Supernatural Earth Pt. 04


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"Just tell us what those things were!" one man from the back shouted.

"And where they took my wife to!" another one added.

"And my daughter!"


"QUIET!" Aden roared over top of the growing din. "Give me a minute to speak and I will answer every question in turn!" he said, his anger rising to the top. The people who started to yell again quieted down and took their seats. "Thank you. Now; I will be perfectly blunt. There is a creature, which we call a Lurker, living in the lake up by my house. It is well over three stories tall, it's older than every human on this earth put together, and there are some of us who work with it in order to keep it living and their species growing. It is the main reason this town has prospered since its founding. The natives in this area served it first and then the settlers took over later when this continent was just being colonized."

"Is it an alien?" one frightened woman in the front asked, clutching her two children close to her as if the Lurker would appear at any moment and snatch them away.

"In the sense that it's not from this planet? Yes. And don't worry, they only use humans that come to them willingly, it is not going to come out in the middle of the night and take you or your kids anywhere." Aden said, smiling at her and her kids. That got her to relax just a little bit. "Seriously; in all of the years you've lived here, has anyone, other than today, been taken just to disappear into nowhere? The Lurker has this town under its protection-"

"A lot of good it did us today!" man number two from earlier yelled again. "What has it been protecting us from exactly?"

"Vampires, Werewolves, Fae, Succubae, Minotaurs, Yetis, Nephilim, and a variety of other things that go bump in the night. That's right people; all the scary stories you heard as a kid are true." Aden was suddenly glad that James took him through a trip of the library that his stepmom maintained. "This is Lurker territory and they keep all the other supernatural creatures out. Those things that attacked the town today were genetically engineered creatures that were controlled by a group calling themselves The Hunters."

"Now how do you know that?" man number one in the back asked.

"Because they've already contacted us to gloat and to issue an ultimatum; we give them the Lurker so that they can kill it or else they're going to kill our people... or worse." Aden replied.

No one said a word for a good minute until finally someone in the back, man two, got the nerve to speak again. "So let's do it then! Let's give them this... Lurker... and get our women back!" He wasn't alone in that opinion in that there were several around him that were nodding in agreement.

Aden had expected this and already had a counter to it. He folded his hands and leaned against the podium. "And what do you think that the Hunters, or any of the other supernaturals for that matter, are going to do once the Lurker is gone?" he asked, eyeing the man. "Nature abhors a vacuum and there will be one hell of a power vacuum if our Lurker is gone. For starters; The Hunters will move in and possibly 'cleanse' this town of anyone who has helped them in the past or of anyone even suspected of helping them. It'd be the Salem Witch Trials all over again and we know this because it has happened recently."

He went on now that he was on a roll and getting used to this. "Then after they're done, and provided that they don't just take over, all the other creatures will start moving in. Vampires will move up from Metro to start looking for new hunting grounds in which to feed. Werewolves will move in from the North to establish new dens. Minotaurs might even scout out the area in search of new breeding stock. The town of Newhaven will become a battleground overnight the moment the Lurker... THE Lurker as this one is the leader of its race... leaves." Aden eyed each and every one of them. "Now, tell me, do you want to hand our protector over to the Hunters? Or would you rather declare open season to the supernatural community?" When no one said anything again, he smiled sardonically. "Your silence is reassuring."

"So what do we do?" the woman with the kids in the front asked.

"First off I want to tell you that I am going to do whatever I can to get our people back." Aden said with growing confidence. "My best friend and his wife were taken in this raid on our town and if I can help it, I am going to get them back even if it takes me years to do it. God forbid, it won't take me that long. Second off; we now need to defend this town from the Hunters who have declared war on it. That means calling up a militia per our country's laws and building defenses around the core of the town to protect it as much as possible."

