The Dangers of Glory Hole Dating Ch. 02


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All day Mike worked away at the house, exerting the same feverish energy that had driven his mother to tear half of the house apart in the first place. He moved boxes and left them half finished. He hung paintings, then simply left the ones without hooks waiting for them leaning against the wall where they would eventually go. He put varnish on the dining room chair, but never came back to check when it was ready to be reassembled. And all the while he mourned his losses – first his lover, and now potentially his sister too.

It was late in the evening when Mike started to get concerned about Grace. He knew she was meant to finish at around 6pm on Sundays, and it was now getting close to 9. He knew she wouldn't want him calling, but he couldn't sit still or relax. Unable to contain his worry any longer, he resolved to call their cousin Lily instead.


"Lily, it's Mike."

"Michael...hey." She sounded awkward, probably because of how they last parted ways, long ago at the costume party when he had first realised his dream girl Jessie was actually his flesh-and-blood sister Grace.

"Hey. Umm, listen, do you know where Grace is? She was supposed to be home by now and I'm just getting a little worried."

"Oh, yeah, I'm not sure..." Mike knew his cousin, and he could tell she wasn't sounding right.

"Lily, what is it? Is she ok?"

"Well, I mean, she isn't not ok, if that helps."

"Lily...where is she?"

"Mike I don't know what's going on, but I'm worried about you both. I think you need to give her some space –"

"Lily." She stopped and Mike pressed on, a little more firmly. "Grace is my sister, and I care about her, and I know you only want to help but this is between me and her. She's not acting like herself, and I don't know what to do about it, and now I don't know where she's gone. You have to help me." Lily was a long time in replying, but Mike could almost feel her turning over to his side.

"She...oh god Mike I'm sorry."

"Lily what's happening? Is she safe?"

"Mike...Grace is...she's at the bar." Mike's blood ran cold. No, she wouldn't.

"How long?"

"I don't know, she left here half an hour ago I think. I'm sorry Mike, I didn't know what was going on."

"And what is going on, Lily?"

"You love her, don't you?" Lily asked. Mike didn't deny it but he didn't answer either.

"I'm going to get her." Lily didn't try to stop him, but he could hear the uncertainty in her voice.

"Hurry, Michael." He hung up and grabbed his keys, racing for the car. As he jumped in he received a text message from Lily.

- I hope you know what youre doing...both of you

So do I, Mike thought.

When Mike got to the bar he ran inside and scanned the crowd. The place was fairly packed, with people both standing and sitting everywhere. Looking along the bar he couldn't find Grace, and he started to worry again, when suddenly, there near the back of the room, he saw her.

She was leaning against the wall next to the dark, unlit hallway leading to the glory hole booths out back. A young guy with black messy hair was leaning in close to her, his hand propped up against the wall beside her head, his other hand holding an almost empty beer. Her long blonde hair was still tied up but several strands had come loose, and her top few shirt buttons were open. She held her own half-finished drink, something vivid blue and undoubtedly alcoholic judging by the way her eyes were unfocused. She had stains down the front of her white blouse and black skirt that suggested she had spilled at least one drink on herself earlier tonight.

As Mike watched, the guy with the greasy hair reached out and rubbed her shoulder like a perv, pulling her shirt open a little. He leaned in close and whispered something to her, and whatever it was it made Grace look over her shoulder to the dark hallway, uncertainty on her face. As she looked, the guy's hand moved over her drink without her noticing. Mike seethed with rage and pushed his way through the crowd. The sleaze was starting to nudge Grace towards the hallway when he caught up to them.

"Hey!" he called out. Grace looked up from her stupor and her eyes widened when she saw him. The sleaze trying to hit on her saw him too.

"What?" he spat.

"You keep the fuck away from her," Mike went right up to them and took Grace's drink away, setting it on a table. The guy had a guilty look on his face, while Grace looked desperately sad.

"You'd better watch yourself," the guy shot out, trying to keep tough and avoid a discussion over the drink, which had started to fizz slightly.

"No, how about YOU watch yourself ass-clown!" Mike shouted, grabbing Grace's arm and pulling her behind him. "People like you should be thrown into traffic." The sleazebag didn't take too kindly to Mike interfering with his night's efforts.

"Man, fuck you. I'll do whatever the fuck I want. And she ain't your property."

"The hell you will. And no, she's not my property – she's my partner. And she is perfect. You don't even know the first god damn thing about her. You don't care about her at all, and you only want one thing from her." Grace had shrunk backwards, looking wide-eyed at the exchange before her.

