The Good Doctor: Retaliation Ch. 01


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Not in the mood for a round three, Trapjaw turned away from Slade's touch, "The only ones left are you, me, Engineer, and M1mic. The Corps outnumber us two to one and I already underestimated them once."

Slade used her powers to dress herself in her regular black leather bra and leather pants. True, the Party was outnumbered, but she knew the Good Doctor would whittle that number down sooner or later. Unlocking his rage was only step one; now she needed to encourage it. While Trapjaw was away treasure hunting, Slade would pay a visit to her old pale the Doctor.

"Fine, go collect the gem; I've got better things to do anyway." Slade pouted.

"Just remember, you promised me the world if I freed you." Trapjaw growled as he headed toward the door.

Slade smiled, "And you'll have it, we just have to remove any threats to our claim first."

Trapjaw left without another word and Slade narrowed her eyes at the door that he had just disappeared through.

"World domination...what a child." She rolled her eyes and dematerialized.

Slade reappeared in front of a very startled Engineer. He was staring at a TV screen and had tried to hide it when Slade appeared.

"Been spying on us again?" Slade asked, "Not that I mind an audience..."

"No...never...just for safety...Trapjaw is not to be trusted." Engineer stammered, the diabolical mad scientist was always reduced to jelly in the presence of true power.

Slade smiled, "Oh, I know not to trust him." She walked among the workbenches in Engineer's new lab, "In fact, that's why I'm here."

"Anything I can to help!" Engineer groveled.

"Take the helicopter to Sydney Enterprises. When you get there, destroy M1mic."

"Destroy...but...we need him!"

"Not anymore. Whatever backroom deals Trapjaw is making with corporations end now. I have bigger plans than owning 90% percent of the world's wealth. Money means nothing to me."

"It's not about the money, it's about the power! I assure you."

Slade had heard enough arguing for one day, "You will do as you're told!" She yelled, using her power to lift Engineer off the ground by his neck, "And you will do it without question!" She gave his neck a squeeze.

"Yes...please..." Engineer squeaked.

"Next time either you question me I will squeeze the life out of you." She dropped him, "You and Trapjaw are nothing but tools for me to use at my pleasure. Cooperate, and we can share in the rewards but if you get in my way I will crush you."

Engineer nodded as he rubbed his neck, "May I just ask one question?"


"If money and power aren't what you want...what is?"

Slade smiled and clapped her hands. The entire room erupted with the sound of breaking glass and clanging metal as the items strewn over the work benches suddenly flew into the walls.

"Destruction!" Slade laughed and disappeared before Engineer's shocked eyes.


The Dallas City Hall was brimming with activity when Wraith, Brick, and Hax walked through its front doors. Clearly the presence of the Corps outside their city had the municipal government in quite a tizzy. Police officers, FBI agents, news reporters, and public officials swarmed the main lobby of the large, ugly, concrete building. It took some time before people started noticing the out of place trio. One older looking police officer recognized Wraith.

"That's Wraith!" He shouted, eliciting a murmur of recognition among the older members of the throng.

Activity slowed as word spread of their new guests and more than one person made a beeline for the door. Soon all eyes were on the intruders, waiting for them to make their next move.

Wraith spoke up once all eyes were on her and her companions, "I would like to see the Mayor."

"Not a chance." A gruff looking security guard had soldiered his way through the crowd. With his shaved head, thick build and tall stature the guard looked the part of a fearless protector of peace, but when he caught sight of Brick's hulking mass he seemed to shrink six inches.

"I promise we only wish to talk." Wraith assured, though she thought that may have come off as threatening.

"I'm sorry Miss, but you and your friends are going to have to leave." The guard said, his hand resting on his gun.

"If you don't take us to see him, we'll have to just find him ourselves." Wraith concluded, her eyes flashing purple briefly to hint at her power.

"Let them through." A voice said, "Like I've been saying all along: these are the good guys." It was the older police officer who had initially recognized Wraith.

"Thank you, Sir." Wraith said to the man, "At least someone here remembers the good we have done for this city and countless others."

"Can't say it was all sunshine and daisies," the officer said as he made his way through the crowd, "But you guys saved our asses more times than I can count." He stopped before Wraith, his eyes absent of fear or apprehension, "I'll take you up to see the Mayor."

