twin girls.

"Ok mama, you win. We'll save the sitter and go home. How will you get home?" asked Josephine.

"Baby, I got more work to do. I'm spending the night here. I've already planned it wtih Peter and the hospital staff, and you can't talk me out of it." replied Millie with a steely glint in her eyes. Seeing that her mother would not be swayed, and not quite sure what kind of "work" she had to do she decided to leave her mother to her own devices, especially since the woman had a knack of knowing the right thing to do.

"Ok mama. Walk us out please?" asked Jacob as he wrapped an arm around his mother-in-law's shoulders.

"Sure baby." said Millie as they walked out the sliding glass doors of the ER room and into the soft rain of the pre-dawn night.


"Baby!" screamed Richard into the front door. Within seconds his wife Charlene came running to the balcony overlooking the downstairs living room and front foyer.

"Oh my God, Richie what's wrong with Julie?" yelled a panicked Charlene.

"Baby, I don't know. Help me get her on the couch!" yelled back an equally panicked Richard.

Charlene sprinted down the stairs to help bring their little girl into their home. Once she was settled on the couch they took off the muddy, grassy sneakers from her feet. Charlene softly tutted at her daughter's wet sweatpants and sent her husband away to close the front door.

Once Richard left the room, Charlene slipped on a quilt to cover up Julieanne while she took off her pants. Julieanne began to moan and shiver as her bare skin made contact with the cool fabric of the couch and the cover. Charlene's brow furrowed as she observed her only daughter. They hadn't spoken in years. The time, in Charlene's view, was wasted.

Julieanne twisted slightly and moaned in pain before a sudden cough caught in her throat. Her body sputtered and heaved before beginning to choke. Charlene pulled and twisted her daughter's body for her to puke onto the tile floor. When Julianne's head fell heavily against her mother's cloth covered breast the lack of heat from her body shocked Charlene to the core.

"Richard!" screamed Charlene.

Richard ran back to the room and seeing the vomit on the floor and Julieanne's lagging body sprinted into quick action. He picked up the nearest wastepaper basket and set it close to his daughter. He moved his hands quickly to her hand to check her pulse. Alarmed at finding her pulse lagging, he gently but quickly opened her eyes. The sunlight that now streamed in through the east facing windows was in just the right position to see her dilated pupils.

Quickly surmising the situation, he scooped his daughter into his arms and instructed his wife to drive them to the nearest hospital.


He watched her from by the entrance to the hospital doors as she sat peacefully under the amber outside light, not daring to approach the woman he both loved and feared.

"Ya know," she said to the air surrounding her, "before ya began wearing the cologne I told my husband that I like, ya wore a light fruity fragance. I never told anyone this, but next to my husband wearing the cologne I like, that one is my favorite, Stephen."

He froze where he stood, still wrapping his head around how she knew that he was in her presence.

"There's a light breeze coming from behind you. Ya cologne came my way." she answered his unasked question.

Peter blinked and smiled to himself. After all this time he still got goosebumps being in her presence.

"Come on over Stephen. I don't bite." sighed Millie.

Stephen hesitantly walked up to the bench she sat on and stared into the parking lot of cars that sparkled under the amber lights in the dark blue night sky.

"Sit and rest ya self." said Millie into the open space.

Her soft voice whispered sweetly to Stephen's sense of hearing. She was the only woman whose voice could have him ready and dripping with anticipation. He sat next to her, breathing slowly, taking care to not hyperventilate from being in her presence. He sat down, adjusting himself to hide the effect she always had on him. When he finally ventured to look in her direction he finally realized that her eyes were closed and her head was uplifted to the cool night sky.

He sat next to this woman that was the basis of his every desire wondering what it was about her that made him so crazy, and why was he so arrogant to think he could just take her and she would miraculously fall in love with him. He watched the even ebb and flow of her breath, noting how smooth her dark skin appeared. He knew he was staring, but he couldn't help himself.

"It took me a very long time." she said to the wind.

Stephen blinked, hesitating for a moment before asking her what she meant by her statement.

"It took me a very long time to forgive myself." she finally said after a few passing minutes.

Stephen waited for a while expecting her to finish when he finally understood why she said that particular statement to him. He coughed into his sleeve before adjusting his tie.

"Why did you have to forgive yourself? I was wrong for what I did to you. No amount of sorry could cover for how badly I treated you..." he started before she held up her right palm in his direction.

"I wasn't in my right mind when I came back to work after you did what you did to me. I was angry, hurt and scared, and I almost took it out on that precious child of yours, Peter. I almost hurt the child I'm kin to. The shame of my thoughts of harming the child I love simply because he looks like you was the light at the end of a dark tunnel. I knew I was sick and needed help." replied Millie.

She paused for a few minutes. Each person wandered deep into their own thoughts on the aftermath of Stephen's attack on her. Each one felt the physical and emotional pain of the aftermath.

"I never thanked you for sending me to that hospital. Thank you for providing for my care." Millie finally stated to the deep quiet surrounding them.

Stephen wasn't sure what to say, but he knew her nature and penchant for kindness and understood that her gratitude was real. He also knew that he didn't deserve any of it.

