The Calling of the Stars


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"All right baby... I get it... I'm your Mr. Right and you're MY goddess... and we're running out of hot water! Let's get out of here and discover life as a hapyyyy couple!"

And a glorious week it was. Everything planned was a stellar success: the excursion in Miami Beach, the visit of the Serpentarium, a round of golf, restaurants, alligators, manatees, family suppers, long walks hand in hand, two more stargazing boat trips... only the fishing trip could be considered a mild failure but, since the actual fishing was discarded for a tumultuous al fresco lovemaking session, it was a very satisfying one. Both Phoebe and Christopher's mom indeed adored Katsumi and he merrily accompanied them all on a shopping spree. Life was more than good, it was perfect.

**** Royal St. Cloud golf links ****

"Take care of my princesses, please... I'll wait for Kat here."

"Yes, sir, I will take good care of MY two daughters, thank you! ... hey, look, Chris, thanks again for being here for us... and for bringing Kat with you... she's really something else! It must be a blast serving with her in space."

"Yes, sis, it actually is... and thank you for choosing me as a godfather... even though I won't be often close by, I will really try to be a good example and a good source of wisdom. They really are beautiful, congratulations again. Anyhow, where's that cool husband of yours?"

"Inside tackling the finishing touches... I'm going to go help him and leave you to your waiting, OK? And don't run away, now! There's a family thing with mom..."

"Promise, see you inside ..." For all the hoopla about the Tomlinson clan, his dad was an extremely shy and laid back introvert, so his mom was indeed the backbone and matriarch of its current generation.

Christopher put that thought on hold as he saw a familiar silhouette arriving in a cab. Katsumi had asked to be excused from the celebration in St-Thomas Aquinas Church to allow her extra time for "some silly girly-girly idea" and, of course, he had been happy to oblige her.

She got out of the cab and walked up to him, looking like a devastatingly sensual vixen. Christopher, completely captivated, was barely breathing. Katsumi was wearing a traditional Japanese red silk short-sleeve kimono, adorned with pearls and cherry blossom motifs. For the first time, Christopher was seeing her with long, wavy hair, and they had a bluish hue added to their jet-black color. Her lipstick was vermillion and her eye line was matching her hair's shade. She was even more towering, on 4 inch black stilettos, and glowing at the sight of her beloved.

"Good evening, darling, you look very handsome tonight... I trust you had a pleasant celebration?" Normally, Christopher would scoff at his appearance in his diner jacket - his only one - but he was still mesmerized and processing a rush of emotions.

"You... you are so beautiful, honey... and you are wearing red... is it..."

"Yes, darling, it is. I should have known you of all people would grasp my personal statement. It makes me very glad. Yes, Christopher dear, I am wearing red for you and the next time I wear it, it will be at our main event. Do you like it?"

"Oh good God yes, it is magnificent, honey... thank you, thank you so much. I will love you forever too, you know..."

"Quick, kiss me, baby... and for the others, the red is for Valentine's Day, all right? Now let's go enjoy ourselves."

After the initial shock of their spectacular entrance, which quelled all sound and conversation in the reception hall for a very noticeable moment, they proceeded to enjoy themselves indeed, eating, laughing and, later, Christopher showing patiently to Katsumi the basic steps to the foxtrot. That was when Christopher finally (!) found an absence in Katsumi Miyazaki's long list of perfections. It was also the first time that the entire lineup of their former band, the E-Street Bicentenaires, were reunited since college and both Christopher and Phoebe were happy to introduce Katsumi to the other cousins forming their sextet.

Table conversation was great and uneventful. It was when his mom began a speech that Christopher quietly groaned, after watching the stage where she stood. Katsumi noticed. "What is it, baby?"

"Mom... the family thing, the instruments... baby, we have 15 seconds to run away before I humiliate myself in public!"

"You're going to play something?"

"Good question... Phoebe-Marie Tomlinson, I smell a rat!" Katsumi had never heard Christopher calling his sister by her full name... Phoebe was so startled she gave the same impression.

"Come on, baby brother... the last time anyone of us ever said no to mom, you were two years old..." she said with a very, very guilty expression.

"What are WE playing?"


"Hohooo! So I gather you've all been practicing?"

"Huh, Yeaaah... that piece is murder on the piano! Look, I would have told you, but you were busy playing tour guide, plus mom was scared you'd run away..."

