The Big Catch


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"Well," she asked.

"There is nothing about us. No law enforcement agency is looking for us. According to my contacts. We are not wanted for questioning or for any crime, which is a relief."

"It is. So our way to the Countess is clear?"

"Well Gary did say there was some chatter about us from the Russians. Natasha is trying to find us through legal channels and getting nowhere. There is other chatter between a number of vehicles all up and down the west coast. They are looking for us. I would turn that thing off and stay offline."

"Damn." Janet pressed and held the power button on her laptop. The thing went dark. She then pulled the battery out and unplugged it, slipping it back into her bag. "There, we're officially off the grid. "

"Good. We have four hours. We might want to get some rest. You go first."

"Come on..."

"No arguments, you first."

"Yes, boss."

Janet lay back on the bed and closed her eyes. She would have preferred his strong arms around her. Alone on the cheap bed, the springs poking through the ancient mattress, she felt alone and terribly afraid.

* * * * *

Janet heard her name being called, softly. She was running down a long hallway. There were lights spaced every ten yards or so. She lifted her hand to wipe the sweat from her eyes and saw she was holding a metal briefcase. No wonder she couldn't run fast. She tried to drop the case, to no avail. It stuck to her hand like glue. Then she heard her name called again. It was coming from overhead. Looking up she saw Jason's face floating in the sky.

"Hi, fancy meeting you here," she said.

"It's time to get up. Janet... Jan, Jay, get the hell up!"

Janet couldn't fathom why he was yelling at her. Then the ground was shaking.

Janet sat up in the bed, eyes wide open. She stared at Jason as he held her hand.

"What?" she panted.

"It's time to get up sweetheart."

He called her sweetheart. She smiled and nodded her head.

"How long 'til we have to leave?" she asked, stretching.

"Now, we leave now."

"You let me sleep for four hours?"

"I had to make some phone calls. We have an appointment with the FBI in an hour. Then we have to meet the Countess in two hours. A lot to do between now and then. I want you to package the diamonds and Semtex together. We'll turn the whole package over to the FBI."

"What about our diamonds?" she asked looking at him.

"What diamonds? We have no diamonds.."

"Okay, I get it."

"Keep that package separate from your big bag. There was a general store up the road, I saw it as I pulled in here, we'll stop there and get a new briefcase to put the diamonds and explosives in."

"Good idea. Then if worse comes to worse, we can dump the brief case and be off."

Janet spent a few precious moments rummaging, with Jason leaning against the wall next to a window, peeking through a gap in the curtains. Eventually, he looked back at her.

"You ready?"

"I am," Janet stood there holding her purse and a brown paper bag. Where she had gotten the bag, Jason had no idea and didn't want to ask.

"Let's go," he told her as he opened the door and looked out.

No one in sight. He led her to the car across the parking lot. They got in and drove away.

"So who did you call?" Janet asked as they drove sedately down the road.

"Gary, you heard me talk to him earlier. Then I called Frank. I wanted to call Jimmy, but...I called Frank instead. He'll call Jimmy."


"Yeah, another old friend, but we don't speak, unless we have too."

"I see. No I don't see."

"I'll tell you about him later. Now we have to get that stuff into a briefcase." They were in front of the general store. Jason hoped they had a briefcase of some kind.

What they wound up with was another tote bag like Janet's. Now at least, the diamonds and the Semtex were separate from their things.

"What did you do with the blasting caps?" Jason asked as they pulled back onto the road.

"They're right here," Janet said holding out her hand. "I didn't know if I should put them in the bag."

"No, I'll take them. Don't want things going boom by mistake."

Janet handed Jason the blasting caps, glad to be rid of them. Jason casually slipped them into his shirt pocket as they drove down the road. Jason steered the car up onto I-580 West. He accelerated to just above the speed limit. Not too far above to attract attention, yet fast enough to get them to San Francisco on time. The 580 cut up over the mountains, but it was straight and wide. Jason kept a look out for black Escalades, the preferred transport of the Russian mob. It was nice they were so predictable.

He noticed one of them about a half mile back coming on strong as they rolled down out of the hills into Castro Valley. Jason stayed on the 580 now heading north through the valley. They were twenty-five minutes away from the I-80 toll bridge across the bay. The black Escalade was now two. Jason increased his speed just a little. Janet was slumped down in her seat looking into the mirror in her visor.

