The Goddess Ch. 01: Arthur

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Arthur had lived a life of pain before he discovered a book.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/19/2019
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Chapter 1

Arthur replaced the last panel on the antique boiler that serviced the huge library building. Struggling to his feet he shuffled around on his misshapen legs cleaning up the mess he had made fixing the wreck of a boiler. He was only twenty five but he moved and looked like a much older man.

The genetic lottery had played a cruel trick on Arthur when he had been born. His mother having seen what she had brought into the world abandoned him at a children's home and he never returned. He was born with a deformed left foot, a right leg longer than the left by several inches and a deformed shoulder. As he grew into a child he was also extremely ugly and was turned into the butt of many jokes at school. One by one the children at the orphanage were adopted but no one had been willing to take on Arthur.

With all the concentration from the doctors on his deformed limbs, no one noticed the small cleft below the boy's testicles. The doctors had been unable to do anything to improve his deformed bones or his face so from about ten the boy had steadfastly refused to see the doctors at the hospital, all they did was hurt him not help him. The orphanage was unwilling to force him to undergo treatment mainly because the paperwork involved put the staff of the orphanage off, after all it was just wasting money that could be used to care for several other children.

As Arthur grew the tiny cleft began to change and not willing to trust the doctors he decided to find out for himself what was happening to him. At twelve he was considered by his teachers to be intellectually retarded. He sat quietly at the back of the class and tried to fade into the background, to be noticed would bring more teasing and bullying. In reality Arthur was very intelligent and spent most of his spare time in the library absorbing knowledge like a sponge.

Arthur's research taught him that he was an hermaphrodite. The condition varied from case to case and he wouldn't be able to tell how fully his male and female organs would develop until he matured.

Fortunately he was prepared when he had his first period at thirteen. He didn't tell anyone and quietly stole homemade sanitary napkins from some of the older girls in the home or made them himself once he had seen a few. As his body matured he soon found out the latest trick nature had decided to play on him. His vagina had no clitoris and was too small, he found it only extended for about inch into his body. He had always assumed that his penis would at least be normal but found that his foreskin had fused with the head of his cock so that it was impossible to retract and caused him considerable pain whenever his penis tried to get erect.

By the time Arthur left school his teachers still thought him stupid but he had read a lot of the open books in the large library in the town and had managed to read quite a few from the closed section of the library that held material unsuitable for the masses. It was when trying to get into the closed section that Arthur found he could manipulate small things. Once he understood how a lock operated he could make it open by just thinking of tripping each lever in the lock.

This gave Arthur a new direction for his research, into the paranormal. Over a few months he found that if anyone knew how this talent worked or how far it could be trained they were not putting it into print. And no matter how hard Arthur concentrated he could never move anything very large and even small objects sometimes gave him a headache lasting several days.

While Arthur was continuing his research he heard that the old caretaker was retiring soon so he went to see the head librarian to find out if he could have the job. The Head Librarian was reluctant to give the live in position to a sixteen year old kid and decided to give the boy a trial for six months, three of which would be working with the old caretaker.

Arthur started working and living at the library in the spring of 1929 at sixteen. Within three weeks he had repaired the coal feed to the boiler in the basement which had stopped working over a year ago. The Head Librarian was so impressed Arthur kept the job.

The library closed at 6:30 every night and all day on Sunday. Arthur put this time to good use, after he had cleaned through and done any maintenance tasks his time was his own and he spent most evenings and Sundays reading. Arthur had ventured out of the library a few times and had soon retreated from the stares and taunts he had received.

During his stay at the library his rooms in the basement had become a library in itself. He had collected books on many subjects over the years but he kept returning to one particular volume. The book was slim, containing just eight pages written on what he was sure was human skin. Despite having an entire reference library at his disposal Arthur had been unable to identify the script or decipher any of it. There was something maddeningly familiar about the closely written text that kept Arthur returning to the book again and again to try to work it out.