"She was RIGHT..." but the sound of enthusiastic applause and whistles cut their argument short and they both walked to the stage and took their place. Katsumi realized her beloved Christopher had omitted telling her he was the drummer. While the piece started, with the traditional acoustic piano and violin intro, Katsumi looked at Christopher quietly tuning his drums and whispering to them like they were old friends. He set his partition and waited for his turn to play, alongside the guitar. It actually went quite well, and the cheering of the family clan, afterwards, took the band members by surprise.

Phoebe called for a sextet huddle. "I think they want an encore... and we only practiced that piece... what do we do?"

And it was then that Christopher, looking longingly at his beloved, decided on a stupid thing he would not regret. "We play Born to Run." He said it with authority.

Phoebe was shocked. "You're crazy! We never nailed that one even 10 years ago! Why do you want us to perform ritual suicide?"

"see Katsumi over there?"

"Sure... what's your girlfriend got to do with it?"

"She's wearing her wedding dress."

"WHAT? Are you two..."

"No, sis, even you couldn't argue me that permission... but I do want US to sing THAT song to HER and I want you all here with me! Now I'm going back there and starting a count..." and he left his band mates right then and there, stupefied, to do just that.

Katsumi, oblivious to that private discussion, cheered Christopher as he sat, made a cross sign, started his count and hammered on the snare. THAT piece would be the talk of Tomlinson family diners for years to come. Christopher dropped a stick and caught it in mid-air. There was also a broken guitar string, a mistuned synthesizer, lyrics sang out of time and quite a few panicked facial expressions. But at the end of the musical bridge, when Christopher shouted the count "1-2-3-4", it somehow all came together and cousin Bruce, the lead singer, looked straight at Katsumi for the singing of the final verse. She was moved to tears.

- I'll love you with all the madness in my soul

- Oh-oh, someday girl I don't know when

- we're gonna get to that place

- where we really wanna go

- and we'll walk in the sun

- But till then tramps like us

- baby we were born to run

The band made it to the end and was the object of a raucous standing ovation that turned into delighted laughter when Bruce was hit by a thrown bra. The identity of the groupie was a mystery to no one. Bruce handed Christopher back the bra, both men blushing blood-red, and Phoebe kissed her brother on both cheeks with very wet eyes. Christopher was still panting from the adrenaline when he took back his seat beside a gushing Katsumi. "Oh! Wow! Baby! That was incredible! I still have goose bumps! They must really jade you in music school if you take THAT performance for granted..." She was hugging him closely and, indeed, was still shaking.

Christopher soothed her with a tender kiss of pure love. "Kat, my love, you bring out the very best, and the crazy, in me. Now, would you mind walking outside with me, before mom dreams up another stunt?"

"You know I will always follow you anywhere, sweetheart. I love you."

At the entrance of the reception hall, they had the surprise of meeting Admiral Tomlinson, who was just arriving. "Good evening you two... I was told I just missed quite an event!"

"Sorry you missed it, Sir... I gather you're hopping in straight from Ops?"

"Come on Chris, it's a family thing, tonight... and, yes, you know your mom: if I missed this thing I would never hear the end of it!"

"Sorry, but seeing you're still in uniform, Uncle Joshua just seems inappropriate... it WAS quite something, though. It was good to play and see the whole gang again. I suppose we do have mom to thank for that."

"Have you seen your father?"

"Spoiling the girls... where else would he be?"

"Don't judge, young man! ... I'm waiting for my turn, you know! Well, anyway... as it stands, I also wanted to see you two, since I knew where to find you. Vepr needs urgent maintenance on her fuel injectors and she's waiting in parking orbit. I'm sorry to cut on your leave time, but we hastened the overhaul and need Lion back on patrol ASAP."

"When is the transfer flight set?" Katsumi asked matter-of-factly.

"Tomorrow at 0204h"

"Very well, Sir... we'll go say our goodbyes, pack and take a nap." Christopher replied, also very casually.

"I knew I could count on you both, thank you. Oh, hum... lieutenant, that is a stunning dress you're wearing tonight."

"Thank you Sir."

"You two do know what you're doing, right?"

Christopher answered "Of course... and we wouldn't ride the stars any other way, Sir." Katsumi gasped.

Admiral Joshua Tomlinson chuckled, shrugged and finally let them go. "All right, carry on... and be careful out there."

They both walked, hand in hand, on the cart path of the #1 golf hole, looking at the stars. Christopher had his head leaned against her shoulder and whispered. "I will miss this, honey."

