The Empath Cycle: 2001 It Takes One - Book 1


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"So, did you like your morning snack, sweetie?"

"You're a cruel woman, you know. It's a good thing I love you so much."

"Sorry. I thought it would make you happy."

"It did! It did! But I almost pulled it out of the paper bag before I realized what I was holding. I would have died of embarrassment if anyone had seen it."

Patricia laughed. "I was wet all morning thinking of the face you would make when you found it. I had to make myself come twice before I could walk out the door. It was bad enough yesterday when you sent me home to wait for you and I had to masturbate on the metro because I was so turned on. At least there weren't many people in the car then"

"I had forgotten about that. I'll have to tell Jade she was right."

"About what?"

"She said you would do it before getting home since you were told not to touch yourself once there."

"The minx! I'll have to find a way to get back at her for telling on me."

"I'm sure you will and I'm also sure she will love it."

"So, what did you do with your surprise?"

"I gulped down the snack and almost ran to the bathroom. First, there was no free stall, then I was afraid to do anything in case someone heard me. I ended up only savoring your sweet aroma until somebody knocked on the door to ask me if I was all right. I couldn't wipe myself clean because I kept creaming more. I ended up using one of the pads I keep for emergencies or I would have had this big wet spot on my pants. Then, I spent the rest of the morning fidgeting on my chair, but maybe it had something to do with the fact that I kept sneaking a whiff of your soiled panties when nobody was looking."

"I'm glad I made you happy. So you like the scent of my sweat and cream mixed together?"

"Is that what it was? I thought it smelled more pungent than yesterday."

"Yes, they're the panties I wore while exercising this morning and, when I thought about you naked in our bed, I couldn't help myself and I masturbated... on the weight bench."

Sylvie was silent for a moment.

"Did you mean that?"


"The thing about me being naked in... 'our' bed."

"Yes, I did. I've been thinking about it a lot this morning. I've even called Jade to ask her if I wasn't going too fast and risked scaring you away. She laughed and said that from both of our reactions last night when you left, she wondered why I had let you go in the first place. Her exact words were 'You two have been together for days if not weeks or months. She loves you and you love her. So, what's the hold up?'"

They held each other and cried tears of joy. They didn't dare do more as they were at Sylvie's regular table in the cafeteria of the university and they were too new as a lesbian couple to be comfortable demonstrating their love to each other in public.

"I've noticed you talking to teachers a couple of times and you seemed on pretty good terms with them."

"Yes, sweetie, I know the dean and many teachers from the time I helped set up the scholarship program. Why?"

"Something strange is happening at the firm where I work. First, the project I've been working on for a couple of weeks hasn't been reassigned when I missed half of last week. I thought there was a time factor, but I guess I was wrong about that. Second, I've found quite a few errors in the original design. Some of them were really stupid mistakes and they could have been typos, but others were basic design flaws. I mean, if a mere technician like me can spot them, wouldn't the engineer in charge of the project have noticed them?"

"You would think so. What did you do?"

"I reported them to my supervisor. The strange thing is that she didn't seem surprised. She told me to do the corrections and to make a note of each in the file."

"That's unusual for sure. I'll ask around. Many teachers were in the private sector before coming here, so they may have some insight."

"Thanks. It's been bugging me, but I didn't know who to ask."

"We'll really have to work on your assertiveness. You know exactly what the first step is: ask a teacher."

"Believe me, I know how screwed up I am. I'm working on it one step at the time. I found myself the best girlfriend, didn't I?"

"You're right. I know her. I've been having sex with her since I was a teenager."

"I forgot about that. You've got issues too."

"That's right, love. Everybody has their own hang ups and we all have to find our own way to deal with them. In my case, you had to teach me to be a lesbian and in a few days, I've had sex with more partners than in the last ten years combined."

"You're getting to be a regular nympho, that's for sure."

"I'll always be hot for you and, as long as you're okay with it, I don't mind playing with Jade and Karlie but I'm not interested in expanding this circle of partners."

"Me neither. I've never had a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for that matter. Now that we are together, I wouldn't want to jeopardize our relationship just for the sake of a fling. As far as I'm concerned, sex is fun if it's with someone you love. Jay and Kay are part of the family, so that's okay, but I have no interest in anybody but you."

