The Graduate


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"Hell yes." True replied breathlessly. "I think you're a natural."

"Do you mind if I go a little further?" Chris queried nuzzling in to True's neck.

"Please." True gasped. "Don't let me stop you." She replied, her heart trying to force its way through her ribcage once more.

Chris's hands slipped the blouse higher lifting it upwards, and True raised her arms to let her body escape it. She had a vague idea her blouse dropped to the floor somewhere, but wasn't really in the frame of mind to care as Chris's hands went to work on her jeans.

As True felt the zipper on her jeans slide down, she wondered what had happened to the Chris that had flinched away from her first hug. She guessed the willingness had been there before, but had just been lacking in the confidence to take the next step forwards. Now it appeared that Chris had taken several steps and a rather big leap forwards.

True felt Chris's firm hands guide her backwards in to one of the chairs, then tensed as her jeans slipped over her hips and journeyed down her legs to join her blouse somewhere on the floor. Chris knelt in front of True as she sat on the kitchen chair in just her underwear, her breathing heavy. For a moment nothing happened, as if Chris was trying to decide what to do next. True lent forwards, took hold of Chris's hands and placed them on her waist, hoping the action would be taken as an invitation to proceed.

Their eyes met again, Chris's were slightly unsure, whilst True's were trying to encourage Chris to take a leap of faith.

Chris reached a decision, smiled, then lept.

Hands slithered upwards and around True's back, fumbling momentarily with the fastener of her bra, before removing the garment and tossing it away, then carefully tugging her panties down, under her behind and then away from her legs.

True's muscles contracted as her bare flesh touched the hard wooden chair. Her body trembled slightly as Chris lightly gripped her wrists and manoeuvred her hands to place them on the arms of the chair. She felt herself be eased back until her spine came in to contact with the back of the chair, the coolness against her hot skin stealing her breath away for a second.

She slowed her breathing trying to relax in to the moment, as Chris teased her breasts and nipples, stirring the excitement and arousal inside her.

The gentle, but forceful hands eased her legs apart, and pulled her hips neared the front of the chair, Chris's lips placed a soft kiss on her stomach, a silken tongue brushing her skin, circling around slowly progressing downwards.

At the first touch against her warm sex, True gripped the arms of the chair tightly, relinquishing the control of her arousal to Chris's touch. As the gentle probing carried her from the kitchen of her home and in to a hazy world of pleasure, True let her head rest on the back of the chair and she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment far too much to worry about how attracted she was becoming to Chris.

Fingers stole their way inside her as Chris's tongue lapped crazily at her pleasure nub. Her breathing had progressed from shallow pants in to heavy rasps in a matter of seconds, as the buzzing sensation that was spreading outwards from where Chris was caressing, extended through her body.

A blinding light exploded in her head as Chris flicked her g-spot several times, sending her far in to the world of climax.

She tried to bring her legs together and regain a little control of her body, but Chris's shoulders held them wide, leaving her no option but to surrender everything until Chris decided to stop.

True had taken on several clients of various levels of capability and experience, but she couldn't recall any that had made her climax so hard and for so long. She was just reaching the point where she was about to beg Chris to stop, when thankfully she felt Chris withdraw from her and gently ease her out of the chair. Somewhere in the back of her overloaded mind, she felt herself settled in to Chris's lap and held tightly as the sensations that had been flooding through her, slowly faded away.

Later that evening True was curled up next to Chris on the comfortable sofa while they watched films they both knew. When True had regained some semblance of rational thought, Chris had taken her to the bathroom and gently washed her down then wrapped her in a fluffy bathrobe that smelt faintly of Chris's musk. Feeling warm and comfortable, she had been sat down, while Chris cooked the meal for them both, after admitting that stir fry wasn't a new cooking experience, but had in fact not been truthful so not to refute True's offer to teach the process. Feeling a happy, warm glow building inside her, True had watched contentedly as Chris pampered her, fetching a glass of wine, setting out bowls and chopsticks, whilst taking every opportunity to give her a small hug or a kiss on the cheek. After they had eaten, True had stretched out on the sofa, her head cradled in Chris's lap, whilst they watched movies that neither of them were really interested in viewing. True felt totally relaxed as Chris gently teased the skin of her neck. Deep inside True knew she was getting in too deep, but just didn't care. She just knew that at this point in time she felt loved.