"Another one just joined the other two," she told Jason.

"The more the merrier," he quipped. "Do you happen to know how much the toll is to get across to the city?"

"No. There should be a sign as we get closer."

"Yeah." Jason looked in the rearview mirror once more. The SUV's were closer. "They don't seem to be closing as fast."

"Maybe they figure we have this," Janet held up the tote with the diamond and explosives in it. "I bet they would hate to have their diamonds blown to smithereens if they got too close."

"That might be it, or they don't know how law enforcement will react to them shooting up the countryside."

"There is that."

Jason drove on. As they approached the toll bridge there was a sign.

"Six bucks. Do we have six bucks?" Jason asked.

A five and a single flashed in front of his face. Smiling at Janet he took the money as he slowed approaching the booth. Stopping he handed the lady in the booth the money. She smiled.

"Receipt?" she asked.

"Yes please," Jason told her. They would need that for expense reports.

The lady handed him a receipt, pressed a button and the gate in front of them lifted to let them pass. Jason drove off all the while checking his mirrors. Janet was also checking the traffic behind them. The Escalades finally appeared as they were entering the tunnel at the Treasure Island cutoff. The road was clear so Jason accelerated through the tunnel. As he came out the other side, he slowed back to just above the speed limit. Didn't want to have an accident and go careening off the bridge into the water.

Jason got into the lane to take the 5th street exit. As the light turned green he slipped onto Harrison Street. The going was slow. The traffic was only moderate, but there was construction on Harrison. At 6th Jason turned right. There was no construction and traffic was much lighter. He zoomed up to Market Street catching all the lights green. Turning left on to Golden Gate Avenue, he started looking for the Federal Building.

"Up on the right," Janet told him, pointing. You could see all the signs letting you know it was a government building.

Looking in his mirror, Jason saw the Escalades closing in. Two more streets. Frank had told him to turn on to Larkin Street. The Escalades were right on his bumper. Jason turned into the shaded street. Half way down there was a black SUV across the road. Funny how the bad guys and good guys thought alike. Jason slowed. The Escalades were right behind him. As all the vehicles stopped, dozens of armed men and women came out from between buildings on the East side of the street. Another black SUV roared up behind the Escalades. With shotguns and assault rifles pointed at them the men in the Escalades gave up, even though someone was shouting at them to shoot.

Jason, with his hands on the wheel, sat perfectly still. Janet, hands on the dashboard, did the same. Two agents held them at gun point, while the rest pulled the Russians out of their vehicles. An agent stepped up to the drivers door and opened it.

"Jason Schroeder?" he asked.


"You have something for me?"

"And you are?" Jason asked.

"Special Agent in Charge Alex Carmichael," the man said, flashing his badge while still steadily aiming at them.

"Then I do have something for you. My partner has it, may I?"

"Of course, but no sudden moves, please."

Jason reached down between Janet's feet and picked up the tote bag with the diamonds in it. He slowly handed it to Agent Carmichael.

"There is another part. It is in my pocket though."


Jason slowly reached into his pocket and removed the blasting caps. Agent Carmichael's eyes widened and he waved another man over to take the caps from Jason.

"I assume the Semtex is in here," Agent Carmichael said hefting the bag.

"Yes, along with about two pounds of cut and uncut diamonds. All told, probably worth two million dollars."

"And Anatoli Sokoloff too. Seems the big man wanted to personally take you down. You, Mister Schroeder have made my day." Agent Carmichael turned and waved at the SUV blocking the street. It backed out of the way. "You have a nice day. An agent will be by the hotel later today to take your statement. You have friends in high places, sir. You are free to go. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

"You haven't been contacted by a Natasha Zolnerowich by any chance?" Janet asked, leaning over Jason to look up at Agent Carmichael.

"We have. She told a story about diamonds being stolen and smuggled into the States and how you two were duped into smuggling them across country. Any of that true?"

"I don't know about those diamonds being smuggled into the country, but we were duped into transporting them from New York."

"By whom?"

"Antonio Scarletti the jeweler in New York who was commissioned to repair the Countess' necklace."

"You still have that I hope?"

"We do."

"Good. The New York office is jumping up and down about us getting Sokoloff."