"You shouldn't have had to go through what I put you through. Thank you for forgiving me. I was wrong, and no apology could ever encompass how ashamed I am at my own behavior. You never deserved to be assaulted. You deserved love, devotion and compassion. How you are able to forgive is an act of grace that I don't deserve. Giving you anything you want or need won't ever make up for what I did, but I thank you still for allowing me to be a better man." said Stephen looking at her profile.

The two sat together staring into open night sky before their sense of smell picked up the familiar scent of an event soon to come. Within moments sprinkles from above dripped onto their heads. Stephen had a mind to get the two of them up and shielded under a nearby overhang or back into the warm and dry ER waiting room. He paused when he saw Millie lift her face toward the heavens, openly reveling in the soft raindrops splashing against her skin. He watched in quiet awe as a slow smile spread over her lovely features. He simply watched her, ignoring the soaking he received. Just as quickly as the rain started, it stopped leaving a lightly damp roadway, cars and passersby.

"Ever heard the sound of a soft rain falling on trees? Or smelled the air, really smelled the air before, during and after the rain has come?" asked Millie, with her eyes closed.

Stephen, unsure of his answer shook his head in the negative. A space of time existed between them before Millie answered Stephen's unasked wonder at her question.

"The most peaceful events in life occur when no one notices - each little drop's mission is to fall. Each leaf's mission is to allow it. The interaction of the two, multiplied to infinity, creates an act, a sound, and a smell that is and will forever be the very definition of peace." stated Millie.

Stephen shifted in his seat, still unsure where the conversation was headed, but enjoying the sound of her voice, while seeking to understand the wisdom behind her words.

"It is my desire, through this life I've been blessed with, to seek the stability and peace of softly falling rain. I actively choose to recognize the damage you did to me. I also actively choose to move forward and not let your actions affect my need for peace." stated Millie.

"My mission in life is a work in process. Realize that it took a great deal of trial and pain for me to tell ya this, but I truly forgave you long ago. What ya do with that information is solely your choice and responsibility. Mine was to let ya know." finished Millie.

Stephen nodded his head in her direction. He turned away from her, lifted his face to the sky, closed his eyes and inhaled.


"Richard?" asked Dr. Martinsen.

Richard and Charlene rose from the uncomfortable plastic seats in the waiting room of the urgent care facility.

"Kyle. What's going on with Julie?" asked Richard as he shook his golf partner's hand in greeting.

Dr. Martinsen looked briefly at the worried parents dreading the information he would have to give them.

"Richard, Charlene - let's go talk in here for a moment." said Dr. Martinsen pointing to the open door of a small meeting room off the side of the waiting room.

The couple looked at one another before Richard wrapped his arm around Charlene's round shoulders. They silently followed the doctor into a small, well lit, light drab gray room with a table and some more of the uncomfortable plastic chairs.

"Please sit." stated Dr. Martinsen as he pulled out a chair for Charlene. Richard waited for her to be seated before seating himself. Dr. Martinsen sat across from a couple that were his friends, preparing himself mentally for the difficult news he would give them.

"Richard..." started Dr. Martinsen before Richard interrupted him.

"Kyle, what's going on with my daughter? Will she be ok?" fired off Richard in rapid succession. Charlene put a gentle restraining hand over the back of her husband's hand to try to calm him down.

"Baby, whatever is going on with Julie isn't Kyle's fault. Just calm down and we'll work it out together. Okay?" said Charlene gently.

Dr. Martinsen sighed. He ran a hand over his face before it went into his thick head of graying strawberry blonde hair. He cradled his face with the same hand and looked at Richard.

"Richard, there's no easy way to say this. Julie's pregnant. Exactly nine weeks along. She's severely dehydrated, and it seems quite depressed. I gave her a sedative to help her sleep, but when she wakes up she'll be disoriented and scared. She'll need you two to be strong for her." said Dr. Martinsen.

Richard and Charlene sat stock still in shock from the news they just heard.

"Julie's having a baby?" whispered Charlene.

Kyle shook his head in the affirmative.

"We didn't know. We had no clue she was seeing anyone serious. Ever since our last..." started Charlene before Richard placed his arm around her and pulled her body closer to his.

"Rich, Char, I know. I'm sorry to be the one to break this news to you. I wish I could take it back, but it just is the truth. When you found her she was on the verge of a mental break. She needs time and care to sort out this entire thing. She's always been a strong willed young lady - you can trust that she will do what feels right and best in her heart." said Kyle.

An uncomfortable silence punctuated the room as the occupants pondered what will happen next.

"Richie, let me know what you need. I'll do whatever I can to help you all out through this." stated Dr. Martinsen as he stood to leave.

Richard stood with his friend and the two men shook hands before embracing. Kyle left the room, leaving the distraught parents to their thoughts.

"Pregnant. Our baby girl is pregnant..." mumbled Charlene into the quiet room.

"We'll get through this baby. God only knows how, but we'll get through this." replied Richard as he held his trembling wife closer before a muffled sob disrupted the stillness of the tense room.