Day 3

As the day previous, True awoke first, showered and prepared breakfast. The events of the day before rattled around inside her head. She knew she was setting herself up for a hard fall, but had enjoyed her time with Chris so much, she decided a few tears and heartaches afterwards were worth the enjoyment she was experiencing here and now.

When Chris joined her in the kitchen, they shared a relaxed morning hug and a soft lingering kiss that True wanted to last much longer than it did.

"Would you like to go for a walk today?" True asked as Chris munched on toast and juice. "There is a nice area of woodland nearby with some lovely footpaths."

"Yes that would be nice, we have something similar close to where I live." Chris replied happily.

True had a flash of inspiration. "I have an idea Chris." She announced. "To get you to experience the feeling of dominance, why don't you actually decide what I can and can't wear."

The idea had an odd effect on Chris, who paused halfway through taking a bite of toast.

True felt Chris's eyes roaming over her figure, covered once more in the thin silken gown, and she felt excitement stirring inside her, as she remembered how only twenty-four hours earlier she had stood a few feet away letting Chris view her entire body.

"Well I would be lying if I didn't say I would like it if you stayed as you were." Chris replied with a fake sigh. "But for the sake of decency you should wear what you feel comfortable in."

Feeling more than a little naughty, True smirked back at Chris. "And what if I feel comfortable in my skin?"

These words actually managed to bring a hint of red to Chris's cheeks, and True cheered mentally that for once, she had thrown Chris a curve ball.

"Is that actually true?" Chris asked. "Do you feel more comfortable in your skin?"

Now it was True's turn to flush a little. "I do get a bit of a thrill in being nude." She admitted. "But I normally keep my nudity to within the home."

"That's good to know." Chris replied grinning. "Just in case you feel like running around bare ass naked that is."

They giggled at the conversation, then taking on a slightly more serious tome True asked. "So what would you like me to wear today Chris?"

Seconds ticked by as Chris debated the question. "You will have to let me see what the choices are."

Another mental cheer echoed in True's mind, as she celebrated Chris taking another step forwards on the self-imposed journey of discovery.

A little over an hour later they were walking away from the parked car and in to the relative coolness of the forest footpath. Chris had dressed in comfortable looking chino's and shirt and was carrying a small backpack that contained a few bottles of water.

True was wearing what Chris had chosen for her, a light cotton summer dress and a pair of knee high boots, and nothing else. Her heart was once again pounding away, as she was very aware of the fact she had no underwear on, especially as the dress continually brushed against her body, exciting her intensely. She really wasn't sure what was thrilling her more, the fact that she was only wearing a thin dress, or submitting to Chris's choice that she should be clothed this way. They both felt very liberating.

"Are you enjoying your stay so far Chris?" True asked trying to remain casually relaxed, but very aware of the tremor in her voice.

Chris half turned, smiling happily, and gently squeezed True's hand, sending a spark of joy through her. "I am finding it very relaxing, and I have to say extremely enlightening. You're a very good educator."

"I just want to help in any way I can Chris." True replied, returning the smile and hand squeeze. "And you are an interesting student."

"Am I being dominant enough?" Chris asked.

True let her experience take over, pushing her own feelings to one side for a moment. "There is no rule that governs the levels of dominance, or submission. You need to decide for yourself and your partner just how far things go."

The cute little frown creased Chris's brow again. "So what about inflicting pain on someone? Is that an important part of it?"

"I'm going to guess your knowledge of dominance is derived from the internet." True said casually, not wanting to belittle Chris's knowledge. "You don't have to inflict pain on anyone. Dominance is more about having an element of control over someone. Like how you chose what I would wear today."

"But I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't offered."

True favoured Chris with a comfortable smile. "But now you know you can." She informed. "And if you like you can continue to do so for the rest of the week."

