The Burglar


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Within seconds, she had taken him into her, and he groaned, now unable to stop, his animal lust coming through. He growled as he pushed into her strongly and she bounced a little on the table top. She looked sideways at Tom. "Can you see sweetie? Here, let me lift my leg a little. Maybe you can see Jack's cock sliding in and out of me." She then involuntarily moaned as he pushed deep inside her and she swung her legs up to over his shoulders. "Oh God! Jeez that feels fabulous. Oh, go for it Jack; let me have it all! I need to come so badly please give it to me.." It took less than two minutes for her to crest, as she lay herself back across the table while he now pounded at her, like an animal released.

It took him only a few minutes more, to come into her, erupting in spasms that left him with shaking knees. Staying inside her, he slumped over her chest and she brought her arms around his shoulders as she lowered her knees to hang over the edge of the table. They were like that for a few seconds and she stole a glance at Tom, seething in the chair. "Umm, that was really good" she moaned. Tom was sweating and he struggled to shake himself free, all to no avail. Jack pulled out of her and stood up, moving backwards and reaching down for his jeans. Sally swung her legs together and lasciviously said "God, I'm overflowing" and slipped off the table to get a paper towel from the kitchen stand.

It was then that she noticed the kitchen door was open, with Anne leaning against the woodwork. "Christ! Anne. What are you doing here?"

"Well, for one thing, I've been watching you fuck Jack; Oops, sorry, it was the other way round, wasn't it?"

Before anybody else could move - Jack standing there stupefied; Tom wriggling with his bindings - Sally took off running. Grabbing the gun off the table, and then through the kitchen and up the stairs to the bedroom. The three remaining players were motionless. But Anne finally made the first move. "Well Jack, that was pretty impressive, but how the hell did you get Tom all trussed up like a turkey? I mean to say, is it fair that he can't move while you fuck his wife?"

"Anne, it's not what you think! Sally called because she had somebody creeping around the house. Tom's supposed to have been in Vegas at a show and she was frightened. But before I got here, she'd whacked him with their gun and started to tie him up." He paused. "You see, he has had a ski-mask on and she didn't know who the hell he was. It was me who took the mask off him and we were both shocked that it was him." He looked directly at Tom. "And the stupid idiot was trying to see if Sally & I were having an affair!" He again glared at Tom. "Which we weren't." Again a lengthy pause. "And aren't, despite what you have seen. I supposed you were looking through the window?"

As he finished, Sally re-appeared, now dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. Not speaking, she walked over and picked up her night-dress, folding it over her arm. "What's going on?" Cold. Angry. Defiant. "Why are you here Anne?"

"Well, luvvie. When Jack rushed out of bed an hour ago, I thought he'd only be a few minutes. But then I began to wonder, and worry that he was alright. And of course, he is alright! But poor old Tom here seems a bit abused if nothing else!" And with that, she moved around to walk around to him. Again, with some venom in her voice. "Tom, I'm sorry sweetie, but I've always wanted to do this." And, without any prior indication, she pulled at a corner of the tape on his mouth and ripped it off quickly.

Tom yelped and his face showed red marks where the tape had been. "Christ Anne, you didn't have to do that!"

"Oh, but darling, I REALLY wanted to see how it felt!" She paused, creating a small moue with her mouth. Now on her knees and leaning forward, she kissed him on the lips."There, let mommy make it better." She glanced down and put her right hand on his groin. "Oh My" she said. "Looks like you've got a hard-on again." Teasingly, she stroked him boldly, in front of his wife and her husband. "Let me take care of this while I'm here. You know how you love my blow-jobs!" She unzipped his pants and feeling into the gap, pulled his almost fully-erect penis out for all to see. Grasping him in her hand, she then bent and started sucking on him. The other two simply stood there, dumbfounded as Anne worked her expert mouth on Tom. Her head bobbed up and down and she made glorious sucking sounds, accentuating the lust. Tom's eyes rolled upwards.

Jack was the first to move. "What the hell do you mean 'You love my blow-jobs?' WHEN have you been giving him sex?" Pulling off Tom, she turned to look at Jack, with Sally now standing right behind him. Anne was unrepentant.

"Oh Jack! Ever since we saw you two fucking on the deck!" She paused to let them take in what she'd said. "Yes, Ever since then! Regularly, in a small hotel down in Santa Monica. Umm, I'd say every four or five weeks, whenever we had the need!" Sally and Jack glanced at each other in confusion...

"But How? Why?" asked Sally, knowing as she said it, what a stupid question it was.

Anne looked back up into Tom's face, and said to him "You know what, it doesn't matter now. Let the chips fall where they may. Okay with you?" Tom plucked up some of his courage.

"I'd rather you finish this blow-job, and THEN we can all talk." Anne leaned down and kissed his penis again.