Cleaning himself up after his work on the boiler Arthur returned to his room and settled down to work on the book again. As he opened the book to stare at the indecipherable text he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

When he had first moved in to the basement of the library he needed somewhere to sleep. He and the old caretaker had cleared a storage room of old crates. The caretaker said he thought they came from an expedition somewhere but wasn't sure. Intrigued Arthur had returned to the crates where they lay at the back of another store room in the basement. Investigation of the crates showed that they had been shipped from South America. A quick look in one of the chests showed pottery with weird markings packed in straw.

Arthur suddenly realised where he had seen the script in this book, it was on the ancient Aztec remains. Cursing himself for taking so long to recognising it Arthur took his book and lumbered off to find the chests.

Arthur spent most of Saturday evening pulling out the contents of the chests, finding the script on several objects he carefully put them to one side to examine later.

Around midnight Arthur hit gold, he found the notebooks of George Serith, the expedition leader. Taking them back to his room Arthur spent all night reading the books. By Sunday morning Arthur had read about how Serith had worked using several old south American languages to translate the language. By working out how these languages had evolved from the ancient script he had found he had been able to trace the languages back to reveal the meaning of the ancient characters.

Arthur was impressed at how Serith had worked out a language that pre dated the Aztec civilization by hundreds of years. Eventually Arthur came across what he had hoped to find, a complete key to the characters of this truly ancient language.

Using the key Arthur was able to translate the little book he had found and by Sunday afternoon he had completed the translation. What he read seemed to be a ritual to summon a goddess of this ancient people. Exhausted he fell into his bed and slept. His dreams that night were filled with erotic images of a glowing hermaphrodite goddess. In his dreams the goddess took his body in every orifice making him cum all night.

Arthur woke in pain from his damaged penis. His sheets were wet with sweat and his cum. Arthur had never been able to stand the pain of an erection long enough to cum but last night he had covered the sheets and himself in his spunk. The cold damp bed wasn't very comfortable so in agony Arthur clambered out of bed and stripped the damp bedding away.

After an hour or so the pain in Arthur's cock passed off and he was able to move around more. Taking care of the few jobs he had to get done that day he settled down to re-read the book and see what he would need to carry out the ritual.

Most of the things he needed were easy to get hold of, candles, chalk and some herbs. The problem came with getting the last item on his list. Arthur had to find a virgin, the text indicated that this was a sacrifice but didn't give any real detail as to the part it played in the ritual so Arthur decided to try the ritual without one.

By Wednesday night Arthur had gathered everything required except the virgin, well he was a virgin as well, but he guessed it was meant to be another person. Three nights of passionate dreams had left him with a sore cock and a sense of frustrated anticipation he needed to summon the goddess or try to forget about it.

That night after the library had closed Arthur swept through his cleaning tasks like a whirlwind. By nine o'clock he was back in his basement and spent a couple of hours laying out the largest room as described in the book.

The scent of candles filling the air Arthur lit the brazier he had managed to find, its smoke adding to the hazy atmosphere. Arthur carefully burnt the required herbs in the order listed and recited the prayer to the goddess that he had memorised.

An hour later a dispirited Arthur quenched the brazier and snuffed out all the candles. A resigned sigh escaped him as he began opening windows and clearing up. He should have known nothing would happen, his life was what it was nothing would ever change it.

A depressed Arthur went to bed knowing he would wake up to another morning of pain and drudgery.

His dreams that night were similar to the last few nights with just one exception. He was dimly aware of another presence there with him loving the goddess.

Thursday morning Arthur awoke with a new determination. He had thought that the virgin sacrifice was unnecessary but now he was certain it would work if he could find one.

As he worked that day he pondered how to get a virgin. With his looks there was no way he could tempt someone down to his basement. And anyway anyone willing to accompany a man alone down into a cellar wouldn't be the type of woman he needed.

By evening he was no closer to an answer. Still mulling over the problem he started his cleaning duties. When he got the Ancient Civilisations room he saw Miss Cleave still at work at her desk.

"Good evening Arthur. How are you, I haven't seen you all week." She said cheerfully as he entered.