He took a deep breath before pressing on. "I realize that this is a lot to take in all at once. I realize that there are a lot of you who want to pull up stakes and move on. That is your right. However, I would urge you to stay. Now that you've had your eyes opened to what is really going on in the world you will forever be looking over your shoulder wondering what might be coming next. At least here you know what's going on and here we can keep you informed. I can't promise that it's going to be easy and I can't promise that it's going to be one hundred percent safe all the time but I can tell you that it might be better here than it is out there in the unknown with all that is coming."

"We need the mayor and the town council to call up the militia though!" a new voice in the back rang out.

"Yeah but Mary was taken along with half the council!" this was a woman in the middle of the crowd. "We need to hold a special election as soon as we can for a new mayor."

"We have a quorum now," an older gentleman in the front said. "We could do an election by quick popular vote."

"Fine! I nominate Aden Parker here for mayor!" The woman with the kids called out, pointing at the podium. "He's given more straight answers in one night than any politician I've ever seen do in their entire careers!"

"Seconded!" Robert called out from the side. Aden shot him a dirty look even though he was still taken aback by the impromptu nomination for him to lead. Robert smiled and shrugged at him. "Anyone else want to run?" Robert then asked. When no one answered he stepped forward. "Then I call for a vote right now: All in favor of Aden Parker for Mayor of Newhaven, raise their hands!" he said, raising his up.

The entire town rose their hands up at once.

"Any opposition? No? Then I give you your new mayor: Aden Parker." Robert said. While everyone clapped and cheered, Robert went to the central seat of the semi-circular table behind the podium to get a bible that he brought up to Aden. "Put your left hand on the good word, boy, and raise your right hand to God and repeat after me: 'I, Aden Parker, do solemnly sear that I will perform with fidelity the duties of the office to which I have been elected..."


After Aden was sworn in, from what Samantha could see in the town hall, it was pure pandemonium as residents all were shouting to be heard by the new Mayor. Then someone ran in with a disk that they put up to play on the TV and it was a video from a man claiming to be Raymond Tullis, leader of the Hunters. "I will send one of your citizens into my own creature, every hour on the hour, to birth more monsters to hunt you all down unless you surrender the head monster to me," he had said. "I will end with your two friends here," he stepped back from the camera to indicate Zander and Christina, still in the thrall of those scorpion-things, "after making them watch everyone else go in first. You have one hour to comply before the first person goes in."

After watching the video, Aden turned off the TV and looked at his newly acquired constituents. They all looked back at him with firm, grim, resolution. "Now you see the face of our enemy. This is a man who will take everything that we know and love. If we give in to him then everything we've ever worked for is lost," he said softly. Even the men who'd had loved ones taken by the Hunters were firmly in Aden's camp now as they were the first ones to volunteer for militia duty.

Aden assigned tasks from patrols to food preparation to wall building and the entire town went to work, united in their new cause. At the very least it was to defend their homes. At most, from what Samantha could see, it was to defend the thing that was protecting the town. She made her way up to Aden, who looked surprised to see her. "What is going on and why does that man have my friends?"

"Oh, you must be Samantha. Were you even paying attention?" Aden shook his head sadly. "You picked the wrong time for a visit, I'm afraid. We are embroiled in a war that has been going on for centuries and now the Hunters have tipped the scales in their favor with... whatever the hell those things were."

"So what are you going to do?" Samantha asked. She indicated the TV at his questioning look. "The Hunters: what are you going to do about their demands?"

"Nothing... I can't... I won't," Aden said, "What the Hunters want is far more important than every single hostage they have taken... including Zander and Christina."

"So you're just going to let them go into whatever creature this guy has then?"

"If I have to, yes."

Samantha just gaped at him. "What the hell damn important about this creature that you'd let people die? Just give this... Tullis... what he wants and get our friends back!"

"It's not that simple!" Aden snapped.

"Then explain it to me!"