"You don't deserve her. I love her with everything I have, and I'm not about to let some shifty little punk like you fuck with her life, you hear me?" Mike took Grace's hand and turned around to storm out of the bar, bringing Grace along beside him. As he passed the barman, who had noticed the altercation, he glanced back over his shoulder.

"Spiker," he said loudly. The barman nodded, setting his glass and rag down with a firm hand, moving out from behind the bar. Much like the outlaw the bar was named after, the owner was not to be messed with. Mike continued to push through the crowd with his sister's hand clasped firmly in his.

Grace said nothing all the way to his car, climbing in and staring down at her lap the whole way home. Mike wanted to say something to her, to ask why she went out that night, to know what she was doing talking to a guy like that, and a dark part of his mind wanted to ask if he had been the first, but he didn't know how to even start, and he was afraid of what she might tell him.

When they got home Mike parked in the driveway and helped Grace, who was looking woozy and exhausted, out of the car. She stood up tiredly, but instead of storming away from him in anger she reached out and took his hand again without a word, her fingers interlacing with his. Mike didn't complain, leading them both into the dark and empty house.

Grace took the lead as they mounted the stairs, pulling him along to his bedroom where she started stripping off her clothes before he could stop her. Wearing nothing more than her white lacy underwear, she pulled her hair tie out and shook her hair loose, crawled under his sheets, curled up in the middle of the bed and fell asleep within a minute. Mike briefly considered carrying her to her own room or sleeping on the couch, but in the end he was too exhausted to deal with the sad emotions that would come from that, so he just unclothed down to his boxers and t-shirt and climbed in beside her, drifting off just as quickly.


In the morning Mike felt an erection beginning to build as he lay body to body with his sister, the gorgeous little woman he had fallen in love with, but unlike last time he kept himself in check. At some point in the night Mike had woken up to find Grace had rolled over and snuggled into his chest, still curled up tightly, her hair brushing his chin. He had gently wrapped his arms around her and her body had relaxed at his touch, uncurling slightly as a peaceful look fell across her sleeping face. She had rolled over a little and pressed her bottom against him, letting him hold her around the waist as they slept together.

In that moment, Mike had come up with a simple idea which had rapidly spread to a full blown plan to win her over, to convince his younger sister that what they were doing was alright, at least in their own eyes. If it didn't work, he was prepared to leave her forever, no matter how hard it would be to do. But if it did work...Mike was too nervous to consider all of the possibilities, but the first that sprang to mind was the idea of that spare bedroom going to waste.

Mike could sense Grace stirring beside him, so he slowly eased his body away from hers, intent on giving her some space, but she reached out and clutched his hand tightly, pulling it over her side to rest on her naked belly and not letting go, keeping him close. Mike didn't complain, enjoying the feeling of being wanted. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked over he shoulder at her face.

Grace's eyes were closed, but she was definitely awake. For a minute Mike admired his sister and how beautiful she really was. Her long blonde hair glowed in the morning light, her chest rising and falling as she breathed deep, her pink lips closed softly. Her bra was attractive but modest, pushing her lovely round breasts together but not emphasising them too much. The sheets had pooled around her waist, where his arm was resting on her belly. He admired the smoothness of her skin, the angles of her figure like he had never done before.

And he admitted to himself, being completely honest, that everything was made all the more interesting to him because she was his sister, and he had seen her in swimsuits that showed off this much of her before but never truly appreciated the view the way he did now. That made it more special, and he soaked it all in.

My girl, he thought to himself. This amazing girl – this woman – is with me.

"Morning," he said, trying to sound casual.

"Mhm," Grace murmured back. Maybe she was still half-asleep, or just emotionally wrecked like he was, or even both. Mike couldn't tell.

"Big night, huh."

Mmmmm." She seemed very noncommittal, but that was probably to be expected. At least she didn't seem upset with him. Mike relaxed next to her, lying back down again and smiling, enjoying the cuddle. Grace slowly shifted a little and he felt her bottom rub against his crotch as she pushed back against him, her lower back touching his belly and her bra strap resting against his chest. When she was fully and firmly pressed against him she settled again, and Mike smiled even wider.

They lay like that for another few minutes before Grace's phone went off, sitting in the pocket of her skirt on the floor. Mike pulled away briefly, his groin still nestled against her bumcheeks, and pulled her clothes up onto the bed, offering her pocket across. Grace reached in, her hand brushing his as she fetched her phone, and she answered it in a tired voice.