"Speaking of sex, are we going to my place or yours tonight?"

"I don't mind, as long as you are there, though, if we look at it practically, my place is closer to the university and yours is nearer where I work. We could alternate depending on our schedule early in the morning. On the week-end, though, I wouldn't mind if we stayed at your condo. The bed is better and I'm dying to try your spa."

"I had the same idea. You'll have to give me your work schedule. Here, I stopped on my way this morning to get this for you."

Patricia rummaged in her purse and extracted a small package wrapped in gold foil paper with a red bow.

"You shouldn't have bought me a gift."

"You'd better get used to it, but this one is special. Stop staring and open it."

Sylvie's fingers were shaking as she carefully undid the bow and the wrapping paper. Within was a jeweler's box, the kind in which they put rings. She left it on the table, afraid to open it. Looking up, she saw Patricia grinning.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"Probably not. Why don't you open it?"

"I'm not sure if I should."

"All right then. Let me make this official." Patricia picked up the box and got down on one knee. "Sylvie, darling, I love you and... mi casa es su casa, my love." In the box, on the velvet, was a door key.

Sylvie was speechless. She tried to respond, but no words would come out. She looked at the key, at Patricia, then back at the key. Finally, she opened a side pocket of her knapsack and brought out a small package, wrapped in red silk paper with a heart drawn on it in gold ink. She handed it to her girlfriend, a wide smile illuminating her face.

"I didn't have time to go to a jeweler, but I love you just the same."

Just as carefully, Patricia unwrapped the package and, in a small handcrafted cardboard box with hearts drawn on all six faces, was another door key. She was stunned too.

"I... You..."

She lunged forward and embraced Sylvie, crying in happiness. Tears still flowing on her cheeks, she kissed her with all the passion she could muster. When they came up for air, she rose to her feet and shouted, loud enough to be heard to the other end of the cafeteria.

"My name is Patricia and this beautiful woman is Sylvie. She is my girlfriend and I love her with all my heart."

To both of their surprise, this declaration was greeted by a thunderous round of applause. The whistles and catcalls seemed to come equally from men and women.

For the rest of the day, people would come to them with heartfelt congratulations. Sylvie was profoundly embarrassed at first, but, gradually, it dawned on her that she was accepted as a human being, at least in this particular segment of society. The blushes were replaced by smiles as she held her head high in pride for probably the first time in her life.

"Do you want to pick up some take-out on the way or is your larder in good enough shape to feed us both?"

"When I went out Saturday, it was to get some groceries, but I'm sure I can feed you well if not in style. On week days, I normally eat a light snack, then spend an hour at yoga before doing homework. I eat again while working on that. Finally, I meditate before going to bed. I suppose we're going to have to make some adjustment to our respective habits."

"I'm told that's what people do when they are in a relationship. It shouldn't be too hard in our case because we share the same workload. The rest are details. Could you teach me yoga? Since I don't have access to my gym equipment, I could do that on the nights I'm at your place."

"Sure. I'll show you the basic postures for now. You'll have to get a leotard. I usually do it in the nude, but it may not be practical for you. You might want some support for those beautiful breasts."

"I have one at home. I'll bring it over next time. For tonight, I'll try it naked like you."

"We'll see how it goes. At least it'll be fun to watch."

"My sentiments exactly, sweetie."

Patricia had turned to lock the door when she was roughly pushed against it and a hand across her eyes blocked her vision. Her heart accelerated and her whine was cut off by a husky voice growling in her ear.

"Shut up, bitch. You think you can tease all you want without consequences. I'm here to show you different."

This time, her whine was cut off by a pair of pungent panties stuffed in her mouth. She felt faint as blood rushed to different parts of her body.

"Don't move. Don't turn around. If you see my face, I'll have to kill you."

The hand left her eyes and the body that had been pressing her to the door went away, but she didn't move. Her eyes shut tight, she did as she was told. She was trembling like a leaf when, seconds later, a piece of cloth was tied over her eyes. Rough hands snaked around her to unzip her coat and pull it off her. Her single-breasted jacket and blouse followed in short order. She moaned when the hands grabbed her breasts.