"You want to know the nitty gritty details?" Aden glared at her. She just glared back and nodded once. "Fine. In the lake we have a creature that is the most advanced, most knowledgeable, and is the oldest fucking thing on this planet. While we were in the primordial ooze, they were prepping this planet for colonization. When we were just primates and dinosaurs ruled the earth, they were making preparations for their colony ships to land. THAT is what we have here in this town and, in exchange for knowledge, immortality, and the most awesome fucking orgasms imaginable, we keep it safe and help it reproduce in order to keep their species going until their own kind can successful come back and reverse their sterilization!"

She couldn't help but stand there and blink at him. Part of her wanted to laugh in his face at the absurdity of it all but she'd seen those damn little scorpion-like creatures herself. "Maybe... whatever that thing is... maybe it can help."

"You want to ask the Lurker for help? By all means go up to my house and ask it," Aden said. "In the meantime, I have to get this town ready to defend itself... again."

"Fine. I will." Samantha stormed out of the hall and walked all the way to Aden and Beth's house. She'd walked farther in her life so this was a short stroll in comparison. When she got to the house, she didn't know what to do next.

[Imploring] Come to us... A voice sounded in her head.

"Uh... where?" Samantha asked, wondering where the creature was at that spoke.

[Instructing] To the water...

Samantha walked around the house and saw the lake. Curious, she walked down to the long covered dock that led out over the water. "Ooookay, now what?" she asked aloud.

[Demanding] If you truly wish to save our thralls, then come to us...

"Uhm, where?"

[Amusement] Below...


Chapter 5:

"My skin is not my own..." -Leto Atreides II, Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (2003)

Samantha swallowed hard and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Tentatively, she stepped off of the dock and into the surprisingly warm water. As she plunged in over her head she managed to keep her eyes open. Suddenly, she wished that she'd kept them closed as there were vines shooting up from the depths of the lake toward her. No, not vines... Tentacles! She nearly opened her mouth and screamed when she realized what they were.

Before she could claw back to the surface, they wrapped around her wrists and ankles. They then grew taut and pulled her down deeper into the lake. Now she did scream under the water and Samantha swore that she was going to drown. Another tentacle slapped her face once before fixating itself around her mouth and nose. Air filled her lungs and Samantha let out a sigh of relief at the ability to breathe. In the meantime, more tentacles were ripping her clothes off.

Okay... she thought in a near panic, I'm hearing voices in my head, being stripped naked, and I'm being dragged under water by some tentacles... Am I going insane?

[Amusement] No...

Great... "No" says the voice in my head. Samantha came to the conclusion that she was insane. But the physical presence of the water rushing around her now nude body, her hair trailing her in wake, and the tentacles on her body told her a different story. After a minute, everything around her went dark. She thought that she'd lost consciousness until her eyes got accustomed to the dimness around her. Then the underwater cavern that she was in lit up with a warm, reddish glow and she saw what had her.

Samantha screamed again at the gargantuan creature that had her in its grasp. The tentacle that was over her mouth and nose like a breathing mask abruptly shot something into her mouth and held it there like it was gagging her and somehow she could feel the creature's displeasure. [Irritation] You are loud... even for a thrall...

That got Samantha's attention. "I am no one's thrall," she managed to say, albeit a bit muffled. So this must be the thing that everyone around here has been talking cryptically about and it's able to read minds... Alright buddy, so my friends are captured, what are you going to do about it?

[Remorse] Nothing... the creature sensed her newest tirade coming up and silenced her. [Anger] We cannot do anything directly...

That's ridiculous! What is it that you do then?

[Educating] We research... We experiment... We learn... [Informative] We plan for the future of our race...

Then learn for a way to save the people who cover for you day after day! Samantha screamed in her mind, the absurdity of a creature living below the surface of the water. "I have two friends who are captured by people holding them for ransom in exchange for YOU and I know that they're both going to die rather than give you over to them. If they die, I know that there are going to be two more people, at the very least, who will be mourning their loss so how the hell does that fit into your goddamn plans now? HUH?"

Glaring defiantly up at the creature now, anger and rage replacing fear, she continued on. "You have fucking monsters coming into town and kidnapping people! Why don't you make some goddamn monsters of your own to combat them or something?"