"Me too." And they walked some more, enjoying their silent complicity.

"So... I'm your muse, now?"

"And you wear 36D... if anything, this evening has been instructive." he snickered.

"Silly goof!" She rubbed his scalp. To his credit, he stayed leaned on her. "I really love this place, Chris... and I still can't believe I won!" She was giggling in pure delight, recalling their earlier 9-hole round, her first time ever at golf.

"You can taunt me all you want... watching your golf swing is more than enough compensation."

"You did it again! You always make me feel pretty and desirable! And so desired! My heart is erratic near you and I just can't believe how happy you make me, baby..."

"The feeling is mutual, my Valentine... you have made me the happiest living being in the solar system this week."

They kissed passionately, both of them cupping each other's cheeks and without a care in the world, right there near the green. "Now, will you tell me what possessed you to flaunt us like that in front of the admiral, uncle or not?"

"Like I said, you bring out the crazy in me, baby... but in my defense, I don't think we fooled anyone tonight and I believe you have made a spectacular entrance into the family." He said it without banter, he obviously believed it and meant it.

"Really? You know, from what I have seen all week, your family is much more diversified and accepting than the Irish clan I somehow expected... honey, it makes me very happy to be a part of it."

"That makes two of us, my muse..." and they kissed again.

She broke the kiss to look up and she sighed wistfully. "I will miss it here, you know... I already look forward to our next extended leave. Baby, you did more than love me this week, you showed me a life I want, you made me happy with the life I have and... you changed me. Look at the stars, baby... I hear it now, I hear them calling me."

"Well then, let's not keep them waiting." After a final kiss, they turned around and headed back to the Inn, hand in hand.

**** FMM 552 - IFV Lion - patrol Moon sector ****

"Come on Chris! We only have a couple of minutes!" After giving all the diagnostics and launch sequencing instructions to Ernie and Francis, Katsumi and Christopher rushed to the gym area for their final minutes of private time before duty called. When Christopher made it past the hatch, he could not hold back a moan of amazement. Katsumi was floating, weightless, quite naked, back with her short haircut and with the nervous smile of a lover who knows she is trying to fulfill her lover's fantasy. "Well... do you like what you see, baby?"

"Oh my God, honey! YOU are the most beautiful sight in the universe! It almost hurts to watch... thank you so very much!" Christopher glided very slowly towards her, wanting to take in all the glory of her offered beauty while approaching. When he reached her breasts, both pert and fluid, he cupped them ever so gently, to appreciate the waving motion he induced. He felt an unbearable pressure in his underwear.

"Hmm! You really do love them, don't you?" She was amused, but also thrilled at the lust she could so easily induce in him.

"No, baby... YOU I love... them I worship!" He was really in on the fun, carefree and happy, and proceeded to kiss and lovingly bite her nipples.

"Wohohohooo! Baby, if you're going to turn me on like that... you are waaay too dressed for what's coming next!" And Christopher stripped, with her help, in record time. Katsumi then eagerly swallowed his cock whole, caressing his recently shaven crotch and balls, while positioning herself to give him similar access. It was as glorious as both of them expected... and indeed they bounced on walls once or twice. Christopher had dedicated himself to his fellatio and patiently, lovingly, managed to take her cock to the balls, and he was happy and proud of the appreciative moan, almost a wild howl, he pried from his beloved Katsumi. "WOOOUWOOOOOOW! Ohmigodomigodomigod OH! MY! GOD! aaaahhhh!"

But Christopher was far too excited to last and Katsumi barely had time take back his cock down her throat to swallow the ropes of cum from his orgasm. When Christopher stopped his oral ministrations to begin an apology, she melted his heart on the spot. "Not a word, baby! I love that I thrill you so much and don't worry... I know there's a lot more where that came from, stud! Now go down on me some more, pleaaaase baby! You were making me wild!"

"Your wish is my command, my love..." and Christopher got himself comfortable to absorb her entire member once more, and now Katsumi was free to moan and yell with abandon. But she was not idle, as Christopher soon felt a very welcome pressure on his sphincter, and Katsumi quickly massaged his prostate with a finger, then two and maybe more... he was lost in a deluge of sexual stimulation. All thoughts of finesse and duration were dissipated and he sucked, licked and even gently bit her cock while pushing her ass towards him, face-fucking himself. Even when Katsumi brought him to a prostate orgasm and swallowed his second offering of cum, he just kept on going, undeterred.