"I'm fine Miss, how about you. You're working late tonight." Arthur answered pleased to see her.

Miss Alice Cleave was in charge of the history sections of the library and looked as old and dusty as most of her books. The old spinster was the only person who ever engaged Arthur in conversation and always seemed pleased to see him. They had become good friends over the years and as neither of them had anyone else to talk to they often spent hours talking after the library had closed.

"I had a delivery of books donated by Lord Trenen. I hear his new wife wants to turn his library into a drawing room and ordered him to get rid of those 'dry and boring relics'." Alice chuckled as she told him.

"That's lucky. You've often mentioned he had an impressive library." Arthur was pleased for his friend.

"Yes, they are beautiful books but I'm going to be here late tonight and tomorrow night getting them all catalogued if I am going to get them out for the weekend."

"Why do they have to be done for the weekend. Surely it won't matter if they go out gradually over the next few weeks." Arthur asked puzzled.

Alice grimaced. "His lordship and his wife are visiting the library on Saturday morning to view their donation to the people."

"Well I had better let you get on. See you tomorrow." Arthur said as he went to go into the corridor.

"Thank you Arthur. See you tomorrow." Alice said already moving on to the next book she had to catalogue.

Arthur moved away in thought. He was pretty sure Alice would be a virgin. She mentioned once falling in love, but her father hadn't approved and sent her away to be a governess. From chats with her over the years she was certain that there had never been another man in her life.

Smiling to himself Arthur decided on a course of action for tonight. Packing away his cleaning cart he went to his basement room.

Putting the kettle on Arthur pulled a box from under his bed. Opening the box he took out a small phial. About a year ago Arthur had been having problems sleeping due to the pain in his deformed joints. Unwilling to allow another doctor to examine him he broke into a chemist shop and stole several painkillers and sleeping draughts.

Arthur made a pot of tea laced with some of the sleeping draught. Laying out a tea tray he carried it upstairs.

"Um, hello again. I thought as you were here late you might like some tea while you're working."

Alice looked up and smiled warmly at him.

"Oh Arthur, you're so thoughtful. Thank you my dear, just put the tray down there." Alice indicated the only clear spot on her desk.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you." Arthur said embarrassed at the compliments.

"Not at all my boy. Thank you so much I really could use a cup of tea, would you join me."

"Um, I only brought one cup." Arthur said without thinking.

"No problem, I think I've still got one here from this afternoon. I can use this one and you can use the cup you brought. Come on be a dear and give an old lady some company for a few minutes."

"Thank you." Arthur pulled up a chair and sat trying to work out how he could get away with not drinking the drugged tea.

Alice carried on making small talk and sipping her tea. After a little while she began to look a little drowsy and shook herself awake.

"I must be tired" She said. "I almost drifted off then, drink up Arthur you've hardly touched your tea."

Under her gaze Arthur had no choice but to take a mouthful from his cup.

He was soon feeling light-headed and watched dazed as Alice kept sipping her tea. Something wasn't right but his fogged brain couldn't make the work out why.

Arthur found himself draining his cup as her voice echoed in his head.

Suddenly he made the connection and knew what was wrong. His cup was empty and Alice's cup was still full. He felt sure it should be the other way around.

"You, You havn' drun' you're tea' Arthur slurred his words as he began to slump forward.

"No dear, you must have lost your sense of smell, mine is still perfect and I can smell whatever you put in the tea. I pretended to sip in a ladylike manner. Now why would a nice young man like you try to drug an old lady like me. I doubt it was for sex, I can't see you being interested in this old carcass. Mmm. Speak up boy before you drift off."

"Uh, rit... ritu... ritual, bring god... god... goddess."

Alice watched as Arthur fell asleep at the table.

"This needs looking into, I think I need to have a look at your basement my friend."

Alice struggled with the limp body and finally got Arthur onto a book cart. Once there it was quite easy to push him to the service elevator and reach Arthur's basement.