Chris smirked in reply, then said. "I like that idea, it isn't that I enjoy having the power over you, but I do get to dress you sexily, and I find that very arousing."

They walked on in silence for a while, enjoying the tranquillity of the greenery and dappled sunshine.

"So how would I know what a submissive person wants me to do?" Chris asked suddenly.

"If you were cooking a meal that neither of you had tried before, how would either of you know if you liked it?" True asked, using the analogy to get Chris to work out the answer.

A half smile touched Chris's lips. "We would have a small taste to see what it was like, and if we enjoyed it we would eat more."

"Exactly." True grinned happily. "Love making in any form is like most things in life, you can only find what works for you and your partner by trying things out. Unless of course the idea totally repulses you, then I recommend you leave well alone."

They walked on a little further, Chris silently musing over the information True had supplied.

"What sort of things do you like True?" Chris asked, breaking the silence.

The words 'holding hands with you' sprung to True's mind immediately, but she was fairly sure Chris meant something different to that. "I'm normally fairly dominant, but I found you having the upper hand very enticing."

"Are you enjoying what I chose for you to wear?"

True felt her face grow warm as she blushed. "Actually I'm enjoying it very much." She confessed.

Chris's hand escaped from True's as skittered across the cotton of her dress, caressing True's back down to the base of her spine, bringing forth a little shudder of delight.

"You like that don't you." Chris remarked.

"Yes I do." True admitted. "It's very sensual knowing there is very little between your hand and my body."

The hand slipped a little further downwards, softly brushing the roundness of True's behind, and she gave a small gasp of pleasure.

"I don't mind admitting, it's really stimulating knowing you're enjoying it." Chris said. "What are you finding more enjoyable, wearing very little or me touching you?"

"Both." True gasped as Chris's fingers traced the groove between her cheeks.

"And if I asked you to take the dress off?" Chris whispered, running a hand upwards to touch the bare skin of True's neck.

True stopped walking, and Chris turned to face her. True was fairly certain there was a hint of desire in Chris's eyes, and a lot more than a hint in her own body.

"Do you want to ask that Chris?" True asked wanting Chris sample the feelings of dominance.

Chris glanced around, then took hold of True's hand and led her off the pathway and in to the cover of the forest. When they were safely out of sight Chris halted and pulled True in to a close embrace, that True returned wholeheartedly.

"I would like it if you gave me your dress." Chris whispered in to her ear.

Staying as close to Chris as she could, True pulled the dress over her head and pressed it in to Chris's hands. She had thought she would feel exposed and vulnerable, but oddly being this close to Chris she felt safe and very sexually charged.

The dress vanished out of sight in to the back pack, then Chris held her closely, letting hands touch some of the very sensitive parts of her body.

To True the feeling of having Chris's clothed body held tightly against her naked one, sent her in to a quivering mess. She had always enjoyed this kind of feeling, but experiencing it outside was blowing her mind, and she could already feel the dampness of her arousal clinging to her thighs.

A deep kiss passed between the two, and True allowed herself to be guided backwards until her back was against a sturdy tree. The texture of the bark against her bare skin took her breath away, and Chris paused as she whimpered in ecstasy.

"You like the feeling of things against your body don't you?" Chris asked, then shifted slightly so True's proud nipples rubbed against Chris's shirt.

"Yes, very much so." True moaned. "It's why I like being nude."

Chris's hand snaked down True's side and squeezed her thigh, easing the leg up and against Chris's hip. "So if I were to ensure you stayed naked, and constantly brushed against your body, would you be in a constant state of arousal?"

Spots of bright light danced across True's vision as the thought played through her mind. She was glad of the support the tree and Chris's hands offered, without them she was fairly sure she would have collapsed in a heap.

"Any other time I would have said no." True panted her teeth clenched trying to retain a measure of control. "But the way I feel at the moment, there is a high possibility of that."

True felt her world rock as Chris's free hand brushed her labia and a finger pressed against her clit.

"So what sort of mental state would you be in, if I didn't let you have your dress back?" Chris whispered as kisses and tiny bites covered True's neck.