"You are too kind, Officer..."

"Ian, Ma'am."

"Thank you, Officer Ian. These are my fellow Corps members, Hax and Brick."

Officer Ian shook first Brick's and then Hax's hands saying, "Nice to meet the next generation of heroes."

"Nice to meet you too," Hax said, "Can we go now? These people look ready to lynch us."

"Yeh, this way." Ian said, "Make way!"

The four of them made their way through the sea of people. All the police and FBI agents carried firearms, but none made a move to stop the Corps as they neared the elevator.

"Our reputation precedes us." Brick whispered to Wraith, hefting his giant wrench onto his shoulder.

"Yes, but is it a reputation we want to have?" Wraith whispered back.

These people had once been on their side. They had begged her and the other original members of the Corps to save them from the threats of evil not thirty years ago. Now they were treating them like terrorists and Wraith would couldn't help but resent them for it.

Once the elevator doors closed, Wraith could hear activity erupt inside the lobby. The noise dwindled as the elevator started its accent.

"What are you doing?" Brick asked Hax, who had taken apart the elevator's control panel and was fiddling with the wires.

"Preventing them from stopping our accent." Hax explained.

"Good idea, Hax." Wraith said encouragingly.

Ian was silent the whole thirty seconds the elevator was in motion but spoke up when they reached their destination, "You three go ahead now. I'm going to go back down and try to control the angry mob."

Wraith nodded once, "Thank you, Ian. I was beginning to think everyone hated us, but you proved there are some people who still believe in us."

"A good man doesn't forget what others have done for him." Ian said as the three exited the elevator into a hallway with a set of double doors at the end.

"And we won't forget your help." Wraith smiled.

Ian returned the smile as the doors to the elevator shut once more. Wraith and the others turned and made their way down the hallway, weary of any security they may have run into. When they reached the double doors, Wraith opened them with her power and the three entered the Mayor's large office.

Mayor Molly Black was seated behind a huge oak desk reviewing a stack of official looking documents. She wore a dark grey pants suit and her light blond hair framed her face with large, flowing curls. Although very attractive, the people of Dallas hadn't voted for Mayor Molly because she had a pretty face. Hard working and tough, the city had largely benefited since she was voted into office and the people loved her.

Molly looked up from her documents with a bright Texas smile, "Hey there! I was just reading up on y'all."

Wraith didn't know what to make of this greeting so she proceeded cautiously, "We are only here to talk."

Molly stood and gestured to three chairs at the front of her desk, "Please! Sit down! I have been waiting for y'all to show up for a month!"

"You're friendly." Brick said as he wasted no time in pulling up a chair.

"Against my advisors' wishes, I assure you." The Mayor laughed, "I've been getting calls from the FBI, Homeland Security, and the President herself! You'd think I was harboring Al Qaeda here in Dallas."

"But you know better?" Wraith tested as she glided over to take a seat next to Hax and Brick.

Molly sat down again and placed her palms flat on her desk, "Listen, people in this city seem to have forgotten about the good you guys have done. Everybody remembers the destruction of Las Vegas, but no one remembers the liberation of Los Angeles."

Wraith thought back fondly on how she and Giovanni had single handedly defeated a group of Slade's followers who had taken over the city of Los Angeles. It had been one of the earliest battles of the War and rousing victory for the Corps. The defeated group was the first to call their side "The Party". When asked why they chose that name they had said, "Because killing all those humans was the best party we've ever been too."

Molly's voice brought Wrath back from her musings, "The Corps was a force of good in America for many years. Before the rise of the Party crime rates were almost non-existent! A small group of your members in every major city was all it took to keep the peace."

"That was before everyone was killed..." Wraith said, suddenly sad.

Molly gave Wraith a look of genuine empathy, "I know it's hard for you to remember those days, but I'm here to tell you that I'd like them back."

"Back?" Hax asked, "What do you mean?"

Molly's smile returned as she held up a folder that had been sitting to her right, "In this folder is your salvation."

"We don't need your salvation." Brick said not unkindly.

"I know you don't NEED it, but I'm offering it anyway." Molly said, "We both know you can benefit from my help."