"I bet. We better get going, wouldn't want to keep the Countess waiting."

"You are free to go."


"Don't thank me, Thank your friend over there," Agent Carmichael said pointing toward the FBI building.

Jason looked. There he stood, the ribbons on his chest a brilliant splash of color against the olive drab of his uniform. Jimmy Walker. Jason nodded. Jimmy nodded back and made no attempt to approach the car. Jason smiled, put the car in gear and drove away turning right at the next street. They were only minutes from the Hyatt.

"Are you okay?" Janet asked Jason as he drove down the street.

"A little tired. A little bruised. A lot relieved." Jason smiled as he negotiated the street before him.

"Me too. A lot relieved."

A few turns and they were at the hotel. Jason turned into the parking garage, got a ticket from the gate and pulled into the first spot he could find. Looking at Janet he turned the car off. They both sat there looking at each other.

"I can't believe it's finally over," Janet said, a catch in her voice. She swiped at her eyes, then grinned. "You know, we can't show up in front of the Countess like this."

"I have an idea," Jason said, opening the driver side door. Without waiting for Janet, he opened the trunk and pulled out their luggage. Janet shook her head and exited the car as well, swinging her giant purse over one shoulder.

"Mind clueing me in?" she asked, following Jason who was striding energetically towards the elevators.

"You'll see," he said, pressing the button for the ground floor. A few seconds later, they entered the light-flooded, high-vaulted lobby of the Hyatt. The concierge looked them over. For a moment, his professional plastic smile wavered before he got himself under control again.

"Can I help you?" he asked, fighting to keep his friendly facade up. Jason could understand him. Both he and Janet looked like they hadn't properly slept or showered in days, which of course was the truth. With a broad grin, he pulled his wallet from his jacket and placed one of their business cards on the reception desk.

"JJ Courier Services, you have it, we move it. We have a reservation."

"To which name?"

"Jay Schroeder."

Mumbling to himself, the concierge consulted his terminal before looking at him again. "Indeed. Suite 802. Do you want somebody to help with your luggage?"

"Thanks, we're good," Jason said, taking the offered card key.

"Have a nice stay," the concierge grumbled, turning to face a Japanese couple who were just arriving at the desk.

"Are you sure we have time for this?" Janet asked as they climbed into one of the elevators.

"I'd rather be known for being a little late than for being filthy. Bad for the company image," Jason said with a mean grin.

"As if we had one."

With a gentle ping, the elevator reached the eighth floor. Jason swiped the card key over the lock to suite 802, whistling appreciatively as the door opened. They entered a spacious room, decked out in warm beiges and dark wood. Jason tossed his bag onto a bed and searched for clean clothes in it. He caught Janet undressing out of the corner of his eye.

"How about we save some time by showering together?" he suggested with a smile.

Janet froze mid-move, her sports bra halfway over her head. Smiling herself, she pulled the item off and planted both hands on her hips.

"Save time? I'm afraid I won't be able to concentrate on cleaning up myself with you writhing against me. Nope. Five minutes for each of us. Maybe after we're done with the Countess."

"As her ladyship commands," Jason conceded. Janet flashed him a radiant smile as she kicked off her shoes. She knew she had his undivided attention, so she slowly turned around, hips swaying, and undid the buttons of her jeans. Bending over, she dropped her trousers and panties. She heard Jason clear his throat. Giggling softly, she grabbed her toiletries off the bed and stalked over to him, pressing her naked body into him.

"Since I'm in a good mood, I think I'll forgive you for Natasha," she whispered. He hugged her tight, kneading her butt cheeks.


"Under one condition. When we're done, I expect a candlelight dinner and a continuation of what happened at Rasor."

"Candlelight dinner, huh? I can do that. For the other thing... let's see how things turn out, shall we?"

Janet felt a small, fearful flutter in her stomach. Was he about to end what they had? Did they have anything at all? Or was it just a fluke, two panicked fugitives seeking warmth and solace in each other's arms? Suddenly feeling all but playful, she slipped from his embrace and fled to the bathroom.

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later, they were back at the concierge desk.

"Yes?" the concierge, this time a beautiful Asian woman, asked.

"JJ Courier Service," Janet said coolly, handing over a business card. "We have a delivery for the Countess De Laurentis of Abajur."

"Let me check. One moment please," she said, picking up a phone. A few murmured words later, she looked up.