"Yeah...oh, Lily." Mike froze, wondering what she would say to their cousin. "Yeah, yeah he found's alright, just a bit of trouble with a guy at the, no you don't need to worry...I'm safe, Lily." Mike's heart beat a little faster, wondering if she was saying she felt safe just for Lily's sake or for his, considering the last time they were lying in bed together she had wished she wasn't there.

"Yeah, I'll call you later alright? Bye." She hung up and dropped the phone, snuggling into her pillow and sighing quietly. Mike decided it was time to venture into the silence.

"I have an idea," he whispered to her, his cheek on her shoulder. At last, Grace really responded to his presence, lifting her head and rolling over slightly to face him, wriggling so that the side of her body was right up against his chest. Her green eyes opened and stared at him questioningly. It was odd, he decided, looking into those eyes with his hand on her partly-naked body, but in a very good way. It felt more natural than anything he had ever done.

"What do you mean?" Mike took a deep breath.

"Dinner," he said. Grace frowned at him, shifting against him. Even through his t-shirt Mike's skin tingled from the contact.

"No, Mike, breakfast. I like pancakes. Then comes lunch, and sometimes there's brunch in between them too..." Grace said it with a straight face and Mike smiled, shaking his head. At least she seemed more stable this morning.

"No, I mean – Grace I want to take you out to dinner." Grace's face faded into a frown.


"...wait what do you mean no?"

"I don't want to do that."

"I think you do."

"No, I really don't." She said it with her usual strength but Mike could tell her resolve wasn't all there, considering she was snuggling him in bed. She was absolutely thinking about it.

"But you haven't heard my amazing rationale yet." Grace sighed and rolled her eyes, turning her head away from him. That look would have bothered him in the past, but now it was almost cute. Things sure had changed.

"Ok, fine. Why do you want to go to dinner?" Mike tried not to smile too much, knowing he had her curiosity.

"I want to get to know you, at a restaurant, on a date, exactly the way I would have if Jessie had been here." Grace frowned and stared back at him again, already not liking the idea of going out somewhere.

"We would get dressed up properly," Mike quickly continued, his hand subconsciously rubbing her naked belly. "We would sit down to a proper meal together, and just think about what we knew before, back when we wanted to get to know one another better." Grace looked down at the sheets in thought, the same ones Mike slept in every night, knowing she had already been in them more than once. One of her hands had dropped on top of his arm and gave it a rub, but she wasn't stopping him from moving back and forth, his fingers brushing over her skin.

"Why?" she finally asked. Mike took a deep breath.

"I fell in love," he replied. Grace blushed and turned away but said nothing. "It was with a girl I sort of knew, but who hadn't actually told me anything about herself. Not where she works, or what she does." Grace winced.

" know all that, Mike..." Mike nodded.

"Yeah, but, I mean, I don't know you. I know who you are, what your name is, where you come from, but I want to know the real you. I want to know all of your hopes and dreams, what you want to be after you get out of uni, where you imagine you'll live, assuming you meet the right rich and handsome man to let you pick and choose." Grace cracked a small smile.

"I want to get to know my lover, not my...well, not someone else. My lover," he repeated. Finally Grace glanced up at him sideways, with a sad but hopeful look on her face. Her hand slid down his arm and rested on top of his.

"You really want to do this?" she asked timidly. Mike nodded firmly, his hand pressing against her stomach gently.

"I do. I want to learn everything there is to know about you. I can't wait any longer. I need to get to know the girl I fell for." Grace looked into his eyes for a long time, not breaking contact, as the siblings sat together in Mike's bed. Her golden hair was gleaming in the sunlight and her soft skin glowed, even where her slight tan lines from her clothes showed up on her shoulders. She looked beautiful, Mike thought, lying next to him wearing just her bra and panties. Her hand squeezed his.

"Ok." Grace whispered. Mike's heart soared.


"Ok," she nodded. "You get your dinner. But on one condition." Mike was about to leap out of bed and dance around the room with her, but he held it together and tilted his head.

"Go ahead." Grace's eyebrows furrowed.

"You're my brother, and this is our family home. I'm going out to dinner tonight so you'd better not disturb me today, I'm in no mood." Mike nodded energetically, then relaxed a little.

"Sure," he said offhand, his fingers sliding over her abs to her side, tucking into her hip and ever so slightly pulling her closer. "Fine, I'll just do my chores then." Grace nodded, her hand sliding up his arm to his bicep, letting him roll her from her back onto her side, her bra pressing against his chest.