"Baby baby babyyyy! Ohhhh yes yes yes yes yes! HaaaAAAH! cumminnnnng!" And, for the first time, Christopher felt cum being injected straight into his stomach. And in such copious amounts, he had to keep calm in order to avoid chocking. He then saw Katsumi becoming limp, floating in weightlessness and struggling to regain control on her breathing. Each of her syncopated breath seemed to be accompanied by a soft "ohmygod" and Christopher, while listening to this lovely sound, searched for and found the lube Katsumi was using, tucked in the pocket of her floating coveralls. He coated his hand liberally.

After rejoining her, he kissed her gently and told her, with a soft voice, "remember what I promised, honey: all the parts get attention from both of us... it's your turn now..." And he kissed her sphincter, licked her anus, probed it with his tongue. Her breathing was quickening and she was already moaning softly. He inserted a finger and, after reaching her prostate, added another. He felt like going on but still had enough consideration to ask "do you want more, baby?"

Katsumi was floating on her back, looking up adoringly at the attention she was receiving from her lover. "Hooo yeaaa baby! This feels so good... give me more, please..." was her reply with calm elation in her voice. Three fingers. Four. Katsumi was wild and still encouraging him on, to his utter amazement. "Ho yea baby! Yes! God you're the BEST EVER! Come on baby! Give it all! I! WANT! IT! AAALLLL!" And Christopher, still mindful of not hurting her, managed to overcome his own trepidation and slowly started fisting her, with both a rotation and an in-and-out motion. Katsumi was yelling, with no coherence whatsoever, and couldn't stand still, which made them tumble quite a bit in the gym's weightlessness. When Christopher noticed her cock regaining stiffness, he started jerking her off as well. With a supreme effort of self-conscience, Katsumi managed to warn him "Cummmiiiinnnng!!!" Catching on, lest they wanted to clean up floating coalesced cum afterwards, Christopher rushed to take her cock in his mouth and swallow jet after jet after jet of cum. He truly was in awe of her sexual prowess, but when he pushed himself up to kiss her, he noticed she was crying.

"Katsumi, my love, are you all right? Please tell me I didn't hurt you!"

"Oh noooo, baby... no way... THAT was the single greatest sex I have ever had... whooo, I'm still having trouble breathing. I really must bring out the best in you, sweetheart, because you are THE absolute greatest lover... and you take me... to places I did not even knew existed. Now, please kiss me and tell me you will miss this as much as I will, once we go back on the bridge."

The kiss that followed wasted nothing in exploration or even tenderness, it was all passion. "It's gonna be a long cruise, baby... but I love that you're here with me and I love you with all my heart. Now, on a lighter note, I do suggest you get dressed before going up on the bridge."

"Ha! See what you do to me! You turned my mind into jelly!" And they both laughed warmly while slipping into their coveralls.

Minutes later, both professional cosmonauts were back on duty for the short burn required to patrol the Moon archipelagos. It was a little later that, after her workout, Katsumi joined Christopher, who was on watch. She placed herself behind his crash couch, started gently massaging his shoulders and kissed the back of her ears and neck. "Honeeeey, do you want to hear about the designs I have in mind for a couple's tattoo?"

Christopher slumped in the chair and purred "mmmmmhhhh, baby, it IS going to be a long cruise..."

**** November 16, 2189 - St. Cloud, Florida ****

Evelyn Bailey walked slowly in the warm evening air, taking full advantage of the fact that this evening interview was located not far from her own residence. She left Florida Avenue and turned right on Third Street, looking on disapprovingly at the bevy of net-zero-energy housing projects that have replaced the magnificent houses she recalled looking at in her grandparents' picture collection. For one thing, despite color palette variations on blind walls and foliage differences on the green roofs, these units tended to all look alike. Plus, regarding the subject of her interview, she felt that the living area was akin to that of a hamster cage... but, in the end, she knew full well her inward rant was a lost cause, architectural diversity having long ago conceded to the necessities of sustainable development, and she chided herself for being biased on things immaterial.

(Ha! There we are... 103)

She walked within the assortment of overlapping cubic dwellings, with their windows and awnings meticulously aligned with the sun's trajectory like an army platoon on parade, and she briefly looked at the well-cultivated roofs whose natural cover was interspaced between solar panels and small windmills, lazily spinning from the dying lake breeze, before searching for the main entrance. She found it between two garden areas and a playpen for small children; the security access panel came to life upon her arrival, as her biometrics and appearance were obviously unaccounted for.