"I knew it! You tried to hide it with your business-like clothes, but you're wearing a naked-look bra. You are such a slut." Her already hard nipples grew even harder as they were pinched and tweaked brutally through the thin material.

Her aggressor took off her bra, pulled her hands behind her back and tied them securely with another piece of material. Then her loose cargo pants were pulled down.

"That's no underwear for a lady, slut. This piece of cloth barely covers your snatch and the thin twine leaves your ass bare. There's only one thing to do with it."

The G-string was removed and placed over her head so the small triangle of material covered her nose. Her knees threatened to buckle under her as her mind reeled at the smell being added to the taste in her mouth on top of the aggression she was enduring.

Again, the body pressing her bare skin against the wood released her. She heard zippers sliding, fabric ripping, buttons flying all over the place, and the body was pressed on hers again, but now naked breasts pushed hard nipples against her back and a bald and very wet vulva was grinding on her tied hands.

"You are a slut. You know it and I know it. For now, you are in my power and I can do what I want with your body and there's nothing you can do about it."

If she had any coherent thought left in her mind, she would have reveled in this fantasy come to life, but after the first few minutes, she had found herself caught in the moment. She was attacked by a stranger and there was nothing she could do to defend herself. She was about to be raped and she was powerless. In fact, she had never felt so vulnerable in her life. She whined piteously and tears welled, soaking the blindfold.

A hand grabbed her hair and she was roughly shoved to her knees.

"I heard what you shouted today, dyke. You love to eat pussy, don't you? Well, here's one for you."

The panties were pulled from her mouth and it was shoved against a bald, heavily leaking pussy. She was afraid that she would be hurt if she didn't comply with the demands of her rapist, so she tentatively extended her tongue.

"Come on, dyke! You can do better than that." She felt a sharp sting as her breast was slapped, then another as the punishment was repeated on the other side. "Suck my cunt, slut. I can slap you all night if you prefer. Or is that it? You want me to beat you."

Her head was at an awkward angle, but she licked the flowing cream, trying to reach all along the cleft and as far within it as she could. She sucked on the pearl as the hands in her hair pulled her head up and mashed her mouth on it.

"That's it, slut. Suck my clit as if your life depended on it."

She was mad with fear as she obeyed the orders and endured the abuse shouted at her. She also felt her ears burning with shame as her own body responded against her will. The stinging on the delicate flesh of her breasts coupled with the pendulum swing stretching them as she moved, caused her nipples, sensitized by their previous harsh treatment, to harden almost to the point of pain. Worst of all, she could feel her thighs getting wetter by the minute as her vagina contracted spasmodically and expelled an abundant amount of lubrication.

Again her head was shifted and mashed against the leaking sex. It was held firmly in place. She felt her rapist quiver and grunt as she got what she wanted from her. Licking and sucking avidly so she wouldn't miss a single drop of the flowing nectar, Patricia shook and moaned as her own orgasm took her.

She didn't have time to catch her breath. She was pulled to her feet by the hand clutching her hair. Shoved on her knees on a couch, she couldn't control her fall because her hands were tied behind her and her hanging breasts mashed against the rough fabric. Her knees were spread, her ass offered obscenely to her attacker as a hand pushed down on her back to make it arch.

She heard weird noises and grunts, then the rough hands were back. A series of sharp slaps rained on her cheeks, alternating from one to the other.

"You are such a slut. You came from eating me, dyke. Now, let's see how you like getting fucked."

Patricia felt a hard object probing the entrance of her vagina. "Noooo! Please, not that. Don't do.... Mumphhhh!" The soiled panties put a stop to her pleading as they were again shoved in her mouth. The invading probe was pushed in her gaping hole with a single thrust. Once it was deep within her, the muscles which had previously relaxed to welcome it greedily clamped down to hold it in place.

"You like that, don't you, slut? You want my cock in your cunt."

When she only whimpered, an even harder slap than before hit her. "Did you hear me, whore? I asked you a question. Do you want my cock in your cunt?" In fear of further violence, she nodded her head, her words of acquiescence muffled by the gag. "You want me to fuck you fast and hard." Again, when she was not quick enough to answer, a stinging slap goaded her. She nodded vigorously, hoping to appease her tormentor.