[Sorrow] We cannot leave this place... [Regret] It is not the time for our emergence... [Informative] We cannot risk it...

"Some fucking badass you've turned out to be!"

[Imploring] But you can...

"What?" That stopped her next rant cold. "M-me?" Samantha asked. "How?"

[Informative] We can augment your DNA with our own in order to give you abilities that surpass that of even our favored thralls... [Educating] We have obtained Angelic Seed from a donor and we have been experimenting with this for just such a contingency... [Sorrow] As the process is now, regrettably, you might not be able to bear young in the future...

That was a hard pill to swallow. Samantha could get the ability to save Zander and Christina yet lose her own ability to have children of her own in the future. Then again, I fucked up Zander's future once already and if I am greedy once again then he won't even have a future, she thought bitterly.

It weighed on her but she came to a decision that she felt was right in her gut. It took her all of five seconds to come to a decision. "Alright, I'll do it."

Without responding, a tentacle shot out from the creature to embed itself up into her pussy. Samantha arched her back and yelped at the sudden, forceful penetration. Then a single large blob traveled down the tentacle straight for her. Even if that didn't strike her as odd, the fact that the blob was actually glowing a bright white and yellow light was strange enough.

The glowing blob reached her pussy and forced its way up inside of her. It squeezed itself into her where it then exploded into her womb. Samantha screamed at the sudden hard orgasm that came with it. Her body squirmed and jerked uncontrollably in the grasp of the creature before falling limp. Holy fuck... no wonder everyone in town likes this thing...

Then there was a strange, but warm feeling welling up in her belly. She could feel something inside of her moving around. The tentacles holding her, as well as the one up between her legs retracted as whatever was inside of her struggled to get out.

Two pink tentacles shot out from Samantha's pussy, each of them traveling down a leg. It gave her minor, orgasmic shudders as they came out. They wrapped around each of her legs and then began to stretch to completely encase her skin. At the same time another one stretched from her pussy backwards to imbed up into her ass. Samantha let out a cry of alarm as her back passage was roughly invaded as far in as it would go. It then morphed and stretched to start covering her buttocks, thighs, and lower back.

Then a fourth tentacle came out to shoot from her crotch all the way up to her mouth. The breathing tentacle broke away from her face and the pink tentacle from her own body replaced it. It went into her mouth, down her throat, and dove all the way down to her stomach. It widened and started to encase her breasts and even slid over her taut nipples, moving to their contours rather than pressing them down. More tentacles branched out from the main ones, morphing, stretching, expanding, and conforming to every fold of her body until she felt like she were completely encased in a rubber or latex body suit with a few dildos inside of her... a feeling that she was intimately familiar with thanks to one of the fetishes that her ex had. Even her entire head was covered save for maybe her hair as the pink tentacles seemed to have stopped at her hairlines on top of and behind her scalp.

Her lungs burned for air as Samantha had instinctively held her breath the moment the breathing tentacle was wrenched away. She churned and writhed in place in the water and she realized that the creature had released her. A mental command so clear pierced her mind. [Commanding] BREATHE...

Unable to hold it in anymore, Samantha gasped for air and her lungs filled up. She blinked, surprised that she was able to breathe normally. She looked down at her body that was now shimmering like a pink body suit. Pink? Why pink? She thought. I'll stick out like a sore thumb like this. The moment that thought went through her head, the color faded and changed until she couldn't see her body anymore. WOAH! What the fuck?

[Curiosity] Interesting... [Educating] Your body has accepted the augmentation quite well and is responding to your neural pathways... [Informative] Even now your neural synapse has attuned to our own in a connection that surpasses that of even our favored thralls...

I bet you're getting a kick out of this.

[Amusement] Indeed as this is fascinating... [Informative] We do not know the full extent of your abilities as this is new for us...

So no user's manual... great. What do you expect me to do?