Stephen opened his eyes quickly when he felt the shift in weight and the creaking of the bars of the outside bench he shared with Millie. Slightly startled, his cat-like eyes went immediately to his right, where Millie now stood. With the chivalry embedded in his system he rose immediately to honor her. They stared at one another for a while before he broke the silence with his words.

"I have no rights to tell you this, but I never stopped loving you Millie. I know you found it in your heart to forgive me, and I am eternally grateful for that. I know that this is asking a lot, but would you please grant me your blessing to treat you with the kindness, dignity and respect that you truly deserve? I'm not asking for your love, I'm asking to have the chance to earn your trust. I don't have any rights, but I'd appreciate the opportunity." stammered Stephen.

Millie viewed him through seemingly impassive brown eyes, surveying her aggressor. A part of her did not want to give this man the time of day, let alone the opportunity to even address her as anything other than 'Madame'. Another part of her knew that the right, and Christian thing to do is to forgive and try to navigate a way forward that would allow her soul the maximum amount of peace. Her sweet, kind nature battled against her wits. In a decision that she knew she would have to review continually, she slowly nodded her head, and stepped away from Stephen, back into the much warmer waiting room.

Stephen's heart soared. Once she was out of earshot, he rummaged through his pockets until he found his cell phone. After quickly punching in a few numbers into the keypad, he located his contact and dialed.

"Hello?" answered a soft-spoken, yet masculine voice.

"Anson? It's Stephen."

A moment of silence passed between the two men before Anson sighed.

"What's going on Stephen?" he asked

"It's about..." started Stephen

"Millie?" Anson finished his statement.

"Yes. It's about Millie." said Stephen.

"Haven't you done enough to the woman? You need to get over her and move on with your life Stephen. Date other women, and stop obsessing over this one. Shit, it's been thirty fucking years Stephen. She deserves for you to leave her the hell alone Stephen." sighed Anson.

"I know, but she forgave me." replied Stephen in a low voice.

Silence came from the other end of the phone before Anson blew out a low breath.

"She's much more amazing than you deserve." Anson responded.

"I know. That's why I need to see you again." replied Stephen.

"For what? She gave you her forgiveness, which is all that your sorry ass could ever hope for. Why do you need to see me?" he asked.

"Because I want to gain her trust, and show her that I'm not the same man I used to be." replied Stephen.

"What exactly did you say to her. Don't sugar coat this shit either. I need to know what the hell happened between the two of you." replied Anson in an even voice.

Stephen took his time recounting their entire conversation, from start to finish.

"You're an asshole Stephen Baker." stated Anson flatly.

"I already know that. I need to be a better man for her sake though. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make her see that I'm not the same man I used to be." Stephen responded sincerely. More silence came from the other end of the phone line before a deep sigh broke it.

"When do you have availability?" asked Stephen.

Anson didn't want to say that he was happy that Stephen was making progress, and moving in the right step. He didn't want the cocky son of a bitch to get it into his thick head that he knew what he was doing and risk hurting Millie again.

"This Thursday at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Don't be late." replied Anson.

"Thank you. Your office or the club?" asked Stephen.

"My office. I don't want to confuse this with a social gathering." replied Anson warily.

"Okay. I'll see you then." replied Stephen before hanging up the phone.


Charlene and Richard slowly made it into the room holding their oldest child and only daughter, Julieanne. Their steps echoed loudly on the highly polished pale tile floors. There was a slight knock and a brief hesitation as they both leaned close to the heavy wooden door to listen in on any activity behind the closed door. Hearing nothing, they cautiously turned the handle and walked in. What greeted them took their breath away.

Julieanne's once glowing chocolate skin looked gray. Dark circles rimmed her reddened wild eyes. She looked absolutely terrified. Her hands were shackled to the sides of the hospital bed. Her hospital gown was low where the heart monitors met her skin.

This was not their Julieanne.

"Da-da-daddy?" she asked, confusion lacing her sleep induced gravelly voice.

Richard stepped into the room and went to his daughter's hospital bed. Whatever panic he had in him he tamped down to produce a smile that would put his babygirl at ease. The moment the creases of his dark face turned upward, a glimmer of his oldest and only girl came through.

"Hey babygirl. How you feel?" asked her father as he sat his much larger frame on her hospital bed.

"Where am I daddy?" she asked. Julieanne looked all around the room. It was a standard hospital room, with a television overhead, white walls, a chair against a wall with shiny tile floors. A window overlooked the beautiful manicured grounds of the hospital complex. Neither of the two noticed as Julieanne's mother, Charlene moved to and sat in the lone chair in the room.

"Why do I have restraints? What's going on?" asked an increasingly anxious Julieanne. She began to pull at the restraints only to note that she had an iv attached to her left arm.

"Daddy?" she asked with tears starting to form in her large brown eyes.

Richard took a deep breath to prepare for the news that may or may not devastate his only daughter.

"Babygirl, what do you remember?" asked Richard.

Julieanne blinked a few times in thought before responding.

"I came home. I rode the bus and came home. After that I don't remember." she said. Confusion marred her facial features.