"Thank you, Mayor, but we didn't come here for help; we only wanted to reach an understanding. We don't harm you and you let us do our job." Wraith said.

Molly's smile slipped and she resumed a business-like posture, "The only way you'll be able to do anything unhindered is with the cooperation of multiple branches of the United States government." She leaned in towards Wraith, "Back when you," She consulted her papers, "Giovanni, and the others first formed the Corps you had the support of the Dallas municipal government behind you. From there it took off and your organization became stronger than the dang military! I'm offering you a second chance here...don't make the wrong choice."

Wraith thought for a moment. Perhaps what Mayor Molly was offering was worth considering. If they had the support of the government once again the Party would fall before they gained any real strength. As far as Wraith new the only members were Trapjaw, Engineer, and Slade. Without support from those in charge, the Corps wouldn't be able to maneuver freely and the Party would always be one step ahead. Wraith had come to City Hall to make peace with the city and it appeared like this was their best option...

"What kind of support are you offering?" Wraith asked.

Molly looked pleased, "We're offering you full use of police resources, free access to crime scenes, unhindered movement throughout the city, and a portion of the city budget."

"Who would we answer to?" Brick asked, never one to like authority.

"Your leader would answer directly to me, but I assure you I am not a micromanager." Molly said.

Wraith thought a moment more, weighing the pros and cons, before answering, "We would be happy to have..." She almost didn't see the object hurtling at the window.

Quickly, Wraith created a shield around herself and the others as the window shattered, sending shards flying through the room. Molly screamed and Brick was on his feet in seconds while Hax sprang over the desk to protect the Mayor.

Once the rain of glass subsided, Wraith lowered the shield and flew through the window to try to catch their assailant. A stream of people was exiting the building below her and a number were pointing to Wraith's left. She turned and saw someone she thought she'd never see again.

The man had repelled from the top of the building and was hanging just to the right of the shattered window. He was enormous, at least a foot taller than Brick and twice as thick. His blond hair was long and unkempt and a short beard covered most of his face. The black tank-top he wore was stretched over his barrel chest and the dark blue jeans he wore looked about to burst.

"Mortar!" Wraith gasped.

"The one and only!" The huge man said in a deep growl.

Wraith stayed out of range of the huge hammer the man had clutched in his hands, "I thought you were dead!"

"Not yet! Raid and I were in the area and we heard not only were the Corps in town but they had the Mayor hostage!" Mortar laughed.

"Raid's here?" Wraith was suddenly very afraid, Raid was a master sniper and could be hiding out anywhere with her crosshairs aimed on Wraith's head.

"Oh no, she went to go meet an old friend." Mortar started inching toward the window, "Now how about me and you talk inside?"

With a flash of purple, Wraith sent Mortar hurtling back. He swung away from the window at a high velocity...and came swinging back with just as much speed. The hammer made contact with Wraith's head and she hurtled to the ground, dazed. She regained focus just in time to catch herself six feet from hitting the hard pavement. Above her, Mortar had managed to swing himself inside the window. Wraith shot upward and when she reached the Mayor's office she saw Brick facing Mortar with his wrench in battle position.

Mortar had his hammer slung over his enormous shoulder in a casual stance, "Careful there, little brother, wouldn't want you to get hurt."

Mayor Molly was huddled behind the desk with Hax, "That's Brick's brother?" She whispered.

"He's the black sheep of the family." Hax responded hurriedly, "He was a member of the Party when Brick was still a kid. Killed a lot of people; he liked to torture them first by crushing their bones with that hammer."

"Ah...good times." Mortar said, overhearing them.

Wraith floated behind Mortar, her eyes glowing softly, "You can't take both of us, Mortar."

The hulking man unshouldered his hammer, "We'll see."

The hammer swung at Wraith, but she was ready this time. Her eyes flashed and the hammer stopped mid-ark. Brick took the opportunity to slam his wrench into Mortar's legs. With a howl, Brick's brother wrenched his hammer out of Wraith's hold and swung it around where it hit Brick in the back, sending him flying into the wall.

"Since when do your hits hurt so much!?" Mortar yelled, clutching his right thigh.

"You've been hiding for a long time." Brick grunted as he stood, "We've been staying active." He took another swing, this time at Mortar's head.