"No deal" she said. "Let's get this over with and then we can play." She turned to stand, and with an innocent look at Sally, said "Oh Sal. Where do you keep the scissors? Are they in this drawer." And she stood, moved with a calculated stride and went to open a drawer, reaching in a pulling out a large pair of scissors. Brandishing them, she said "I remembered where you keep these." Sort of triumphantly. She then moved behind Tom's chair and within minutes had freed his hands and chest, unwrapping the tape from around him and pulling him up to stand shakily.

Jack had put an arm around Sally and they moved quietly into the family room, separated from the kitchen by a low wall halfway across the kitchen. They were both silent, sitting in chairs while Anne finished freeing up Tom. "I see there's fresh coffee" said Anne. "Shall I pour?"

Sally now on automatic said "No. I'll get some cups. Jack, do you take sugar?" He nodded 'Yes' and she laid out four cups as Anne took Tom into the family room, to sit him and herself in the remaining sofa and chair. Sally looked at her reflection in the kitchen window; this was surreal. With no words spoken she delivered cups to the others and finally went back to her chair.

Anne was the first to speak. "Come ON children! Somebody say something!"

Another lengthy pause during which both Tom and Jack sipped at their coffees. Furtive looks were exchanged until Anne, once again frustrated, said "Okay. I'll tell you both about Tom and me."

* * * * *

She looked directly at Jack, delivering a message that was the last thing that he, or Sally, would have dreamed of. "I'd woken up for some reason on our party night, and you weren't in bed. It was after and as I got out of bed to look for you, Tom was passing by our room, on the way back from the bathroom. He was still very drunk and I asked if he was okay. He said he couldn't find Sally. Did I know where you were?

"So, I walked him through our bedroom to look onto the patio. Both of us could see you both. Sally was sprawled out on her back and, well, you were fucking her brains out. That's the only way to put it. Neither of us knew if she was even alive for a moment, but then she curled herself up under you and screamed in her orgasm. This affected Tom and he clung to me, inadvertantly holding my breast through my nightie. My nipples got hard as we watched you and I could feel Tom getting hard against my backside. There was nothing for it but to reach back and hold him through his jeans; he was hard as a rock, and before I knew it, we were both at it ourselves!

"He pushed me back onto our bed and clearly, we both needed the release 'cos in no time at all, I came in a climax that had me screaming - I suddenly was afraid that you'd hear US! And then Tom followed me thirty seconds later. I was paranoid; Sally is my best friend and what was I doing with HER husband? And then, twenty seconds later thought 'What the fuck was I worried about?' Hell, you'd been bonking Sally - and what's more, when Tom and I recovered, we moved back to the window and there you were, fucking her AGAIN!!"

Everyone was silent although Tom had a slight grin on his face. Anne looked at Sally and then Jack. "Then you picked her up and walked her into the family room and I pushed Tom out the door and he went into the guest room, and if I'm not wrong, straight to sleep!" She paused. "Men! They fuck you and then fall asleep. How fair is that!" Again, a longish pause, so Anne continued.

"After that, Tom and I spoke a couple of days later. He said that he was sorry that he'd been 'so rough' with me. Hah! Jack has been a good lover, but this was different. It was as if Tom didn't care about my welfare; he was just 'rutting' - and I LOVED it! In fact, it was only on the third day and we arranged to hook up for lunch in Santa Monica, near his office, and ended up checking in to this kinda cheesy motel, but that didn't matter. We were at it for a couple of hours and all the frustrations came out.

"Yes, neither of us wanted to hurt either of you, or our marriages, but I became insatiable with him, and I think drained the hell out of him when we DID get together." She looked at Sally's face, a picture of shock now. THIS was nothing that she'd expected.

"But Anne, you're my BEST friend! How could you do this? I mean, it's not the one-off that Jack and I did, and it REALLY was a one-off. Christ, the times you've talked about Jack as a great husband, made me feel dreadful, and this is why to an extent I've never approached Jack again! Now, you tell that you two have been rutting away in cheap motels for eighteen months! How could you?" She leaned back and looked at Jack.

His face was red, either from anger or embarrassment, but he refused to look at Sally, directing himself to Anne. Finally, he spoke to her directly. "Geez Annie. What the hell were we playing at all this time?"

Sally got up and started pacing around. "I can't believe that you both were playing us for suckers. God alone knows that I've gone through hell this last year. Tom has been less than useless to me in bed although now I know why. And Anne; you and I have been out together shopping or whatever, and all the time you've been screwing Tom... Christ!!" She paused and turned to Tom. "And, YOU! Shit, you come in here after midnight, lying again to me that you were going to be home tomorrow, and you're trying to find out if Jack and I were screwing by sneaking into the house! Hah! Maybe I should've shot you! Let the damned cops sort it out!"