An image of driving home naked with the car upholstery and seatbelt constantly rubbing against her skin made True cry out as the heat of her climax burned inside her, encouraged by Chris's teasing fingers. Her hands reached upwards and grasped a branch, just so she had something to hold on to while her orgasm stripped away her strength.

True was still glowing from the aftereffects of Chris's passion when she parked the car outside her house once more. Thankfully whilst she was gathering herself together, Chris had tenderly dressed her again, otherwise True was sure they would never have arrived in one peace.

"Thank you for the interesting morning True." Chris said as they exited the car.

Unable to stop herself, True giggled as she flushed once more. "I think it should be me thanking you. I can honestly say, I have never experienced anything like that before."

The grin that spread across Chris's was bashful and innocent, reminding True of the Chis from the airport arrivals area. Right then, True wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around the adorable person that she had invited in to her life. As she hugged Chris closely, she was abruptly awash with a mixture of happiness, which was quickly diluted with the knowledge that in a few days Chris would return home, and True would once again return to the empty life she had built around her heart. Tears welled in her eyes again, and she clung to Chris desperately, not wanting to let her past failures take away how she felt.

"Are you alright True?" Chris's concerned voice broke through her sorrow.

Stepping back, True wiped the tears away and smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry, you've made me feel very special. Something I'm not used to."

"I can't believe how someone as nice as you hasn't had someone to make them feel very special." Chris told her with a serious tone.

True looped her arm through Chris's and headed in to the house. "Sadly it's very real, I guess I've never met the right person."

"Well now you've met me." Chris told her, the easy grin returning. "And I am going to try my very best to make you feel special."

A slightly sad smile crossed True's lips. "I have a better idea. Why don't I treat you to a shower?"

"A shower?" Chris asked puzzled.

"Yes, I want to give you a nice relaxing shower massage. It's my speciality."

"It's okay, I'm fine thanks." Chris replied abruptly, then glancing away from True.

Slightly taken back buy Chris's refusal, True frowned. Then she realised that she hadn't really seen Chris undressed, apart from the very first night they had together. Which had been in the dark. Dots connected, and the reason for Chris's refusal landed with a crash.

"Would it be more acceptable if I left the bathroom light off?" True suggested.

Chris's eyes bored in to True, expressions of shyness mixed with discomfort and a little longing.

"I think I may be able to manage that." Chris replied after a moment. "Thank you True."

"Anything for you Chris." True said, feeling her eyes filling again. "Why don't you go and put on you rode while I get things prepared. You come through when you feel ready."

True went in to her room, rummaged about in a draw, and selected a few items. She then went in to the adjoining bathroom, turned the shower on and set out the items she had collected before returning to her room where Chris was waiting, wrapped securely in the dark comfortable robe that True had once been dressed in during a very tender moment.

"Are you ready?" True asked, and Chris gave a slight nod. True delicately pulled her dress over her head then took hold of Chris's hand and led the way in to the bathroom.

There were no windows, and the main light was off. The only illumination was from a single battery operated artificial candle that cast a dim flickering glow in the bathroom, illuminating it just enough to make out the bathroom furniture.

"Is this dark enough?" True asked gently.

"It's perfect True." Chris replied, emotion touching the words.

"Then just relax and let me spoil you for a change." True instructed as she stood behind Chris and tenderly eased the robe off, then guided Chris under the stream of warm water.

"Just let the water wash away the stress." True advised as she hugged Chris's back against her own body, relishing the feeling of the pummelling water. Through the bodily contact, True could feel the tension ease out of Chris's body, relaxing to her touch.

"Much better." True said softly. She took hold of a bottle of shower gel and squirted a generous amount in to her hands, generating a thick lather which she applied to Chris's solid shoulders. Carefully, but firmly, True worked her hands over Chris's back, kneading taught muscle in to a far more relaxed state.

"You really are good at this aren't you." Chris complemented as True could feel the stress drain away.

"My first serious partner taught me." True confessed. "She was my physiotherapist."

"Do you ever miss her?" Chris asked.