The huge man blocked it with his hammer and a loud clang echoed through the room. Wraith send a bolt of energy at Mortar's back, but he didn't seem to notice it. Brick was shorter than Mortar and was being pushed down by his older brother's superior strength. Despite his efforts, Brick was unable to fend off the offense and was slowly loosing strength.

"Quick fight." Mortar taunted.

Acting fast, Wraith wrapped a strand of energy around Mortar's neck. Connecting it with her hands she gave it a sharp tug. Mortar reeled backward and Brick rolled to the right, landing a sweeping blow to the giant's legs.

Mortar faltered and fell to his knees and Wraith's energy rope broke. Taking advantage of Mortar's position, Brick regained his footing and slammed his boot into the side of Mortar's head with a powerful roundhouse kick.

Mortar howled in pain, "FUCK!" and let go of his hammer with one hand to grab his head.

Mustering all her strength, Wraith wrenched Mortar's hammer out of hands and sent it sailing out of the window. She let it fly as far as she could reach with her mind before letting it fall. By then, Mortar had stumbled to his feet and was running to the window, shaking the floor as he went.

"Running away so soon?" Brick asked.

"Just popped in to say 'hello'." Mortar sneered and hooked the line he left dangling at the window to his belt, "Now I've got to go meet Raid."

With a shove, Mortar leaped out the window and rapidly repelled to the ground below. Wraith didn't have the strength to fly after him as he pushed through the crowd of people, sending anyone who got in his way flying. He would find his hammer before running off; he never fought without it.

"Well, that was fun." Brick said sarcastically as he rubbed his shoulder where he had hit the wall.

Mayor Molly was on her feet again by the time Wraith turned from the window. Despite the peril she was just in, she had a beaming smile on her face.

"Well done!" She said, as if they had just passed a test, "I knew you were more than capable of protecting this fine city...and this proves it!"

While Molly beamed, Wraith frowned. Mortar and Raid hadn't joined the Party until near the end of the War, but had proven to be some of its most formidable members. After the Party lost, they and countless others had disappeared, and many were presumed dead. If they were back it only meant one thing: others would soon join them, and that spelt bad news for the Corps. They were going to need all the help they could get now...

"As I was saying before we got interrupted," Wraith said to Molly, "We would be happy to have yours and Dallas' support."

"Excellent! I'll call the press."


Sitting in bed, Rob was seething with anger. What had started out at anger towards Slade and the Party had slowly blossomed. Now he was angry at Nurse Sweet for giving into their seduction; he was mad at Wraith for questioning his leadership; he was mad at himself for thinking he was more than he was; and most of all he was mad Giovanni for dying and putting him in charge of an organization he knew almost nothing about. Every fiber of his being cried out in emotional pain. At first he had tried to dull it, even turn it off, but now he let it take hold completely. Something had to remind him he was more than a machine to be used as a weapon...

"You don't look too good, Robby."

Rob knew that voice. His eyes flashed red as he leapt at the woman who had just materialized in his room.

Slade reacted fast and kicked Rob back onto his bed before he could reach her, "Now, Robert, is that how we treat guests?"

Rob struggled to get up but something was holding him down, "I'm going to fucking kill you!" He yelled through gritted teeth.

Slade faked a yawn, "Heard that one before, believe me!" She said with a smile, " I stand."

"Not for long..." Rob continued to struggle against the invisible bonds.

"Stop that, you're embarrassing yourself." Slade said as she sat down at the edge of the bed, "I'm one hundred times stronger than you on your best day...and let's face it...this isn't your best day."

"What do you want? To kill me? JUST DO IT!" Rob lay still, giving up his efforts at escape.

"So much pain," Slade stretched out on her side next to Rob, "I can make it go away."

Rob turned his head away as Slade laid a grey hand on his forehead. Warmth flooded through her fingertips and into Rob's skull. Almost immediately, the pain he had been feeling started to subside and mental clarity started to return. Whatever Slade was doing was actually making him feel better.

"What did you do?" Rob asked once she removed her hand.

"Every machine has its kinks." Slade said, propping her head up on her elbow and placing her other hand on Rob's chest. The tips of her fingers touched his bare skin at the edge of his white lab coat.