Tom bleated at her from the sofa. "Yeah, but you took revenge by fucking HIM on the table. Even Annie's seen you, so you ain't Miss Sanctimonious at all!" She whirled at him, lunging across to smack him, but he caught her arm as it came down on him. "Not so fast Lady!" He pulled her over the sofa arm so that she fell flat across his lap, where he proceeded to give her bottom a severe smacking until she screamed for him to stop. Jack leapt up and rushed to them, pulling her off Tom, and preparing to bash him. They were interrupted by Anne.

"STOP IT!" And they did. The tension went out of the room like a rush of air, and Sally sat back now, against Jack, squeezed into the armchair with him, ending up with an arm around his shoulder.

Anne spoke. "Look guys. I was afraid that it would all come to this, and I'm sorry. I suggest that we all go to bed - wherever you want to. I'm going home; Jack you can come with me or stay here; you guys will have to make up your minds. I'm too tired to fight anymore tonight. Let's all meet up tomorrow, calmly, to see where this goes." She stood and headed for the kitchen door when Sally called out.

"Wait Anne" who turned and paused. Both women then went out into the yard and were gone for about ten minutes. The air in the family room was tense until Jack broke the silence. "Christ Tom. I didn't know anything about this, and certainly don't want to fight anymore. Why don't we split for the evening. I'll call you later and we can maybe repair what's been damaged." And then the girls returned, Sally shivering in her lightweight sweater.

"Okay you two. We've reached a decision and it's now totally up to you. Jack, you can stay here with me if you wish; Tom, you can go with Anne and we'll all meet for brunch. It's been one helluva night and we both think that we'll need to sort out these relationships in a calm atmosphere."

* * * *

Six months later, to the Lawyers' delight, settlements were reached. Tom moved in with Anne; Jack moved in with Sally. House deeds were changed to accommodate these moves.

The only unhappy people were the neighbors. They simply couldn't understand who the hell was living with whom!

* * * *

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Many may laugh, but I personally know 2 couples where close to the same thing occurred, all except for the burgler part. I give it a 5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

After a thousand same-old, same-old, cheating stories, I liked this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

pure horse shit ,plus two whores.

chytownchytownover 2 years ago

****Cute story very entertaining read no one got hurt!! Thanks for sharing.

Ray RobertsRay Robertsabout 4 years ago
A sexy farce, if you like that sort of thing

The story is well told and nothing more than the farce it depicted. You either like it or not depending on one's expectations. The humor overtakes the sex in this story so it is not one that I would normally read, however it does not deserve all the negativity it received in these comments. I enjoyed it for what it was and I say again it was very well written and worthy of 5*

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Really, one of the dumbest stories that I have ever read. WTF were you thinking?

horny_gurl55horny_gurl55about 8 years ago

sooooooooo fucking stupid story

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
By the ninth paragraph, it was too stupid to continue. Doubt if I missed anything.

Smart enough to own a gun, but too stupid to dial 911 as soon as she knew she had an intruder? He's looking down the barrel of a Glock in the hands of a very scared person, and he's thinking how good she looks in a nightgown? She has as weapon capable of placing several rounds in his chest from 20 yards in 2 seconds, but she walks within his reaching distance. And when he attacks she doesn't fire, she uses her weapon like a rock? The only Mexican Standoff is between the author and the readers who think this story makes any sense: who's dumber?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago was difficult to buy-in to the decidedly American setting...... the midst of the decidedly "across the pod" verbiage.

If you want to dazzle, it's OK for one character to present as an

British expatriate, but at least some of the other characters have to present clearly as locals....unless you explicitly say they are all expatriated from Surrey and Downs or some such mechanism to justify the "Britishisms" that pervade your writing.

I can tell you tried....but it was not a success in that regard, really.

Some help from an editor, or some lingual modeling to "Americanize" your characters' speech patterns would be an effort worthy of you and your otherwise engaging writing.

Please understand. It is not meant as a critics, of either your writing or your stories that I lay here at your feet....but an indictment of you failure to either justify or overcome the displaced speaking of the characters and the settings you create for them.

This would be an enormous effort, I'm sure, but without some mechanism to close the breach, you will always have this against you.

I did not take the time to address any other types of concerns with the story, because in the face of this bigger dilemma, they were too trivial to bother.

Except one thing....Sally's discovery that her husband has known of her post party perfidy for over a year is not sufficient cause for her response. And Tom joining's all out of proportion against the scant justification of "we were drunk and it just happened"...... Yeah, twice.

I think Jack keeping his knowledge of their "weak moment" secret committed a far, far smaller crime than Tom and Sally's keeping their infidelity secret. The only thing in balance was that Jack and Anne got busy that same night.....and carried on. Now That would justify some angry response from both Tom and Sally. But you missed that more natural opportunity for the obvious and manufactured anger from Sally.

Um one other little bit. Tying him up while they fuck was unlawful restraint and coupled with the physical trauma from her defensive a felony.

It makes it seem a little more farce than fun fantasy.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
the 2nd phase is only temporary

now that they have shared all and switched partners and houses, all we are left with are two couple who cheated on each other, and will again.

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