The hard plastic cock began to thrust in her. There was no tentativeness, no gentleness, no loving in the thorough assault. This was fucking by a rapist getting off on the power exerted on a helpless victim. Out of her mind with fear of what would become of her when her attacker was done with her, with pain from the resounding slaps raining on her abused flesh and the savage twisting and pulling of her nipples, her body nevertheless reacted to the pounding she received.

She was seconds away from a massive orgasm when the thing was pulled out of her spasming vagina. Whimpering her need, she thrust her hips backward, trying to recapture the invader, to no avail. Then her ass was slapped repeatedly. Her mind, associating the pain with pleasure to come, changed track. She stayed put, quivering in anticipation. When the cock returned to her vaginal entrance, it was accompanied by another forcing its way in her anus.

"Nnnnn! Mphhhhhh!" The well lubricated second cock gave her no chance to resist. Inexorably, it forced its way in. Once the cocks could go no further, the breasts pressed on her back and the dreaded voice was in her ear.

"I'm gonna fuck you like you deserve, cunt, and you're gonna love it." Her dangling breasts were struck repeatedly. "I said you're gonna love it, slut."

Patricia nodded weakly, certain that this was the end for her. Her rapist could not do worst to her than this last ignominy. Or could she? With one more set of slaps on her now sensitive breasts and more twisting and pulling of her nipples, the rape resumed. The movements were slow at first as her muscles resisted by contracting on the invaders. Then the thrusts gained momentum to resume the previous hard and fast pounding.

When her orgasm swept through her, she trashed all over the place as her body convulsed and her primal scream was barely muffled by her gag.

"JADE! I THINK I HURT HER REAL BAD!... No, she's not bleeding, but we played her rape fantasy and I think I went too far and now she won't come out of it. I was going to call the ambulance, but I called you first. I don't know what to do... Yes... It's apartment four. The door is unlocked. Please hurry."

When she wrenched the door open, Jade found her mother in her lover's arms. Sylvie was shaking hard, tears flowing freely on her face and she was whimpering weakly. She looked at her with wild eyes, sobbing deeply at her helplessness.

Jade took in the pieces of clothing strewn by the door, the two scarves, the smallest of G-strings on the floor by the couch... and the double-cock strap-on. She almost grinned as she imagined the scene that had unfolded, but she knew better than making light of Sylvie's very real fear that she had hurt her lover seriously.

She was moving to the couple when the door almost hit her in the back. Karlie pulled up short of colliding with Jade.

"You get Sylvie, Jay, I'll take care of your mother."

Jade had trouble prying Sylvie from Patricia. She finally applied a small amount of pressure on nerve bundles to make her release her lover. She had to physically pull her away.

"Nooooo! Let me go! I've hurt her! What have I done! I'm a monster! I deserve to die! I want to die!"

It took all of Jade's strength to restrain her when Karlie knelt before Patricia and gave her a hard slap across the face, calling her name. When she saw that her eyes were still unfocused, she hit her again, and a third time.

Patricia stiffened for a second, then slumped, a quivering, sobbing mound of flesh in Karlie's arms.

Jade held Sylvie for a moment. "See, she's all right. I'll get a cold washcloth. You go to her and tell her you love her." She let go of the shaking woman warily, unsure of her reaction. When she saw she was standing on her own, she rushed to the bathroom. She had a washcloth under the cold water tap when she heard Karlie's shout.

"Jay, come back here!"

Running to the living room, she saw Sylvie with her clothes and coat bundled in her arms opening the door and stepping in the corridor. She reached her as she was about to step on the stairs. Planting herself in front of Sylvie, she blocked her way. The woman stood still, looking blankly at her as if she didn't understand why there was an obstacle where none had been a second before.

Putting her arm around her shoulder, Jade gently steered her back to her apartment. "You can't go out like this, baby, it's too cold."

Whining, Sylvie lifted the bundle to show she had clothes.

"Yes, baby, but you're not wearing them and you forgot your boots. You'll freeze in minutes."

When they were back in the apartment, Jade locked the door and removed the key from the deadbolt lock to prevent a recurrence of the fugue.