"Good, because I won't be here all day to help you; I'm going back to campus in the afternoon to get ready for this evening, which means you have to keep working on the house by yourself. You promised Mum, remember?" More nodding from Mike, feeling Grace's knees touch his.

"Yes yes, sure ,whatever. But, umm, Grace..."

"Yes, Michael?" Her feet intertwined with his.

"Umm, well the thing is," he mumbled, playing along even as his hand slipped down her back, fingers lifting the hem of her panties. "I've actually got a thing on tonight too, so –" Grace tilted her hips forward, her bottom sticking out as Mike's hand entered her underwear, cupping one of her small fleshy bumcheeks.

"Ugh, alright fine! I'll at least do the dishes before I go, happy?" he nodded once more and, finally, Grace smiled. Mike pulled Grace's groin towards his with his hand on her ass and shuffled his upper body closer to her, leaning in for more as his fingers stretched out for her asshole and the stretch of skin between it and her pussy, but he was promptly stopped as Grace threw the sheets back in his face and got up, her chest brushing past his face.

"Now! If you'll excuse me," she said, hopping off the mattress and striding confidently across his room in her underwear, "I need a shower." Mike stared openly at her as she waltzed out, her bottom swaying to and fro along with her long golden hair. Mike pressed his hand to his forehead and breathed out slowly. Back to sibling rivalry then. He had barely enough time to grab a pair of pants to wear when Grace poked her head back in.

"And Mike...stay out of my room!" she shouted, dropping her bra and panties on his bedroom floor and slamming the door shut behind her.

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200K200Kover 1 year ago

Dang... no chapter 3?

ManningDP69ManningDP69almost 2 years ago

Okay where is the rest of the story??

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

To bad there is not more

wdhill2wdhill2almost 3 years ago

This story could go further if you're just looking for sex and I think this story ends brilliantly where it is if you're looking for a love story. If this was an avant garde love story, you'd be happy with creating your own ending. Yeah, the author could tell us more, but who wants 3-64 more chapters of the characters just angsting and having sex with no character development. (Ok, maybe one more chapter if the author can visualise the same character arc that I can.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
What happened

Good story please finish

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This story was made in 2016 and never got finished. That's super unfortunate.

JacktacularJacktacularover 3 years ago
So sad

This never got finished

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wonderfully well written characters, they feel real and it's impossible not to get invested in them

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very good

I really like the story and that you develop it and that it wasn’t all sex and I could get invested with the people in the story I really hope you continue it thanks for the great read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Please continue this story

This is honestly my favourite story on this entire site (and the only one I've ever left a comment on) and I'm far too invested to let you end it here. So, eh, don't stop writing please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Became too melodramatic in this chapter, his monologue in the bar was outright cringeworthy, quite a disappointment compared to the first chapter which was both hot and entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Okay, but some serious flaws

First off, to the guy talking about the e-mail address, the author said in the first chapter he was using a secondary, fake e-mail.

Now to my problems. Grace and Lily are both total whore cunts (literally whores). I especially dislike Lily. When she told him not to go back to the bar without explanation, if it had been me, the conversation would have gone differently.

Such as:

"Who the fuck do you think you are? A 19 year old CHILD who has never had any responsibilities, and her only worries are about getting to a college party on time, is going to tell a 23 year old grown-ass man, who works his ass off to make sure his mother doesn't become homeless and his sister can study in college with almost zero money left over for himself, what he can or can't do with his own free time? And if there was a conflict of interest because you "work" at the bar and worry about a male family member going there, you would choose your WHORING over his little happiness in his life? Go fuck yourself."

Now for Grace:

Their mom said it was a "long trip" to not stay over at the house, but Mike easily made the trips to the bar in not that long of a time where she also frequented, and in several months time, she not ONCE visited her family. She told "James" that she loved him, but on the night they first had sex, she also told him she didn't have much time because there was a really "important party" she had to attend, and she was ALREADY drunk. She has her priorities all fucked up. There is no such thing as an "important" party, and even if there was, what kind of person chooses a drunken, meaningless party over her supposed love? She's definitely future "Loving Wives" material. Also, in every sexual encounter besides the initial BJ's, she's the aggressor, but puts the blame on him for everything. I don't see what Mike sees.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Fantastic story line. Please let me know when you continue story.

Great story line!

caryzfieldcaryzfieldover 5 years ago
Awesome story

Please don't end there. Keep going. I know they can't get married except In one or two states, but please get them to be together forever and with kids.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good! Deserves more chapters!

How did he not recognize his sister's voice?

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