"You are expected. Take the elevator up to the Regency Lounge, top floor."

"Sure thing. Thank you."

With Jason in tow, Janet boarded the elevator and tapped the button for the top floor. She looked at the lobby through the glass elevator walls, still trying to make sense of Jason's cryptic comment earlier.

On the top floor, they exited the elevator. A handsome African man came to greet them.

"The Countess will be here shortly," he said with a slight French accent. Janet guessed he was Tunisian or Algerian, and she found him quite the looker. Not a broad-shouldered hunk like Jason, but very fit, dark skin, not a visible hair on him.

"In the meantime, how about a drink?" he said. He spread his arms, trying to place them about their waists. Jason elegantly sidestepped him and offered Janet his arm instead. Without missing a beat, their host turned and led them to the bar dominating the center of the lounge. The glass walls afforded a magnificent view over both the city and the bay. Janet allowed her partner to guide her next to a bar stool before she slipped away from his arm. On sofas and armchairs around the lounge, several people were sitting, most of them wearing light clothing. Every single one of them was young and beautiful. Some talked, some used tablet PC's, others seemed to sleep.

"So, what can I get you to drink," the bald man asked, smiling at them. Jason ordered a glass of water, Janet a coke.

"Fabien, making new friends already?" a sultry voice asked. Jason turned his head. A gorgeous woman was coming towards them from a side room, her high heels clicking on the stone floor of the lounge. She was about 5'4" and very curvy, the sheer sea-foam-green robe she wore barely able to contain her breasts. Her hair was long and woven into an intricate braid, strands of blonde, auburn and copper intertwining for a layered look. But her most striking feature were her intense, stormy grey eyes.

"It seems these are the fine people tasked with bringing your necklace, Madame," the man, Fabien, said. "But where are my manners? Monsieur Schroeder, Madame Cameron, meet Countess Sylvana De Laurentis of Abajur."

"We are honored, milady," Jason said. Janet even curtsied.

The Countess smiled at them before her eyes narrowed.

"You are late."

"We know. There was a slight holdup before we got here," Jason said.

"A holdup taking four days? I expected my necklace back much earlier. Monsieur Scarletti said fixing the clasp was an 'insignificant bit of work'."

"Maybe it was, but having to go by train because the necklace might break—" Janet began.

The Countess cut her off with an impatient swipe of the hand.

"Why in the hell would you take a train? I didn't intend to pay you for a sightseeing trip"

"We acted per our instructions, milady. Mr. Scarletti told us there were pieces of amber on the necklace which contained air bubbles that might burst if the necklace were to travel by air," Janet explained, patient despite herself.

"Utter nonsense," the Countess scoffed. "Yes, there are amber pieces on the item, but they were deemed safe for air travel. How do you think I got here in the first place? I didn't swim here from France. I came by Gulfstream," she said, her anger replaced by a sudden burst of mirth. Jason thought she looked much better smiling than scowling.

"That sleazy bastard," Janet hissed at Jason. He nodded.

"We are deeply sorry, but we acted only on our instructions," Jason said.

"Ah, no matter. All's well that ends well, no?" the Countess asked, her lips curled in an adorable smile. Janet handed over the case and the Countess opened it, inspecting the necklace within.

"If I may, Countess..." Jason began.

Lady De Laurentis raised an eyebrow. "Oui?"

"Forgive my bluntness, but you didn't ask for the case to be guarded by explosives, right?"

"Why would I do that? This necklace is dear to me, it's a gift from my late husband," she said, elegantly crossing herself. Jason couldn't help but notice her fingers caressing her nipples through the thin fabric of her robe as she did the holy sign. "But it is hardly the Cullinan. Why do you ask, Monsieur Schroeder?"

"Because the case Mister Scarletti gave us was booby-trapped."

"Well, I only asked for a quick repair and delivery by trustworthy people. At least the latter I got." She turned to Fabien and said some quick words in French. The bald man smiled and slipped past the Countess. She affectionately patted his butt as he went by. A few moments later, Fabien was back, handing the Countess a leather-bound wallet and a gold-plated ball pen. She opened the wallet and filled out a check with quick, precise strokes. She signed it with a flourish, ripped the page out from her wallet and handed it to Janet, a seductive smile curling her lips.