Taking Arthur to what looked to be his room she struggled again with the heavy body until he was draped across his bed. Beside of the bed she saw a book and recognising the script on the covers grabbed it quickly and opened the book. Her practiced eye scanned the familiar script. Laughing she nudged Arthur.

"So you found the missing pages from the 'Prayer to the Goddess' did you. Someone must have removed these pages and bound them separately. I always wondered my copy didn't quite make sense."

"So where were you going to perform the prayer then."

Alice wandered off and looked in several rooms before finding the large store room with the intricate design chalked on the floor.

Returning to Arthur she spoke to the sleeping figure.

"Well done lad, it's laid out perfectly. The only thing you got wrong is that the Prayer can't be performed by a man. Of course in your copy it doesn't say that. And it also doesn't say that it has to be performed naked."

Alice struggled to sit the sleeping figure up and began to remove his shirt. She was surprised to find tight bandages across his chest. Alice patiently unwrapped her sleepy charge and dropped the bandages in amazement.

"Nice breasts for a young lad." she murmured.

Arthur's breasts were a good size, probably larger than her own had been at that age Alice thought. They were crisscrossed with marks from the bandages. Several sores marred the breasts, probably from spending too much time tightly bound up.

Alice gently teased one of Arthur's nipples and was surprised when it reacted to her touch. She couldn't resist leaning dawn and softly sucking on one of the turgid nipples.

Alice sighed, it had been years since she had last caressed a pair of beautiful breasts. She had enjoyed the company of three women before her father caught her playing with her maid. His puritanical rage had frightened her and her maid. The maid was sacked and Alice was sent off to work as a governess in Scotland. She had been nineteen years old when he had sent her away and from that day to this she had never even kissed another person.

Alice's sigh was tinged with regret this time. Fifty one years wasted. Now she was alone and old.

Well she wasn't actually alone at the moment and she couldn't stop caressing Arthur's firm tits.

Eventually Alice pulled her hands away and carried on stripping Arthur.

"Oh my, it looks like you truly are one of the goddess's people." Alice breathed as she looked at Arthur's small penis and testicles. Beneath them she could just see a damp vagina.

Having stripped him Alice went and got soap and cloth and bathed the sores on Arthur's breasts.

Having cleaned him up as best as she could Alice pulled him back onto the trolley and wheeled him into the room that had been laid out for the prayer.

Placing Arthur and the trolley at the correct place Alice quickly stripped off her clothes, thankful that the room didn't contain a mirror.

Before long Alice was confidently chanting the prayer she had been practicing for years.

After about ten minutes of chanting Alice noticed a pale bluish light coming from the centre of the chalked design.

"Why have you summoned me woman." the voice was stern but softly melodic. Alice fearfully looked up and saw the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. The tall figure of the goddess was perfectly formed. Large breasts rode high on her chest not giving in to mortal gravity and sagging like Alice's. Lower down a huge monster of a cock hung down between a pair of open labia. Alice looked further up to see her face and found it obscured by the blue light she had seen.

"Mistress I am sorry to call upon you. I have wanted to call on you ever since I first read your prayer. That was for myself, I desired to be young again and to re-live a wasted life."

"Not a noble reason for bringing me hither. But understandable considering your life. But it was you who wasted it. Why should I give you anymore life to waste."

"Mistress I know that it was unworthy, that was the main reason I didn't call on you. Of course I was also missing some of the text as well. But many nights I laid out the sigil and determined to call upon you, only to erase it and retire old and alone."

"But I have found someone else who is truly worthy of your attention. He, I mean she is named Arthur and is one of your own."

The goddess turned her attention to the sleeping figure.

"Oh my child what has happened to you." the goddess whispered.

Turning back she addressed Alice.

"Know you this. There are so few of my people left that much of what happens in this world is hidden from me."

"My chosen one has wasted her opportunities and her life, though it has been many times as long as yours. The chosen one to come after her will be different, that much I have seen."

"Until the day she comes I have little power over your realm. I can bring my imperfect child into her own. But do you know the purpose of the ritual you have used to bring me here."